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The time that's past — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
For @Bastet

As he'd gone about is duties the snow had continued to fall throughout the day. There had been periods where it had stopped but they didn't last long. He was growing tired of the snow and was hoping that this year wouldn't be like the previous one. The winter had not wanted to let go of them and even as second he worried for the pack. As the winter weather had wore on their caches had shrunk until he was afraid they would go hungry. With this on his mind he'd started checking the caches more often.

Just as he finished checking the last one it was time that he went in search of his female second. With the rank challenge and their discussion on Tulip having been unresolved he felt it was time to check in with Bastet. So he went in search of the dark woman and soon found her trail which he followed until he caught up with her. As he loved to catch up to her he have a sharp bark to get her attention.

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Bastet Akhenaten

The weeks were beginning to blur together, so much so that the dark second wanted nothing more than to curl up in her den and sleep the remainder of this horrid weather away. She welcomed spring, it brought with it a promise of change and the potential for puppies, both were signs of a healthy pack and she was certain that Kajika had every intention of upholding the tradition--with whom was a different story all together. She stirred in the warmth of her den, unfurling her bushy tail and breaking through the entrance of her den in search of the wolf she'd been meaning to meet with for weeks now. It seemed he had the same idea, a sharp bark for her and her alone met her ears and she didn't hesitate to approach the male lead, tapping beneath his chin in greeting before coming to a satisfied sit. "The snow will be over soon, I cannot begin to tell you how happy that makes me." she said with a smile, her wispy fur dancing in the wind. She was certain that Kajika had come in search of her for a reason and luckily for him she was willing to give him her undivided attention.

she's the unpredictable type
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

While waiting for the dark female to make her appearance the alpha watched the snow fall around him. With every snowflake came a wish that it would be the last, it wasn't. He could be thankful that they'd had a rather successful winter and plenty of food in the caches. He had no point that they would make it until spring. He couldn't help but be proud of his subordinates and the work that they had done throughout the winter. His Amber gaze soon rested in Bastet's dark form as she came to greet him with a tap in his chin. She seemed rather cheerful, much more than the last time they'd spoken. “You aren't the only one,” he said commenting on her words about the spring. “How have you been lately Bastet? I've been meaning to check in with you.”

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
She looked long and hard at him, taking in his physique and the way the wind rocked his handsome features before turning her head away to look out into the distance. Breeding season would be upon them soon and she knew that, if given the opportunity, she did not want to participate in the activity for fear of bringing bastards into the world. Kajika was a eligible bachelor, he had the looks, health and rank to boot, but what he had gained over the years had also made him slack in others that Bastet could not bend on. She was certain that a lucky woman would snatch him up soon to bear pups, she only hoped that this woman had good intentions. "I am good, you don't have to fuss over me." she nudged him lightly beneath his chin, her eyes having came back to stare at him once more. If only he were the wolf she had fallen so heavy in love with so many moons ago, the choice to breed would have been a no brainer. "and you, keeping out of trouble? I see we have new members since Tulip. I trust they are prepared for the hard work of spring?" she questioned, knowing full well that each season brought its own challenges. She trusted that Kajika had the packs best interest at heart, even if sometimes his heart was a little too big.
(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2018, 06:43 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Many things came with spring, the return of prey and breeding season and this spring would be much different for him. This year he had the right to breed alongside Moonshadow. He and his oynx lead weren't a mates pair which left him with options. He however felt his mind was already made up on the matter. That wasn't the reason he'd come in search of the dark woman. He wanted to speak to her about the pack and Tulip in particular, he wanted to know if her mind had changed. He wouldn't lie but he worried about Bastet's place in the pack. With Birites challenge and their disagreement he wondered if she felt it was still the place for her. He smiled as his amber gaze fell on her when she declared that she was good. “I'm happy to hear you are well. You should know me by now Bastet, I fuss over everyone.” He wouldn't deny it as it was the truth. It was mostly the females of the pack as he trusted Solas wouldn't much like the idea of being fussed over. Roland was a different story, the pup he did, he worried about the boy. “I do what I can,” he said in jest at her question. “It seems to me you're had some trouble of your own?” He said in a more serious tone. As for their new members, “They are aware of the work that spring will bring. You don't need to worry Bastet they will do what's expected of them.” Kajika would make sure of it and if they didn't there would be consequences.

