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On My Own — Driftwood Surge 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski

Oksana hadn't returned to the den when the sun had gone down. Instead she'd stayed out and explored some more and soon found herself at the river's edge. There was a clear view of the sky there that Oksana found herself drawn to that night as the sky darkened and the stars began to shine.

The little Crow thought about the things that her mother had told her regarding them. She missed her mum, even her dad but there wasn't anything that could be done about any of it now. Perhaps she was a little angry too because no one had thought to consult her on how she would feel about losing her parents.

Each day she moved through life trying not to show the outside what was on the inside. It was these moments she had to herself that she allowed some of those feelings come out. She'd seen what happened to wolves who were sad in this pack so when she heard the crunch of snow behind her Oksana quickly wiped the lone tear from her cheek with her paw before turning to face whoever it was. Hello, is someone there? She asked into the darkness.

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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen

Unlike the dark child that lay beneath the darkened sky, Anastasia did not blend in quite as well. Instead she appeared bright and overpowering in the dark of the night but the snow that crunched beneath their feet did wonders to blend her in if she were still. However, Ana was more active lately and took to wandering around the Surge at odd hours so that she would be able to know her paths no matter if it were day or night, rain or snow. It wasn't until she drew closer that she could see the dark fur and the pale dove made to pause, unsure as to whether or not to continue. As Anastasia moved to turn, there was a louder crunch along the snow as though a weak stick lay beneath.

In that fraile moment the young girl turned and asked in the dark who was there. The brushing of her cheek went unnoticed but the china doll moved forward a few more feet and cleared her throat with a grumble. It's just me, Ana. Not that the girl would know but judging by the eyes on the girl before her it was easy enough to determine who this was. You must be Oksana, she stated plainly though was unaware that the details regarding how she knew the girls name might be strange. Anastasia could say that she had heard it from Lachesis first or that she knew the name/who it belonged to before the move or she could simply tell the truth. That she had met Inna, her mother.

The only issue there was that her mother had said that Oksana was better off without her. That she could do better not having a mother around and that she wanted her daughter to be happy and move on. However, Anastasia was all about knowing all the details in a situation. If she was to become Lachesis' advisor, then she wanted to be able to know what she could do to ease this situation. Clearly it was an ordeal that wasn't all that clear.

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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski

In the moment she heard someone behind her the little Crow was thankful for her dark fur and the late hour. The moments before had been her moments stolen away in the dark by the river. Reid didn't even know that she was out there. She wondered for a moment if he would be upset with her for being out so late, he had become the closest thing to a parent that she had these days. Everyday without her mother and father she was thankful she'd found him or rather he'd found her. She didn't know what she would do if he wasn't there with her. It seemed that the relationship she had with the other wolves in the pack had gone the way of their relationships with her mother.

When she turned she found a stark white wolf and at first she thought that she'd been found by Lachesis. He hadn't spoken to her since the move and she worried he would be angry with her for being out so late on her own when anything could happen. Then the wolf spoke and she relaxed for the moment stating that it was Ana. Oksana didn't know the woman but she had seen her about. She nodded when the woman stated that she was Oksana. You can call me Sana, everyone else does. The only one who didn't was her mother and the thought brought fresh tears to the surface but she didn't let them fall. It was late at night when she missed Inna most.

Then the thought occurred to her, what if Ana told someone that she had been by the river when she was supposed to be sleeping. She looked up at that woman, worry in her orange gaze, You won't tell anyone I was out here will you? She wasn't doing anything bad that could get her hurt after all. There wasn't any reason that she could see that Lachesis or Reid would have to know. It could just be her and Ana’s little secret.

(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2018, 04:54 AM by Oksana.)
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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen

Winter was the only time of the year that she truly blended into her surroundings. Spring, Summer and Fall she always stood out in the crowd of browns and greens. The nighttime she was quite vibrant and easily seen moving across the terrain of home. She didn't believe that the Surge would be much different than the rest of the places she had called home.

