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What's small, brown, & white all over? — Beaver Dam 
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Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon
It's Raigo! For Jacqueline, along with any others who care to join. =)

<i>Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 43° F/6° C </i>

He was back in familiar territory, sort of. The boy had finally found what he had been looking for, his dearest sister, but they had parted ways once more. He had a loyalty to Grizzly Hollow, while she had headed off in a different direction, something about an Angier. Whoever it was, Raigo was going to be pissed if going to see him made Vlar's wounds even worse. Honestly, he couldn't quite believe that she had let herself get to that point, but he supposed that there was a lot that had gone on that he couldn't entirely believe.

The detour had taken him to Heartleaf Creek, one of the main bodies of water in Relic Lore. It ran along to his left while he meandered his way north, nose tracking the scents of the beavers who lived here. There were at least two families of them that had seemed habitual residents of the forest. Raigo had seen a beaver only once or twice before in his life, and only then at a distance. Despite their rather cute appearance, he knew them to be vicious, vile, and evil creatures who could bite wolves' heads off with one bite. Err, maybe. Sitting down, the youth used his hind leg to scratch his ear as he puzzled over which creature he was thinking of. Beavers weren't huge, so they probably couldn't bite his head off, but he also wasn't willing to put his head between the teeth of one to find out. So no, when he got there, he would observe them at a distance.

Ceasing with his scratching, which was beginning to make him vertiginous, Rai hoisted himself back up to his paws. While he had grown out of his rather lanky appearance, he still felt like his paws were too big for his body, and as he moved closer to the water, he was careful to not stumble over them. Gold eye took a glance to the sky, noting with some dismay the partially hidden sun. It was well into spring, almost summer, the sun needed to be out and warming his coat with its wonderful rays. Cricking his tail in annoyance, he leaned over the water and lapped up the refreshment.

(This post was last modified: May 28, 2011, 02:56 PM by Raigo.)
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Played by The Sneak who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jacqueline Skye Darmot
<blockquote>The sable-painted lady panted heavy as she carried herself across the countryside. She moved as though a great creature persued her, driving her on and on until her <span class='word'>avoirdupois</span>, slight though it was, could hardly be supported by her trembling limbs. The pads of her paws seeped blood as proof of the abuse she'd put them through leaving an unfortunate trail. Muscles ached with fatigue and her head pounded with one of the many symptoms of dehydration. Still, she would not slow down to rest. She flew over land of ever transitioning terrain as she sought a distance far enough from the evils behind her to finally feel safe. Would she ever reach such a place?

In the end it was her thirst that got the best of her. The scent of the nearby creek was able to pierce the madness that had claimed her mind and distract it--at least momentarily. The time it took her to reach the water seemed to drag on and on endlessly. Jack began to question whether she had any sanity left at all. Was she hallucinating? The relief she felt when finally the babbling waterway fell into view and she heaved a grateful sigh. In her eagerness she neglected to notice the young male that sat not so far away on the opposite bank or the busy beavers that maintained the channel. She sank to her belly in the cold, gentle water and lapped with frenzied enthusiasm.

It was only when the unmistakable sound of the beaver's heavy paddle tail slapping against the surface of their homemade pool that Jacqueline returned the awareness of her situation. Her head lifted sharply and clear amber eyes took in her surroundings. A spark of fear lanced painfully into her heart as she first caught sight of Raigo--she couldn't help it. It was quick and short-lived, however, as she realized he was not the one she had initially assumed he was.

Although her muscles protested--they were enjoying the cool soak--she rose to stand. She even managed to quell the trembling and stand firm opposite the young man. She lifted her head and inhaled sharply, drawing in as much of his scent as possible to identify what she could about him. A pack wolf, no doubt. Still, so far there was little reason for her to fear. There was a waterway between them and he was still young in his adulthood. Perhaps this impromptu meeting would go smoothly and without issue. Yet, she couldn't help the nagging fear that nibbled on the back of her mind.

Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

The water was refreshing to his parched throat, and Raigo was gulping it down like it would disappear all around him. Hadn't that happened before in Relic Lore? He thought so, there was something about a drought that seemed familiar, though he had not been in Relic Lore long enough to have experienced it. But he was thankful that it had ended, and it took only a moment for him to leap rather wildly into the creek, ignoring the pain as his paws hit the rather short bottom. But it felt good, even though if Vlar could see him now, she would be shaking her head at his juvenile antics. But she wasn't here, and that fact weighed on him heavily, and he thrashed at the water angrily with his tail. Why was she being so stubborn? Couldn't she see that Borden and Jayse wanted her back? And since when did Kiche have a say in any of this? He was the Lowest of the pack, even Raigo, who had only recently returned, was higher ranking in the pack than the older wolf was.

