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all i've seen for forty nights — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw

The timely arrhival of the little vermin was as much surprise to Garmir was it was for the yearling. The earthen male had only planned to play a little brank on the annoying young man, but it seemed that there was no room for that right now. The little shits seemed pretty aggressive and surprisingly territorial. Garmir, having never seen coyote - let alone three at once being this bold and aggressive towards wolf caught him little bit by surprise, those little growls escaping from their maws causing his ears perk and nose wrinckle.

"No.. I wasn't foreseeing this, but I suppose your yowling called them.. so maybe?" -Garmir murmured now with much lower and deeper voice, his previous act disappearing, that previously present spiritual wolf now gone and soldier that he was standing in his place instead. "Whatever you do, don't run. That way you establish that they are in control..." -he instructed the young man while moving between him and the coyotes. Garmir may have not liked this youngster much, but he still could not abandon him to the mercy of these little bandits.

Garmir, perhaps little arrogantly believed that the little shitters would run the moment he'd charge at them - and true enough, they did get out of the way as Garmir lunged towards the closest one, only to circle back and surround him, one of them going for a bite from behind. Garmir felt little jaws bite him to the pack, the earthen male snarling and immidietly turning around to tear into his assailant. The coyote was faster however and the wolf's jaws caught empty. Now.. Garmir was getting angry. This... this was an insult to him, a punch of coyotes picking a fight and playing with him. "What's wrong with them... "

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Ku who has 18 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Cajun Ostrega
It didn't take long for things to degrade between the pair of wolves and the trio of coyotes. He couldn't quite say what it was that had set them off but he too found himself locked in gaze with those who did not engage his battle ready counterpart. The coyotes were methodical in how they moved and worked together, actions ever fluid as they swapped for nips and grabs. Teasing grapples that belied that they obviously had no qualms about spilling blood; tails that lashed taunting as they dove free of the scarred wolf with cheshire grins.

Cajun was rooted to the spot what felt a moment too long.

One coyote wheeled around towards him, quick on its toes to snip and pucker flesh beneath his winter coat with sharp yelowing teeth. It spurred him into motion but it may as well have been for naught as he snapped back after the taunting, spry canine; his limbs felt like they plowed through syrup than damp snow. Still he gave chase after it, using his own size very much in the way his now found ally had to barrel and divide them, but there would be little to conquer here. It did not dawn on the yearling that this was strange behavior at all—winter was notable for drawing out the bitterness in all with meals in short supply. They were but once nuisance he knew of.

As the trio of coyotes spread out again, Cajun regrouped with a haughty huff and smarting shoulder. The trio of grins remained as they organized themselves once more and exchanged looks. They were not impressed if he had to guess, but they had certainly earned the attention if not the ire of the wolves.

"Don't act like we can't see you're planning something!" That holler would... show them... sure, right. Yet with his tail coiled upward and over his spine and hackles all on alert, he meant every word. His gaze made the short distance to Garmir. "We could probably chase them off right? They're just annoying smelly coyotes anyway," and he knew they weren't deaf to the emphasis either. They probably weren't all that dimwitted either, well aware the deck was stacked favorably with just a grizzled wolf and a relatively grown child.
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: Feel free to powerplay them chasing coyotes if you wish to.

Garmir had been little too arrogant at first in belief that he alone could drive away three coyotes at once. Sure, none of them would challenge a wolf head on - that would have been a willfull suicide - but as long as there was more than one harrassing Garmir at once from different directions, the earthen male could not gain upper hand. Garmir noticed this was very much a same tactic that two wolves would apply against a lonesome bear when fighting over carcass and he absolutely hated to be in the bear's position right now. He had been bit here and there - none of the injuries extensive or even real hinderance but it infuriated him when he could not get to bite his assailants in return.

The youngster had fared not much better. The coyotes were faster and more nimble than the wolves and as long as they did not commit into the fight proper, there was little their bigger canine cousins could do to them. The two wolves regrouped just a the coyotes did and Garmir agreed with Cajun's suggestion. His dignity refused to let him retreat from this situation without decisively showing the little shitters that he - as a wolf was more superior - and would not be bullied by some low tier scavengers. "Aye... they can't bite us into ass if we watch after one another. Lets target one of them at the time... that one with the stupidest smirk on his face first. We keep on him, even if we can't catch him and if his friends come around behind us, we turn and stand our ground. They'll give up eventually if they can't take a bite on us..." -Garmir murmured, his own bristling posture showing his anger and distaste, that very same fibe carried in his tone.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Ku who has 18 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Cajun Ostrega
sorry for the massive wait! feel free to have cajun rejoin the fray in your reply too. :)

With a nod in agreement to their plan, Cajun waited for his darker counterpart to launch himself towards the smirking coyote. When it happened, it was swift and the young Ostrega followed the lead with hasty snaps and low growls. The coyotes scattered almost carefree, but the presumed leader was locked between the wolves. It did not matter which way he went to proceed or elude them, at least until Cajun felt teeth snare his rump briefly.

