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open every door that closes — Lost Lake 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Subterritory Discovery: As one walks the spine of the mountain range leading North from Lost Lake, they might stumble across The Pit. It is a gaping opening into the earth, with walls so steep it would be difficult to climb back out of without assistance. Looking down into the spiraling mouth, eventually all that can be seen is pitch darkness without an end. No one has entered its depths and returned to tell of what they've found. (-9.53575, 106.34766) https://i.imgur.com/TKw62Ji.jpg
For @Ryenne only.

Woya pushed herself a bit further than she normally would today, doing her damnedest to help in the efforts to bring her deceased cousin's children back home. The weather, while still bitingly cold, had cleared and allowed her to venture without the ill effects of high winds, turbulent cloud cover nor precipitation. Still there was not a single sign of the girls.

She slowed her gait until she came to a stop with head bent, and let out a sigh that moved through her shoulders. Upon opening her eyes again, the first she saw was the ground before her paws, or more accurately - the lack thereof. Woya had nearly walked herself right into a cavernous hole, not visible from the angle by which she had approached. She swallowed, but couldn't yet back away. Instead, she dared to peer over that snowy edge and try to spot something, someone in the depths...
Played by Melorama who has 52 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She had ventured north from the lake on the mountain, curiosity as to the view that she would see once she got even further up. The view was nice already, but to be as high as she could get would give her a more worthwhile one. Without danger, the view wasn't nearly as interesting to look at.

It was a dangerous and treacherous path, and more than once she stumbled, but managed to collect herself each time. Her veins thrummed with anticipation and excitement, feeling that pull deep inside her to go further, to push beyond her comforts into the unknown.

The wind brought with it the scent of a wolf not far up ahead, and with only a bit of squinting Rye could make out a smaller grey form. She picked up her pace, minding where she stepped, to get closer while trying to not alert the other woman to her presence. As she got closer she could see the ridge of the mountain fall away, but from her position she couldn't tell just how far the drop was, or if it was just a particularly steep slope.

A feeling of glee had her jaws opening in a sinister smile as Rye began to slowly creep forward, ever forward, until finally she was close enough. With an exuberant cackle she darted forward, swiping with a forepaw at the smaller woman's hind legs, wanting to get her off balance to see if she'd fall or if luck would be on her side and she caught herself. Either way, the outcome would be fun for Rye.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya couldn't smell the stranger coming, but as she focused so intently on each of her senses she caught on to the sought crunch of snow under careful paws. Her head turned in time to see the wolf striking out at her, and while she moved before Ryenne made contact she wasn't quite quick enough to avoid it all together. Her hind legs were swiped off kilter and her hindquarters swung dangerously close to throwing her over the edge and into the pit she'd been surveying.

Heart beating as quick as a rabbit's, she bounded away from the other wolf and the cavernous formation both, narrowly avoiding that attempt on her life at the least.

She wasn't so naïve as to hope the bitch wouldn't keep trying. With no one near enough to save her, much less the few wolves she truly trusted, Woya was on her own to either fend off her attacker or escape her. She twirled round and faced what she now realized was a yearling with bared fangs, and her confidence bolstered just a bit.

Maybe someone needed a taste of their own medicine. Her sandy eyes pointedly looked at the edge now behind her opponent, and then locked onto Ryenne's own yellow sights.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Melorama who has 52 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The small woman was quick. How unfortunate.

Rye watched with glittering eyes as she swung to the side, almost looking as if she'd fall, but then bounded away from her and the edge with swift steps. A small frown appeared on Rye's maw, only a tad disheartened her plan hadn't worked. But she hadn't really been expecting it to.

Interestingly enough, the smaller woman didn't keep running, instead spinning on her heels to bare her teeth. Rye took one glance at the edge she was now standing next to, a single brow raising at the sight that it dropped into seemingly nothing, and skittered to the side away from it. She wasn't dumb enough to stand right on the edge of a drop that very well could kill her.

She didn't miss the pointed glance from the smaller woman between her and the edge, and Rye snickered loudly, letting the laughter shake her entire front end. "I wasn't gonna do nothing," she said with a childish tone, feigning innocence as she grinned at the smaller woman. Lies.

Rye stared her down, easily towering over the smaller woman without even needing to puff herself up. She seemed easy to provoke, and she was in a fiendish mood today.

