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the sea is wine red - this is the death of beauty — The Wildwood 
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Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
RE ~ a cold snap seizes Relic Lore.
nighttime, March 21st

Aytigin had asked a couple days before if he could go down south in search of Risaela, and Lachesis had let him go. The dark wolf had made his way across the mountain, since that was the way the silver girl had walked, and found himself in forests more dense than the ones next to the Surge, or even Hearthwood. It was a nice change of scenery, particularly since he hadn’t wandered in almost a full year. Plus, it was so good to get away from Rory’s tantalizing scent... he almost couldn’t stand it any longer.

The goal of finding Ris had been put on the backburner for a moment. Ayti needed a break from the travel, and had just so happened to stumble across a patch of mushrooms that he recognized from his time with the gypsies. And oh, these mushrooms were fun.

He deserved a break. He had worked hard for Hearthwood, and now the Surge. One night of complete and total blackout bliss wouldn’t kill anybody.

After a few of the half-frozen mushrooms were consumed, Ayti was out of it. Damn, the colors were as beautiful as he remembered, and the fuzziness in his head felt so amazing. The mocha-furred wolf laid out on his side in the snow, watching psychadelic swirls dance around his vision like amplified northern lights.

Yeah. He deserved this.
(This post was last modified: Mar 29, 2018, 05:20 PM by Aytigin.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Soon she wouldn’t be able to wait any longer. She was expected back at the Bend eventually, and with information to share. But the last thing the russet shewolf felt like right now was pleading at pack borders, especially without a steal set plan. Besides, at the moment, she didn’t much feel like being around anyone. Not that that was so different from her usual state, but in this season it was different - she felt gross, like something sticky and foul smelling, her body way too hot despite the frigid air; And vulnerable. Her heat was a weakness, out of her control and filling her body with wild feelings and dangerous impulses. She just wanted it to be over, and certainly wanted to have it under control before she made any moves towards pack lands.

So instead she stayed around the Wildwood, surveying covertly. She noted the tracks and trails of other wolves and their prey, though made sure to skirt both borders and regular-used routes widely, she did not want a confrontation. Which was why she was so rattled when she suddenly came across another wolf on an otherwise unused trail.

The dark body lay oddly sprawled across the ground, eerily still, almost as if he was sleeping, but the golden brown eyes were wide open, staring emptily into space. If it hadn’t been for the, rather rapid, rise and fall of his flank, she might have mistaken him for dead. As it was, she couldn’t help but wonder, and voiced these thoughts out loud: “Y’ dyin’or some’in?”

Word count: 260
"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
No, he wasn’t dying, but he would be in the morning when the bliss was traded with headache and pain. But for now, Ayti was simply happy. He didn’t even have the capacity to imagine that his actions at the moment could affect his future - hell, he wouldn’t even remember this in the morning at all.

The female’s voice and sudden scent wafting into his nose brought out all sorts of primal urges and desires from his inhibition-less body. He stumbled to his paws with what he hoped was a charming smile - and may have actually come across as one. Logically, he knew that her colors were probably radically different than what he was seeing now, but damn if she didn’t look good in neon.

”Not dyin’,” he assured, hazel eyes leveling in on her currently-vibrant-blue ones. His words were slurred and slow as he bowed sloppily to the female, as though she was royalty. ”What’s a pretty place like you doing in a thing like this?” Okay... so his pickup lines were currently lacking in tact, but he wasn’t even aware of what he was saying. ”Gettin’ away from all the boys? ‘M sure you’ve got plenty after you. ‘Specially right now...”

He remained several feet away from her, not wanting to intrude on her personal space. If she wanted to come to him, she could. Even so inebriated, he wasn’t that disrespectful
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She wasn’t convinced. His movements were unbalanced and graceless, the smile crooked and sloppy on his face. While he was clearly trying to appear charming, there was a clear edge to his voice, making him appear rambly. Looking into his eyes, she saw the widened pupils, leaving only a thin ring of color around the edge, and guessed that something was interfering with his mind, even if she couldn’t tell what. This wasn’t something she had a lot of experience with, and that in itself intrigued her, even if the less than skillful attempt at flirt made her wrinkle her nose.

She sidestepped a little, starting a wide circle around his wobbly form. He wasn’t too bad to look at really, his well-kept fur held in nice shades of dark and lighter brown and covering a shapely frame. If they hadn’t looked so unfocused, she suspected his eyes would be quite nice too, the unusual color tilting a little more towards the brown than her own. And he wasn’t from any of the packs around here, although he smelled distinctly of others; So what are you doing so far from home..?

After a long pause, Nalda finally halted her inspection, raising one, russet eyebrow; “An’ wha’s’at suppose’to mean?” Her voice was neutral, tail giving a noncommittal lash behind her. Narrowing her eyes, she pursed her lips for a moment, then added: “Guess you’re runnin’ from th’girls back’ome?”

Word count: 237
"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
For what Ayti lacked in sobriety, he made up for in lack of inhibition. The mocha wolf let his tail wag slowly behind him, enjoying all the swirling colors and moving ground. The way it melted into the sky. He must have looked like shit, and if he was sober, he would have been aware of that. But everyone made mistakes, and this was definitely one of his.

