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Tricksy Foxeses! — Arbol Rosado 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
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OOC: Post Prompt for Digging! :) Also..Arbol Rosado.. Ehehe. Anyone :3

Her thoughts turned to the wolves back home.. in Cedarwood forest...Borden, Jaysyek..the other three she knew of, but didn't really know that well.. What would they think of her for having been gone this long? What..could they? If any new wolves had joined the pack since her departure in search of Raigo, she had no way of knowing.. Most likely when she returned, her welcome would be...less than pleasant should one of the new wolves be watching their borders. She had crossed Cedarwood Forest, followed the river after having found the open glade in the thicket. If...Raigo were to be found, he would have followed the river.. or come to it at SOME point..right? Her trek had brought her through Blackberry Fields, and into the Wild Cherry Orchard..

Stopping for a much needed drink, the white female settled in against the river bank and waited..letting her body cool down a bit before quenching her thirst. Vlarindara had been moving almost nonstop since gaining permission to venture past their borders in search of the wayward yearling. Though, she knew somewhere in her heart that he'd not come out this far, why would he? But she had to look, *HAD* to be sure before returning home to the pack. No reason to venture past the borders for that long anyway, right? If there was no sign of Raigo. She'd even returned to their old den as her first stop, but it lay abandoned; except for a gathering of pigs taking advantage of the long-dead wolf scent and the warmth. Thirst quenched, she lifted herself up again and looked around, letting her amber eyes and overlarge ears tell her what there was to see.. No prey animals called to her, but something else did..A tree.. a rather large one at that, for the moment lay bare.

She was of a mind to continue traveling along the river in her quest, but decided to slip into the orchard, look at the tree and see for herself...The branches seemed different from others - just what was it? The trip was a rather quick one, a steady lope she had adopted for the entire trip thus far - a lope that allowed her to travel for hours on end without tiring. It made her proud to have such a heritage, to be able to do something like traveling for so long thanks to the millenia that had allowed wolves that inherent ability. At a moderate pace, of course. Without having been in the valley in anything but winter, Vlarindara couldn't begin to imagine what these trees looked like.. or even what they were. Cherrys didn't bloom in the winter anyway. To her.. they were just scatterings of trees bisected by the river. But...something about this tree.. It was alone on a small hill - did it have some kind of significance?

A quick trot around the tree and back showed nothing too interesting about it.. Other than the differing branches, she couldn't see anything that might put it apart from the rest. Odd. The scratching of something or other did catch her ear, the appendage twisting and turning to find the source. If it was something to eat, who was she to pass it up? She'd been eating light, sleeping little, and traveling as much as she could...besides. She was already here, wasn't she? The scratching continued and finally made itself known.. a fox seemed to have made the roots of the tree his home.. And seeing as his head was sticking out..she couldn't rightly resist now could she? Using the setting as her cover, Vlarindara crouched to better blend into the snow and began inching forwards The thing had stopped and kept a lookout.. before it began clearing out the den it had made..or putting things in. She didn't rightly know, nor did she really care.

After waiting, the thing seemed to be mostly out of its hole.. and Vlarindara charged, snarling moments before her jaws snapped shut!...On nothing but air. DRAT! She saw it streak off across the snow and took chase, the hunt moving at a rather fast pace...Zigzagging all across the blasted cherry field it seemed. She kept getting so close! But each time, the stupid thing would just veer off in another direction! Stupid Foxes! Using her tail for balance, Vlarindara managed to keep up a littlle bit.. but when the chase came back around the tree and the thing dove into its den.. Well that was a different story! She could dig it out and it couldn't run! The white female growled and followed it to the small hole and began digging. First with alternating movements of her forepaws.. then shoveling the snow between her legs in deep, calculated furrows. Snarls, snaps and screams from within the den told her there was more than one fox.. and a sharp pain on one of her feet told her they didn't appreciate the intrusion of their home.

Snarling again, she had jumped away from the den and tested her paw.. deeming it nothing serious, the white wolf once more dove back at the hole, digging until she could get her head in..Only to have the sharp teeth of the fox rake across her sensitive nose. This time, there was a yelp as she pulled away, rubbing her paw over her nose in an attempt to dislodge the searing pain of the bite. Stupid Foxes! There was half a mind to return to the hole and drag the carcass licker out by his tail.. but without knowing just how many were holed up in there, she didn't want to chance losing an eye. On her list of nasty creatures, foxes ranked right up there with wolverines. No.. she'd keep moving..keep looking for Raigo. A disgusted snort, an irritated flick of her plumed tail, and the wolf was moving away from the hole, working her way back towards the river. Slowly, as if testing the injury to her foot.