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
She nodded her head with a smile, a good heart laugh left her lips as she stared at him, the male she had pledged herself to and for a moment she wondered too if this had been her best move. She liked the Cove, it was safe and quiet and though the numbers had swelled tremendously with Kajika's good nature and the onset of winter, she knew that it wouldn't be long before spring brought with it another more difficult task. Puppies would be born soon, she was certain that eventually the male and female lead would chose their partners and she was happy for them but she worried over the future of this pack, even despite his encouraging words over the new recruits. Part of her knew that most of the new recruits would fade like the weather in due time and for that she was afraid--it would require more work for those that remained. She clicked her tongue, dismissing the thought that perhaps joining the Cove had been a bad idea, in fact it had been one of her best ideas yet and she wouldn't have it any other way. She was here to stay, regardless of how often she and Kajika would potentially bump heads- it was merely a difference of opinions and it was healthy even if sometimes it didn't seem like it. "Thank you for the reassurance." she said, shifting at her spot and allowed a single ear to flick backward in response to what he considered to be trouble. She wasn't aware of any trouble, but perhaps he had more details on the matter. "Trouble? Me? Please, enlighten me" she questioned, knowing that he had probably heard of the rank challenge between her and Birtie but it was finished shortly after it started; hardly anything to fuss over. "unless you're talking about my run in with one of the new recruits. I think she said her name was Bir?" she asked, hoping he knew more about the woman and was willing to spill. With that out of the way she thought to bring the topic back full circle to something she'd been meaning to address with him weeks ago.  " I've been meaning to ask your opinion on a matter. I already brought the idea up with Moonshadow and she was excited at the request so I'd like to see what you think..." she trailed off, her eyes found his and with a smile she continued on. "I'd like to take up the role of Advisor." and she allowed the question to linger in the wind a moment, wondering what he would think of the idea. Her desire to take up a duty should be enough of a reason for him to know that she had every intention to see this ride out until the end.
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2018, 10:43 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

The concern she should about the newest members of the pack was one that he could understand. He was aware of the risk that he was taking by bringing them into the pack, the chance that once the weather turned warmer they would disappear like so many before. He didn't like the idea of it and could only hope that they would heed his words. Still it was a risk but a necessary one, how would they find the good ones willing to see the pack into the future if they didn't take a risk on the bad ones. “Your welcome,” he said when she thanked him for the reassurance, “You know my goal for this pack is to find good loyal members. I understand your concerns, I have them too. I do appreciate that you gave the best interest of the pack in mind.” He wanted her to know that because he did listen to what she said and often took it under advisement but he was the alpha and at the end of the day it was he and Moonshadow who made the decisions.

The rank challenge between Bastet and Birtie was in his mind giving him a few more concerns. While he could stop it from happening or jump in the middle of it or anything of that nature as alpha he did feel it necessary to check in with each party and hear their thoughts. See if there wasn't something he could do for them. The last thing he wanted was to lose one of his members because of it or because they felt he hadn't taken enough interest in what they were feeling. He was just about to say something about it when she brought it up. “I do mean the rank challenge. I am curious what your thinking and how your feeling about it. I just want to make sure your okay.” While he did believe rank challenges were a necessary part of a healthy pack he also knew that emotions ran high during them.

She then spoke of something she'd already discussed with Moonshadow who she say’s was rather elated by the news. This would solve one of his problems and that was to find someone to fill the advisor position in the pack. He looked to the dark woman with a smile. “You and I we don't always see eye to eye on things as I'm sure you're aware,” he started, “You challenge me and aren't afraid to do it. That is an important quality in an advisor. Something else I think you understand is that Moonshadow and I are the final decision but knowing that you still voice your opinion which is important too.” Despite the disagreements that he and Bastet had and the fact that he worried she would tire of them and leave he was rather happy that she had made this choice. “The last thing is you want what's best for this pack as Moonshadow and I do. So I think that if this is what you really want then you should work for it.”

