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dark plunder — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Restless was the wanderer, yet her paws were sore and swollen, her limbs shook and her bones ached from travel. For what seemed far too long she had lived the life of a lower, and although her wild spirit pushed this upon her, her body arched for release- for comfort; sanctuary. Her own growl was the only sound she had heard in nearly an hour, she was sickened by her own state of weakness. She had always been one to push herself, yet how long could her body stand to be pushed? She needed her strength, she needed her energy and she needed to be prepared. She was tense, and her heart pounded excitedly. The smell of other wolves was sickeningly strong and she found herself more on guard more then ever. Creamy lips pulled back in a snarl as she cursed herself for her tiredness, for her hungry. Slowly she still crept as night approached. The lands were beautiful in the most simple explanation. She had always enjoyed the lush forestry and the cedarwood forest left enough open space between the massive trees in order for her to move around effectively. She felt comforted in the brush, yet she could see, she could breath. The lands would have left her through space to run with full force had she the ability at the time, but right now she enjoyed the slow stroll even if this was all she could manage. In this forest, she could still see the open sky from the patchy canopy, the sun falling quickly, the sky alight with reds and golds. A delicate sigh would cross her, she stumble and quickly as though before anyone could notice, would regain her dominant and noble composure. She refused to show the weakness, but beyond those eerie pale gray eyes was a tired wolf. Slowly curvy hips turned downward so the woman was able to sit, backside protected kindly by one large, cedar tree. She felt her eyes flutter, heavy, but refused sleep still.
(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2011, 08:58 PM by Elettra.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Pleased to meet ya! :D

The afternoon sun was warm on her pelt despite the light coloring that generally repelled the warmth of the sunlight. Amber eyes slid from tree trunk to tree trunk as wide paws carried her across their lands, down the familiar path of marking and remarking their borders. The wolves of Grizzly Hollow were diligent in their marking, staking their claim on the territory that encircled the dug out den they claimed as a home. Vlarindara knew that even if they didn't reinforce their borders for a day.. the scents would still be so thick that it would take a nose-deaf wolf to miss them. Once she finished her rounds, the large white head lifted and glanced around before the Second pulled away from the borders and began trotting further into the open forests of tall trees.

The sound of a cracking branch brought the prowling she wolf to a halt, her plumed tail shifting slightly over her back, eyes and ears looking around for the source of the sound. A spec of dark pelt ghosting through the woods caught her eye...and she moved towards it, veering away from her original course of travel. Silently, and using the well known trees and terrain to hide her bright pelt, the ivory female crept closer to the steadily growing dark spec of fur. Seeing the wolf settle against a tree made her stop and hunker down into the protection the underbrush offered, allowing her ears, eyes and nose to tell her exactly what she wanted to know about this female. Eyes fluttering closed, then back open told the second that whoever it was was tired... most likely looking for a place to stay.. somewhere safe to relax for a time.

Vlarindara had no reason to become hostile to the other canine - the onyx pelted one wasn't close enough to their borders to warrant it anyway. A soft sigh escaped the large female as she emerged from the brush and padded towards the smaller wolf, doing her best to come right out in the open and not startle the female. Her voice was gentle when she spoke, odd for such a large creature. Her plumed tail curled slightly over her back, but not in a display of dominance, but in a more jaunty, friendly way. "Are you lost?"

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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The woman knew her lands well, and Elettra would not notice her until the woman made herself known, those heavy paws of her smashing the dried leaves from under her, large, gleaming bulk of white coming forward just from her front. In an instant, would the gray and black woman come to a stand, still tense, ready. She would not fight tonight, for Elettra was no fool when it came to understanding her limits. The woman was large, manly in a sense that she was a tank rather then a woman of elegant curves. At another time, El might have been able to out maneuver her, but without the energy, Elettra was ready to flee more then anything. "Easy, stranger." Came out her voice, strong and thick, letting the stranger become aware of El's uncertainty of her. In this strange world, and in her current state, Elettra had no means of letting anyone get up close and personal- not that she normally let them, anyhow. And then the white woman spoke, odd voice soft and light despite her size. It would have seemed as though their voices should have been switched "I've no place to be lost from." Elettra would admit, pale gray eyes keeping locked upon the large woman before her.
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Short post is short. >.O

