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bros are forever — Secret Falls 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
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“Hell yeah it’s better than the Fields. That place was so fuckin’ flat. And cold.

Dios mio, he hated it. There were so many times he’d considered just ducking out and running, especially in the dead of winter. The only thing that kept him amongst the rye was Askan, and hell, was he ever grateful when his mate decided that it was time for them to break off and do their own thing. After a few moments, he pulled himself out of the small divot and reached in. A marmot landed at Lachesis’ feet. A good meal, especially for a travelling wolf. It was meant for himself (or Askan, never could stop him from raiding the pantry), but, well. The ghost was a friend. And he really didn’t have a lot of those.

“Hmm, Lenae? Suppose you mean a Selwyn. I only got two sisters and you’d damn well know we were related.”

Shit, the mouths on those two…

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn

Askan rolled his eyes. The Field wasn't all flat, the northern reaches of the territory were steep and hilly, but whatever, it was old news. If Reyes wanted to bitch about it still he was welcome to, he was just reinstating his reputation as a grumpy sod who couldn't-or maybe wouldn't-let things go. Not that Askan minded, in all honesty he kinda liked it. It was nice to have some company in the grumpy, grudge holding boat.

Askan watched the marmot hit the floor with a muffled thud. That'd keep the Lach's stomach from rumbling for a bit, it was the least they could do really, for an old friend who'd done so much for them. Then the conversation took a weird and unexpected turn. Like one moment they were enjoying the sight of the Shallows and one another's company then Lach had to go and drop a name Askan didn't think he'd ever hear again. Askan visibly flinched, full on cringed, as though someone had kicked him hard in the gut. His ears flicked back against his skull as he grimaced, his tail dropping limp between his legs. He'd misheard, surely? Lenae...That wasn't a name he thought he'd ever hear again, he half wanted to believe him but on the other paw he wanted to snap and demand he never utter that name again.

"No." He shook his head briefly, his eyes squinting closed. His head began to throb, if he'd been human he would have no doubt tugged at his hair. "That's not possible, she's dead."

At least that's what he was led to believe. Perhaps not everyone had died but...those closest to him must have, why would Savion have kept her alive, out of all the wolves there? She was so gentle and maybe....a little simple, not the brightest but good nonetheless.

Askan's mind reeled, his eyes wide, almost manic. "Are you absolutely certain? If you're lying to me-" He couldn't even end that sentence. He took to pacing, back and forth, a heavy lump formed in the back of his throat and sure enough, the corners of his eyes stung. Fucking pathetic. "My sister. She was called that-" he skidded to a stop and shot Lachesis a stare, prolonged and intense. He was not pissing about. "Are you sure?"

He didn't dare to hope but...what if?

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The ghost snickered in amusement at the scarred male’s description of the Fields; he wasn’t wrong. While Lachesis had spend the first year of his life on a tundra he’d grown comfortable with the warmer climate of the Lore. He’d always been fond of the northern territories, which was why he hadn’t moved the pack too far south, but he wasn’t about to make a barren tundra his home again. Most of the north was deserted now that the monadnock had fallen; he wondered if any pack, aside from Wild Rye, would call it home again.

He flashed his comrade a grateful nod as the marmot landed at his paws, his tail swaying gently behind his back before he took a bite out of the plump creature. Reyes spoke first, his comment earning another amused grin from the older male. The ghost did not doubt he’d recognize one of Reyes’ siblings as soon as they hoped their mouth. The timid Selwyn was certainly no relative of his—for awhile, Lachesis even wondered if she was actually related to the grumpy Edge Lord, but his reaction said it all. I assure you she isn’t dead, he responded quickly as he swallowed his mouthful, his chartreuse gaze settling on the younger leader. I’m positive. She used to go by Everly, but the last time I saw her she confessed that her name was actually Lenae. Everly—another Selwyn, but not one Lachesis was familiar with. She was living with the Whitestone wolves, although I’m not sure where she is now. The pack has disbanded.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
S for swears

"Fuck." Because come on, what else was Askan supposed to say? This was good, really fucking good, but shit...It knocked the wind out of him.

Even at the best of times the Edge Lord didn't like surprises, hated them really. He always had to be in the know, but more than that he hated being at any disadvantage. This just...it didn't make a lick of sense, Savion had said he'd killed them all, had he been talking out of his arse? Or had Lenae managed to slip away, silent and unseen? Shit shit shit. He hoped it was the former-if not then he didn't even want to think of the mess she'd been through, what sort of person she was now.

As if that wasn't enough Lachesis continued, stating that she had been living amongst the Whitestone wolves for some time, so close and yet so far...Only for it all to collapse. In part, this pleased Askan, to know that Craw's legacy was no more, that all he'd owned at crumbled to dust.  But on the other paw it meant that his sister was scattered to the wind, out of his reach once more.

