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[M] I miss the hours in the morning — Pookastone Scowle 
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Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
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Celandine Argyris
let’s admit the world don’t turn around us
Celandine Argyris
Random Event: Violent thunderstorms overtake Relic Lore. Anyone is welcome to join, but please keep in mind that only Skoll, Macha, and Morg may enter for now.

The days leading up to the.. extraction were agony. There was no comfort to be had. Not in standing, or sitting. Laying was it's own hell entirely, and Celandine had already blown past being ready to expel the invaders a moon ago. Or at least that's what she thought before the first contraction hit. 

It came with a flash of light, and the rumble of thunder. Instinct had kept her close to the den, meticulously lined with fur, and prepared by Skoll's youngest daughter, but nothing could have prepared her for the sheer terror that she felt in that moment. Wild eyes danced along the horizon, searching for something.. anything, anyone. She went to call out, to ask for him, or for Morg, or Macha, but the pale woman ate the words before they ever left her lips. Celandine would go quietly, and alone, because that's what she deserved.

The alpha made her way towards the cold, and rigid walls walls of her stony den. A crack between the rocks served as the only exit. How fitting. Another wave rippled through her core, and as if on queue, the heavens opened up. Huh. A private smile found it's way onto the delicate features of her face she spoke. "Satisfied?" No. She probably wasn't. "You were supposed to be here, you know." The wind seemed to answer, as it whistled past the entrance. "But you're not, and now it's just me. Now I'm all alone." Light poured into the opening just as another crack of thunder shook the Earth. 

As much as the woman hated it, as pathetic as it felt, she was terrified. It wasn't just the pain of giving birth. That would be over and done with in due time. What really scared her was whatever she held inside. It wasn't like Celandine to be afraid. It wasn't like her to cower, or tremble, but the chattering of her teeth reigned supreme as it bounced off of the walls. 

There was another contraction, followed by another, and another, until the ashen woman was sure that her body would fail, and then there was one. Small, and dark. Instinct drove her tongue over him, until he was clean, and his strong cries made an attempt at out-competing the storm raging outside. Bright eyes watched his desperation as he searched for her side, but Celandine made no motion to help. Sure, her natural compulsion to nudge him towards his goal was blaring in her head, but she forced it aside. Interesting. She might have contemplated it further, but another round of contractions had already began. 

The girl arrived lighter in shade, and smaller in size. Her hues, though mousy, spoke more to Celandine's lineage. She didn't cry quite so loud as the first had, and was quick to make her way to warmth. A third wave came shortly after the second, bringing with it a final pup. She was light as well. Her fur, though brown, seemed almost silvery in the moonlight. That one gave only a few short breaths, before she stilled, and returned to wherever it was that she came from. 

Celandine's smile might have seemed out of place, or mad considering the context it was set in, but her only response was to close her eyes, and whisper, "I was wondering if you'd keep one for yourself." The others would find her soon, but for now it was all she could do to lay there listening to the splatter of rain against the Earth outside, and the roaring of thunder overhead. For the first time in a long time, the woman didn't feel so alone.

(This post was last modified: Jun 07, 2018, 08:59 AM by Celandine.)
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
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Morganna Archer-Lyall
damn these rules, in the moment we're ten feet tall

The Archer could feel the storm in the air, but it wasn't enough to keep her in her den. Morganna was more comfortable when she was up and moving, and perhaps being so sentient while carrying was what was dragging this pregnancy out. The smile she threw to the sky was a toothy one, daring the storm to do its worst. At least she wouldn't find herself racing up the side of a mountain to scratch out a hole for her children to be born in this time. The stink of Coyotes seemed about right though, she thought with a snort. If they weren't dealt with, she'd deal with them herself soon enough.

As the sky opened up, she found herself making her way to Celandine's den, ears catching the end of her sentence in a sobering way. Maeve's death was still being felt keenly by the pair of leaders, even if it didn't outwardly seem that way. She settled herself to the side of the den entrance, if only to ensure her pale counterpart wasn't interrupted. She ached to tell Celandine that she wasn't alone, but she bit her tongue for now, expecting her dark shadow of a brother to appear at any moment. It wouldn't really do for her to see his children before he did... But time stretched out, and small wails made their way to her ears, the new aunt smiling broadly to the drenching skies. They were going to be okay... or so she hoped.

