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Fierce Grace — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
sorry for this long thing :) if Grey would like to post first, and than maybe a bit anyone else of the pack can join.
The day started as normal as much any other. She awoke alone, sleeping much longer than anyone else these days. Slowly she stretched the lengths of her stiff muscles, trying to decide if she should use her energy to get up. It was difficult with her barrel shaped gut these days, and she sighed very much wanting to drift back asleep. Stomach was very much hungry, she knew she could not ignore it's silent wanting. Carefully, paws pushed against the earth beneath and she rose trying her best not to sway. A sharp punch to her rib, she flinched slightly not always ready for the uncalled surprises. She wasn't sure how many were there, but was sure at least two had to be in there.

Bending forward on front limbs she stretched her frame, another swift punch pelted against her side. She much wished the pup would move out of that area. Yet she was sure there was no more room. The once taunt stomach had stretched, stretched a little more, and her skin now seemed to protest moving any further. Another motion rolled against her stomach, not as unpleasant but reminding her she needed to eat. She smiled fondly, the twitching not as rough after shifting position. Unmatched eyes lifted to the entrance, all she had to do was crawl out of here. Pale face scrunched placing small wrinkles along her gentle features. Walking out of the den was a chore in itself, but she collected a breath, and with a steady stride managed the climb.

Fresh air with the perfume of the forest she most loved perked her nostrils, and her spirit temporarily. Much had happened in these last months, and she had different worries. Kauda hadn't been seen, and if she could have she would have looked for the girl. Walking such distance now was out of the question, and she hoped the girl would return perhaps with good news of her family. Breathing deep she let the sigh that she'd been surpressing fall from her lips. She was alone, it was clear no one was near the den, if one sigh helped her cope so be it.

Standing on the tiny noll, eyes looked upon the lands, knowing something to eat would be nearby. She went to set for a cache of meat when her belly tightened. But she was use to that. The whole week it'd been doing that, going hard like a rock for a time. Deciding it nothing, as it didn't hurt it was just odd, she casually strolled further letting her nose guide her to where a dead animal awaited. She smiled, grateful for whoever had brought it there, and started nibbling at the meat. Once she polished it off it was time for a drink, and she hobbled along to the nearby stream.

Jaysyek never made it to the stream.

Another harder pain dug against her inwards. A different pain she'd never felt, so much she had to hold herself steady trying not to sway. Panic hit her, was it time or was something wrong? Breath. Alright she needed to breath. Surely it could be time? Fear threatened to take hold of her, yet the pain ceased for several seconds. Raw instinct was all she knew, and she felt the need for her burrow. Mind collected, nerves tried to calm, she much wanted Borden too. She had always wondered if she'd want him when the time came, and she desperately did. She wasn't sure about how close he was. Nostrils flared, trying to find his scent. Her coarse was slow, especially with another uncoming contraction stalling her, but she had to do something. Moving helped her forget the pain.

She waddled detecting a day or two old trail of his. It was something, and she stuck to it if only to smell him. The trail evenutally led to an ancient, hollowed tree. Something about it comforted her, much like the den she'd been born in. Drawn to it snout lowered against the needles, and she poked her head in the dark dwelling. It was vacant, and roomy. A longer contraction raked her body, and she winced from the pain this time trying not to whine in pain.

It was time.

Crawling in the wide hollow, she nestled herself against the back wall, and started panting through clenched teeth. She waited till the pain left her, and titled her head back a single note of urgency ringing from her dry lips. After the note faded, another fierce wave of hurt came, and a soft whine slipped. Soon she could not think of anything else, for it was time to push. Concentrating, she tried to ignore the hurt, and after struggling the first pup emerged. Mother instincts kicking in she touched her nose to the dust colored pelt, and pink tongue curled along clearing his air way, the thin coat that enveloped him, and the cord that attached him. The tiny body wiggled to life, so small, so fragile, but he already had her heart. She softly nudged him near her warm belly, and she rested briefly waiting for the next wave of pain marveling at the tiny child.
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 04:04 AM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | <3 Yay Puppersss!!

Daybreak had signaled the start of Borden’s day and as he knew the pack would fall into their usual routines, he decided to hunt instead of taking his everyday stroll about the forest. By the time he had returned to the den, however, his gut churned; the large umber hare that dangled lifelessly from his jowls dropped to the ground. His ears strained to hear any noises from within the den, but within a matter of seconds, he wedged himself into one of the two sloping tunnels and peered down into its depths. ”Jayse?” he called. He inhaled deeply before resurfacing, pressing his nose into the dirt and pine needles. Her scent eventually pointed him west, along the path that he had taken only a few days ago when he was determined to find places for their children to stay.

