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How Do You Do? — Lost Lake 
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Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
The old woman had slipped from the comfort confines of her usual resting spot. She was beginning to feel better from having fallen ill, but not entirely back to her usual self. Her aching paws hurt from arthritis as she made her way to the lake's edge. She dipped in her front toes with a groan before lapping up a cool drink. She was feeling rather clear-headed today, she knew she was separated from her family. That this was the new cove. That Moon was here. With that came joys and sorrows. She wasn't sure how to bear it all in her heart. Slowly she departed from the water, sniffing the air.

Perhaps even in her state, she could manage to contribute in some small way. Some small meal, preferably already dead, and light enough she could carry it home. Tulip trekked to the pack borders with slow purposeful steps denying her body of the rest it so craved. She was still hurting from the sickness that had ravaged her body, combined with the aches and pains of old age. Her foggy eyes were led by the twitching of her black nose. She departed the borders in search of anything worth scavenging.
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

The smoke was clearing from their mountain top home. Usual above the rest of the world was enough to shield them but twice now they've been unable to say that. First the drought then the smoke, thankfully though no fire ever followed suit. The elderly woman was grateful for it. Having been separated from her birth family as a pup due to one, Moonshadow couldn't bare to have gone through that again. She took a deep breath of crisp mountain air as she stepped from the den. A little too deep as a small spasm clenched her air way causing a coughing fit. While the smoke had departed its affects lingered, holding the Eastfall woman in its clutches. Large paws gingerly made their way down the now worn path to the lake. Salt and pepper maw reached for the cool liquid in search of relief. A wave of her fluffy tail alerted the outside world of the success of her search. Moon lapped the water up, soothing the roughness in her throat. Having calmed the burning, mercury orbs looked out over the lake, taking in the sight of changing leaves. Winter was coming.

A familiar scent drifted on the breeze, Tulip. Moon turned from the shore to follow the scent of the girl woman. She really had to keep reminding herself that the magpie shewolf was no longer a child/young adult but now instead a seasoned adult who was also beginning to feel the affects of aging. The greying ebony woman followed the path left by her packmate with her most steady pace...which wasn't quick by any means. Silver brows furrowed as she neared the border realizing Tulip had gone past them. It had been a while since she left the boundaries of her home. Though the trail didnt seem to lead to the cliffs of the range so the concern that lurked was kept at bay. That concern was soon ebbed completely as Tulip's black and white frail form came into sight. Moonshadow let out a small bark to alert the other woman of her presence. She didnt want to sneak up on her. Coming up along side the younger she-wolf Moon gave a nudge to her cheek in greeting. "Hello love" she also greeted, her tone carrying its usual warmth.

Word Count: 383
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
Tulip carried on slowly, hoping to catch a waft of something edible in the wind. Most of the scents that met her nose were stale or that of coming and going cove wolves. It was discouraging, but nonetheless, she kept on walking. A hare darted out from a nearby bush, causing the woman to snap to attention. How had she missed its presence? She watched the fuzzy figure disappear and grumbled beneath her breath. Was her nose not as good as it once was?

The bark met her ears, causing Tulip to come to a steady halt, her head turning to look over her shoulder. She smiled warmly as her tail wagged back and forth. The nudge was met with a lick to the cheek, the old dame leaning towards the other to brush against her affectionately. It'd been so long since she had been near her. So many years. Moon would always be like a mother to Tulip, even if their time prior had been brief. That period of her life held some of her fondest memories. "Good morning 'Oon." She offered back in a hoarse voice.

"Care to join me?" She asked, and not waiting for an answer, started to mosey on her way, "Thought maybe I could scavenge somethin'." She used her muzzle to point in the direction the hare had disappeared to, "So far I've just seen a live rabbit...well, I think it was a rabbit." She chuckled. Her eyes really were beginning to fail her these days.
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

So sorry about the delay on this! I've had Covid :(<3

Their greetings were filled with loving warmth shared between mother and child. Even though the ebony Eastfall had not birthed Tulip she considered her one of her own nonetheless. A content hum escaped the older woman as Tulip wasted no time in continuing on. Falling in step with her Moon listened intently her sight following Tulip's gesture. "I'd love to." She replied giving the air a good sniff. "It seems as if ya are right, I smell a hare. and I'm sure between the two of us we'd be able to catch one. If not we can search for somethin' to scavenge." She replied encouragingly while her hazy gaze scanned the forest before them. Moonshadow couldn't see anything, though had she been younger she might have been able to. Either way she would be content to just walk and catch up with the pie bald woman.

Word Count: 146
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
I hope you're feeling better!

Tulip was pleased to share company with the older woman, a warm smile on her face as she accepted. The woman continued walking forward while thinking over the suggestion. "I 'uppose it wouldn't hurt to try," her words were quickly followed by a chuckle. "I'm not too sure I'll be of much help...not with my sight failing." Saying it allowed made it all the more real. Like admitting that death was waiting for her around the corner. A harsh reminder that their bodies couldn't go on forever, no matter if their minds were sharp or not. It made the days like these when she could think straight all the more valuable.

"There's a lot I want to tell you..." She turned to look at the woman,"Like my last name...take a guess." She spoke lightheartedly like a child, despite the rasp in her voice that'd come from the fire and age. A faint noise had her head swiveling in another direction, "Ye 'ear that?" She squinted lemon orbs to see something blurry up a head and off to the side. Her nose wiggled as she confirmed out loud, "Wabbit."



[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Thank you!!

