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barricades — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Switch who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
No one has to know

Usually when the sun began to head west she would be apt to return to the willows. Hardly ever spending a night away. The coyotes scents had faded. Their groups dispersed or moved on, and she found herself in need of a stroll. A new change of scenery. As tempting as it was to find Macha she figured instead she'd head to a more lonely part of the lore. The cedarwood forest. It was good hunting ground, rather unclaimed, and there were not many trails made by her kind. With the faint rustle of the wind, shifting through the tops of the trees she wondered if it'd always been this quiet. What the reasons were for it to be so empty. A question she should probably ask Sven or Ravenna. They'd been here so long would they know? Nose to the ground she picked up on the scents of does and fawn. Then she heard a rustle behind her. With the rest of her body frozen, she slowly cocked her head around to see.

Played by Hex who has 15 posts.
It was starting to get darker, dusk on the horizon and it pleased Sen immensely. The night was a time when others slept and shut their eyes from what they didn't want to see. With a few whispered words the safety of the darkness could quickly become a place of fear and nightmares. That was what Sen liked about it in particular. However, he couldn't force the sun to go down faster so he would have to be content with what he currently had until then.

Coming across another wolf as the sunset could only be treated as a pleasure. He had grown a bit bored with his last toy maybe this wolf would provide some enterainment. A slow cheshire smile crossed his face as he stalked behind her as she walked. From what he could see she was almost as black as him but the silver in her coat contrasted against his pitch black frame. He might have continued to stalk her if he hadn't accidentally brushed against a bush, too intent on his target.

He froze when she did waiting to see if she would bolt or if she would take a chance and see what was behind her. What was she a scardey cat or a fierce little lion? One brow quirked up as he watched her slowly turn to look at him. Looked like she was more of the lion variety. How fun.

Boo. He told her tone teasing.
Played by Switch who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
No one has to know

Her attention was captured by a silvery blue eye, and gold one. So unusually, and they were quite bright. It took her mind a second to see they were in a dark face. Black like an endless void. He seemed to be amused, and she chuckled at his joke.

"You sure can hide," she murmured, turning about now to fully face him, taking in his stature. He was in pretty good shape for being a loner as she didn't notice the scent of any other on his coat. She wasn't sure why, maybe it was his handsome face, but she felt pleasantly surprised. "If you're looking for trouble you might have found it," she teased in turn, with a twisted smirk.

[Image: g3SYtUY.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A warren of rabbits is hidden under a nearby tree. +3 Health
Played by Hex who has 15 posts.
For a moment she seemed caught in his gaze and that made him feel all the more satisfied. The little lion was braver than he thought. Meeting the gaze of someone who appeared so close and then staying where you were? That took courage or a special kind of stupid. Yet, the later wasn't the feeling he was getting from her as she chuckled. Maybe she just didn't scare that easily.

Mmm, I've had lots of practice. He purred back as she turned to face him fully, taking in the way her eyes were accented by silverish marks. How pretty. His own eyes partially closed with apparent pleasure as she proceeded to tell him that he might have found trouble with smirk twisting her features. But is it the kind of trouble I'm looking for? He asked stepping closer to her, encroaching without hesitation in her personal space.

Even with his apparently confident movements, he kept watching for any move on her part that she was going to try and force him back out of her personal space. Sen's arched tail swayed behind him. It was that bit of the unknown that made this all the more interesting. How was she going to react? His cheshire smile pulled up further at the corners as he watched from half-lidded eyes. How far was she going to let him push?
(This post was last modified: Nov 09, 2018, 05:55 PM by Sen.)
Played by Switch who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
thanks for joining, i'll try not to lag
No one has to know

"Is that right?" All wolves needed to know how to be stealthy. It was part of hunting, and survival. But she couldn't help wonder if his reason was something more than that. She would guess there was.

Without introductions he didn't hesitate to leave little distance between them. An action she could be pleased or annoyed by. So far since his tail remained behind him, rather neutral, she didn't seem to mind. Why being feared at times had its rewards, this bold stranger had her attention. Besides she was never one to get her furred ruffled easily. It was evident with that smile he seemed to be wondering if he might provoke something.But she'd met kinds like him before and couldn't help wonder how he would have fared at the Dell.

"Depends, what you count as fun doesn't it?" She murmured, a tilt to her head, clearly interested in what he had to say to that. Lilith hardly let herself be a toy but sometimes the part needed to be played.