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
She nodded her head when he spoke, a soft "mmmhhh" left her mouth when he mentioned how he appreciated the amount of respect and loyalty she felt for the pack and for a moment she felt a smile tickle at the edge of her jaws. She was glad that he had noticed the passion she held for the pack and hoped that she would fight hard for it as long as it continued to feel like a safe haven. Her brows furrowed together when he asked of the rank challenge and for a moment she wondered if perhaps he knew more about it than he was putting on, but he had always been consistent in checking in on her so she figured today couldn't be that different and eventually obliged. "I don't have harsh feelings over it, I did however find it strange how so quickly she thought to challenge for my position, without even establishing a name or her loyalty." she paused, hoping he understood where she was coming from before continuing.  "something about her doesn't sit right with me. And it's not just the chip on her shoulder, I don't feel like I can trust her." but then again it was becoming a trend for her; she was a woman of action and though Birtie was a determined wolf, her attitude could be her downfall. "should I feel something toward it though? Do you know much about her?" she wondered then, asking him in case he could provide something to ease her worries about this woman who so boldly and quickly wanted control. Lastly, he mentioned their rocky and strange relationship, one in which she had no problem telling him exactly how she felt and whether she felt his judgement was skewed or perhaps a bit too soft and she was glad he had brought it up, because she was certain that for some wolves it could be misunderstood as a challenge. If anything, Bastet merely wanted him to consider the future of the pack and what role each member could play in it, "I mean no harm in my opinions, it's just that I see the world a little differently than you do and I think that could be a benefit but I don't want you to think for once that I don't respect you, or Moonshadow." she said, her tone growing more serious, voice slow and deliberate. Though she was cautious she never once thought that Kajika hadn't earned his position as current and future leader, he had the capabilities, "and since I have your blessing that is what I will do. Thank you." she said with a dip of her narrow head, leaning into Kajika and nuzzling his chest in affection--it meant the world that he believed in her. "Have you decided on a wolf to bear pups with?" she wondered, since it would be crucial to the future of the pack's survival.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

In the time that he'd been in Fallen Tree Cove he wished that there could have been more wolves like Bastet. He believed that she wanted to see the pack grow stronger and have a future just as he and Moonshadow wanted. When he had met her and brought her in he had not expected her to be as dedicated as she had become. He did not want something to happen to cause her to leave and he worried that the rank challenge would be that thing, especially since he knew that at some point Birtie would challenge her again. He needed to know where she stood on the matter so that he could keep her in the cove, she was a wolf he didn't want to lose. He nodded in understanding as she spoke her feelings on the matter. “I agree with you it seemed rather soon to me too but I'm glad to hear that you don't have any harsh feelings about it. I was worried that you might and that it might cause you to leave the cove. Just know Bastet that your an important part of the cove now and I don't want to see you go.” She then went on to explain that something about Birtie didn't sit well with her and that she didn't trust her. He didn't know why she would feel as she did but in a way he felt he could understand it. “Do you think she is bad for the pack?” He asked wondering glif maybe Bastet didn't trust her because of how quickly the rank challenge had happened. “Perhaps the two of you just need a little time to get to know each other?” At least he hoped that once they'd had the time that a trust could be built between them. She then wanted to know what he thought, “I don't know everything there is to know about her,” he answered honestly, “But I know she's ambitious and I do believe she can be trusted so do I think you should feel anything toward it? I don't think you should take it personally.”

When she spoke of wanting to pursue the role of advisor it pleased him on many levels. He and Moonshadow needed an advisor in the pack and he felt that Bastet would succeed at it. She seemed to feel that she had to defend herself after what he'd said. “I know that you don't and I'm sure that we have both had different upbringings and our parts are different so we're going to have different opinions. I agree it can be a benefit and I never thought that you disrespected Moonshadow or myself. I feel that you would have to respect us quite a bit to want to become our advisor.” After all when he'd wanted to seek the role it was because he respected Namid and Vespertio and wanted to help them to grow a stronger pack. “I'm glad to hear it Bastet and I think you will do well. Your welcome.” As she leaned into him and nuzzled his chest he licked her crown. Even though they had their disagreements he still cared for the dark woman.

She surprised him when she flat out asked about if he'd thought about who would bear his children. “Actually no, I have given it some thought but there are so many things to consider.” For instance was he ready to be a father, he thought so last year but now he wasn't so much.

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