"Wanna find out what's down there with me?" She winked suggestively, slightly baring her own yellowed teeth in a wolfish grin.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya didn't like a single thing about this young girl, even as she mildly reminded her of the twins. It could have very well been Sovanya or Adonya she was staring down now, but the stranger would not be given a single shred of grace for that simple fact alone. She didn't know this child or who's wretched womb she'd crawled out of, and so the Macieo was free to hate her all she wanted.

Maybe she needed an outlet too, other than mocking @Nash behind his back. Still, that wasn't something to get maimed over. Woya knew her limits, was familiar with dancing around them, but still could only hope it would all help now. Better wolves than she had been felled by less, after all.

"Yeah, right. How about you dive on down and report back?" she growled back, not pretending to find the yearling's antics humorous.
(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2023, 11:50 PM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Melorama who has 52 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She pouted extra special when her offer was turned down quite aggressively. Well this woman was just no fun at all. On another day she might've gotten annoyed, perhaps even risen up to match the aggressiveness the other wolf was putting out, but instead her pout turned up into another grin. This was the perfect opportunity to see just how many buttons she could push, and have fun doing so.

Rye took a few purposeful steps forward, slightly dropping her front end in an imitation of a partial play bow, though her body language was anything but an invitation to play.

"But it's no fun doing it all alone." Her tail was stiff as it wagged back and forth above her hind end, and her jaws snapped together with a loud click as she giggled. "C'mon, surely an old woman like you would indulge little ol' me in some fun."
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
More and more, the child in the stranger shone through. Without more attacks being made, Woya was able to calm herself a good measure, nape all but flattening and scowl dialing down to a sneer. She watched Ryenne without ever granting her the benefit of the doubt but had to wonder if the yearling truly was motivated to try and go spelunking. Maybe her inexperienced eyes didn't realize just how treacherous those depths really were.

"I am not old," she corrected with a huff, brows knitting together with displeasure.

"I c'n go further than you any day pup, but why would I trust your ass?"

The words were more pointed than they likely sounded, as Woya tested the waters to see exactly what kind of wolf she was dealing with here.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Melorama who has 52 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rye stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry at the smaller woman. "I dunno, you look old to me," she said with a shrug of her shoulders, slowly rising out of the partial bow. It seemed the stranger didn't want to play... what a shame.

But at least she had some bite of her own. Rye snickered at her then, sensing she had prodded at a bit of a sore spot regarding the age comment, and wanting to push it further. She bounced slightly on her paws, her weight shifting from side to side as she focused her gaze on the smaller woman. "You can't!" A hyena-like giggle erupted from her maw. Trusting her was never a good idea, she'd turn on  whoever was with her as soon as it benefitted her.

She took another few bouncy steps closer, wanting to push into the smaller woman's personal space, but still leaving enough room so she could try and avoid getting teeth to the face if she pushed too hard. "What's life without a little danger? And I'm just a pup, after all." Rye fluttered her eyelashes in faux innocence. "What harm could I possibly do?"
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya frowned deeper as the little she-devil insisted otherwise on the age thing, giving an appearance of building resentment toward the jab. Her pale eyes glinted with challenge, and that didn't change even as Ryenne barked out the truth; she couldn't be trusted. Well, in all fairness, neither could a majority of wolves in Woya's opinion.

She started taking steps of her own, backwards, maintaining some distance between them still so that the yearling couldn't attempt anything quick. She would have preferred to lead the girl in circles rather than give ground, but it was important not to allow herself to get trapped up against the edge.

"Well..." she took a moment for thought, glancing back at the pit briefly, "I am looking for someone who might be down there... but, you lead. Y'know, since I can't trust you."
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Melorama who has 52 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Her jabs regarding age were clearly doing something, though she had yet to get a rise out of the woman other than the initial response. She was not deterred in the slightest, however.

Rye noticed the woman taking steps back to keep the distance between them the same, and she giggled softly to herself. Now she wanted to push into the woman's personal space even more. She took another decisive step closer, accentuating the motion to really play up that she was doing it on purpose. She didn't like to half-ass things.

At last it seemed she was getting somewhere with the woman, who seemed on the precipice of agreeing to go check out the black hole. "Works for me, old lady!" Rye giggled audibly this time, and skittered back up to the edge to peer down there. She kept one ear faced backwards just in case the woman tried to get back at her for trying to push her.

She glanced over her shoulder back at the woman, teeth bared in a not quite friendly grin. "Ya got any idea how to get down there?" Her idea would have been to push the woman down first and see if she survived, but that was off the table since apparently she was supposed to go first instead. Oh well.