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Thunderpaws — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

His feet hurt, his fur was soaked and his tummy was making an unpleasant rumble. He never meant to wander so far away, but there was a big wide world out there to explore and besides, nobody would dare to cross him.

The clouds had been brewing overhead all morning and the boy continued to ignore them, nose to the ground, eyes wide as he took in all the sights the world had to offer. At first it was a goat that caught his eye. The big white wooly bleater didn’t like him wandering so close and with a stamp of its feet and a half-hearted charge it sent to boy toppling down an embankment with a startled yelp. When he finally stopped rolling he rose with a shake of his oversized ears, only grateful that neither @“Neha” nor @“Cernan” had been about to see his embarrassing predicament. His growl was echoed by one from the very heavens and when the first fat raindrop stuck his snout he looked up to the clouds, indignation clear in his mismatched eyes.

As if to taunt him further, a single drop quickly became a torrential down pour. His lanky legs slipped from beneath him as he scurried in the direction he thought would take him home. With eyes squinted tightly it had only taken a few more missteps and tumbles to land him down here. Wherever this was. All he could smell was rain as he dragged himself under the small bush, hoping to seek any sort of shelter from the rain. He huddled, afebrile shudders rocking the boy to sleep, eyes finally parting only when the sun managed to chase the clouds away.

He emerged from cover with a sneeze and a shake, and tilted his muzzle to the sky, warbling for his mother @Namid, not realising he was so far from home she couldn’t possibly hear his calls. Fur plastered flat, muddied and bruised the boy tucked his paws beneath his belly laying in the sun, waiting for rescue to come.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila

Off Gilligan went again, puttering from the confines of Silent Moon Plateau’s grounds with less and less trepidation with each passing venture.  No one seemed to care whether he came or went, not even his father, and the yearling was beginning to take his liberties where he could find them.  It wasn’t proper exploration, but he wasn’t yet brave enough to venture more than a day away from Riddle Heights (Datura’s punishment for insubordination was still fresh in his mind, and the young man wasn’t yet quite willing to risk his hide in that fashion), so it was with this in mind that he set out across the muddy terrain, perhaps less eager than he’d been in the past.
The redhead had ventured out shortly after the storm, perhaps a bit curious to see if the terrain had changed.  He’d not gotten far when a sneeze caught his attention – Gil’s head shot up, ears pivoting.  When he’d heard nothing else, he was about to brush it off as a figment of his imagination when a weak, wavering howl went up.  That was a wolf, he’d bet his bushy tail on it, and the yearling broke forward with much more urgency in his step.  Imagine his great surprise when he came across a puppy, curled up like a little load of bread and covered in the storm’s mud.  No wonder he hadn’t scented another wolf!
Gilligan began to wag his tail – he hadn’t met a wolf younger than himself before!  Well, not properly – he knew there were three puppies among the pack he now lived with, but he’d never interacted with any of them.  Reaching forward, he nosed Aleister’s side, making sure he was still alive before lifting his head.  “Hey!  I haven’t seen you before.  Are you new?  Do you belong to the pack, too?”

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

To say that Namid was worried was a horrible understatement. No, the queen was absolutely frantic. The boy hadn’t come home that night, which had never happened before. In fact, normally he was one of the first back to the den. When he hadn’t shown before his siblings she had grown slightly concerned, but had still been some remnant of calm. However, as the hours grew later and a storm began to grow on the horizon her anxiety had spiked dangerously. It had taken physical handling from her husband to keep her from tramping out into the storm to find the boy, but she knew it was for her own good. In her current state, if she went out she’d likely only succeed in getting herself hurt or lost as well. No, he kept her inside the communal den and even managed to get her to sleep though it had been fitful. She’d awoken multiple times every hour, hoping feel his form pressed against her side so that she could properly breath again but, alas, that was naught. She’d awoken in the morning for the millionth time to find him still gone, and at that moment she knew something was definitely wrong.

She couldn’t take it anymore. The storm had passed, and it was her moment to go find her son. So, she took it. Practically flying from the den, she pushed herself around the borders, scanning for any sign of Aleister. She caught his scent briefly, drenched in rain and partially washed away but it was still there. And it was leading away from the borders. Her heart dropped to her stomach and in a flash she was off again, mismatched gaze wide and heart hammering in her chest as she clung desperately to the scent of her middle child. She would find him, Ancestors help her she would find him if it was the last thing she did. She followed it, surprised with how far it traveled before the last straw was torn. She’d ended up at the borders of the neighboring pack, but…this was where the scent was the strongest. Namid wanted to throw up, wanted to scream in rage as the only reasonable explanation she could find in this was that the pack had stolen her child. Never before had she felt such a desire to protect in her life. It consumed her, filled her to the brim until she held little cares for the borders in front of her. Her auds swiveled forward, catching the faint song that belonged to what she knew was Aleister. Then, she was racing forward again.