It wasn't as though he wished that she was dead, but fuck- he'd mourned for her. He'd done his damn best to get over it, all of it, the massacre, the attempt on his life and then all of the emotional baggage that had nearly ruined him. And now this. Askan didn't know what to do with himself, he raised his front paw to start pacing again, only to stomp it back down as he tried to force himself to hold his ground. Behind his sealed lips he gritted his teeth as his expression twisted into a pained grimace. He couldn't deal with this, he'd never been good at emotions, good or bad. This was a clusterfuck of both, it was no wonder he was so lost.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

That hadn’t been the reaction he’d been expecting, but then again, what kind of reaction did he think he would get from the ebony Selwyn? Up until now the Edge Lord had believed that his sister was dead; he didn’t even know if she was aware of his presence in the Lore. Or was she, and she wasn’t interested in finding him…? That was a conversation he’d need to have with the tawny female if he ever saw her again—and if it was before Askan got a chance to see her. His pale brows narrowed as he observed the younger male, his expression tightening with silent concern. Maybe he should have sought out the male privately, or sooner. But, even then, he didn’t know if that would have changed Askan’s reaction. Not when he’d believed her to be dead for however long.

’M sorry, he sighed, his thoughts finally transforming into verbal words, I wish I had more information. I’ll keep an eye out for her; send her down here. Lachesis purposely left out the fact that the tawny Selwyn had been in a rough place the last time he’d seen her and it worried him that it had been weeks since he’d last seen her. He should have told her where Askan was, but she hadn’t been interested in conversing with him (or at all). Hopefully the dark Edge Lord wouldn’t be angry with him for not sending her down sooner. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank


Stupid how these social things always went downhill if you let them go on for long enough. Something always turned the mood. Admittedly, Lachesis certainly hadn’t meant to – if anything, he rather expected the pale alpha thought he was doing good, passing on the word of a missing sibling. And in the end, he rather expected that to be true. It would just take Askan some time to process. That kind of thing usually took time, and some alone time. Even from Reyes.

Still, he didn’t see this going anywhere good if he left the other two to just stew in their awkward remorse. “Well. Good seein’ you, Lach. Keep us informed. You’re welcome to stay the night in the area, or in the pack den, if you want. Think we’re gonna need a moment or two in the meantime, though.”

With a nod, he finally moved, previous tasks forgotten as he pushed his shoulder into Askan’s on the way by. Time to move. Time to walk. They’d deal with the rest later.

Reyes exit.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Though Askan didn't say it Lach had nothing to be sorry for. Hell, he owed the Surge Leader more than he could ever say, really. Though he doubted the Old Man would ask for repayment, in one form or another, there was a lot Lachesis had done for him during his time in the Lore. This was just another tally on a growing stack of them.

"Yeah...if you see here..do that." Was the best response he could muster.

Maybe he was being rude, an ungrateful fuck, but he was hardly in the best place to think of that right now. This was good. It really really was, but knowing that she was out there-likely alone made it all the more difficult for the Selwyn to stomach. Selwyns had always flocked together, they might've not had much social tact but like all wolves they were social. His sister was likely the most social of the bunch, so kind and easy going, the life of a loner wouldn't suit her at all.

Gabe was right, he needed some time to process this. Askan nodded along his ears flicking forward as he exhaled slowly through his gritted teeth. One step at a time, this wasn't anything worse freaking out over- even if Askan hated surprises with a intense passion.

"Talk later Lach. Don't be a stranger." He rumbled, pushing back into Reyes' touch as he brushed past. There were plenty of hidden spots around the Shallows, any one of them would do for now.

Askan exit.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Well, he had really turned things around. A tight frown still remained on his pale features as his forepaws shuffled awkwardly beneath him. Maybe he should have kept the news about discovering Askan’s supposed to be dead but not actually dead sister until the morning. Or, maybe, saved it for another meeting. But he knew that if the dark Selwyn wouldn’t have been pleased if Lachesis had kept the knowledge of Lenae’s existence to himself. He nodded softly in response to Reyes’ words, his chartreuse gaze lingering between the two leaders. Thank you. He dipped his head to show his gratitude as he watched the duo step away from the clearing, toward the trees. The Surge alpha doubted that he would get much sleep, or linger long in the shallows, as he did not want to overstay his welcome. But, he would make sure to leave a parting gift before returning to the north. Askan and Reyes had always treated him like a packmate, or a brother, and he was grateful that he had developed such a close relationship with them. He had not expected such hospitality, especially after dropping the bomb of Lenae on them, but he was certainly grateful for it. He waited until the pair had disappeared from sight before he finished his meal and set off for a place to rest for a few hours before he left for the north…

Fade, thread complete.

(This post was last modified: May 31, 2018, 03:32 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you