(This post was last modified: May 03, 2011, 03:14 PM by Corinna.)
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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
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    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Idle time. She hated idle time, and damn her parents for the cause. If she'd been allowed free time maybe she could have dealed with it. The vast place with her never ending energy. Grr, why couldn't she be a lazy wolf? Was that a genetic mutation she'd missed out on? If heaven forbid she had children she would let them enjoy themsevles, do absolutely nothing once and awhile. She could do that, but it was just hard sitting around thinking she could be doing something better, something useful. Yes, Rainor and Sente had ingrained that into her brain, and she grumbled to the grove curses to fast and low to be understood or heard. She was miles and miles away and they had this invisible hold on her life. Butterscotch eyes rolled, and white canines gritted together. How could she possibly change what she was? Change didn't happen over night, not in the least. Diligently she looked 'round at the thin, white coat upon the gorund. She spotted what she was looking for the slight wear elk had stopped along this way. Brows narrowed, and she titled her snout looking over the indentations beneath the white. Instead of hunting on the mountain she'd spotted a herd of elk and was now trying to pinpoint their routes. It would be much safer to have a group hunt on this kind of grounds. An elk could feed the pack, and she was proud of her idea.

Wide paws crunched softly in the white fluff and she followed their root amongst the very unlively grove. Once and awhile she would take a sniff keeping her direction absolute. She wondered if there'd been a reason they'd come here, if they perhaps ate bark of the trees or something. Maybe some one else had steered them this way. She wasn't sure and lingered onward hoping for a strong clue. It's about then on the breeze a female's wolf scent assaulted her nostrils. Ears pointed straight up and she froze in mid-walk peering around like she was being spied upon. There was no wolf but she, and she scowled giving another mumble of irritation.

Skylah didn't like the fact another was around and she put her mind off the hunt to investigate this stranger. Quick as a whistle she let the wind guide her, and she spotted a tall lonely tree standing out amongst the rest. There a large flash of white caught her attention. But what the hell was she doing? She was ready to pounce on something, and Skylah paced herself, slowly creeping near. Then there was a streak of orange, and the white one followed. A fox? She was chasing a damn fox? Long limbs picked up a steady trot, but she soon came to a halt. From where she was she could easily see the foxes outwitting the large girl, and it was clear with the noise that surely was the case.

Shaking her head once the girl withdrew from their hole she took up a trot again, but the girl was headed in her direction. "Hasn't anyone told you, cunning like a fox?" She asked, her face blank of most emotion.

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2011, 08:03 PM by Skylah.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Blehh...short. >.O

Vlarindara had intended to simply wander away from the tree with its blasted inhabitants and continue her trek for Raigo - but she found someone in her way. The white female came to a halt, the copper and brown wolf blocking her path. Like most of the wolves she seemed to come across...Skylah was smaller than her own frame..but larger didn't always mean better when it came to tricks of the trade. Amber lifted to meet swirling brown and gold. At first, she remained silent, simply watching the other wolf.. trying to see what she meant by her comment, but instead, the white female chuckled, her smile flashing across her muzzle "Unfortunately.. I have. Perhaps another day, I'll outwit one of them." Her paws carried her a few feet towards the darker pelted canine, bringing her to a stop a few feet away, rather than a few yards. "Vlarindara...Pleased to meet you." Perhaps a few months ago, she would have turned and fled.. warned the female away from her.. but she was healthier now.. taken care of.. there was no need to do such things.

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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
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    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The white wolf was a tall girl, but that hardly meant anything to Skylah. She had a sound body, muscle where needed, and she could handle herself. It was what was inside that mattered. Just because a wolf was large did not make them dangerous. She had met plenty of fighters smaller than she who she would not have made cross. She had no intention of upsetting the lady. She was all together trying to gain a new aquaintence, find some amusement. She had to figure out this place and she wouldn't do that wandering the mountainside by herself. Standing ground she waited to see reaction, and first she wondered if she'd been heard. She'd never met a deaf wolf before.

The white lady gave brief thought, than replied with a chuckle and smile. Skylah's ears twitched, butterscotch eyes waching as she drew closer seeming friendly enough. "Awe, I'm Skylah. Lovely weather we're having don't you think?" She spoke, the sarcasim evident. She was ready for the snow to leave once and for all. She did smile back deciding best to keep things friendly, the white wolf didn't look like a starved loner.

(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2011, 11:08 PM by Skylah.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The comment about the weather made her chuckle before she glanced around and then began pawing somewhat feverishly at the snow..until she found the dried, brown grass below. "I thought to dig the snoe away.. but I suppose it'd take far too long.." She was joking..right? Had to be, since the white female was laughing softly. Vlarindara lifted her head and dipped it again at Skylah. Amber eyes looking over the other wolf before she settled onto her haunches and tucked her plumed tail around her feet, tilting her head and watching Skylah inquisitively. "Are you from nearby?" There were other scents mingling on the wolfs pelt...but she wasn't sure exactly what those scents meant.. if she was part of a small band of wolves.. or if she was part of an established pack..

If she was part of a pack.. could she be from Bordens old Midnight Plateau? Or perhaps from Swift River? Hard to tell since she wasn't all that familiar with any of the wolves from either pack. Then again, the shorter female could just as easily have her own pack that had formed around the same time as they had found their own little hollow in the world. "Apologies, if I seem a bit...nosy."

