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what my brother told me. — Driftwood Surge 
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Played by Ace who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathéo Tainn
RE: A recent heat wave has left the forest drier than usual.
For @Lachesis.  Partly cloudy, 79F/26C.

Theo had yet to decide if he liked the summer heat or not – he didn’t remember it being this hot last year, but they had also lived under a thick canopy of tall trees. It stood to reason that it just didn’t get as hot when a wolf was deep in the forest. But it wasn’t the heat, not the dry pebbles thought ought to be covered in the Surge, that encouraged the young wolf to call for the alpha.

He had been fishing – or trying, to no avail – when the Tainn had finally found his steel. What was left of it. Or perhaps this was just the very tip of it, the rest yet to be unearthed. Either way, he had a request, one that he blurted out as soon as he saw Lachesis, lest he go back on his word.

“I’ve changed my mind. I wish to know how to fight.”

The declaration wasn’t as cathartic as he might have hoped.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

As soon as the call reached his ears Lachesis redirected his path, choosing to start his trek down to the shallows after he had answered Mathéo’s call. The young agouti seldom called for the Surge leader, which instinctively made him worry. But the call had not been coming from the edge of Driftwood—instead it was coming from the heart; the surging river that cut through the mountainous forest. His shoulders sagged with relief but his pace did not lessen as curiosity drove him forward.

What surprised him even more was the words that spewed from the young Tainn’s mouth upon Lachesis’ arrival. I wish to know how to fight. The tawny youth had always been more soft-spoken and reserved; much like Lachesis had been when he had first arrived in the lands of Lore (less the stutter). Kept to himself and did what he was told or went over and above what was expected of him without being asked to. Part of him was pleased about the boy’s sudden interest in sparring, but it also worried him. Did it have something to do with the appearance of their unwanted neighbours? What made you change your mind? He asked, unable to keep the question to himself as his own word vomit filled the air between them.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Ace who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathéo Tainn

What did make him change his mind?

Theo frowned. “Nothing specific. More like an accumulation of things.” His mother’s death was always nagging in the back of his mind – her horrific killing had made him uninterested, at first. No matter how hard Kisla had fought, the mountain lion had still gotten away with her life. But she had fought. And then Risaela left anyways. And then all the coyotes. And now Vigil’s Keep right on their doorstep.

“To protect home and hearth. I don’t-- I’m not much of a fisher. Maybe I’ll be a better guardian.” And that was the truth of it. That’s all there was to it. As agonizing as the decision had been, well-- It seemed simple now.

[Image: vF8B2O.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He nodded softly to show the Tainn boy he understood. Lachesis had been in a similar situation years ago. Due to his timid, anxious demeanour Lachesis had always shied away from conflict (especially the physical kind). He was a healer not a fighter; not unless it was needed. The ghost was quick to learn that violent—the right kind—was sometimes necessary. Especially when it meant protecting the ones he cared most about. Or his land.

Guardian—a fitting role for the brawny youth. Not everyone was born to fish, he mused in response, his tail twitching softly behind him. But the role of guardian suits you. He paused, his maw angling to the side as he studied the agouti. It’s not all about fighting—there is diplomacy involved as well, but you won’t have any problems with that. He still wore a calm exterior, even if there was a fire raging within his chest. I’m not much of a fighter myself—that’s Lilya. But I can teach you the basics. If you want to learn strategy I recommend seeking her out after. She’s the expert. Another smile as he shuffled his weight from side to side.

Size up your opponent. Quickly. Identify their weak spots. His expression hardened; his brows narrowed. Where are mine?

(This post was last modified: Aug 08, 2018, 02:26 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Ace who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathéo Tainn

“I’m not sure about that….”

He’d dismissed Lilya’s idea (rather publicly) at the meeting, and he wasn’t sure how the woman felt about him now. She didn’t seem like the (obvious) grudge type – but who knew?

Theo wasn’t given much time to dwell on his more recent failing, however, for Lachesis wasn’t here just to listen to the boy and go on his way. Evidently, he intended to start lessons right now. “Wh-what?” the Tainn startled, emerald eyes going wide. His weaknesses? Did he even have any?

Lachesis was so big and strong – and he had years of experience. The yearling took a step backwards as his ears flattened against his skull. Almost automatically, he tucked his chin down as he protected his throat – god help him if he ended up like poor Kisla, may she know peace – and he squint. Sadly, it didn’t help him think any quicker.

“You’re bigger than me. Uh. Slower, maybe?”

Theo was tall, but he had not the girth or bulk. “You aren’t old or young, so – probably in peak condition, too. Not… exactly the kind of wolf I’d pick a fight with.”

(If he ever picked a fight at all. Ha!)

[Image: vF8B2O.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The ghost grinned in amusement at the tawny boy’s reaction and his posture immediately softened, along with his expression. Lachesis fought when he needed to. To protect his family. His pack. His rank. It was out of instinct; fuelled by adrenaline. He did know strategy like his mate did.

Perhaps he needed a few lessons, too.

You’re bigger than me. Uh. Slower, maybe?

He scoffed at this but his expression remained the same. Don’t worry, he added, the grin still present on his pale features, we’re not going to practice today. His head tipped to the side as he observed the green-eyed Tainn. I’m sure Lilya would be happy to train you. Things have changed since the meeting. You have changed. Nobody was upset with him for reacting the way he had. His mother had just been murdered by an estranged feline; Lachesis did not blame him for acting out.

Sometimes you don’t get a choice of who you fight. So you have to work with what you have. Fighting wasn’t supposed to be easy. It’s like hunting. Sub the prey with another wolf, or attacker. You aim for the weakest points. The throat, stomach, legs.

He smiled at the younger male. C'mon, he motioned with a flick of his nose, let's go find Lilya and she'll give you some pointers. I promise she won't bite.

Fade, thread complete.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2018, 03:22 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you