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[m] hungry for blood — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
Mature thread for strong language and violence!! || Late Night, Cloudy, 22°F (-6°C)

He had fucked up pretty badly. He wanted to pin the blame on someone because the idea of everything falling apart being his fault was a bit too much to burden. So he hovered near the borders to make sure that the Runi woman didn't show up. He'd shoo her off, run her away, whatever it took to keep burying his dark secrets. He could - would - blame her to make himself feel better.

There was another issue, though. For he wasn't as dumb or oblivious as he led on to be. It was hard to miss the way @Maera didn't come near him like he had some sort of plague. He had started to burn that relationship months ago but it was only now that he realized he was engulfed in flames. But fuck it, right? He wasn't going to force there to be a relationship if there no longer wasn't. So he kept to himself, just as distant and cold.

The Rigel was on edge ready to snap at anything. It would be a poor time for whoever found him out here.

(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2018, 07:10 PM by Kerberos.)
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

She’d been fuming, but she had forced herself to bury it because at the end of the day, the only actions she could control were her own. She couldn’t force others into submission, and as appealing as it sounded, it just wasn’t the type of wolf she was. She was angry, broken, rough around the edges, but she wasn’t a dictator. She of all people believed in freedom upon anything else. Perhaps that was why she’d chosen to follow his trail, her tail lashing from side to side with mild anxiety as she took a deep breath. She couldn’t fight for what was already gone. The love wasn’t there anymore… perhaps it never had been, and they had both just been kidding themselves.

For what felt like, and very well might have been, the first time in months she found herself speaking, the ebony woman’s eyes narrowing slightly. “I can’t do this anymore, Kerb. I can’t stay here.” She couldn’t be tied to him. She couldn’t sit there and watch as he fell in love with his current colead, while everyone else watched… couldn’t sit idly by as he fucked other women… yes, she noticed. Hidden Tree had been one of her favorite spots – it had meant something to her and she had found the scents mingled when she went to clear her head.

She didn’t recognize him anymore… hell, she barely recognized herself anymore and she so badly wanted to take it out on him… she knew she played a part, no matter how subtle. Lacey’s disappearance had hit her hard, and she’d never recovered. She was done. She refused to be laughed at, humiliated by the Draw any more than she was sure they already were. She needed change… she needed to go find their daughter, who was once again missing… less than a year old. Did he even care where she was?

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel

He did not need to turn his head to recognize the voice that spoke to him. The declarations were clear as day and he wasn't going to fight them. Then leave, Maera. Appearances are pointless now don't you think? Finally he turned his head to look at her. He would have once looked at her with love and like she was the only wolf in the world but he could not bring himself to feel anything when gazing at her ebony form. He was empty and hollow.

The Rigel stood his ground, waiting for her to dismiss herself. If she had her mind set on leaving then he wouldn't stop her. They had taken a risk and it hadn't worked out. But unlike her, he was tied to this place. His burdens as a leader were far too heavy to throw onto the next male and walk off. Triell was gone now and he could not walk out if there was a possibility he would come home. Not to mention Treyah...he couldn't leave her of all wolves. The weight of the Draw was already heavy enough upon the leaders without him disrupting more things.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

She absolutely loathed the feeling that started in her heart when he looked at her. She hated the fact that she still harbored feelings for him despite everything else – it was a curse. “Did you ever really care to begin with?” She questioned, her heartrate spiking at his words as she challenged on. “About me? About your own daughter? About what might be happening to her right now?” She wouldn’t dismiss herself until she had gotten her full piece in, until he finally accepted the things he’d made her wonder for months. Who was she kidding – he was nothing like the man who she’d fallen in love with, and yet she had his face still, and she couldn’t get it out of her mind.

“Were we just a means to an end for you?” It was hard to imagine that to be true… that the caring but rather naïve boy she once knew might have truly just been manipulating them the entire time. He could have at least had the courtesy to tell her himself, Treyah too… “Is it just Treyah? I went to the old den the other day and you'd been there, but not with her… you’re going to tear everyone you come into contact apart… do you even care?” A part of her, despite her anger, felt bad for Treyah as well, like she was falling into a giant mess herself. Her tail lashed slightly as she finally felt everything coming to the surface.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

If I didn't care I'd already be months away from this place. He said in a clipped tone. His tail lashed before raising at her heavy questioning. Who was she to point fingers? She had left him in the dark for months, left him to man a pack he had never wanted in the first place. He had powered through while she had played the pitiful role of a shadow and hid in the den. Grief his ass. He'd suffer while keeping everything afloat.

