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don't eat the garbage — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
OOC: this takes place after this thread. All CAD wolves are welcome to give Vaken a hard time (and clearly @Kino, @Sahalie and @Arcus are always welcome). In particular @Kerberos or @Zale.

I feel numb, born with a weak heart
Vaken groomed his fur with extreme disgust. Once in awhile he would notice just how filthy he was and attempt to straighten himself up. Today was that day. With a look of pure torture, his nose crinkled up and he let out a small gag, returning his mouth timidly to his front left leg.

He was covered in mud, it was caked on and cooked into each hair follicle. He smelt like a decaying maggot-infested rodent. The hot sun was doing him no favours. It was heating up all the bacteria on his body and letting off a putrid stench. He acted like he was in pain, grimacing with each lick. His sensitive nose stung from his own musk. If he was smart, he’d find somewhere to swim. Sadly, Vaken was only smart about some things.  

He stayed close to the pack border, hoping the scent would drive off coyotes. He was too focused on cleaning himself to run away from them. He didn’t want any trouble, he just wanted peace of mind. @Sahalie and @Kino had been extremely nice to him, and with their help he was getting a little more comfortable with staying close to the pack territory. Not too close, since he was still a little paranoid, but close enough to ease some tension in his small muscles. If they called for him, for whatever reason, Vaken would race to their aid.

He hated to admit it, but he was concerned with the safety of @Arcus more than he was a lot of other wolves. For some reason he wanted to be close to the territory so that he could make sure she was okay. It wasn’t a familiar feeling. Vaken had happily left his own mother and brother to travel, but now he was waiting on the pack sidelines for a pup he wasn’t related to. It felt idiotic, but Vaken was no stranger to impulsive decisions. 

The small wolf whimpered loudly, holding a small burr between his teeth. He had yanked it out from his tail, where there seemed to be a handful.

I guess I must be having fun
(This post was last modified: Jul 11, 2018, 08:22 PM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: phone Post. Will format later. ^^)

Garmir had not slept enough since his four day scouting trip to the mountains, but he found himself wake again during the day and occupying himself with small tasks since first thing in the morning.

During his regular, daily partol around the borders he came upon what looked like a stranger, relaxing and resting at the very premise of the pack territory. While Garmir did not recognize the man, he did not immidietly count him as a threat. After all, he had been gone for four days and this might be a new member, or associate given Treyah's lenient policy of sheltering refugees during the Coyote crisis. She had not mentioned a thing however so Garmir wasn't so sure.

As he approached, Garmir took note of how dirty the stranger was, all muddy and fur ill kept. The man looked more miserable than threatening and thus Garmir saw no reason to pose aggresively his question as he finally came upon the stranger.

"And who are you?" -he asked with his rough, deep voice that came out authorative but not aggressive. If anything, he sounded tired. This could naturally change depending on how the stranger replied.

Just to be safe, Garmir still maintained enough distance to give himself enough time to react to sudden, unexpected projection of violence. That much of his guardsmen training remained with him.
[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Becca who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Zale Mizuno-Kersey

He was toddling and tumbling about more now, eager to explore the world outside of his den. Typically when someone took their eyes off of him for a brief second he would zoom off into the Draw's territory. He never went too far, though. Not to mention most times someone found him or even his mother came to scoop him up after being exhausted for the zoomies.

Today his energy seemed endless and seeped out from every inch of his being. He made his way towards the great unknown. As in the outer edge of the territory. With so much young energy why shouldn't he adventure out here? Of course, the thought of danger never crossed the young boy's mind.

When he got there he suddenly felt like a sore loser. There were already not one but two wolves out here. Ugh! He had tried so hard to get out here first - to not be noticed - but there were two big wolves! He huffed before trying to put on his best smile. Mother would want him to be kind and not so much of a crybaby. "Hi! Hi! Hiiii!"

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
I feel numb, born with a weak heart
What was with Vaken and pups? He seemed to be a magnet for them. When the grown male appeared, Vaken wasn’t thrown off guard. It was expected. He knew that the pack wolves would smell him and inquire about his whereabouts. He couldn’t follow Sahalie and Kino everywhere, they deserved a little privacy. He felt the best hanging out at the border in the sun. This way he wasn’t in anyone’s way, but safe from the coyotes.

Despite expecting visitors, it was the pup that caught his attention. He was caught off guard when he heard the small scamper of a pup following close behind. He would be lying if he told himself he hadn’t hoped for Arcus. The excitement of seeing the pup made his tail wag, but this pup was darker. What a little scamp. Travelling all the way to the border on his own accord? Vaken smirked and shook his head slightly. What was with this pack and having such curious children?  