Shaking as much of the rain from her fur as she could while standing in the pouring rain, Morganna poked her head into the den, her bulging sides scraping against the seams of the entrance, "Dunno how yer even manage ter get in'n outta 'ere..." She finally spoke in a well humoured way before her eyes adjusted to settle on the one that h.adn't made it. Her mouth twisted in a grimmace before finding the two that survived, a short huff of relieved laughter filling the silence. "Look jus' like Kara an' Odin did... bit more comfortable o'course." Her voice was hushed. It felt like a lifetime ago, but Celandine would know just what she meant. She had been there too, after all.

If Celandine didn't object, Morganna would step closer to rest her nose against the Argyris's crown in a silent show of support. They were in this together.

Morganna Archer
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
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Celandine Argyris
let’s admit the world don’t turn around us
Celandine Argyris

Morganna's scent announced her presence long before her rain-splattered maw poked it's way into the den. Had anyone else, Skoll aside, attempted to do the same, they might have found themselves sporting a new scar, but as it was, Morg was always welcome. "I was more than a few hares lighter when I chose it." A light chuckle bounced of the stony walls as Celandine considered her predicament. "I didn't think I could possibly get any fatter, but here we are." Bright eyes followed Morg's peachy gaze toward the already-stiff cub, but not even the slightest hint of despair touched her features. It was payment. Fate, even.

The smaller alpha's words pulled her away, as a smile toyed at the corner of Celandine's lips. "Yeah. It's a good thing I opted for the den intead of a crack in the rocks last minute, huh?" She poked, though they both knew Morganna hadn't had the same choice.

When the dark woman pressed forward to rest her nose atop Celandine's head, the pale fae didn't move away. Instead, she let her companions warmth encompass her. They could do this. They had to.

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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
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Sköll Archer
For once, Skoll let Celandine have her space. Wrong move. By the time he had patrolled a decent stretch of the territory borders and had traversed back to where his path crossed that of his Empress, he realized something was up. What was more was the fact that his sister had also come around, no doubt sniffing about and making certain that everything was all right. As possessive as he was over the woman who had saved him from the brink of death, he knew he had no right to lose his cool where his sister was concerned.

He smoothed his hackles as best as he could, inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth. In. Out. In. Out. Overhead the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled, but it did nothing to shake him from his intentions. The women's tracks led him to a stone-lined den... with Morganna's large backside sticking right out of it. Surprising... Not.

As per usual, his near-silent steps brought him to his sibling's side but instead of the impulsive need to loudly clear his throat, he went the gentleman's way about it. Affectionately, he nestled his head on Morganna's side, eventually nuzzling his chin along her spine and resting there until she decided to move. He let out a low, rumbling growl that could have rivaled that of the ongoing storm overhead - not out of anger, but characteristically out of support and tenderness - just to let the both of them know that he was there (if they needed him at all).
i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
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Morganna Archer-Lyall
here we are, don't turn away now

A good natured chuckle answered Celandine's comment about being a few hares lighter, "I suppose it's easier ter not get caught out if yer can't even get past the entrance ter run inter trouble." She would expect a nip or a shove for her cheek but she also knew firsthand how exhausting childbirth could be. She'd let the pale leader owe her one for later if she didn't manage a retaliation right away. "Two years runnin' lets see if we can make it three huh?" Of course she had a den set aside and had no intention of running into the same sort of situation as the years prior (oh, if only she knew).

The familiar warmth and rumble of her brother was all the cue she needed, offering a final jerk upwards of her chin to indicate she was heading out and a smile for the new lives that curled so closely to their mothers stomach, almost as if they were trying to make their way back into where they had come from. It was enough to make her own sides clench in sympathy. If she didn't get out of here soon her own brood would join Celandine's right here in the den that was made for one family, not two.

As she reversed, she allowed her brothers chin to drag over her head, planting a congratulatory kiss on the underside of his chin before turning to take her leave. Now she knew that Celandine wasn't going to be alone, she'd be perfectly comfortable returning to her own den to shelter from the rain.

we are the warriors that built this town

Morgs exit unless stopped
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
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Celandine Argyris
Any other time Celandine might have bit back a retort, or offered up a playful shove, but she was tired. Instead, the pale fae opted for a smile, and a raise of the brow that no doubt spoke to future retaliation. "As long as you don't try to shove them all in with me, you can have them anywhere." A chuckle finished her sentence, though she would have thought better had she been able to see the future. 

