"Guess it isn' really 'bout the lake itself, but I always loved bein' able to take a short walk and suddenly bein' at a cliff hangin' over the world like I was up in the clouds. Like we weren' even on the ground at all but floatin'," Chan elaborated on his earlier answer of altitude. Especially as a kid, it had always given him a thrill to be right at that edge, toes in the air and a sliver away from free falling. Even Roland's assault had not frightened him away from heights. Not to mention the thin crisp air, the challenge of every climb, and the sense of security their separation from the forests below brought.
"My fav'rite part of the Lake is... what it does for us, I guess. Wolves, y'know. Like, imagine how little travel there would be between the East n' West if this pass didn't exist, or even worse how many would... like, it keeps wolves alive. Saves them, constantly."
Plenty had died here as well, but Chan felt certain it would have been many more without the refuge the Lake and it's forest provided.