Stumbling over unfamiliar terrain, she raced on trailing the scent like a blood hound after a fox. She was desperate, desperate to have her child safely back with her but also desperate to find out who had dared do such a thing to her family and her pack? They would rue the day, she swore by it. The scene she came upon made her hackles stand on end, and a growl tore from her throat. A man was standing near her middle child, who looked the picture of innocent and lost with a coat that was matted down with thick mud and an almost heart-breaking look that said he’d just been about to give up. She rushed to his side, bending her head to sniff him over and give him a few good licks as her body relaxed for but a minute. Then, she turned on the man with fire licking her eyes. “What had you done to my son,” she said, her voice low and laced with venom. Nobody messed with her family.

Made by  esa
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

Phineas had been scarcer and scarcer to his members as days passed. Aesire’s death had been a shock – Ace had disappeared, and he felt the unraveling of his pack with each passing day. Takis had left – spoken to him prior his departure and stated he needed a ‘break,’ which to the ivory wolf, translated that he wanted to be anywhere but near his father who had let him down. Celadine was the definition of defiance and silence – and Hypatia had long gone.

But distraction would be an escape for him, and it came in many forms. Maneuvering along the borders, trying to not mull over what it meant that Aponi had risen to lead at his side, the man came upon a familiar scent – Fallen Tree Cove.

A frown marred his features as he came upon the scene. The youthful wolf that had come with Datura, and an unknown she-wolf with a muddy puppy. The venom in her tone stirred the regal’s hackles to lift, and stalking forward to stand nearside his pack mate, the flaming glare of the man’s bright eyes swept over the puppy and then to land on her. His lips curled back – he had never had patience for any form of bullshit at his border, and given the disarray their pack was in, he was certainly in no mood. “State your reason for being here.” Lost upon him was the fact the pup had wandered to their territory, and it certainly never occurred to him that the female believed him to be kidnapped.

No, all he seen before him was a sopping puppy full of muck, and a she-wolf who was bordering a very dangerous edge to his home.

Played by Sarah who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Datura Aquila
Ace said it would be okay to PP Gilligan howling for Datura. This would have occured right after phineas arrived i'm guessing, so as not to mess with the timeline of anyone's posts.

Urgent and with the distinct sound of unease came the call of Gilligan. 

Confused, Datura's head swung up from his meal of rabbit, flinging some stray bits of flesh with the quickness of his movement. He was in the heart of the territory. Gilligan, from the sound of it, was clearly at the borders. He exhaled forcefully. It was likely to be troubling indeed, whatever it was. Gilligan was either calling for Datura for some specific reason or he was too thoughtless to summon a guardian or an alpha. If it were just joining wolves, surely his son would have picked up on how things worked around here and hollered for Phineas. But it was clearly much more than that. He pulled back into a long stretch, then flexed his muscles. If it came to more than a few choice words, he would be ready. 

The golden man arrived only moments after Phineas, who seemed dilligent with attending to the borders but little else. He had not even said anything to the pack after Aesire's death. Datura gulped, wondering if Phineas suspected any of Datura's involvement in the matter. Did he know he and Aponi were related? 

But all this was irrelevant.

His eyes discovered some runty, wet little thing in between his son and a woman who looked as angry as a she-bear. He coughed roughly, making his presence known. Whatever Gilligan was doing, it didn't look like the woman appreciated it. "You come here, boy. Right now." There was no other context for what was going on. Had Gilligan roughed the boy up, taken him from his home, simply found the boy here? By the looks of it, it could be anything. But Datura's eyes did not leave the silvery girl's face, waiting for some shift in her expression. She was awfully hostile for some  interloper.

He tested the air.

And he smelled them. His eyes narrowed quickly, but he forced the shadow to pass.
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

A deep shuddering breath was drawn as the boy was about to let loose another call for his mother, when the sun was blocked out by a rather looming shadow. Finally. He thought, moving to stand. His head cocked to the side, oversized ears only emphasising the move comically as he considered the wolf before him. He hadn’t seen this one before, “No I live here. Are you new?” he asked, fully believing himself to still be within the borders of Fallen Tree Cove.

Before he could question further or find himself further confused his mother appeared, and all semblance of seriousness melted away with his relief that she had come. He jumped to lick at her chin, the waving of his tail making his whole body shake. The rigidity of her stance was wasted on him, the cutting tone of her question, brushed aside. She had no reason to be mad. Nobody had done anything wrong. “Ma! Mamama! Ma! Guess what?!” he tried to grab her attention, oblivious to the other wolves approaching. “Ma! I saw a bleater! and it went ‘Raaaaa!’ and stamped its feet and it tried to run me over! but I was too fast.” He dropped back to the ground, running a circle to illustrate just how fast he had been. “And then I fell down, but I got back up again! AND THEN THE CLOUDS WENT RAAA and BOOM and KCH! and the ground got soooo slippery. I didn’t even cry. Ma… Ma! You’re not listening!” he accused, falling to his rump with a sigh as his dark lined brows drew closer together in frustration.