Startled as there was a significantly bigger splash than the beavers would cause, Raigo took a few hurried steps backwards in alarm, so that he ended up half in-half out of the water. Fur bristled momentarily, and his golden eyes landed on the ebony female who had joined him. She seemed so oblivious to him, that he wondered that if he called out, she would answer. It reminded him of Borlla, who had spaced out during their first meeting. Maybe it was a female thing - all of the ones he had come across lately seemed to not want to give him the time of day. But, he supposed that was okay, he wouldn't bother this stranger. Hesitantly, he withdrew a few more steps until he was back on dry land. Instinctively, he shook himself, spraying water everywhere. As he finished, he realized that the black female had noticed him, and was staring him down. She remained mute though, and Raigo, never one to handle awkward silences well, spoke up. "Um...hello! Water's nice." The slight wag of the tip of his tail indicated to her his peaceful nature, and even though he was mentally smacking himself for being so stupid with his words, he hoped that maybe she wouldn't notice.

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Played by The Sneak who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jacqueline Skye Darmot
<blockquote>A wave of relief overtook the slender female when the male's tail set to wagging, boasting his friendliness, and he spoke up. She didn't even notice how silly his words might have been. She was just glad they weren't hostile. Her weak and weary muscles relaxed and she sank to her grateful haunches on the bank. A small smile even curled her dark kisses upward at the corners as she watched him. He was young, and while she was not too much older than he, she felt her current events had aged her tremendously. She should have checked her reflection before she'd disturbed the water so much. There might be untold silver hairs growing in on her face now.

<b>"It is much better than that,"</b> she said, voice telling the story of her weariness. <b>"It is wonderful. So much so that I didn't even take notice of you at first. I apologize, that was rude of me. I am.."</b> She hesitated a moment and shook her head. It was more troublesome than one might think to leave behind your name of two years and take up another. The dark lady cleared her throat and continued. <b>"Excuse me. My name is Jack. Jacqueline Darmot. I hope I didn't interrupt anything. Other than the beavers, of course."</b> She gave a tired chuckle. Well, she was trying at least. She'd be much better after a rest, surely. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jun 02, 2011, 01:50 AM by Jacqueline.)
Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

At least his ridiculous words didn't seem to startle her, and Raigo relaxed. Slipping down to his haunches, he grinned at her, wrapping his tail around his leg. They were several feet away from each other, but the fact remained that they were strangers and there were some interesting wolves out there. Hell, just look at Kiche, a prime a example in his own pack. So he remained alert, but then she too sat back on the bank, and spoke. Chuckling as she commented on his remark about water and it's wonderfulness, his grin deepened. But he shrugged his shoulders as she commented about being rude. "Not at all. I am the king of being oblivious," Raigo joked. It was true, he was very much a clown. Vlar was fond of informing him of that particular trait of his. It was what had brought them together.

Jack. That was a bit weird. She was a female, wasn't she? Head titled to the side in confusion, but then she continued and his cranium righted itself as he understood. It was a nickname. Though Jacqueline was a pretty name, and certainly more fitting for her than Jack was. "Oh no, don't worry!" He spoke up with a bark. "My name is Raigo. Raigo Akreon. I'm the second of Grizzly Hollow, just out for a walk though, not a big deal. Are you just passing through or are you part of one of the packs here?" He had been gone for so long, he honestly wasn't even sure how many packs were in Relic Lore.

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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>figured it'd be alright to join here?</i>
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The journey was tedious, and each tear in her skin became evident. She had thirteen wounds, and they each burned with fierce pain. They had had little time to heal, and she probably was doing a good job making them larger, despite how slow, miscule her muscle limits were. Silent the whole way, her eyes strayed little from their chosen path. Once and awhile they would shift to her shadow cloaked companion, wondering what her own tale was. She often wanted to ask of this pack Grizzly Hollow, but kept biting back her words. They had to be friendly, she kept thinking or the lady was in the wrong crowd. She was no judge, and tried not to let her minor new handicaps get to her. That was what took her full concentration, but she continued pace without sign of complaint.

After awhile, when the sun hit it's in afternoon position she could not only hear water, but smell it's strong scent. Sweet relief to her dry throat, it was sad a mere drink could mean so much to her now. She took stride with Elettra to the dam, butterscotch colored eyes looking along the riverbank for the best place to approach. Before they got to the banks, she froze her nostrils alerted by the presence of two other wolves. Silent look was given to her companion, wondering if they were familiar to her. They were not to Skylah.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The walk had not been trecherous, but long none the less, granted the slow pace in which they were made to move in order to try and keep the woman's wounds from opening further. The sun was high in the sky by now, opening up to them as they exited the lush forestry of the Ghastly Woods. The delicate golden coloration which lined the black of her coat shimmered, the silver at her cheeks and throat aglow. The dark woman offered her a side-ways glance when she had paused, noticing the other wolves. Dipping her head upwards only (as she still had plant in her mouth, now already moist from travel) into the opposite direction of the other pair, Elettra picked up the pace to the water's edge in which a few dis-guarded logs of fallen tree had been left by the resent beaver- perhaps what they had yet to break down themselves in order to add to their home. Elettra Archer's milky lips formed into a grim expression once she settled the plants down, now drooled and withered. Still, without a care, she began to work without mention to the woman. She hoped the lady had enough sense to know to get a drink and to wash herself off in the shallows, if anything, whilst Elettra worked. She would rip the leaves from the burdock, chewing them and rolling the mass of green off her tongue and onto the ground for use. All the while, her pale gaze remained on the unknown man and woman (she did not know this young boy was a second along side her) just in case they decided to get to close to her, or even more so, the woman in which she was now caring for.
Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

