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in the wee small hours of the morning — The Wildwood 
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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote><i>"What the hell could make you wish for a battlefield?"</i> she questioned. The Lyall pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth, he knew he shouldn't have said anything. <i>"...Someone out to get you or something?"</i> He remained silent; he didn't want yet another wolf to know of Borden and what pieces of the past he was still haunted by. It seemed more than apparent that his brother and the rest of his family had not step foot in Relic Lore, let alone the Mountain of Dire... why bring their names into play? They had nothing to do with his new life. Relic Lore ought to be <i>his</i>... his hideaway from the rest of the world where he could be his own identity - not "Borden's brother."

Skylah let out another wave of laughter and he tried to smile again; he was a little more successful this time. She wasn't able to focus for long, with stars or counting or idle activity. His head tilted in interest and his ears swiveled forward. Her answer made him think of how his father had been for a little while, how he had never paid much attention to him or his two other brothers until they were much older and Borden had been sent away. It was only then was Angier really pressured to carry out important tasks - reenforcing borders, caching morsels of food, and helping his father with keeping the pack together. Free time, idle time, was to be unheard of. <b>"Same,"</b> he commented, <span class='word'>simpatico</span> and able to relate to the feeling of being restless when idle.

Her next question, he knew, had been coming. <i>"Do you? Think about what your life could be?"</i> Again, he nodded. <b>"Well, I used to. I've kinda stopped thinkin' 'bout it all together. It is kinda a waste of time now that I realize what I could be doing instead. Life... just is... what it is. I don't have my family or anything else that's tying me down. Got a new pack an'... that really ought to be enough to keep me goin' for a while, to find what it is I should be doing. Dreaming, after all, doesn't really change anything."</b></blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

He didn't give reply to her statement, and she let it slide. That was probably a bit to much sharing for the night. Well and even she was sure there was just some things she didn't want to know. She couldn't imagine what, but she was sure they were out there. The girl did notice he might have actually smiled at her laughing this time. Before she could read much into it he stated the same. Head perked up, maybe her entire body snapped to attention or something. "Really?" She asked like he'd just told her he had had a face transplant or something. She'd never meant someone who had somethin' incommon with her, well definately not her past. She usual got an odd look or something, like she should have been a spoiled Alpha's pup, or something normal. But normal was not a life setting, it was the setting on a human's dryer.

Silver, peppered mask smoothed out her stunned expression at the simple nod of his head. She'd guessed much by his question, but he still didn't do it? She didn't have to ask why to that. It did make perfect sense, his answer, that's another reason she didn't let her mind wander. Treffen would have said it was scary enough what she came up with on a whim, let another putting thought into something like what could be. She had hoped to be a guardian, but once that'd been crushed she no longer hoped for much. She tried to live in the moment, not the next day, or week. Just now. Another quality that made her a useless daydreamer.

"Smart words I feel like that myself," she muttered still churning the gears in her head. Dreaming certaintly didn't obtain anything, but wants that couldn't be quenched. She cleared her throat with a quiet cough, another grin working on the edge of her maw, "And the stars? Do you gaze at them sometimes and wonder why their there?" She asked this and did tilt her head back taking them in with the winding tree branches all wrapped in the indigo sky. Slowly her eyes came back down and she exchanged looks with him,"You don't like to smile do you?" She accused.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>He raised a brow, mildly amused that she questioned his answer. <i>"And the stars? Do you gaze at them sometimes and wonder why they're there?"</i> He tried to remember the stories his mother used to tell him; he knew stars were some kind of <i>beings</i> but nothing more. On several occasions, with only his company to keep, he spoke to the pinpricks of light, often thanking Cynosura for guiding him while he wandered aimlessly in the dead of night. <b>"Sometimes,"</b> he answered. <b>"My mother used to say they were... ancient souls, keeping watch over the earth. But I'm not quite sure that's really the reason why they're... up there."</b>