A few questions began to stir about his mind as he wondered what could have drawn her in that direction. Quickly going back to snatch up his gift, Borden took off at a run, eager to surprise her… to tell her that he loved her… that he was going to make it up to her for being somewhat absent in the wake of his need to ensure her safety, as well as the pack’s (especially when Kauda had failed to turn up after a number of days). Aside from hunting and making certain that their home was secure, he vowed to himself that he would not be away from her for more than an hour at most. When the sight of the hollowed tree came into view, he gave it a long hard look; though, only when he circled around it did he find a hint of silver-brushed fur in the opening. His tail wagged and he let out a low bark to alert her to his arrival. ”Love?”

Digging and making the small hideaway a more suitable size should have settled onto his mind when he first found the site, but he was rather glad that Jayse was able to fit into the makeshift den, even with all the forest floor debris underneath her. He crept to the opening, cautiously peering in after setting the rabbit aside. The scent that met his nose seconds later set his senses alight. Was it time already?! His pale gold eyes widened as he wondered what he could do, ”Are you alright?”

(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 03:52 AM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
She was able to rest for some minutes, tending to her first born. Soon it was like a clamp was being squeezed around her side once again, and her body stiffened against the rough pressure ready to help the next pup. Sucking in a great amount of air, she trapped it tight in her lungs, and braced herself. Bitting her lip, the second puppy made it's way into the world. Panting in huge huffs, she leaned round, careful not to disturb her firstborn, and started cleaning the pale coat, and rest like she'd done the first. The puppy chirped, and slowly started to squirm. Relieved she had two healthy children she smiled, and with tender jaws placed him near his sibling. He wiggled looking for something to eat. Relieved, and wondering if she might be done, she rested her head atop her limbs looking out from the tree to the forest. It didn't seem real. She had not known the time that'd passed, it seemed seconds not several mintues. A low voice she knew called out to her in a bark. Already spent, but eager to answer she raised her head. "I"m here," she called out. Voice happy, despite how weak it sounded.

Lids pressed against her eyes, a worn smile on her lips which stretched further upon seeing his face peer in the door. "I'm fine," she stated despite how her body was quivering, and she was trying to catch her breath. Fondly eyes shifted to the two bundles at her side. "Their fine too," she stated, smiling proudly to her mate."Two boys, double trouble," she winked. The gray lady was not done, the sharp pain scrunched her gut, and a low whine vibrated in her throat. One more? Eyes squeezed shut, and she gritted her teeth against the hard movement. A couple pushes, and a third whelp joined the litter. This puppy was already whimpering, it's limbs frailing every which way. Right away Jayse addressed cleaning this child, and the puppy yowled in protest trying to squirm away. Quickly the new mom placed this pup by her brothers, and she quieted instantly. So they had two boys, and a girl. Unmatched eyes checked over each one, and she licked them where she felt needed. The girl was smaller than her brothers, but clearly a a fighter. They scrambled amongst themselves adjusting where they watned to be, and soon started to nurse. A sigh of relief, she let her head fall down upon her limbs, eyes looking to pale green. Loss for words, she smiled quietly, proud of her new family.
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 04:02 AM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
For the first time in his life, Kiche's nose was responding to the world. It was as if suddenly a new set of eyes had opened, and he was looking at the world in a whole new way. Except he wasn't. He was looking at it in the same way, the same perspective. His nose and the scents that singed and scalded it only reinforced his prejudices and tormented his paranoid delusions. Looks like Hell, smells like Hell. The trees, the grass, the rotting carcases, the heathens, the air: they all had a distinct, nasty scent. Especially the air.

Now that he thought about it, it really did smell very strange. Like... like blood. But a weird kind of blood.

And for reasons beyond him, he began to follow it. He weaved through trees, snout aloft, swinging his head left and right in an almost aimless, searching manner. Needless to say, he was very bad at tracking. On a number of times he some how lost the scent or was so absorbed in what he was doing that he didn't notice the wrinkled trunks that manifested before him. "Damn," he huffed, rubbing at his muzzle with a foreleg. He didn't like this whole "tracking" thing. It was a heathen practice, after all. Why am I even bothering? He wasn't going to admit his curiosity, not even to himself.