(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2011, 11:29 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
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    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

A half laugh slipped from her throat at the lady's reply. It sounded like something a toddler would try, not an adult. Then again Skylah was ready to do something like that, if it'd accomplish something. She saw it as futile, as it'd just snow more, and more. There as to damn much of it. She didn't stare directly at the wolf as she took a seat. She was watching beyond the white wolf just in case there was some one else around. There could always be someone else. A quesiton was in there air, and her peppered ears twisted round, eyes focused on amber pair. "Nearby? Eh," a grin formed, and another short laugh followed. "Kinda, I live on that huge thing," she said turning her snout to the east, to the looming mountain peak. Home was close, but it wasn't. Seeing it from this far she would have a long walk back to her den.

Tail rested at a level place, she hadn't thought it noisy at all. If she'd been asked what her parents names were, where she came from, and who her past boyfriend was.. now that was nosy. "Nosy, no. To me it's not really a secret where I live. Or it doesn't need to be. What about you?"

(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2011, 12:06 AM by Skylah.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

"Midnight Plateau? I might have been a part of that pack..if situations had been different." Her comment sounded.. happy that it wasn't the case. When the request for her information came, Vlarindara pondered how to answer.. then just chose to answer truthfully. "I live to the west in Cedarwood.. Not.. so terribly far from home - perhaps the same distance you have to travel to get back." At least, she thought so. The white female smiled softly, her ears lying flat against her neck as she shifted, stretching and glancing around the two of them for danger.. or other wolves.. Or those thrice blasted foxes! Feexes.. Whatever the hell multiple ones were called. "How can you live on the mountain? Isn't it... Cold up there?" A shiver ran through the ivory pelted frame, emphasizing *Exactly* what she thought of the cold.

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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
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    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Eyes curious lingered on white face. "Really? How come it didn't work out?" Maybe Skylah was being nosy, but she wondered what had been the circumstances. If it had something to do with Alexander or the other wolves. Or what. She was quite clueless when it came to the history of this place, and the pack itself. She wanted to be sure it wasn't something bad that'd kept the wolf out of the place. What if she was an outcast or something? Nahh. Surely she would have wanted to run from Skylah, or wouldn't have told her such - not sit here and have a friendly conversation. Nose curved downward slightly, before leveling out. Cedarwood? Hmm she wasn't sure where that was. The visual she got from the mountain flooded her mind. The huge pine looking forest perhaps? That was far. "Ah, I haven't been there. Nice to know where a pack is generally located. I figured there were more around here but I've only heard of mine." She stated, tone indifferent.

"Cold?" A slick grin lingered on cream jowls, and she shook her head. The wind could get nasty, but it wasn't much different from any other place. "It can be because of the wind, but it's not so bad. The sun shines on it rather nicely, doesn't take much to keep warm. "

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Vlarindara shifted her ears first back against her neck, then forwards again as she settled back onto her haunches. "Well.. the wolf I met who was going to take me there...he left the pack on the mountain..to form his own..I went with him instead." She smiled softly, wondering how...talked about Borden's leaving had been..perhaps she could get some kind of information to bring back to her alpha. "As far as I'm aware..there are only three packs..Midnight Plateau, Swift River.. and mine..Grizzly Hollow."

The comment of the wind made her shudder once again, closing her right eye, but keeping the left open. "I couldn't do that.. living on a mountain.. To be honest, I'm kind of glad I followed Borden when he went west instead of following him onto the mountain. I admit I'm a bit afraid of hieghts...Seeing the mountain up close was bad enough.. but the two times I went up it.." Another shudder.. but this time it was one entirely unrelated to her distaste of the cold. "You are a brave bunch to live that high off the ground."

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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
I knew I was forgetting a post. My bad.

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Skylah had not been a member for a long time. It didn't feel like it any way, and she didn't know the gossip of the mountain. She knew not the male she was talking of, and the white wolf had answered why he'd left -to form his own pack. She found it kinda odd, but guessed he hadn't gotten along with Alexander or he craved power. It could be a number of thigns, and maybe one day she'd ask to put her questions away if this wolf was an enemy or something.

The tips of soft ears flexed slightly as the white wolf filled her in on the groupings. So were three packs where there, hers was Grizzly Hollow a new addition. That could be useful information to her, and her pack. Right now she had no mind to be hostile to the girl, maybe the males had parted on good standings, and Sky didn't want to start trouble. Which was out of character for her. "Huhh, well I only knew about Midnight, and I never did get a chance to meet the wolf you left with, or have been told about the incident." She hoped that might answer the other's questions in return. Alexander could be keeping it hush, or didn't see it as important to news to share. It was old news.

The cinammon stroked girl had to laugh at Vlar's expression of displeasure. The mountain certainly wasn't fo everyone, but she noticed the hint of a compliment that they had to be a brave bunch. Skylah thought so, but wasn't sure if she'd pin everyone there as brave. "It has it's good and bad points. Hunting is kinda insane, that's why I prefer to come down here. But it is nice to stare down at the world, and it does keep snoopey wolves away I dare say. I don't think I've met a single loner trying to get up really." Shoulders shifted slightly, and she inhaled a deep breath letting a quiet pause come forth. She eyed the girl putting this information to memory, with the name Borden. A half grin she decided to ask, "We aren't enemies are we? Our packs?" There was a teasing twist to her tone, but she wanted the answer all the same.

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2011, 08:12 PM by Skylah.)