Tulip's chuckle was echoed with the dark woman's own. "Honestly, mines not been real good either. Though I'm sure we'll be just fine." The Eastfall woman's thought unknowingly mirrored that of her adopted daughters. Their failing senses made it all the more real that life is finite and not infinite. Its a precious thing that needs to be cherished and when the time comes to be accepted. The piebald woman's voice pulled Moon from her sad thoughts. The girl woman posed a question that made another chuckle escape the other's salt and pepper maw. "Hummmm" Moon replied in feigned thought. She didnt have to give the answer a second though. She remembered clear as day when they discovered the bloody scene where Tulip had been taken from them. And just how distraught Solas had been at the realization. "Could it be....Coldheart?" She asked happily like the proud mother she was. There was no mistaking their love, Moon had witnessed it budding and wasn't surprised that the guardian found his love and they became mates.

The elderly Eastfall woman hadn't honestly heard the rustling and would have remained oblivious had her daughter not said anything. Though the scent was still easily recognizable once honed in on. Nodding her head in agreement she looked through her hazy sight for any visible signs of their prey. Having two senses failing and a third that was not nearly as sharp as it used to be made the tracking more difficult. Her determination was as strong as ever so she would push through. Tracking the scent to a nearby bush the large greying she wolf quietly crept around to try and get a better view. Sure enough there was a white hare in a small clearing peacefully grazing. Maybe, just maybe the golden girls could catch it.

Word Count: 302
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart

Tulip giggled, musing out loud to her mom, "Maybe two blind wolves make one whole wolf." The joke was accompanied by a gentle jestering nudge. She smiled the classic toothy grin that she'd adorned on her face since first coming to the Cove and finding happiness. Learning how to be more wolf and less of a mindless servant working through the motions. It only grew as Moon playfully hummm at her. She waited for the other woman to give her answer, laughing happily once one had been given, "Sorta!" She smirked, "Dayheart, he said cold didn't suit me." She laughed merrily as the memory flooded her mind clear as day. Oh, how she longed for Solas. Somberly she muttered, "I miss him dearly..." She trailed off, then looked back up and announced, "There's so much more to share." She didn't know where to start. With the death of the man who'd enslaved her? With how they lost their baby girl? Or did she tell her the happiest of things, like of their son? How he was so smart and caring with blue eyes like his grandfather.

Her tail gave a soft wag, she couldn't be happier sharing this moment with Moonshadow. Well, she could if her small family were here to join in, but this was something she'd yearned for over the years. To see her adoptive mother before time called out to her.

An air of seriousness filled the space between the pair as their conversation was silenced for the time being. The woman moved in sync as they crept upon the bush for a better vantage point. Tulip looked to Moon and then back at the hare. What was their plan here? If they spoke she knew it'd hear them.

She waited a moment, then decided to split off from the other wolf. Stepping lightly as she moved to flank the rabbit, creeping alongside it with wary glances. Once she'd rounded about the creature and was directly on the side opposite from Moon, she launched her attack. Diving towards the creature with snapping old teeth in hopes it would startle and run.With any luck the hare would blindly make its way into hungry jaws.



(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2024, 07:05 AM by Tulip.)
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

It was good to have Tulip back home. She wasn't nearly as timid as she had been as a girl. Moon smiled warmly at the thought of her magpie girl growing more confident after suffering so much in her life. When the younger woman asked her to guess her last name it was a no brainer. Though her guess wasn't spot on, it turned out to be a better answer. Dayheart. Her explanation of why just made it that much more perfect. "He was correct" the ebony woman echoed the lost man with a loving nudge to his mate's cheek.

The Dayheart woman spoke how much more there was to share and Moonshadow wanted nothing more than to hear about everything. The rustling of their prey cut their conversation short. In a hushed voice Moon offered for Tulip to tell her everything once they catch their hare (hopefully hares). The magpie woman split from her older counterpart, silently flanking the hare. Moving with the same stealth Moon mirrored Tulip coming to stand opposite of her on the other side of the small clearing. She lowered herself into the shadows to wait for the drive. Silver dusted ears pressed forwards as her aging muscles coiled in anticipation off the attack. Sure enough familiar snarling filled the air causing the Eastfall woman's own lip to curl. Though she remained silent until the last moment. When a flash of white appeared in her hazy vision the wolf turned alligator snapped at her prey, trapping it betwixt her salt and pepper maw.

For a moment longer Moon remained silent to see if there were any other rabbits in the area they may be able to catch. Sadly there wasnt and the one would have to do. Keeping the limp hare in her jaws she made her way to where Tulip was. Placing their catch gently at their feet Moon beamed "not too bad for a couple of old ladies huh?" A light laugh filled the air between them as her banner waved excitedly behind her.

Word Count: 341
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2024, 03:33 AM by Moonshadow.)
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart

Tulip let out a bittersweet laugh at the sentiment. Her mate. Her love, how she missed him, and his comforting gaze. His warm embrace that had kept her safe many nights. His voice, his mannerisms, all that encompassed what made him, him. Tulip and Solas shared a rare sort of love, the kind many sought but few found. One that transcended a lifetime.

The old wolf gave a curt nod, ready to get to business. Chitter chat and pleasantries could wait until their bellies were full. The Dayheart woman flushed their prey out.

A toothy grin emerged at the sight of her mother successfully bursting from her cover to snatch their target. Her tail wagged then stilled as she too checked for others. The more the merrier, when it came to the hares. When nothing stirred Tulip was not disappointed, they'd pulled off a hunt! Adrenaline coursed through her veins.

Moonshadow drew near, her words met with a chuckle, "I'd say we still got it."


(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2024, 04:30 AM by Tulip.)
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.