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so when you give that look to me, i better look back carefully [m] — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Cade who has 162 posts.
Sanguine Cove IX. Lowest
Magg Slayer
for @Galen only, {m} for mature due to heat themes.


Magg stood at the edge of the territory, finally finding the opportunity. Having enough strength, being away from the eyes of others... withstanding her own anxieties about what going outside might make her vulnerable to. As much as she wanted her revenge, there was no denying the deep trauma all of this had caused her. Fear was still there, her views on safety and stability permanently altered. Yet there was so much progress, too. The road to full recovery was crystal clear now, and while there were obstacles still to overcome, her foundation was back, solid and indomitable.

In this moment, she felt confident. Besides... it wasn't just about finally getting to move around freely after months of being laid up. In addition to those burning coals, were the ones of, well, what was the polite way to put it? Womanhood? Magg had forgotten what this year would bring her amongst all the other turmoil, and it had allowed her to until very recently, coming late due to the immense stressors her body had been through. Now, it refused to be ignored. Her heat had come, and every bit of her body bid her to move.

Magg looked around her, ensuring that she was still unguarded before making the commitment to stepping past the last of her father's scent markers.

(This post was last modified: Mar 22, 2024, 09:03 PM by Magg.)
Played by Sunshine who has 89 posts.
Sanguine Cove VII. Subordinate
Galen Vuesain
Little did the woman know, but not far behind every stride she made toward the edge of her father's realm was a swarthy silhouette that kept to the shadows he so easily blended into while staying just far enough to remain undetected each time she would pause to steal a glance over a tawny shoulder. His golden gaze watched intently now at the hesitation that caused her to pause momentarily where the last scent marker from Nash lied, issuing forth a low rumble in his chest the moment she dared set a single paw beyond what kept her safe.

"Going somewhere without me, hm?"

There was a fluctuation between teasing and seriousness in his voice as he spoke, followed by a series of tsk tsk while dark limbs crossed the distance he had formerly kept between them as he trailed her. She would be deemed a fool if she believed she had actually managed to evade the plethora of watchful eyes, his specifically granted his inability to be beyond direct eyesight of the medical den since their return home. Let alone the tantalizing perfume that recently began to tango with her personal scent, each sway of her hips lofting the announcement of her heat into the air on a silver platter for any male within range to come snooping which gave all the more reason for Galen to trail behind her. He'd be damned if anybody tried to take advantage of her.
Played by Cade who has 162 posts.
Sanguine Cove IX. Lowest
Magg Slayer

Immediately someone else was there, as though materializing from thin air. Magg couldn't help but jump, muscles locking up. Galen certainly wasn't the worst company she could have, but it still wasn't what she had wanted. Looking over an agouti shoulder, she shot him a glare, lips pulling down in what was almost a pout.

Damn him. She had thought he was finally asleep.

Magg looked ahead again wordlessly, regarding the forest before them and the glimpses of valley wall that could still be made out if one knew what they were looking for. A moment for thoughts she was not yet ready to share with her audience of one. Then she turned fully, facing him now with a toothy grin and impish sparkle to her brown eyes.

"What? Afraid of how bitter your own medicine might taste?"

The words were light and teasingly spoken.

Played by Sunshine who has 89 posts.
Sanguine Cove VII. Subordinate
Galen Vuesain
For a split second ebony ears swept themselves back in direct response to the initial jump he stirred in Magg, whatever guilt for doing so just as quickly melting away the moment she shot that glare at him paired with a pout which was much more on brand for the tawny woman. It earned nothing more than a light chuckle from the swarthy youth, letting silence fall between them again for the time being until his paws managed to finish bringing his frame closer to her own while allowing some space to remain. Meanwhile her attention focused elsewhere beyond them until she turned to face him head on.

Her toothy grin and impish sparkle was returned with a playful roll of his eyes paired with a teasing smirk that tugged at the corner of his inky lips before he exhaled a dramatic scoff.

"Coming from you? It would be the most bitter tasting medicine in the world."

For dramatic flair his facial expression took on that of someone that had indeed ate something rather bitter, allowing his golden gaze to meet the muddy brown of her own.
Played by Cade who has 162 posts.
Sanguine Cove IX. Lowest
Magg Slayer

Of all the ways he could have reacted, it had to be in a way that fluttered her stomach. She looked away again, fully turning to look over her shoulder toward those outside walls, so that he wouldn't see the way her features twisted with something that could have been mistaken for pain.

Cards to her vest, wasn't that always how she played it? Magg faced him again when she could perch another perfectly blithe, if not coy, smile upon her dark lips. As though it had never left at all. He was awfully close now though, wasn't he? She clenched her fangs to keep her expression from wavering, a mischievous edge to each feature.