It was only then he noticed two more strangers had approached and he suddenly realised he didn’t recognise a single one. He inched closer to Namid, peeking out at the larger wolves from behind his mothers legs. He could only hope none of them ever told @Cernan or @Neha how he was now hiding.

(This post was last modified: Sep 12, 2015, 01:31 AM by Aleister. Edit Reason: fixed table )
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila
   Gilligan stared down at the puppy curiously, head tipping to one side as the child cheerfully responded that he belonged here.  While the yearling had never met any of the year’s offspring housed here at Silent Mood Plateau personally, he’d thought he’d had a fairly good grasp on who they were and what they looked like.   “I’m new, yeah,” he agreed after a moment.   “I’m Gil.  Are you Wren?” he decided, wondering if this was, in fact, the male pup he’d heard about.  Perhaps he’d simply been mistaken.

Before the ginger wolf had any time to consider this further, a banshee came tearing out of nowhere, accusations flying as she honed in on the child.  The teenager’s mind world as his persimmon eyes grey wide, hackles raising defensively as he glanced from wraith to child.  Shrinking back a step towards Phineas, he at once found himself grateful for having an alpha before a shaky call was put up to his father.  Before all this, he’d been seriously doubting Datura’s decision – but even Gil was not so foolish as to not realize the white wolf might have just rescued him from a violent scuffle.

Once his father arrived, the puppy had begun to babble tommyrot to his apparent mother.  Not Wren, then, he grumbled mentally, slinking back to the golden male and taking his place at Datura’s flank.

 “I didn’t do nothing, yo,” he insisted with some obstinacy, fire-bright eyes finding Namid’s wretched gaze.   “I was just patrolling and I found him all muddy and curled up, and he didn’t smell like the Plateau, so I came over to see if he was okay.  I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Eyes immediately flickered to Datura, and then to Phineas.  Surely they’d see, Gil had only been doing his duty as a good yearling and a good pack member!
(This post was last modified: Sep 15, 2015, 02:47 PM by Gilligan.)

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Aleister’s babbling was lost on her as she was certainly used to the trio jumping all over her, and she had developed a saintly patience for it. She had tuned out his words, the inferno that raged within her chest causing a calculating glare to narrow her mismatched gaze. There was a certain familiarity to this situation, though it was lost on her that she had been in nearly the same situation herself with the young Kova Lagina and the pack of the blackberries. No, all she could focus on at that moment were the wolves that were beginning to make themselves known from the wood work, her soul focus truly remaining on the large white male with flaming orange eyes. The simple way he held himself and how the others had acted around him told her who he was without needing to be told. She had tried before to make contact with this man in a hope to get to know their neighboring pack, but it had turned into a flop. So far neither encounters had gone very well and her impression of the pack was not good.

”State your reason for being here,” he growled, and she lifted her head unperturbed. She stood protectively over Aleister, who had taken refuge between her forelegs. She would fight tooth and claw for her child if she needed to, that much she was sure of. Her gaze went sideways to the youth with the strange thing around his next, muscles tense as he spoke. In her enraged mind it didn’t quite add up, and lately she had learned to never take the immediate word of another. She would get the direct information from their man in charge, not a subordinate. “I would like to know why my son is within your borders so close to one of your own in this state,” she said, gaze snapping back to the large white male. Certainly even he could see the strangeness of the situation, how everything seemed to really add up to one real reason.


Made by  esa
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

Only one ear flickered in the direction of Datura at his arrival – the gruff voice and demand stirred the regal’s hackles to bristle, if only because it made the yearling sound guilty in front of their company.

The boy babbled on – nothing sensical, and yet even more importantly, nothing that even determined a wolf of Silent Moon Plateau had anything to do with his arrival upon their borders. Instead, the bi-eyed dove before him refused to listen to such reasoning, and at her conclusion drawn, Phineas allowed a snarl to release from his jaws, his height lifting even more, if possible. “If you’re trying to blame the Plateau because of your own poor parenting skills and inability to watch your children, I would suggest you adjust your stupidity,” he rumbled out darkly, his eyes flashing over her.

“Even more, his arrival here is as a surprise to us as it is to you. Perhaps you should ask him? It occurred to him then, that the she-wolf who clearly had no sense to even keep her own children rounded up might not have even considered that if the Plateau had been so rapt to ‘kidnap’ one of theirs, that they likely wouldn’t have just left him on the borders.. and even more, it was likely they would be even having this conversation.

As of late, Phineas was more tempted to fall back to law of tooth and claw, as he had in the past. And if this female attempted one more accusation upon those of his pack, he would quickly assert what he thought of her antics.