Returning his attention to the adult, Vaken took a more submissive stance. He lowered his head and kept his throat exposed. The last thing he wanted was to cause trouble, especially with a pup around. Surely the pack would be extremely defensive with so many vulnerable pups popping up. “Hello,” he cautiously greeted, turning his attention from the small black pup to the older wolf. “My name is Vaken.”

He didn’t know what to say. Should he introduce himself as a friend of Sahalie and Kino? That didn’t quite feel right. They were helping him, but surely it would be a bit presumptuous to call them friends. Did they think of Vaken as a friend? He grunted. “I was invited to stay with the Leigh family while my wounds heal.”

I guess I must be having fun
(This post was last modified: Jul 11, 2018, 08:20 PM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: Garmir is horribad with pups ( >_<)!

Garmir had barely got to questioning when apparantly Zale appeared out of nowhere. Had the little bandit been following him or was he already out here being naughty? Zale was little older than Aquaria and Scorpius and it did seem he had most energy of all of them, the little thing seemingly not possessing ability to stay put. Borders were certainly not a place for someone so young. "Wait a second, young man!" Garmir moved ahead to intercept Zale, trying to get him by his scruff to least hold him put for a moment while he would talk to the stranger. While his focus was on trying to catch and herd the pup, his words were addressed towards the stranger.

"...Which Leigh family, Vaken... (come here you lil!)... there is a big difference.". Last time Garmir checked, Sahalie and Kino were guests by Sahalie's own words as she did not wish to commit to the pack. If they were making invitations such as these, Garmir certainly saw it as a problem. He did not doupt the stranger's words, nor really saw him as a threat, but if Vaken wished to linger by the borders like this especially with all the leg biters running around, he least had to make formal request to Treyah or Draven - or even betas of the pack.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
I feel numb, born with a weak heart

This was not going well. Alarm bells were ringing in Vaken’s head as the other wolf picked up the pup and moved him. He felt a twinge of anger in the pit of his stomach. It was blatantly clear that this was why he didn’t want to join a pack, there were so many unspoken rules. Vaken knew if he adjusted his body language to be even more dominant, he would be attacked. With a little resentment, Vaken stayed as submissive as he could. He kept his head lowered and eyes to the ground, making himself as small as possible.

There is a big difference. Vaken wanted to roll his eyes- the importance of family names was lost on him. What was the difference? He tucked his tail farther under his body and dropped his ears. “Sahalie and Kino,” he explained, licking his lips nervously. Who was this guy? He knew he should try and explain his situation, explain that he had been waiting for Draven without entering the territory, that Sahalie and Kino couldn’t follow him everywhere, but his mouth was clenched shut in uncomfortable silence.

This was not his pack territory (not like he was completely trespassing). It didn’t matter that he was a few feet from the invisible line, he was close enough. He wasn’t going to stir the pot more than his existence already was. He knew it was for the best if he kept his body low and stayed on the either side of the border, far away from the pup in particular.

Vaken had no intention of fighting the stranger. Not only was he still healing, but Garmir was intimidating. He wouldn’t stand a chance. “I plan to speak with Draven when both Kino and him are available. Busy people,” he explained, cracking a small joke to ease the tension. He wasn’t sure if Sahalie would be joining them, since she had the pup to take care of. “I’m not trespassing. I only hunt mice and steal leftovers from the coyotes.”  

I guess I must be having fun
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
@Arcus slight pp but also feel free to uhh wake up and join the fun if you wantttt??? lol @Kino mention somewhere in the middle of course

Sahalie had just put Arcus down in the den and, once finally assured that she was out like a log, the young mother tip-toed out of the den and considered whether or not she should see how the thing with Vaken was turning out. She knew it would be better if she just left it to Alastor to handle—the main reason being it was his brother that would be helping, and the last time she checked @Draven did not like her very much—but it was also just so hard not to be involved in things. She was a mother, yes, but she was still the same busybody she had always been and very much had her paws in every single thing. How else would she feel a part of it all: the bigger picture? For several long minutes she chewed on her lip but eventually found that her paws moved on their own accord and they carried her towards the bloody scent of the poor kid that had very poorly tried to rescue her daughter.

And it was a good thing, too, that she found him. Alastor was nowhere in sight. (Perhaps he went to go find Draven? It was unclear from a visual assessment.) Vaken was on his own confronted by a cub—one she didn't know—and of all wolves Garmir. The scout that had been friendly, devoted, if not a bit odd to her was not present in this environment. With an unaccompanied loner on his door Garmir was intimidating and shrewd. Sahalie knew how this looked: give a wolf a fish and they'd bring all their friends and eat all the fish you had... She gulped. This was not at all how she wanted it to go down.