But now it was getting stronger, the smell. So strong that it was overwhelming, that it made his nose sting. Heathen, blood. His stomach jolted threateningly as Kiche considered the possibilities. A particular memory of a strange savage feasting on a rotted animal surfaced in his mind, and he tried to shove it away. Closer and closer he came, his pace slowed to a creep. He just couldn't understand what it was about this scent that made him gravitate towards it. He was drawn towards it. A moth, the fluttered and danced about in the heavy air, drawn towards the flickering light of an inexplicable flame that wavered tantalizingly before him.

Then he saw it. The rear end of a heathen wavering in the air before a hollow in some old tree. That's where it's coming from. As he crept closer, he realized he recognized this particular rump."Borden," he stated, his tone abnormally level. He was so curious that he could not even react with any anger or disdain. Out of nowhere, though, rose a voice that tickled his ears in the most astonishing way. "Their fine, too. Two boys, double trouble." And in that single instant, his heart stopped, and a bizarre, dark warmth tingled throughout his skin. He named it desire. My puppies! The white cult leader had given birth to his puppies, the little souls that he would nurture and raise as civilized creatures.
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 03:55 AM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Jumping and leaping for joy is what his heart or spirit would have done if it could. Though the idea of having two boys did worry him somewhat, he still smiled just as wide. With Kiche's and Vlarindara's help and once the pups were old enough to comprehend the world's wonders, he was sure they would not turn out to be carbon copies of him and Angier. She had said she was fine and he simply nodded. He would mention the rabbit later if need be, but for now, he wanted his beloved to rest and recoup. However, a whine sounded from her and his brows creased.

Only when Jayse revealed a third pup, did he let out his own sigh of relief. He smiled once more, at a loss for words as he glanced from his mate to the three precious newborns at her side and back. "I lo--" he began to murmur, but the sound of someone approaching caught his attention and he instantly withdrew his gaze from the opening in the old tree. He had missed hearing his name roll out from Kiche's mouth and seeing the peculiar male before him had taken him by surprise. "Kiche," he addressed after hastily gathering himself. Instinctively, he took a step backward, positioning himself to guard the entrance of the cramped den.

Yes, Borden had been expecting him to show up, but surely not at this very moment. He had been trusted him to help raise the pups but only once they reached that certain age when it took a whole pack, rather than just 'mom' and 'dad,' to help guide and teach them. Perhaps he should have mentioned that…

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Strong was the sent, filling the nearby area with not just the smell of common blood- but birth. The wolven smell which lingered within this was enough to let Elettra know of the situation and she had been lucky enough to have been preparing for such an event. She had finished her den yesterday afternoon, hollowing out the medical sections in her infirmary which would be used for her storage. Only touch-ups were being done today, gathering soft mosses, sea weeds, and fern. Just outside, was a small collection of four or so decent shells, "bowls" caught by both her and her Alpha which would be used for mixing. The room already smelt lovely, but this did not mask the scents of birth. Quickly, the woman would take to gathering her supplies and make her way off towards the destination.

Her arrival would be swift, though as she arrived she would quickly come to a slow, approaching calmly and with a hesitance. She had learned well enough that pairs other then the alphas themselves, and possibly the heir or beta female (usually lead healer) were the only ones who usually were allowed near the birthing den or horrible consequences would be taken into action. Elettra, assuming that Vlarindara was more of the lead warrior then anything (an odd difference for Elettra, though she had seen it before) she would take it upon herself to take the roll of lead medic. After all, she had been told by Jays herself that there had been no other medic in the lands before she. Her boldness, so far, had done her well in the past, both by her words, mannerisms in her posture, sign that she would protect the boarders (given by Borden) and her former show of loyalty towards her alphena.

Its now that her pale gray gaze would revert her attention to the other man- the lowest of the low, the omega, the beating stick and nothing more towards the pack. He, out of anyone, should have not been here for both the disrespect to his leader and his attack upon other members- ruthless, brutal, aiming to kill as he had struck as his beta's throat. She did not hold back the growl which rumbled in the back on her throat, eyes hard upon the other wolf. She was tense, ready to react should he spring just as he had done before. Elettra did not trust him and never would. He was a threat to every member here, including the newborn children- first litter within the pack. He had no right to be here amongst the leading pair's delicate moments, nor the pack as a whole and would not have been if it were up to her.