Skylah glanced at him just as he, too, raised his eyes to the sky. <i>"You don't like to smile do you?"</i> she asked. <b>"Ss-smile?"</b> he nervously laughed. <b>"Heh... I... I-I do. I jus' don't get to do it... err, <i>that often."</i></b> As if he was trying to prove his point, he offered her an amused grin, a genuine expression of happiness that showed he was enjoying her company. <b>"It takes a bit to for me to... warm up... I don't let jus' anyone see this side o' me, y'know."</b></blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The stars she was told could sign weather, or important events or something like that. There had been a stargazer in her home pack, but she hadn't spent much time with her. She'd briefly got the run down what she thougth they were, and about future stuff or something. Head dipped, clearly listening, but thinking at the same time. It didn't seem silly to believe they were the marks of spirits, there were plenty there. She had just never heard that before. Front paw shifted closer to her other limb, and she was trying to pick at the different lights. There was a cool breeze the brushed along her nape and she involuntarily shuddered against it. "Sounds possible, I was told they could depict the future, or weather or something. But it was too confusing for me to settle on, understand."

Nervous laugh echoeing in cream ears had her confused. She really didn't see a reason to feel that way. Or she had thought he'd gotten over that. Guess not. Face held still, holding back a frown. She wasn't sure if he was giving her a real grin or not. It looked that way, and his following words made it a stronger guarentee. "Okay, I suppose I believe you. I rather see a real smile." Her own slick smile changed her lips just so as she stared at him. suddenly there was a snap of twig breaking loud somewhere behind her. Head shot round, butterscotch gaze looking for the culprit. Nothing in the darkness moved, and nose twitched wishing to know what had caused the noise. An eerie feeling overcame her, and slowly she rose to her feet backing to stand beside Angier. Perhaps it was nothing but a coon or whatever, and her actions were ridiculus. Better safe than sorry. "What do you think that is?" She whispered.

(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2011, 10:32 PM by Skylah.)
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Angier considered the idea that Skylah offered. Stars... Small, "nocturnal" things... being able to predict the future. <i>Huh...</i> That's new. He kept quiet, however, simply taking the thought to mind. She commented about how she preferred to see a <i>real</i> smile. <i>Yeah, okay...</i> his smile hadn't worked on convincing her. Acting and lying had never been his forte anyway.

The crisp sound of a branch breaking somewhere caught his attention and he hastily stood up. He silently gasped, drawing the cool air into his lungs and keeping it there before releasing it as she asked what the culprit could have been. If he had been on his own, he would have bolted then and there, but with having the cinnamon-pelted female there, he merely got to his feet in case he needed to protect her. Her standing close to him, emphasized that drive to show his courage. <b>"Maybe a... a deer,"</b> he suggested; somewhat saying it to himself for the benefit of appearing more collected than he seemed. <b>"No worries... I've yet t' meet somethin' or someone who dares t' mess with a wolf."</b> He looked to his companion, offering quickly, <b>"C'mon, let's get outta 'ere. Take a walk 'r whatever."</b> If her mental state escalated to the point where she was absolutely nervous and panicky, chances were he'd probably lose his cool also...<i>Unattractive.</i> At least giving her an option to "calmly walk away," perhaps he, or <i>they</i>, would both avoid some sort of nerve-wracking scenario.</blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

She didn't further taunt him about his smile, she had thought it looked more real than most. He hadn't smiled much for her to have a lot to judge one from the other by. Smiling was suppose to be natural, easy come thing. That was one department she didn't struggle in. He on the other hand made it look hard, or painful. There was no more talk of stars, or teasing. Instead it was clear they were both wondering what the heck was out there. In the late hours of night it could be anything surely. It was spooky not knowing what. It was probably a damn squirrel they'd woken with their talk, it just hadn't cussed them. "Maybe, I can't tell," she said her leather nose moving once more, when she took a step back in the direction. The wind was not blowing, and she only noticed the male's scent with the aroma of vegetation. This was really starting to bother her. Butterscotch eyes met his out of their corners. She wasn't sure if she felt comforted by his words, she on the other hand had met things that would mess with a wolf. Two might be a different story. His offer had her torn, she wasn't sure about just walking away without knowing what was here. If it might follow them.

"Umm," she replied uncertiainly, another step away from her companion. Heart thumped wildly against her chest, and each breath was cold in her throat. She did not let panic choke her, she found her fearless being and further took more paces into the shadows. There was a pair of glowing eyes in a dark, small mask staring at her from a fallen long. It after all was only a coon. It made a twtich of it's lip showing it's teeth, but it did not run away or dare come near Skylah. "Oh my gosh! It's a cat! Run, Angier run!" she vociferated. She whipped round, running toward the large tawny male playing her part well.