”Means you smell good,” he purred out, remaining still. If she wanted to come to him, he would let her do it on her own terms. ”This time o’ year can be a lil bit difficult. Specially when you’ve got no one to help y’ with that itch.” He had been overexposed to that type of thing from far too early an age, and it was a wonder he hadn’t got anyone pregnant when he actually was old enough to do the things he had done all along.

The casanova waved his tail just slightly, and if he were capable, he would have remembered he had a pack to go back to. But as it would happen, he was completely stoned, and couldn’t reason that far ahead. ”I don’ run from girls, lovely. ‘M more of a chaser,” he admitted with a wink.
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Oh he definitely fancied himself a womanizer, and maybe he could have pulled it off with a clear head, but as it was, his compliments fell a bit short; ‘Smell good’, how eloquent… Yet her tail swayed again, head tilting a little as she appraised the man through half closed eyes. Any other time of year, she would have dismissed his bumbling advances with swift ferocity. But, rather displeasing to the otherwise calculating vixen, her brain was no longer alone in calling the shots.

So she stepped a little closer, her lips tightening, almost in a frown. “But you’re offerin’to I’suppose?” She drawled, casting him another scrutinizing look. Yes, he would be able to help wouldn’t he? Even in this compromised state; Perhaps it’s even better this way… She wouldn’t want him to come running after her, she was only looking for a quick fix after all. And where a properly fit male might have put more into it, this poor sod likely wouldn’t even remember her tomorrow.

Smoothly, like a chameleon gradually shifting in hue, she loosened up her muscles, jaw untensing, tail starting to sway more steadily. Her gaze changed, from cold appraisal to a more coy look, up through lowered eyelashes and she moved even closer. But she wasn’t sold yet, even if this was just a means to an end, she wasn’t about to roll over for just anyone; “Y’don’t really look fit’to chase anyone right now.” This time her voice was more playful, but the scepticism could still be heard at the edges. It was a dare if you will, a test to see if he was truly up to making good on his insinuations.

Word count: 280
"Speech" Thoughts

(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2018, 09:42 PM by Nalda.)
Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
TW - mentions of past abuse

Ayti noted the change in the ethereal beauty’s behavior, his mouth salivating with desire. Whether to mate or throw up, he had no idea. But she moved closer, and if he wasn’t able to form coherent thoughts before... he certainly wasn’t now. Automatically, he dropped his posture into something more submissive, willing to give her all of the control of the situation.

”Yes,” he whispered, blown hazel eyes staring dazedly up at her. ”’S’all I’m good for, ‘nyway. Been told ‘m the best lay around... ‘n trust me, I been ‘round.” Even before he had been physically or mentally ready to make those choices on his own. Even when he was being taken advantage of.

The dark wolf gave a gentle lick to the underside of her muzzle when she approached, and oh, he wouldn’t even remember this in the morning. ”Wanted ta let ya come to m’ this time. Can’t run, but I can make y’ a very happy lady,” he breathed huskily, running his nose behind her ear but not dominating her. He pulled back to look into her swirly eyes, his own lustful.

Use me.
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She couldn’t lie to herself, he had a certain allure, especially grovelling like that. Straightening her neck imperially, she looked down on him, one corner of her mouth curled in a satisfied smirk. Such a rare treat, to have someone submit themselves so readily. It was a shame he was too far gone to know what he was getting into, all semblance of sense long lost to whatever narcotic he was on. She almost felt bad for him, but then again: He brought this on himself. Her eyes narrowed as he spoke, lips puckering in thought. “I’d jus’be ‘nother notch on y’tail then?” She asked, voice twisted into a honeyed drawl. Her tail curled about her ankles, brushing his flank as she slowly circled him again, much closer this time.

It wasn’t surprising to learn that others had fallen for this temptation - that hansom sepia toned fur covering a balanced form with well shaped muscles - but still it gave her pause. Was she walking into a trap? Simply one of many to be mislead by his charming act, her own rationality compromised by the sickness of heat? Yet his touch sent shivers through her, his scent almost as intoxicating to her as hers to him; Would it really be so bad? ‘Use me’ Never had she been so tempted. But first, she couldn’t keep herself from pushing him down, just a little further, a cold smile parting her lips as she stared him down; Beg me.”

Word count: 248
"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Oh, but she was the exact type who could get him lit up like this. Cold, harsh, demanding, dominant... it was the perfect balance to his submissive behavior. She mentioned being a notch on his tail, and he couldn’t help but give a soft chuckle in response. ”Maybe... but you could cut the whole tail off’n get rid of th’ other notches if y’like.” Because, in this situation, as far as Aytigin was concerned, his entire body belonged to her, and her alone.

That was what the gypsies had taught - your body is to be shared.

He almost couldn’t stand it when she asked him to beg her, but Ayti was nothing if not patient. So he let her wind herself around him, practically pulsating with the need to take her right then and there... it was just more fun this way. Getting teased and tempted only to have full consent to do what he pleased.

That was the greatest feeling.

Inhibitions be damned, the massive wolf brushed his muzzle across her shoulder before he pressed his nose to her neck to ensure she could feel his breath on her skin as he whispered.

Please. I can make you feel so good...”