He whirled around on the offending coyote as it sprang away, a snarl loosened in his throat as he moved to drive it away. In doing so, he couldn't help but lose sight of the others, but anger always burned as hotly as steel from a forge. As the coyote delved into the brush he followed, only for realization to strike him as the flightly creature disappeared with a laugh.

He didn't waste much time to catch his breath as he turned in the woodlands and headed back towards the fray. A burst of panic drove him as snarls reached his ears, but he could not place whether or not they were wolf or coyote—a part of him didn't want to know either, especially if he was about to happen on an unfortunate, grim scene. With a plethora of possibilities to unfold as he neared the source of cries, he held his breath and prepared to launch back in...
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
M - Mucho Gory. Kids look away. :D
Obviously going for -10 HP penalty in this thread. ^^

Cajun had disappeared somewhere mid chase, leaving Garmir to face off with two coyotes at once. Even shouting after the boy had not worked and as the wolves were separated again as it had become already established strategy for the coyotes. This time Garmir had been more prepared, allowing the scavengers to get bolder and braver with the lone wolf by accepting few hits and pretending slow response. He was bleeding from few bite marks but it did not hinder him or discourage him. On third time the earthen male finally caught one of his assailants from shoulder and refused to let go - immidietly pressing onto his advatange to secure even better hold.

The wolf had caught his prey and the coyote was doomed to die. Garmir sunk his teeth into the lesser canine's flesh, biting all the way to the bone and recieving loud shierks and cries as reward. He managed to down the scavenger but it struggled and fought, deciding it would go down kicking and screaming.

Of course, as Garmir was occupied in murdering his prey he could not let go of it, the second coyote using this opportunity to rush in to help his downed friend and in turn biting Garmir to his flank, yanking and pulling the wolf in attempt to force him release his catch. Garmir did not. He was willing to endure pain and take another scar or two in order to kill the one he had already caught, the already battle scarred male doing little else but groaning in discomfort and trying to move himself to the side while dismantling his first opponent. This was how Garmir was taught to fight - to stay on target and kill it before moving to next with no regard to his own injuries. The wolf possessed way more crushing force in his jaws than smaller coyote could and pain only fueled his determination to keep going, even when he begin to feel and hear bone breaking under his jaws..

By now Garmir had tunnel vision. All he could see and feel was his enemy, the second coyote by now but a mere annoyance even when it was trying to open up the wolf's flank. Likewise he could not see Cajun returning either, by now believing he had been left alone to contend with all three. So be it.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Ku who has 18 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Cajun Ostrega
@Garmir — dude i am sooo sorry for the wait here again. life is being none too kind to me lately. let me know if you would prefer to continue this or fade to black.

... and what he found was not quite the conclusion he thought he would see. As he burst from the tangles of undergrowth, it seemed that Garmir had things under control. He was making quick work of one offending coyote and it's cries seemed to grow more still with each painful mewl torn from its lips.

But the scene for Cajun came in brief blurs and glimpses as he tried to fend off another closing in on the locked pair of canines. He wouldn't make it there fast enough to stop it from latching onto Garmir's flank, but there was something that he could do. Reallyn it was the only thing that came instinctively — he clamped down on the coyote's hind leg as he careened by.

The motion alone was enough to slow him as his teeth sank in deep. Painfully deep, if the muffled-turned-venomous cry to follow suggested anything at all. The yearling was left to release his quarry as sharp fangs whirled around to meet him, and he squared off and sized up with the smaller canine to put him side by side with his wolfish counterpart again.

With curled lips bloodied from his assault, he narrowly missed the bob and weave from the coyote as it snapped after him. More than once teeth grazed his face but Cajun kept himself protected — head bowed to cover his throat, light on his toes — to buy time for the real fighter of the duo.
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: Nah, its cool. We are almost done anyway. I suppose they will attempt to leave the scene after this?

Garmir's first victim was by now out of commission and the battle scarred wolf let go of it, stomping his fore paw on its face to keep its head grounded in case there was still some last bit of defiance left. Garmir's side was bleeding, as the second coyote had managed to open him up during his time of demolishing the first one, but as the earthen male looked to his side to find the bastard, there was Cajun instead. Upon seeing the yearling, Garmir's tunnel vision broke and he bacame more aware of his surroundings once more. Adrenaline was still running in his blood enough to make his ears humm.

He kept his own flank pressing against Cajun as they guarded opposite directions, by now the fight being decisively shifted into wolves favor. Two coyotes would not be able to challenge two of the bigger canines. Even three going against them had already been stupid overestimation of their chances. There were still few feints and attempts to snap at them, but with one Coyote already laying broken under Garmir's paws there was not much else the opposing team could do. The wolves could hold their ground now indefinately - or make attempt to leave. Only reason Garmir had not killed the mongrel underneath him was because he expected its two companions to care for it to some extend. If he left it alive and horribly injured here, it might keep rest of the coyotes with it.

"Are you hurt, kid?" -Garmir murmured question to his partner while pressing his flank against Cajun. He at the same time added weight to his fore leg currently pressing the coyote's head against the ground, the look on his face for once showing Garmir's hidden, more sadistic side. He enjoyed fighting and he loved causing pain.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!