Vlarindara came to a halt when Elettra got to her feet and began speaking, calling a halt to her approach. It didn't bother her any.. Not really. She was used to having reacted the same way when approached by other wolves. "I've no intentions of harming you. You're nowhere near the borders...and I see no reason to think hostility towards you." As if to accentuate the comment, the ivory wolf settled onto her haunches, tucking her plumed tail around her feet and watching the smaller female quietly. After a moment, she looked around the forest, turning her attention from the more streamlined canine. "It's a beautiful day out... for a walk especially.. and if you've nowhere to be lost from.. perhaps you would accompany me? I was just going on a walk of my own and could use another voice to listen to."

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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
ooc: i like short. :3

There was no ignorant dominance, no unneeded hostility when Elettra asked the woman to stop in her place and not come any closer. No defiance crossed the white woman's expression- she only stopped, and then, as if she felt a need to, confirmed her good intentions. This was something Elettra would make a note of, certainly, for the woman was one to always grant neutral respect to those which gave it in return, despite her otherwise distant persona. "Smart woman." She would comment on the first bit she had spoken, in terms with the fact that she had no means in harming her, mainly when she had no reason for it. Elettra would hold not hesitation towards doing harm to another which she felt deserving of it, yet far from evil, she'd never done harm to anyone without good reasoning. Her words, always darker, bold, were in hopes to not go without good manner. Elettra had no means to suggest the white woman's inability to control her bulk or make make good decisions, but only that she had made a good decision, and El, never known for holding back her feelings, commented on this. Pale eyes would scan the woman, never leaving as she sat, looking amongst this forest she must of called home. It was a shame, for already Elettra would of had no quarrel with calling this place her own just the same. A smile would then, cross the woman's features- small, but a smile none the less. El found herself shifting her weight on long limbs, a heavy breath taking her, as her tail swayed lightly between her back legs. "A stroll with a stranger is a knowledgeable adventure on its own. Led me, and I'll follow." She was curious, of course. Already the woman had proven to be a protector of a pack here, and Elettra, new and needing some settlement after her long term adventure took interest. Elettra would not mention her shaky limbs, her swollen paws or aching bones, for this sign of weakness was below her. She would walk with the woman until the sun went down, for being at the side of someone with such strength, and making an ally with such a creature, was a genuine bonus all its own. They were pack animals, after all.
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Hehehe! :3

At the affirmative answer to her request, Vlarindara got to her feet, choosing to ignore the 'smart woman' comment.. as it seemed more like it would be a side comment to oneself rather than meant for her to respond. Shaking from nose to tail, the white she-wolf sent dust flying every which way before she began a slow, meandering walk. Judging by the restful state of the other before she'd come along.. the other female might be a bit tired.. worn. Which suited Vlarindara just fine - she could use a leisurely stroll now and again. After a few moments of companionable silence, her voice rose once more, asking a question of the onyx female. "Might I ask where you came from? I...enjoy hearing stories of others travel and lands." The comment seemed almost... sheepish in nature.

Despite the constant movement Vlarindara kept up - a slow, but steady walk.. She was leading the female closer to their lands, but mostly just paralleling the borders.. far enough away they weren't obvious.. but close enough that should a call for help go up, she could get there relatively quickly. Amber eyes and over-large triangle ears continually moved.. watching and listening to the goings on around them. If something were to try and get the drop on them.. she'd be there... to protect the smaller female.. and her pack.