"Stay back." Her words were muffled with the herbs in her mouth but she spoke them anyhow, her body shifting closer to the alpha pair, aiming both to get close to offer the herbs, as well as block Kiche from getting any closer. Elettra's tail remained low, her ears back and dipping down her skull and body, she would crawl towards Broden, where the small opening of the hollowed tree lay. "There is Borage for stress and exhaustion. And motherwort, most of all. If she will, take it, for it's most important in nursing mothers." She would nose the motherwort to him, though did not go into details of all it could do just yet, for a history lesson on remedies was not needed at the moment, or so she thought. But the motherwort would supply much for Jays- both in increasing her milk supply, as well as a uterine tonic after this childbirth (and could have been used before the birthing, if she had made it in time). It would treat nervousness, insomnia, heart palpitations, and rapid heart rate. She would smile upon the thought to it's use. "I have also gathered few alfalfa at home, the sprouts can be used to help the children with their growth and bones." From there she would nod her head and lift, and back away from Broden and thus, the opening, in hopes to supply them the space they needed. But she would be there, none the less, should trouble arise.
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 03:50 AM by Clouse.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Serenity. Relief. Peace. If only she could feel those things now. It was just the begining. No longer was she just herself. She had became a mate, a leader, and a now a mother. Already there was such a fierce grace to protect them, make things right in their world it made her more complicated, more fragile. She stared lovely upon her mate, the moment sweet when he softly were to voice his loves. It became bitter, his words never came. Though she could not see who it was, she knew it was Kiche. Burning anger strong in her heart slowly prickled along her spine. She had not seen nor heard him since she'd chewed him out. He wasn't exactly welcome hear enless he'd gotten struck on the head, and was sane. She doubted the first, and the latter. She had no idea Borden had asked him to help with the puppies. If she had she probably would have went balistic. Right then, she was lost to know why he was here. ShouldAn't it digust him? The scent, and the scene.

Brows furrowed, and eyes darted to Borden. He seemed as taken back as she, and placed himself infront his family. This helped her relax to a point, because her entire body was stiffer than concencrete wondering what the ginger creature would want. Like heaven to her ears a growl came, and she knew whose growl it was. Elettra. The newest member of the hollow, and one who Jayse trusted. She wasn't sure what it was, how loyal, and honest the lady was or what. Jayse liked her, and felt relieved to know she was here to. She would not put anything past Kiche, and she did remember Elettra's medic expertise. More help. it seemed she could have peace, have it ripped away, and placed back. But for how long?

The lady's tone was commanding, telling him to stay back. How grateful Jayse was for this member who had chosen to reside here of all places. In a low, clear yet sharp tone she said,"Borden, I don't want Kiche here even if he rolls on his back, and begs." She hoped that would be a clear message, change or no change these children minutes old were not already going to have their lives in danger. The leader should have banned him from the lands, the one hope he'd change, he'd learn his place lingered.

Eletrra's scent came close, with a mixture of remedies. Ears perked up listening as she spoke to Borden. Jayse felt no hostility toward her. She was glad she was there, not knowing still what Kiche wanted. She could not see the dark coated lady, but she was sure she'd hear her. "Thank you Elettra. You are truelly a blessing to this pack, and more than welcome to stick around." A faint smile touched the corner of her lips. She would feel much better having Borden and her there. After all it was when her mother was weak after days stuck in a den she'd lost her life. Now Vlar had dissapeared, Jayse needed those she trusted close. She did not want Borden bearing anything alone. She hoped Elettra would see the trust the pale leader had, not minding if she met their children.
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 04:02 AM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
Borden waited for Kiche to move, to say something, to do something out-of-line that would allow the leader to send him away. However, Jayse was the first to speak. She instructed him to not let the religion-driven male near. Good. He had yet to explain to Jayse about the revelation he had had with Kiche a few months ago anyway. Plus, having her strict words to keep him away would give him the incentive to do as he was told.

After appearing through the trees, bringing a mouthful of beneficial plants, Elettra Archer warned Kiche to stay back. Not moving from his place in front of the hollowed tree, Borden watched as she drew near. She approached at a crawl then briefly declared what she had brought for Jayse as he allowed her to inch into the den's entrance. From within the small dwelling, he heard his mate thank her and while he couldn't turn around to make sure that she was still doing alright, he continued to eye male down. Both of his dark-rimmed ears were facing forward, still waiting... listening...

Looking briefly from the forests on each side of the ginger wolf, his eyes only left him for a few seconds. Perhaps worrying about the pack - specifically those who were missing or could possibly show up - shouldn't be on his mind at the very moment when the one pack member who was not directly welcome at this point in time stood there before him. He took a step forward as he settled into a more intimidating stance. The fur along his neck bristled and the muscles under his short pelt stiffened, but he did not flash his teeth or snap his jaws. All that needed to be in order was a simple warning and the hope that they would be heeded. If they weren't, then the leader would not hesitate to back up his command with more disciplinary actions.