Skoll's familiar musk poured through the entrance, and Celandine released a breathy sigh. Thank the gods he came. Offering Morganna a nod of her own, the woman waited for the father to appear in the entrance. 

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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
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Sköll Archer
His throaty announcement had done the trick, but he did not move as Morganna removed herself from the den entrance. The fur along her back tickled at his throat and jaw and he accepted her token of congratulation as she turned to leave. Had he been quick enough, he might have traced his tongue along her muzzle. Perhaps, next time.

A large pointed ear swiveled to face the den entrance where he caught Celandine's sigh of relief. As his sibling made her leave, he slowly turned his attention into the darkness where he could just see a trace of shadowed white pelt. The smell of birth and blood filled his nostrils but he did not flinch. This was not the first time he had become a father and the whole process of it was nothing but amazing to him. When he sought her out in the dark, he immediately felt the pride and awe swell up within him. Mothers, he knew now were not born but made the very moment their cubs inhaled their first breath of air or took a cub under their care. To become one was something Skoll could only be envious of; only until last summer did he witness for himself just how much pain, devotion, will power and strength it required of his lovers just to bring new life into the world.

As was proper and courteous, he remained outside of the den. He didn't even poke his head inside as Morganna had. He understood there were boundaries. "My Dear," he softly and sweetly called to her, "are you all right in there?"
(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2018, 06:21 PM by Skoll.)
i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

"My Dear," Her brow rose as he called, the ghost of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. Always so respectful, always at tails length. He never assumed, never begged to intrude. It was odd, and comforting all at the same time. She had gotten so used to ignoring her own boundaries, that the woman almost couldn't remember how to react. "I'm fine. They're fine." Her voice was softer than usual, painted in sleepy hues, as bright eyes drifted to the cubs at her side. 

"Do you want to see them?" She wouldn't force it if he'd rather wait, or even if he didn't want to see them at all. Celandine would always give him a choice.

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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
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Sköll Archer
Both of his ears turned forward now, not aggressively per se but more out of attentiveness. His tail hung low, soaking wet from the storm, waving only until she confirmed that she was fine... that they were fine. He mentally exhaled. The women he had coupled with thus far (apart from one whom he had had no contact with since their one night stand of sorts) were first-time mothers and Celandine was no different. Though, even if she had not been, Skoll was very certain that he would have worried about her and doted upon her all the same.

"Do you want to see them?"

A small smile found its way onto his silvered maw and he quietly took a few steps forward so that his head and shoulders were now inside. The flashes of lightning that managed to shine into the den were blocked by his large frame until he settled down on his stomach, crawling on his elbows until he could at least see her clearly. She could easily nip him on the nose if he had come too close for her liking and it was this precaution that kept Skoll from advancing any further. She had offered him the chance to see their brood with his own eyes and he was not about ready to lose the opportunity because he wanted to lay next to her. Barricading the den entrance and laying opposite of her would suffice for now, especially when the rain had finally started to come down hard in seemingly never-ending sheets.

In the quiet, his eyes went from her face to her shoulders and her side. Labor would always be a mystery to him, being a male and all, but he found he could appreciate her more when spotted the downy-headed forms at her underside. "How many?" he asked, merely breathing his words. At the moment he could only see the mousy girl and the even lighter sibling beside her.
i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

The crashing of thunder overhead was muffled by Skoll's mass in the entrance. She had expected him to come further in, but he stopped short. Tilting her head ever so slightly to the side, the woman did something very unlike herself. For the first time in her life, Maeve aside, Celandine initiated contact, rather than just silently accepting it from someone else. Slowly, gently, her pale maw tipped upwards, as she attempted to bump the underside of his chin affectionately with her nose.

Then his silver gaze danced across her face, before finally landing on the children curled up at her side. "How many?" The hint of a frown played at the pale corners of her lips as she spoke. "Two." Two living. "The third was.... taken to settle a debt." Taken as payment, or punishment. Taken to some place nicer, or worse. 

Bright eyes flickered over Skoll's face, fully aware that her reasoning might sound insane.

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