Though, she could easily say that she had a hard time coping with sticking to routine. The pale dove would much rather stay up late and wander, rather than sleep at a decent hour. How could she? There was so much worry in her heart for the things that burdened her. Such as the discrepancy between Inna and Lachesis. The wound between them rather deep but Anastasia truly wanted to help and find some peace between them. She figured that Oksana might be of help.

So, Anastasia nodded her head kindly when she was instructed to call her Sana because everyone else did. While she could easily pull the adult thing and say that she wasn't everyone else, the dove was fine with calling her something different. Sana it is, she concluded and only when she agreed did she begin to notice a slight amount of tension grow in her face. It was subtle, perhaps almost indistinguishable, but the worry was inevitable.

There was almost a small amused laugh that threatened to come forth for she wasn't sure who Sana was referring to that she didn't want knowing she was out here. Was it Lachesis? Her mind crossed many paths trying to connect the dots. She wouldn't believe XIX to be demanding of her to be in pack borders but she had apparently missed quite a lot in the past few months. If you wish me not to, I won't. Your late night wanderings are safe with me.

While Lachesis might be her closest and dearest friend, she had never been given instructions to smack down anyone who did something in particular. She didn't know the limitations he might have given to certain members after all the drama had ensued. As far as he knew, Oksana was allowed to do whatever she wanted within reason. This seemed well within reason.

Are you stargazing? Anastasia led into wondering, as there seemed to be very little other reason unless she was meeting someone in the dead of night that was off-limits to her. That seemed like a cliche, though, so Anastasia wasn't going to assume that Sana was doing anything so risque just yet.

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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

In the days since moving to the surge she'd found it hard to settle down at night and fall asleep. She usually curled up next to Reid but it wasn't the same as when she'd been in the den she shared with her mother. She knew she would have to get used to this new life without Inna in it. As time would go on it would become more normal for her to curl up next to the red man and fall asleep. It had only a few weeks since she'd said her goodbye to her mother at the border of Hearthwood and she supposed she wasn't quite ready to accept that she may never see Inna again.

It was another sleepless night and thoughts of her mother that had brought her to the river. Inna had always loved the river and she supposed that was what made the Raven a true river wolf. Oksana wondered where she was now and if she was okay. Everyday she worried something would happen and she would never know.

It was the pale woman's presence that brought her from her thoughts as she declared that she should he called Sana. It didn't feel right someone other than Inna calling her Oksana. Though if she were honest she would just rather change her name. Her father had called her Sana. He had yet to come and visit like he promised. Thank you, she said to the woman for agreeing to the name. She didn't know what else to say about it. Maybe Reid would have some insight about it.

Her worry at being found out led to her asking Ana not to tell anyone that she was out by the river. A small smile crossed the pups features when the pale woman said that she wouldn't. I do wish that you wouldn't. It's just I don't want to cause any trouble and I don't think that they would agree. She was certain that Reid wouldn't but after hearing everything that had happened between her mother and Lachesis she wasn't sure where she stood with the alpha. He hadn't really spoken to her since they moved which she concluded was because he was so busy but still...she'd lost her mother.

It was just another one of her worries and questions that the events of the past months had left her with. What was she allowed to do? Did everyone in the surge view her as they did her mother? Did they worry she would become like Inna? Would she eventually be asked to leave because of her mother? She didn't think she should he having these questions being so young but she did. Part of her envied the other pups because they didn't have to worry their parents were the Alpha's and her mother and father were cast out from the pack.

Oksana shook her head at the question, No, I couldn't sleep so I just came out here to think I guess. I didn't want to wake Reid or anyone else, they shouldn't be kept awake because I have too much going on in my head. That was the truth of it or the best way she could to put it into words. She didn't feel the others should have to bare her problems.

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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen

By now, she was sure that Lachesis knew that she would always do what she could to ease a situation. While this particular situation happened under her nose she was determined to find some peace now. A common ground that everyone could agree upon that could be appreciated by each individual party. For Inna to be separated from her daughter, it didn't make the pale dove very happy even if it was under Lachesis orders that she not be able to move to the Surge with them. Ana felt like there was something missing and there was someone in the equation that either too stubborn to voice it or too stubborn to understand their faults. Who knew.