[Image: g3SYtUY.png]
Played by Hex who has 15 posts.
OOC: Your welcome and don’t worry about speedy responses. Also sorry this is a mobile post.

Stealth had a lot of uses and Sen was very aware of this. Hunting, sneaking, spying, or simply just the enjoyment of scaring someone. So many uses and most of the other wolves he had come across had only used it for hunting. An absolute waste of a skill if you asked him. He didn’t give a verbal response but the glimmer in his eyes said it all.

He had moved into her personal space with the intent of seeing if she would do something and her response was rather lacking. She was either more confident than he had originally assumed or he was missing something.

A slight tip of her head as she spoke provoked a small laugh from him. Fun? He leaned forward as if he was going to whisper a secret in her ear. My type of fun usually involves destruction of something or someone and at times a bit of blood. Pulling back he continued on. But then I consider this lovely meeting of ours fun and neither of those things is happening yet. Lucky you.
(This post was last modified: Jan 13, 2019, 02:51 AM by Sen. Edit Reason: coding )
Played by Switch who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
No one has to know

She noticed something lingered in his eyes and why sometimes it may be more a matter of pride than truth, he'd already proven which. Maybe he could be of use. Though she was sure it would come with a hefty price.

He laughed, and she wondered how good-humored he actually was. She would guess it depended upon the day and hour. Even tick of a second. If she thought they were close now, he pushed it to tell his exact definition. When he drew away she was almost surprised. Destruction and blood eh? "Destruction has its beauty. Blood at times is necessary and I guess meeting you makes me think luck could be a thing." She wasn't sure what kind of opportunity this was. There were possibilities but without testing she wasn't sure how reliable this one could be. If it'd be worth it. In the end she felt she was suppose to be here. They were suppose to meet. Maybe this was the way to get what she wanted.

"It seems you are a lone wolf, do you plan to remain so?" Her brows raised with the inquiry, and her gold eyes remained drawn to his face. A face like that always meant trouble didn't it? "I wouldn't mind keeping you entertained."

[Image: g3SYtUY.png]
Played by Hex who has 15 posts.
If he had found her previous reactions lacking appeal that was quickly erased by the first four words she spoke. Destruction has its beauty. Oh, he liked that response. He liked that a lot. The cherry on top was that she still hadn't pulled away from him either, even with the admission that he liked to make things a bit painful for others. A soft appreciative hum thrummed in his chest as he eyed her intently. Perhaps they had similar tastes.

Blood is always necessary and luck? Well, that can always run out. He didn't necessarily believe in luck but sometimes things just happened to fall into place in ways he couldn't have thought. Like this little meeting of theirs so maybe just maybe it did exist. Too bad it wasn't something he could sink his teeth into.

Until I grow bored of it or something happens. He gave her an impish smile. Why? Do you plan on dragging me back to your pack and chaining me to it? His voice implying that he might not mind if it was her who tied those easily broken chains. For him, they would be but a cobweb that he would need to simply shake off.

She was meeting his gaze and he kept his own steady as she offered to keep him entertained. Oh, now that was interesting. And what sweet entertainment do you have to offer me? He questioned curiosity evident in his voice. What had this little lion thought up that would keep him amused? Not to mention what could you possibly gain by doing so? Nothing was free in life. So what could she want him for that she couldn't do herself? Perhaps, it had something to do with taking him back to her pack.
Played by Switch who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
No one has to know

"Indeed it can," she agreed. Though her thoughts were running wild with different kinds of thoughts, while still kept him front and center in her sight.

As she'd thought he knew where exactly she'd been going with the question. She liked the tone in which he spoke though it was some other web she was weaving. But it was apparent her expression fell at the thought of chaining. "I doubt there'd be need for that," she murmured, her smiling slowly rising once more to warm her facade. As if there would ever be reason he'd ever want to leave or she would make him stay. If he really did want to be part of the Ridge she wouldn't stop him. It just wasn't necessary though that would make it all more interesting. Maybe she should just drag him back as he'd suggested. That'd get someone's attention.

A knowing smile perched on her lips, and she tilted her head, stealing a glance of the sky. "A lady doesn't speak such things. " Then she brought her head back to his level giving him a wink for good measure.  The mention of what she'd have to gain left her insulted. A coolness crept over her facade. "Are you telling me I wouldn't enjoy your company?" She queried, giving a shake of her head as if that was the silliest idea.

Now to get what she wanted. Leaning closer she made sure not to quite touch her lips to his ear. "You seek destruction and blood and I know where you can start."

[Image: g3SYtUY.png]