It was when she brought up Treyah's name and accusing him of wrecking everything that he finally snapped. He had never felt such aggression. Not towards anyone in his whole life. Perhaps it was appropriate that the woman he once loved the most was now the one he couldn't stand the most.

He lunged with jaws parted to firmly grab her neck. He did not care how much damage he would do or if blood would be spilled. Kerberos would make sure she paid for daring to question him. The ebony woman was no longer family, not in his eyes.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

He lunged for her, and she knew that she had hit a cord. She reacted, muscle memories, remembering how to fight for everything… it was a liberating feeling, and one she had not felt since she’d settled down in the Draw. Despite the pain she felt radiating from her chest, she knew in that moment she’d made the right choice. She ducked, not able to avoid the blow completely as his teeth latched onto her shoulder and she made a growling sound she had not made since she came to the Lore. The snarl was from the depths of her throat as she targeted his neck, just as he had done to her. She aimed for the base by his shoulder, intent on sticking her teeth as far into the fur as she could.

She wasn’t one for half measures… he should know that. She’d been the one to teach him to fight. Then again, she hadn’t taken him to be the one for physical violence, though she supposed they had both changed in the months since their daughter’s disappearance. She’d gone down a dark path, kept it all to herself despite her temper rising, her mind changing to more violent images, ‘bad thoughts’ while he’d tried to hold the pack together. A part of her, a very small sliver, did feel guilty, thinking she’d caused this. In the end, they’d only had themselves to blame for it all.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
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Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: Feel free to skip Garmir in your post order for sake of smoothiness. He will not intervene.
@Maera @Kerberos

Garmir finally arrhived that night back to the Charred Ash Draw, only to find the place oddly.. quiet, ominous even. It was middle of the night so he did not howl to announce his presence, rather choosing to go straight to Treyah to report what he had found out about the old man Triell, when something caught his attention. He halted, his ears rotating around as he listened the voices coming from pure darkness. An argument was ongoing between Kerberos and Maera.

The earthen male turned his course from the pack Dens towards the sound of shouting and accusations, just about witnessing violence begin as he first saw the dark silouettes of the two figures ahead of him. Kerberos attacked first, something he had not expected from his alpha, but Maera met his supposed mate with almost...  eager ferocity for what it seemed. These wolves had a fire in their hearts, but their flames were tainted. Garmir's hackles begin to rise as he witnessed the madness before him.

He laid down some distance away from the two, deciding not to take part unless absolutely required from him. He was more Loyal to Kerberos due to his rank and way Garmir thought of hierarchy, but even then he could see his Alpha had done wrong. Would he attack Treyah too like this if pushed enough? Had there been Treyah in Maera's place, Garmir would have not even waited for a second to charge at his alpha.

He watched, those poison green eyes carefully following the two fighting wolves. He would witness this all and then decide what this meant for the Charred Ash Draw.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

Deep down it pained him to act like this but the sinking of his teeth into the flesh of her shoulder wiped away any feelings other than instinct. He wanted to make someone hurt the way he had hurt over all these months. Perhaps this had gone from being personal to merely being a release to all of his hurt.

With them both holding onto each other he knew there was nothing to do but grab the next closest thing. He ducked his head to reach for a hind leg. If his teeth met her leg (or any flesh at this point) he was prepared to put all of the pressure in his jaws on it and shake his head about violently. He wanted to hear the pain in the sound of bones or in someone's own pain filled cry. There was nothing else he wanted more.

He had never felt so determined in his whole life even if it was for the wrong cause.

(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2018, 12:05 AM by Kerberos.)
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

She gritted her teeth as his teeth connected with her upper leg, trying not to scream, so he wouldn’t have the satisfaction. She removed her teeth, aiming her next blow to be on his scruff, to bite down at the base of his neck directly above his spine. At this point, it was reflex – go for some kind of killing blow to stop the torment on her own body. She’d done it time and time again. She’d been forced to kill other wolves who tried to steal her food because both were desperate enough to fight and kill each other for it.

It was like everything she hated about her life was surfacing, and now, she was just trying to survive. That was who she was – a survivor… and survive was what she would do. The snarl that came from her maw when she did it was mixed with pain, rage, and absolute sorrow. There was a part of her that couldn’t believe they had come to this… that this was how they were going to leave each other, with tooth and claw to what could very well be the death.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]