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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The silence was golden and Elettra enjoyed it. She had never been once to mindlessly chat or gossip. She did not 'play' if it was not in some form of practice to survival of life and flirting was far beyond her skills. Affection came as a rarity and it would seem she was more of a mystery then anything else; open only in her options, but not her life or emotions. So after the silence was broken, El's jaws pulled at the ends, lips forming a hard line beyond she replied, eyes on the growing red and orange sky and the falling still of the sun. "My past is my own, and I assure you it's not a likely friendly story. But I'll tell you this and this just, I was born in a pack named Torbine, far east from here. My mother a healer and my father a warrior, and I learned well of both. Our noble blood was lost tragically. I've never made settlement for long since." She did not bother to explain her pack's fall, a failure she would rather not mention nor remember, but the ache still burned. Pack life had never been easy for her since, ether filled with far too lustful a male or far too sweet for her 'darker' nature. Her roaming soul kept her moving, and now she found herself feeling the effects of this. "My name is Elettra Archer." Pride swelled in her chest when she offered her name, only hoping the woman at her side would be kind enough to then offer her own, though El did not push any questions on her own past. As she said, ones past was their own, and details was something one may only share if so willing.
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The short information on the wolf was more than she'd originally suspected.. but it wasn't unappreciated. At the comment of her name, her introduction, Vlarindara glanced her way, smiling softly, her eyes warm with it. "Vlarindara Windrunner. I don't seem to have as noble an upbringing as you... I'm Just a stray..." Her eyes watched the smaller female before she glanced back at the path ahead of them, watching the trees as they began giving way to more familiar surroundings. The female came to a halt, watching Elettra quietly.. without mockery or anyhting in her tone. "Would you like a place to rest for the night? Perhaps.. something to eat?" They weren't yet within the borders of their pack lands.. but Vlairndara figured that if the female was as proud as she was.. admitting a weakness was completely out of the question..but...accepting a meal and a place to stay wouldn't have been on her own list of 'taboo' things.

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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Her warm gaze landed upon her, offering a smile and soon enough she would offer her own name in a respectful return. A single blackened silky ear turned back, and Elettra would have offered a shrug had she not been moving along with the white woman. Not everyone was made of royal bloodlines, as the Archer woman knew herself to be, but that did not make one a lesser wolf. "One may hold their own nobility, it some form or another." She said this, although she had known not everyone fell into this category. She had come across much scum of the earth. Still, as the woman mentioned Elettra's blood, she could not help her chest swelling with pride. Its then that the woman would stop along Vlarindara's side, a large and wild name all her own, with such a common and unfitting last name. Looking out before her, she would only gaze upon more woods, though expected the stop and this piece of the forest held some significance. She would not see their hollow from here, but the scent of their territory mark hung in the lands not far before them. "I'd look forward to both." Still, she refused to let her body lax, to trudge forward despite her weaken state. She remained at full attention, ready for action as any, even if she would not be able to stand against it. The kind gesture of the woman would not go without acceptance.
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

"You're welcome to stay the night...see if you wish to make us a permanent home... so you can stop traveling?" Vlarindara wasn't sure if the dark female would accept, or if she had another pack in mind.. but she could at least offer what they had. With the wolves of their pack, she was confident in their ability to provide safety and a meal or two to the loner - if she wished to stay... she hoped that Borden and Jaysyek would accept the other wolf... Vlarindara wasn't sure.. exactly if she was allowed to invite other canines into their lands.. but decided if something were to happen because of it.. she'd take the blame and deal with the consequences. Her paws carried her a few steps towards the territory, amber eyes glancing over a snow-white shoulder before she smiled and nodded her head towards the trees,ears pointing more or less in the direction. "Come on. You're with me.. No one should trifle with you."

Once she finished speaking, the white female turned and headed towards the trees, stopping momentarily next to a marker she passed to rub her shoulder and side against it before continuing further towards their den. She stopped a few times along the way, making sure that Elettra was coming with her.. to make sure she wasn't getting lost..or heaven forbid wandering off on her own. A Lone wolf being escorted through their lands was one thing.. one wandering on their own was another completely. Still in the middle of their lands, the white head lifted, a gentle, warbling note calling to the heavens. She gave the pack a forewarning that she was bringing someone with her.. one with permission to be within their borders. Best let them know ahead of time. Large, triangle ears swiveled, listening to see if there were any answering calls from her pack, though she'd continue forward even without one. She took a few more steps, glancing back to see if Elettra would be coming with her.

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