"Well, I already know you're just a big softy, but," her wolfish brows curved devilishly then, with a sharp smirk to match, "wha'd'ya think my father would think, finding you alone with me all the way out here?"

Played by Sunshine who has 89 posts.
Sanguine Cove VII. Subordinate
Galen Vuesain
Her initial shift of her gaze back to elsewhere earned the same motion from his own, following the path of travel they took to also take in those outside walls that had lured him away time and time again once upon a time. Aside from revenge to her attacker, to be honest, he couldn't place a single paw on something worthwhile to draw him from their home now. But if Magg decided she would venture beyond anyways he would wordlessly follow her.

When she turned around once more his attention returned to her, a singular brow quirking in response to the mischievous look that began to seep into her facial features. Once more she earned herself a scoff from Galen at her comment, his shoulder bumping into hers with just enough force to prove his point without running the risk of her becoming off balance. "I am not that soft." He stated matter-of-factually, trying his hardest to ignore the current of electricity that raced through his veins the moment their skin touched.

It probably wouldn't look good.. He thought to himself, but not daring to give her that satisfaction she sought of such being spoken aloud.

"Considering I haven't done anything wrong I'm not worried." He retorted with a sharp smirk of his own. "Is there something wrong with being escorted by someone as handsome as me, hm?" His tone remained playful, wriggling his brows equally playful in manner.
Played by Cade who has 162 posts.
Sanguine Cove IX. Lowest
Magg Slayer

Magg pushed back, as well as tugging at the fur upon his cheek with her small teeth. She felt playful, wanted to goad him into wrestling or racing or something. Her paws itched for motion, and she was slowly coming to terms with the fact that she would not get to have time to herself. Maybe another day, hopefully one that was soon.

Magg let out a soft scoff of her own now, a smile on her face as she began to walk forward, out into those unclaimed woods.

"See?" her eyes cast his way, still poking and prodding, "Soft."

The thing was, Galen clearly held the upper hand here. Magg wanted that advantage, wanted him on the backfoot. She bumped him with her hip.

"Obedient, mannerly... besides your wandering paws, have you ever broken a rule?"

Played by Sunshine who has 89 posts.
Sanguine Cove VII. Subordinate
Galen Vuesain
Her teeth captured the plush fur that lined his cheek and offered it a tug, earning a response from the man in the form of a low rumble like thunder in the cavity of his chest. Slowly but surely the goading was working and ever the softy for her that he was he continued to fall right into the palm of her paw. The speed in which his tail swayed behind him picked up momentum, paws planted firmly in place as the molten gold hue of his gaze watched her inch further and further into the land of the free.

See? Soft.

The rumble in his chest grew louder as she continued her prodding, another race of electricity through his veins when her hip bumped into his own.

Obedient, mannerly..

Galen's eyes narrowed at Magg now, the truth that she spoke actually serving to strike a nerve for the swarthy youth. Where had her observations been wrong though? Not a single rule had ever been broken, his ventures beyond the borders hardly anything worth merit toward being considered a rule breaker. At the end of the day he was nothing more than a good boy, a perfect example of the saying all work and no play makes Galen a dull boy.

A snort in defiance was forced through his nostrils while swarthy limbs marched themselves forward after her, whatever echoing of Nash's decree in the back of his mind the closer his paws drew to that invisible line dissipating once he crossed the threshold. Tarnished teeth raked themselves along her side as he pressed past her, returning the tug to her own cheek fur before he paused to nip at the tip of her ear, whispering into it shortly after. "Do you want me to break the rules?"

Galen didn't give Magg time to answer as his frame darted off into those unclaimed woods, a mischievous glint in his eyes when he looked back over his shoulder at her to see what reaction he would get.
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2024, 02:55 AM by Galen.)
Played by Cade who has 162 posts.
Sanguine Cove IX. Lowest
Magg Slayer

Magg watched him over her shoulder as she moved and he remained. While his gaze pinched, hers danced with mirth. Now she was onto something. Then he moved, and she paused to let him catch up. She didn't anticipate his teeth combing through her fur, grazing her skin. It felt electric, as did his breath against her ear, and the implications of his words. Her brown eyes flashed, their clarity giving way to something darker. It was what she wanted most, down to her very core; his loyalty to be hers before anyone else.

Would he really? Defy it all, just for her? His warmth was gone already, graceful bounds taking him out into that world they were not allowed to touch. She looked over her shoulder one more time, to home and their pack, their family. The thought of all that she might get away with under their noses was far more thrilling than it should have been.

Magg turned, and bolted after Galen. She pushed her three legs to sprint, her stamina limited, but she knew he'd be there waiting for her.

/kissy fade

(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2024, 06:41 AM by Magg.)