So with Sana in front of her admitting that she simply couldn't catch a wink of sleep for there were too many thoughts, Anastasia couldn't help but assume that it was about her mother. Is it about Inna? Your mother? She swallows, unsure as to whether or not Sana would take the conversation about her mother lightly. To the china doll, she rather liked the dark raven and wanted to be able to have the two come together again somehow but she had no ill feelings about the situation. She liked Inna just as she was sure to like her daughter.

I know we've just met but I'd like to know your feelings about what happened. I know two sides of what happened but yours is important, too. Anastasia didn't expect Sana to relinquish her rights to her emotions but as a woman aspiring to become an advisor for Lachesis, this was exactly the type of situation that she wanted to be able to come to a steady conclusion to.

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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

The little Crow knew she would have to get over everything that had happened and especially losing her mum. She thought she had gotten over Lorcan leaving but sometimes when she saw Lavender or lil with their mum and dad she wished it could be like that for her. She wished her family hadn't been torn apart like it had. Sometimes she wondered if it would be easier to be like Matheo and Rissy to not know their father and have their mum dead. At least then she wouldn't have to wonder if her parents were ever going to come back.

Orange eyes looked up at the woman when's he spoke Inna's name, guessing that she was the reason for her sleepless night. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything and had just gone back to bed. She wanted her head to the side, maybe she should talk to someone who wasn't Reid because she knew his feeling about Inna. She'd only just met Ana but she had seen what keeping it all inside had done to her mother. She slowly nodded, At night before we would sleep we would talk, Reid, he tries but it's not the same. I miss her, the little Crow admitted.

Another shock came when Ana asked her about what had happened and how she felt about it. The pup looked at her paws unsure if she should share but at the same time she wondered if talking to Ana would help. She sighed before looking back up at the woman. I feel like there has been wrong done on both sides but I also feel like it doesn't matter what my opinion is either. She feared that they would all tell her that it didn't matter what she thought because her mother had told her everything so therefore it was irrelevant. I also think that there's a lot not listening going on and maybe some walking in the others footprints should happen too. She stopped there and waited to see what Ana’s thoughts were, would she dismiss what had been said or would she be different and listen?

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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen

The red man, yes, she knew who Reid was and respected him well-enough to be a good soul to be around. It made sense that he and Sana would be close. It was good that she had someone to lean on when things didn't look so pretty and perfect. While she couldn't promise that she could fix everything that had happened, but she wasn't going to at least try to fix something. I understand, because she did. Anastasia had talked to almost all parties involved in this ordeal and so far she felt like there was some that weren't listening and some that didn't see it from the other's perspective. I want to know what you want to do, though. Because in order to fix anything, she would likely need to speak to Inna again and likely Lachesis right afterwards. Be the middle man, so to speak. Lachesis said that Inna requested that you stay with us through the move and he accepted that, but what do you want? Anastasia could easily see that Sana might choose to leave and go with her mother but it only seemed fair that that option be given to the child, and not be blamed for wishing to stay with family. She shouldn't have to be disgraced for wanting to continue being in her mother's life.

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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

As she explained her thoughts about what had happened with her mother Oksana did worry that maybe she was doing the wrong thing. She didn't know Ana and she didn't know if she could be trusted. Would bad things happen because she had said what she did. She pushed those thoughts aside because the woman seemed willing to help and even said she understood what the little Crow was trying to say. Oksana shook her head when asked what she wanted to do, I don't know what can be done. Lachesis and Lilya don't want my mother here and she is afraid to be here. I am afraid that too much damage has been done and it can't be fixed. The pup looked at her paws, she had tried herself to make things better on multiple occasions and it hadn't worked. It was just better for her to move on and let the adults do their thing. She looked back up to the pale woman, My mother told me to come with the pack. I wanted to stay with her but she said it wasn't safe and that I would have a better life with the pack. I would like to honor her wishes and stay with the pack and work hard but I fear a lot of them see me as they do her and I don't know if I can live like that, she admitted finally voicing her fears to someone, I want a home but what kind if home is it if your not accepted?

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