Without stepping in between the two wolves, she interceded, "Garmir." Momentarily she stopped, rabbits running frantically in her head to come up with some sort of explanation that would excuse.... all this. "He saved our daughter. Just now. She was off on her own,"—because Sahalie couldn't possibly keep track of her daughter on her own—"And she was swarmed. He nearly died trying to take on three coyotes at once. I just... I just want to repay him. " Slowly she was stepping towards Vaken's side, attempting to bolster his cause with her small but physically sturdy form. "I can't just send him off to lick his wounds like this."

Arcus was a Tainn, too. She hated that she wanted to throw around her family name like this, to take advantage of Garmir's strange obesssion. But she would if she had to.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Becca who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Zale Mizuno-Kersey

Spoiled, selfish little child
Went out to play out in the wild

If there was one thing Zale did not like, it was random adults touching him without his own permission. Sure he was a kid but he had feelings too! When the strange man grabbed him by the scruff, the boy let out his best scream of protest. His scream was loud and high pitched like some hellish banshee, fully intending to alert everyone of his displeasure with the stranger.

Assuming that that was enough to fend off the stranger, he would make a move to tumble towards the yearling and small, chunky gal who looked a lot like Mother. It would be near the brown-furred female that Zale would seek protection. Perhaps it was the familiar smell of motherly scents or perhaps it was her appearance looked a lot like his mother from what a still sight-adjusting child could tell. Either way he was drawn to her.

(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2018, 01:32 PM by Zale.)
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw

If there was anything Garmir hated it was chaos and not following protocol. In his eyes Vaken was too damn near the border regardless what he said. The fact that Sahalie and Kino were supposedly the ones that had invited this.. this boy with witty explanations why his presence might have not been problem, was already stroking Garmir the wrong way. His expression gave not much of his imminent intent to forcefully remove the stranger from the pack premises. That was his plan - only delayed by the loud, rebellious pup he did not quite know how to handle.

Like summoned by spell Shalie showed up to try to somehow explain all this away. The look on Garmir's face towards her showed more clearly how displeased he was over all of this, this mess that was violating every notion of order and protocol Garmir held dear in regards to pack borders.

She did use her words well, pushing every advatange she could with Garmir's strange devotion towards the Tainn blood. She told him Vaken was not a thief or shady character of any sorts but a hero, fighting off coyotes outnumbered, saving life of Arcus. Garmir looked at the boy whom was currently holding submissive posture, his facial expression not warming the least, but his look having more measuring gaze.

A grunt came out of his maw and he reached to pick up Zale, at the same time beginning to speak. "Do you und-..." -He should have not touched the kid. Zale put on loud, obnoxious scream that utterly startled the earthen male, causing him to drop the pup, close both his eyes and flatten his ears as if the sound itself would have been hurting his ears. Clear, almost painful snarl showed on Garmir's face for a second until the little one was well out of his way towards the safety of Sahalie. "...ugh.. fine." -He muttered, looking each of the tree wolves in turn, but most of all Sahalie whom he could not openly challenge, but to whom he was most angry for.

"Treyah and Draven need to know right away." -He demanded.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
OOC: this is kind of Vaken's exit (sorry it is so shitty) so feel free to write formal exits or just archive

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

When Sahalie came to his aid, the yearling pressed his nose against her side momentarily in thanks. Her brown warm was so warm and safe. She was an angel to him, a glowing entity of everything good. A weight was lifted from his shoulders when he saw the strength of her stance, her relentlessness to defend him. He hadn’t meant to cause such ruckus. It was too late to take it all back, so he just kept still and quiet.

It was hard to keep himself under control. He hated packs for this reason. The unspoken hierarchy was bothersome and dramatic, but the yearling kept himself quiet and well restrained. He kept his body low to the ground and submissive. The comfort of Sahalie’s form was reassuring, but it could only do so much in comparison to Garmir. They seemed to have an unspoken fight for dominance.

When Garmir submitted, the yearling let out a heavy sigh. He looked at Sahalie with doe-eyes, apologetic and thankful. Slowly, his gaze moved down to the pup too. It seemed to be 3 against 1. A small smile played at the corners of his mouth. Carefully, as if not to come across to aggressive, the yearling began to lay at the pack border. He didn't stray too close to Garmir, but instead an equal distance away from both Sahalie and the male. He walked in a few circles, then dropped to his belly and yawned. They had fought for his right to be there, so he was going to utilize it.

Vaken's fade

I guess I must be having fun
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]