(This post was last modified: Apr 16, 2011, 04:04 AM by Skylah.)
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote><i>"Maybe, I can't tell,"</i> Skylah voiced, testing the air. He took a few deep breaths in attempt to pick up the scent of the intruder - the mood-killer, actually - but couldn't actually identify any familiar scents that pointed there was another predator in their midst. The brief bursts of oxygen helped clear his head a little, but all that gathered repose would soon be lost.

He watched as she took a few steps closer to the source of the disturbance, wanting to follow her closely in those few inches but finding that he trusted she would be alright - plus, he partially stricken with suspense. Then... <i>"OH MY GOSH!"</i> she cried out; in the silence her wail sounded much louder than it really was. Angier jumped and his fight-or-flight response immediately kicked in. His eyes widened and his fur stood on end as she dashed toward him. <i>"It's a cat! Run, Angier, run!"</i>

The Lyall yelped and followed suit, darting as fast as he could to the edge of Wildwood... good thing he hadn't wandered too far in.</blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

It was meant to be harmless fun, and for a minute she thought he might stand, fight what was coming. She'd have to say gotcha or something, and see if he wanted to beat in her the ground for the ill humored joke or what. But clearly on the run part he didn't even think about doing anything but. She held back a triumphant smile loping behind him like her life really did depend on it. She couldn't believe how fast he ran to th ege of the Wildwood. Maybe she shouldn't tell him what really had been there. However when she started gaining on him she couldn't hold back a snicker any longer. She'd never seen such a large wolf run so fast, and it's yelp had been the icing on the cake.

In huge pants she tried to catch oxygen in waves, and smother any more sound. But she started snickering until her sides hurt so bad she could not keep running. She slowed to a trot, and than mindlessly tripped over a dip in the ground, crashing with an "Oomph!" flat onto her chin and chest instantly knocking the wind out of her.The singe of pain shot up her cheekbones, and her chest ached so bad. She stared wheezing like an idiot trying to gulp in air. Butterscotch eyes looked around in the pale light, focusing coming clearly when she saw a pair a beedy eyes off to the right. The stupid racoon had followed them, and it let out a loud hiss, followed by a low reowing snarl. Skylah tried to stand, but her feet decided they didn't want to work. Stupid coon. But where was Angier?

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Angier, while he thought of himself as "brave" (instead of "daring," which was a more proper definition), was obviously no match for a lynx or a mountain lion. By simply shouting the word "cat," Skylah was able to conjure up images of these large cats and make her companion flee.

He had found a little piece of sanctuary in-between two decent-sized hedges and had been waiting for her to dash past at any moment. However, when she didn't appear, he darted back the way he came. A large hiss was heard and his mind spun. <i>Skylah!</i> In attempt to get back to her, he had failed to see that she had fallen and tripped head over heels over her. A whimper sounded but was instantly silenced by the sight of a very angry raccoon. Now, that <i>wasn't</i> scary...

Getting back onto all fours, he raised his hackles and growled at it, barking loudly just to make sure it heeded his warning to "make itself scarce."</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 21, 2011, 12:36 AM by Angier.)

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Like good timing the tawny male wandered back her way, though he didn't directly see her. Tail swiped across the dead leaves hearing his whimper, and she managed to push her torso off the cold ground after a couple feeble tries. The coon gave another feral growl, but at once Angier's fierce bark scared was enough to have it running back to where it had came from. Relieved for she was worried the damn thing had had rabies or something, she popped some kinks out of her head and let her eyes search for the male. Sitting up she spotted him looking much bigger, and more fierce. Maybe he was a brave boy after all. Placing one foot in front of the other, she shuffled to where he was. Ears were pinned flat to her head, and a cold look was shot in the racoon's direction. "Stupid critter," she muttered under her breath with a low growl. Quietly she turned, her tail giving a weak wag. "Thanks for waiting for me," she said an evident grin on her lips. He could take it as a sarcastic answer or a grateful one. She gently bumped her shoulder against his, and than started walking in the direction he had run from.