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oh, oh, you’re a broken record — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Van who has 58 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
@Adora <3
RE - Mika, you become lost in a thick pre-dawn fog.

Normally Mika would not be awake this early. But normally Mika would not be traveling with a companion either, and normally they weren’t completely enamored by someone that they wanted to catch breakfast for, either, so they weren’t so sure exactly what normal was for them, anymore.

But this break from their usual normalcy wasn’t unwelcome in the slightest. It had been a long time since they’d felt comfortable enough to sleep around another person, and even longer since they wanted to genuinely make someone else happy, and it was a little frightening, but they also hadn’t been this happy in ages.

So they’d extracted themself from Adora’s side that morning, careful not to wake her, and headed out to catch her something to eat.

And they were successful - the rabbit they’d managed to nab in one of the small forested areas wasn’t a large meal, but they hoped it would satisfy their newfound traveling companion when they brought it back to her.

If they could bring it back to her, that is.

They hardly even noticed the fog rolling in, until it had engulfed them completely. It was hard to see anything, let alone find the path back to the sleeping spot the two of them had chosen. Mika had picked a direction and started to walk, only to find themself stepping out into open air.

Mika just managed to catch themself, skittering backward and breathing hard around the rabbit they’d caught, and their brows knitted together in concern. It was still early - maybe Adora wouldn’t be awake for a while. It might be best just to stay still until the fog lifted.
Played by becca who has 135 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Adora Macieo

She had been curled close to pale furs, draped around warmth of Mika. It had lulled her deep enough into sleep that she had not stirred one bit when her companion had moved away. Instead she remained in peaceful oblivion, her dreams were warmed by thoughts of brilliant things. Make believe kingdoms and budding emotions.

In her dreams, a storm cloud had rolled in and threatened storms. The reality was that the spot next to her had grown cold and her body felt lighter without her companion next to her. It was enough that she fussed awake with a groan, legs extended into the empty spot alongside her.

She hardly felt entitled to be worried about where Mika went but...she had blinked the sleep away and had realized the world still looked blurred. The fog seemed exceptionally thick this morning. That was enough to cause her heart to thunder. Still half asleep she lurched up onto her paws and attempted to catch the freshest trail. Hardly easy in this weather.

Mika? Her voice felt small in the endless expanse of fog and stone.

Played by Van who has 58 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
For a while, Mika just sat there and internally panicked - what were they even meant to do in this situation? If they walked too far in any direction, there could be a cliff waiting for them. If they remained still, Adora might wake up and think she’d been abandoned, which almost sounded worse than falling off a cliff.


After several moments of indecision, Mika turned to head back the way they’d come. It seemed the best course of action, to move away from the drop off, but with the rabbit in their mouth it was hard to follow a scent trail.

This had been a really dumb idea, they lamented, sneaking out with the intention of surprising Adora. They whined to themself, hanging their head low as they walked, eyes on the ground. Until-

It almost sounded like they heard their name, somewhere? It was faint, and they couldn’t pinpoint a direction, but unless they were losing their mind they had heard someone say their name.

Dropping the rabbit at their paws, Mika took a deep breath and called back, tentatively, “Adora?”
Played by becca who has 135 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Adora Macieo

She was nearly convinced she heard an echo before she realized it had been her own name that came back. Adora had quickly realized that a recovery mission was likely not to be done when sleep still clung to her. She had no other option though. She couldn't just leave Mika out there all alone to wander through the mist.

Her gut dropped at the idea of her...companion taking a wrong turn. Whether that meant off the edge or simply down the wrong path mattered little. All of it inspired dread.

Mika! She called back a little louder. Do you think it's safe to follow my voice? Yellow eyes looked out like headlights, but sadly they could not glare this thick blanket of fog.

Played by Van who has 58 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

They could’ve melted in relief at the sound of her voice, breath leaving them in a stuttering exhale. The call was faint, but it was still there, and that was all Mika needed, really.

Do you think it’s safe to follow my voice?

Well it didn’t matter much if it was or not, did it? Mika had to get back one way or another, and they figured it would be safer to follow her than anything else. It was… difficult, to say the least, to trust in another wolf like this, but if it was Adora…

“Yeah! Yeah, I-I can do that,” they stuttered, tail tucked tight between their legs. “Can, uh… can ya keep talkin’?”

They would pick the rabbit up after that and slowly - carefully - begin to make their way toward where her voice had come from.
Played by becca who has 135 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Adora Macieo

Yeah, yes! Okay, um -

It was funny how once asked to talk, she seemingly had no more things left to say. Well she did but... Adora could not afford to be shy when it had become Mika's life on the line.

I had this dream, She started off with. Desperate to be certain that it was just the two of them stuck in this fog. I had dreamed we had this...place. It was like a kingdom but cozier, somehow. Her cheeks felt hot at the admission of her dreams and although she had not said it aloud she could not help but wonder if they'd ever be reality. She did not want to rush them but Adora had always taken advantage of every opportunity that life had given her.

Was this not an opportunity too?

Played by Van who has 58 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
It took a few moments for Adora to speak, and for a moment, Mika was irrationally afraid that they’d been abandoned. They were about to set the rabbit back down, to anxiously call for her again, but that would prove to be unnecessary.

Relief rushed down they like water of a duck’s back, easing the edge off the tension that had settled in their body. Not completely - they weren’t safe just yet, but Adora exuded this aura of security like no one they’d ever met before.

A cozy little kingdom, for the two of them. Mika’s face flushed hot in spite of the situation, paws making their way across rocky ground toward the source of the voice.

“Mhmm,” they hummed loudly around their mouthful of rabbit, prompting her to continue.
Played by becca who has 135 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Adora Macieo

It was a good place, a nice place. There were others there but I just remember - Adora felt like she would swallow her own tongue. Nerves budded up through her like fresh flowers not yet ready to bloom. Us. It was not terrible a thing to say, but it had felt vulnerable in this moment.

Part of her deeply hoped that maybe being vulnerable would bring her back faster, as if the fog would play along for either of them.

It kind of blurs together, especially now that I'm awake but...it was a good dream. She dared to try a tentative step or two forward. She hardly wanted to move too far as to confuse Mika or leave behind their safe spot. It would be wisest to stay still even if she felt a pull towards her companion.

Played by Van who has 58 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Her voice was getting louder now, and Mika was becoming more confident in their steps. They hopped up a little ledge that they were pretty sure they’d climbed down before, nearly tripping over the rabbit as they did so.

There were others there but I just remember -


Mika’s breath caught in their throat, heart thumping a little harder from something other than anxiety. There was some invisible tether between them, drawing Mika in - not just in this moment, but in every moment, and they were more than willing to go with it.

When she spoke the next time, it was clear that Adora was close by. Mika took a moment to reorient themself, to catch their breath, and say the rabbit down to speak again.

“That… sounds like a good dream,” they replied, panting a little bit. She was close now - they were confident. “Is it… is it somethin’ ya would wanna have? With me?” The situation - not being able to see her - was giving them a bit more courage, and if Adora was being open, then so would they.

Preparing themself to make the rest of the walk, they picked the bunny up again, and headed toward her - sure in their steps this time.
Played by becca who has 135 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Adora Macieo

Admittedly she was terrified that she might scare Mika off instead of...this. Acceptance and questioning. She steadied herself because this was all hypothetical right? This was about dreams.

If it is something that you would want too. Her voice quivered in the thick fog. Scared, something close to fear that she hated to show and yet she knew she could not bite it all back. It lived there within her. That she might be too prepared to tackle the world head on and that she might lose those she had started to adore.

It was good to figure these things out early on, right?