What happened next seemed to happen in a blur. With a curt dip of her head, the black female had sprung into action, leaping out of the water and away into the woods. Raigo's head tilted to the side in confusion, and immediately he began questioning what it was he had done. But then he became aware of two pairs of eyes looking at him, and he realized that maybe it was not him, but the presence of these two new arrivals that had sparked Jacqueline's fleeing. Either way, he was now left to determine whether or not these two females were friends or foes. Though, breathing in, he caught the distinct scent of Grizzly Hollow coming from their direction. Eyes settled on the tan female first, keeping her locked in his gaze as he sat up and moved further down the bank so that he was standing directly across from them. But as he took in her copper fur with hints of gray and her orange yes, he couldn't place any recognition. Whoever she was, she was a complete stranger.

Turning to look at the gray and black female, Raigo fought for placement. It took longer than it should have, given who she was who he suspected. He had seen her around the pack lands, from a distance. He didn't know her name, having not ever approached her, but of the two, Rai was certain that it was her who hailed from Grizzly Hollow as well. "Hello there," he woofed at them, tail wagging easily at his hocks, hoping that his easy going demeanor wouldn't scare them off like Jacqueline. "Name's Raigo, second of Grizzly Hollow. Hope I'm not interfering with anything?" He introduced himself, watching curiously as the gray and black one left, and headed closer to the shallows. She was chewing on something, but from the distance, Raigo couldn't see what it was. Given the circumstances, he was outnumbered, and would gladly leave if they requested him too.

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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The dark coated lady did not give any indication of their company. Skylah decided she did not know whom they were, or least it didn't matter right than. One of them disappeared in a blink any way, and she decided to take Elettra's hint of direction to the water. She felt a pair of brown eyes upon her while she did so, and cocked and ear in the the male's direction as well as keeping him in the corner of her eyes. He did not draw across the liquid, and she approached the quiet waters of the creek. At first she took in her rough complexion, and clicked her teeth. She did not recognize her own face, and right away wanted to clean it up. There was no reason to look so disgraceful, and feel the same. Briefly though pair of butterscotch eyes glanced to see Elettra busy with work, before they glimsped across to the stranger.

His posture,and gestures were friendly. There was something about his face that appeared kind, naturally her tail beat slowly behind her hocks. At least he wasn't going to chase them away from the creek, and he did connect Elettra and himself to the same pack. Well that was interesting, is that why she had not said much? "Pleasure Raigo, I'm Skylah, and your pack mate, Elettra here, has offered to patch me up," she offered with a weak smile on her cream snout. He certainly wasn't interfering; she couldn't speak for Elettra, but another wolf wouldn't bother her. "Your fine to stay, if it's not to boring watching a wolf bath," she said, a teasing hint to her words. Once more she looked to the gray stroked wolf, but decided a drink was needed. Some effort she slumped into the shallows, and put her muzzle drinking greedily at the brisk water. Knowing she shouldn't over do it she stopped after a dozen laps. She eyed Raigo, than stepped out further into the creek. Diligently she dipped her snout in the water, and curved it to her back letting the water streaks fall against mud, and blood.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Just as quickly as Elettra saw the other woman, she was gone, but the young man had made way with new interest now that his former wolf of communication had fled. Tail level, waving too-and-fro in a docile manner, El's own raised to be even with her spine, tense as she watched. But he seemed friendly enough, even mentioning that he was a part of her pack and quickly the woman eased. He would be no treat to her. She allowed Skylah to speak first before speaking herself, in which the other woman would clearly find out that although pack-members, they had not met previously by his newer arrival. "Second, then?" She comments smally as she looks over the younger wolf, medium, lanky, unlike herself, though he is still equal with her, for being male. Where she had come from, normally beta females were lead healers, whilst beta men were the captain of warriors. He seemed not a warrior, to her, not like his sister who had been fitting as second in the pack before she had went missing for a bit of time. "I suppose that makes us partners, Raigo. Glad for your return." By these words she would both allow the information that she was second now at his side, taking his sister's place and, that she had heard of him, knowing that he had been missing for some time now. It was a story she was told by Vlarindara long ago when she had first entered the lands of Relic Lore. "Elettra Archer." She would formerly introduce herself, adding on what Skylah had said by this. Nodding her head lightly to the man, always standing on ceremony by proper stances and royal acts, the woman would then sit, directly her attention to the bathing Skylah. "Lay low and soak, if you can. So the water may seep deep to rinse whatever might have gotten in your wounds. When your done, shake only once. The extra water on you will help mix the police into your wounds." And thus, beginning the plants effects and process of healing quicker. She seemed well enough and surely without medical cure she would survive, so long as she had another to do her hunting for her and guard her, should trouble arise. However still, infection was always plausible though with treatment could very much be kept at bay.