Leave us."
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 03:59 AM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
When Borden stood up to block the den, a flicker of anger lapped at his heart. But he did not act upon it, for once, because he could now sense how delicate this situation was, and he wondered if Borden had talked to the white cult leader. Had he been told about that fiasco at the den? If he had, had he retracted his proposal? That simply wouldn't do. Kiche intended to raise those puppies whether he had permission or not, but it would be a whole lot easier if he did. Maybe Borden hadn't been told, though. Maybe there was a chance that Kiche would be able to talk to him, and explain things from his point of view. That gave him a little hope, just enough to stand there and maintain a straight face that he even managed to bend into a warm smile. "Congratulations," he breathed, still smiling.

Without warning, that other heathen, the dark one that had attack him, appeared. For a moment, his smile disappeared, his face blank as he swung his head to look at her. She was an angry little number, locked and loaded, snarling at him as if he posed a threat to the puppies. Really now. These heathens are so stupid! As much as he wanted to react, to return her snarls, to damn her, he knew he could not. That would forever ruin his chances. Her condemnation could wait for another day. Instead, he hoped back lightly at her command, exhausting all of his willpower to form a sickeningly innocent smile on his muzzle. And then even the cult leader said that she didn't want him here. Did everyone insist on making this so difficult for him? He threw a glance at Borden as if he was looking for help, someone to back him up. As far as Borden was concerned, this behavior could have been completely unwarranted. He painted his face into the picture of harmlessness, of purity, his ears flat and his eyes wide. Even his tail sank and knocked about at his heels.

It became increasingly difficult to maintain his smile, though, when she began to rattle off names of plants that she imagined had some sort of medicinal value. Bull. Shit. If this was heathen medicine, it was sinful medicine, and it broke Kiche's heart to know that he could do nothing. To step in would completely ruin all of his hard work. But if he did nothing, the pups could be damned, and that would make his work much, much harder. All he could do was stand there, slightly crouched in his most unoffensive manner as he tried to keep the pained look from creeping up to the surface and spreading across his features. The white savage even thanked her, which made him sick to his stomach.

Now that suddenly even Borden was turning on him, Kiche began to wonder if he should perhaps say something. Not to them, those senseless, godless, violent women. Borden. He was easily the most rational savage Kiche had ever met. He could do something, couldn't he? But Kiche did not dare walk closer to address him, since, for the meanwhile, he was probably as close to the den as he was going to get for awhile. And he probably shouldn't mention their agreement, lest it inflame the females. "Borden, I apologize for whatever it is that I did wrong. You know that I would never harm your children, that goes against every fiber of my being. Please, tell Jayse that I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart. Let me stay here," his tone was pleading and soft, a voice that he usually saved only for Aisling. If only she was here. She would have helped him. As it stood, this was the hardest thing Kiche had ever done on his own. It felt dirty.
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 04:00 AM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
At first, until Elettra moves towards the den's opening, the lady's words are muffled- not hearing the comment on behalf of Kiche being here. Now Elettra was on her belly, lowing those herbs to the ground, pointing which one were which, though she should take in both if all possible. She did not see her leadess, for she did not push the boundaries in order to look into the den in order to do so, for the woman was a one to cherish hierarchy and always had, despite her beliefs in her own nobility. She'd made herself a name in this pack already, a sturdy mark and with Jaysyek's words, a small smile played at the corners of Elettra's pale gray lips, her silky black ears back, a soft expression touching her. Elettra knew herself not to be the best of healers, had met many far outstanding her, but the chance to prove her worth had been allowed by these Girzzly Hollow wolves and Elettra had no means to stray from this.

"Thank you- and I will." Her rougher tones ease from her mug, a strong promise that she would stick around, if only to trot the area, looking out for predator of any kind, as well as prey which could be used to once more gather her alphena's strengths. Now Elettra was lifted again to full height, turned her body around so she was more in line with her leader- shoulder to shoulder. She was ready to walk off, keep her distance and stand guard in order to by the leading couple a time alone, when the omega of the pack began his plea-begging, like a dog. Her scarred nose wrinkled, eyes narrowing upon him as her body became taunt. "Do you dare disregard your alphena's word with your begging?" Her hackles rose, tail lifting. He had no respect for the balance of a pack and this was something Elettra could not tolerate. How much longer could she stand sharing a land, a home, with such filth?! If he disliked living amongst wolves, then he should not hold the grace of living amongst them! "Leave, omega!" Her words were a roar now, edging in an end with a snarl, her skull pushing back in protection, head level with her spine. For now, of course, she held back, waiting on Borden's next move.
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 04:00 AM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )