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Come lay your bones on the alabaster stones — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

OOC! For @Aponi for a little first then @Nathaniel can hop in once things get more heated. Set for around March 19th(ish)

Pale sides heaved with the effort of bringing in enough oxygen through constricted airways, a single pine green orb to serve as a lookout while dull ebony nails scratched and clung firmly to the snow dusted slate and granite slicked underfoot by the falling rain. This terrain was all too familiar to the wraith white woman even without the veil of water drenching everything in its path as slender limbs progressed further up the mountain side and for the life of her could not discern what had pulled her here of all places, but guided by an invisible rope she was anyways. Gradually the memories of this place freed themselves from a prison constructed months ago, floating aimlessly around the forefront of her mind. A side glance spotted the very location that silvered whore cleanly removed her vital visual organ, swarthy lips peeling back at the memory as a low rumble reverberated deep in her throat. Droplets of water beading off the tips of her fur as the accumulated weight pulled it flush to her thinned frame revealing the poor dietary nutrition she had been; or better yet not, receiving.

Snorting followed by a huff, Hexamora moved onward to pass over the now erased border that once marked the barricade of Silent Moon Plateau. Ivory tail and equally colored skull raised high in utter disrespect of the wolves that once called this place home. For all she knew these lands could just as rightfully belong to her now and had the woman not relieved her bladder already a steaming pile would have graciously been presented as a belated going away gift where the woman assumed the communal den to be by the collection of scattered bones from various carcasses and tufts of shed fur in multicolored hues. No identifying scents remaining upon the deserted heights as the rain did well at washing the history of this place, pale muzzle lowered to nudge the disturbed thawed earth where former caches may have been stashed. To Hex's dismay her scavenging work offered no payout. What food had been left behind already devoured by those that came before her. "Damn.." She grumbled under her breath, front right paw swatting uselessly at a ransacked hole to leave her claw marks in the softened mud. So much for scoring an easy meal.

Another grumbled left through the passages of her nostrils, head angling to steal a glance toward the sky before closing her single lid to avoid her only functioning iris from being assaulted by the tiny raindrops. Food was not to be found here, but luckily the den remained abandoned much to her surprise and would offer a temporary shelter from the advancing weather. Being thin was one thing, but to catch a cold? That was entirely a different matter and one she wished to avoid. Slinking into the darkened hobble, a couple turns followed suit before her frame collapsed unceremoniously into a heap near the entrance. No doubt some other beast caught in the rain would be seeking shelter and the phantom resembling woman was not about to give this spot up for some fellow loner or testy coyote.

(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2016, 04:36 PM by Hexamora.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Day after this thread if that's okay! So mid march

As promised she had left the territory at sunrise and headed north along the base of the mountain until she had reached where the forest turned red. Aponi had never been there herself but she knew this was the place that the Plateau wolves had gathered the ginger from when herself and Aesire had been pregnant this time last year. Still it took the better part of the morning before she could track down the plant that had been the only thing able to sooth her stomach when Kyna had been set on turning it. By the time she had the strongly scented leaves within her mouth the smallest drops of rain had begun to fall from the sky.

Not particularly entranced with the idea of making the few hours walk home in the rain with the ginger crunched in her jaws the woman turned to the mountain. From where she was the old den was less than an hour away, maybe an hour tops and she would have time to dry off and wait out the storm. As she pulled her body up the familiar paths of the mountain the drops became thicker and more frequent until it was an all out downpour. Frustrated that her plan of staying mostly dry had been foiled she stashed the herb beneath a small outcrop  so she could speed up her pace, slush splashing beneath her paws.

Her nose was still full of the smell of ginger as she reached the main den, turning the corner and coming face to face with another wolf. Instantly fangs were barred at the surprise as blue eyes flashed over the stranger until she realized it wasn't a stranger at all. The barred fangs were replaced with a cocky grin as the icy gaze took in the appearance of the one eyed woman which was just as disheveled as it had been last year. Aponi laughed maliciously, "Come back to give me the other eye have you?" Saliva gathered in her jaws and muscles bunched, ready for the woman's response.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

OOC! Here

Gradually the world outside the den began to grow darker with each advanced stage of the storm, the constant pitter-patting of raindrops ricocheting of the rocky terrain working wonders on making the single remaining lid upon Hexamora's countenance grow heavier and heavier. A low rumble sounded within the confines of her chest as the ivory coated woman gave in to exhaustion, the world around her sheathed in a curtain of black while the outside noises continued to echo around her off the three walls protecting her from the foul weather until they too began to fade as sleep dragged her further into its numb grasp.

Sleep would not come for her, though, as a voice began to rouse her from the last natural injection of melatonin her body produced to induce a state of slumber, a grumble of annoyance leaving ebony lips before a pine green iris finally opened to seek whom had dared to disturb her as rounded ears pivoted forward. At first the world was but a blur of greys from the dull lighting brought on by the stormy clouds above, the grey washed pallet doing little to help Hexamora identify the silvered female who blended in all too well with her surroundings at first.

A few blinks later and her crisp vision returned, single orb settling on her once she lifted her skull from its rested position between her outstretched forelimbs. The silvered pelt and icy blue gaze of the bitch who stole her eye warranted a swift wrinkling of her muzzle to reveal pointed stained teeth, immediately memories of the incident flooding her brain when realization of just who had disturbed her clicked. Any traces of sleep were now discarded entirely as the sound of @Aponi's laughter grated harshly against her ears.

"And why would I give a bitch like you a gift like that?" The words fell easily from her lips in a sour tone as paws positioned themselves to hoist her slim frame back into a standing position, muscles beginning to harden in anticipation of what was to come sensing the tension rapidly building between the two females. Surely this wasn't going to be just a friendly conversational encounter. Especially on Hex's account. This was the whore that ruined her life and it was only befitting the Beauvau woman repay the favor after all this time struggling to adjust to her new life. An eye for an eye, nothing less would be acceptable, but of course anything more was always a welcomed addition. Who didn't like a bonus?

(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2016, 05:07 PM by Hexamora.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Post 1 of 5-6 active fighting :)

The wrinkling of the white hag's muzzle was only too satisfactory to Aponi whose smirk grew to an outright maniacal grin. Though not as obviously aggressive as the other woman's the effect was just as eerie. Water dripped off of her soaked coat in droplets that splashed at her paws, the rain forming grooves in her pelt as it raced to the ground. The woman's response was enough to draw out a harsh laugh that echoed around them before being drowned out by a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder. The sky had grown so dense with clouds that it had created a false night around them as once more the Aquila sneered, "Well you gave me the first one so easily, why not the other?" Behind her the drenched banner flicked with warning, water splashing off with each twist and turn.

Blunt claws dug at the stone beneath her as Aponi relished her superior position, the entrance of the cave at a slight elevation to the den itself. Once more she opened her jaws but this time without words just a gnashing of her fangs. The warning signs continued for nearly two full minutes as tension grew between the two before finally with a flash of lightning the silver woman leapt. The world was stained white as the younger wolf aimed to force the older deeper into the cave, teeth looking to gain purchase on the remaining eye. One thing was already clear, only one of them would make it out of this encounter alive.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
I suck at fight post. Basically just having Aponi's attack send them tumbling into the cave with her teeth grabbing onto Hex's cheek.

OOC! Here

The wrinkling of Hex's muzzle only intensified in the wake of Aponi's smirk transforming into an entire maniacal grin, the lack of portrayed aggression in comparison to her own display doing little to ebb away the eeriness that came to saturate its place instead. Quickly a coral tongue slid from behind clenched teeth to swipe rapidly at the surface of her coal black nose before seeking shelter within its enclosed domain again, ivory ears splaying outward to point sideways when mother nature released a streak of lighting across the falsified night followed by a clap of thunder that almost drowned out the words that spilled from the silver female's filthy mouth. Almost.

@Aponi would hear no verbal reaction from the pale coated woman as the singular pine green iris watched the younger wolf cautiously, the physical threats warning what was to come not going unnoticed despite her poor vision. At first it felt as if the girl was only bluffing as the minutes ticked by and the sheets of falling rain continued to drench the landscape all around them. The stony surface beneath their paws growing slicker and all the more dangerous in its threat to dismantle traction all together. Neither beast making a definite first move until suddenly a blinding flash of light was accompanied by streaks of silver.

One step then two was taken back into the recesses of the cave in an attempt to minimize the damage she knew was coming having her only route of escape blocked by the silvered she-devil. A muffled, feral snarl rippled forth from deep within Hexamora's chest as the weight she expected to feel finally crashed full force into her smaller, skeletal frame sending both creatures reeling into the darkness below while the ivory woman felt a searing pain suddenly travel across the area of her cheek for a few seconds during the tumble. No doubt the points of her opponents fangs lodged themselves temporarily onto the fatty tissue until the angle of their falling forced the woman to release her hold, but only a moment's sigh of relief could be had for Hex. She may not have landed her attack where she initially aimed, but this fight was far from over.

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Let me know if the pp of Hex lunging isn't okay! I figured since she missed she had to have done something to attack

When the woman's pink tongue shot out of her mouth Aponi felt the beginning of satisfaction creeping through her veins. She would make this old bag sweat and then she would kill her. The initial attack had not landed on its target but the Aquila was still satisfied as her teeth raked down the defendants cheek. The taste of blood was unmistakable on her tongue before she was forced to let go. Downwards they tumbled into the dark of what had once been the communal den of the Plateau, nails and teeth scratching at one another as they went.

Skidding to a stop against the stone floor Aponi was quick to wrench herself away from the phantom woman. Water dripped off the silver pelt making it appear much darker than normal, an advantage she planned on taking full use of in the dim environment. Her opponent however held a snowy pelt which stood out starkly against the stone. Baring her fangs once more the younger woman laughed, the sound ringing about them eerily as if there were dozens of wolves laughing.

The tactic worked as the bag lunged at the dark, Aponi dancing out of the way hiding in the shadows as the sound began to fade. Creeping against the back of the wall until she reached the side of the woman. Then once more she leapt from her position, this time not aiming with her teeth but with her body weight hoping to knock the other woman off balance and crashing to the ground.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Warning; Foul language ahead

It was as if Hexamora had become completely blind then as the two females tumbled down the angled path toward the blacked out den that waited below, a swift swipe of a coral tongue once limbs found solid ground beneath their pads instead of fumbling air, the occasional pressure of her opponent and loosened fragments of rubble and dirt awarding the ivory woman's taste bud's with the unmistakable iron tang of her blood that began to stain the fur of her cheek where Aponi had managed to grab a hold even if just for a few sparing moments. There was no denying the bitch had done some damage by the growing strength to the throbbing pain that plagued the affected area now.

Pine green eye blinked rapidly in a futile attempt to better adjust her vision to the change of lighting they now had to fight in, ebony lips curled back to expose tarnished teeth still eager to taste the flesh of the silvered wolf who was...somewhere in front of her, or so she hoped. The low lighting and her already impaired vision were starting to show their true colors on who's side they favored and it wasn't looking too good for Hexamora. Colorless ears soon were forced to press as firmly to her skull as they could possibly manage, though, as laughter began to fill and echo against the cavernous walls, the sound like nails raking down the length of a chalkboard in every single damn direction. 'Fuck.' The she wolf growled mentally, unsure of where the sound was coming from nor able to pinpoint the exact location @Aponi hid herself. All her single eye could see were shadows dancing across the granite arena, a rumble in her chest voicing such disapproval.

'Well fuck, I can't just stay in one spot like a sitting duck!' She grumbled mentally once more, a quick game of eenie meenie miney moe deciding which blind direction she would lunge at first in hopes of digging her teeth into something upon the silvered wolf's body. Hell, if luck was on her side it may even be a direct blow to the throat and end this all once and for all. Having her direction decided, ivory limbs coiled and lunged into the darkness, jaws snapping upon...nothing. Instead it was her body that received yet another blow. Like a speeding train the woman felt the weight of her opponent slam full force into her exposed side, the air that once inhabited her lungs forcibly expelled from the impact and leaving her to gasp until they managed to steal a breath back.

Down the old wolf went, one half of her body pinned against the cold floor of the abandoned den while the other was crushed under the easily heavier woman. Adrenaline pumped frantically through Hex's veins in that moment, head swinging wildly in the dark to desperately obtain at least something on Aponi's body to crunch down on and force the other to adjust just enough to either shove her off and allow herself to stand back to her feet, or flip the cards to land in her favor. Either way, she wasn't going to go down this easy. Jaws parted hungrily for the taste of flesh and blood, clamping down harshly onto something that felt; by the thickness of it, like either a haunch or shoulder. Regardless of what she had in her mouth it was something and the taste of spilled blood fueled Hex to bite harder, sending the points of her teeth in further through the layers of skin fully intent on causing this bitch as much pain as she was willing to dish out in turn. A smug smirk toying the corner of her lips as the beads of crimson liquid teased her taste buds and added fuel to the fire of craving more.

(This post was last modified: May 30, 2016, 10:32 PM by Hexamora.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Aponi's lung had been well rewarded as she felt her shoulder collide heavily with the white woman's side. Again the pair went tumbling into the darkness though this time it was a much shorter fall. Instead of reeling backwards into the den they merely slid across the stone floor, the Aquila pinning her opponent beneath her. Before she had the chance to wrench herself away and dance back into the darkness she felt sharp fangs sink into her shoulder. It sent a deep ache down her chest as it pulled at her previous injury from the spring. Pulling away sharply the momentum caused the two women to flip once more but now the ghostly woman was on top of the silver.

Well aware what a risk being in this position was Aponi reacted swiftly, kicking her front paws directly towards the older woman's chest even before her back hit the stone. Simultaneously she flung her hind legs to the opposite side hoping that the blow would be enough to shove the bitch off of her. Scrambling to her paws the Aquila covered her most vulnerable areas for perhaps the first time in a fight. Perhaps it was because it was the first time she felt truly threatened in a physical altercation. Adrenaline pumped through every muscle and organ in her body as her breaths came ragged, tense and ready for anything that might be thrown at her.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
Go ahead and post a fade killing her off and Aponi doing whatever to her then archive when ya get a chance. Thanks for helping me lay this demon to rest. ;)

OOC! Here

It seemed lady luck wasn't entirely rooting for team Aponi as the odds landed in Hexamora's favor with just the right twisting of their bodies to allow her single pine green eye to glare down at the silvered woman beneath her. A sneer spreading like wildfire across the expanse of her inky lips, yet such an expression would hold for long. Instantaneously; and before the other woman could even hit the ground, Hexamora could feel the dull scraping of nails against her chest and lower abdomen from where the harlot below dealt blow after blow trying to shove the arctic wolf off. Oh no, it would take more than a few good kicks to make her budge.

Saliva pooled from excited glands as her jaws snapped at empty air in an attempt to grab the woman's face or better yet her throat despite the silvered female keeping those dangerous jaws at bay with the constant kicks scratching annoyingly at her exposed underbelly. A blood lust induced growl reverberating against Hexamora's chest and it was in this blood lust that all sensible actions began to fade away. In her ravenous desire to go for the kill her own throat was now left vulnerably open wide. It was all tunnel vision fighting from here on out, the beating heart just mere inches under her wildly snapping head begging to be snuffed fueling the white devil's desire to end this once and for all. But who's heart would truly grow still?

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Her kicks may have been well placed as attempt after attempt was met with the thud against warm fur and dense body but the bitch above her didn't move. Each blow was taken into account though every once and a while Aponi thought she could see a flinch as her nails dug against ribs and pulled out tufts of fur. Lashing out with a front paw it collided with the upper woman's maw and the Aquila could feel teeth sliding down her ankle as a razor might and the brief trickle of blood flowing into her fur. Suddenly the fangs gnashed towards her and the fae was able to dodge out of the way just in time, turning her cranium in the opposite direction.

It was then Aponi realized the fatal mistake that her opponent had made.

In her futile attempt to rip open the younger wolves throat Hexamora had left her life line completely exposed and unprotected. Instinctively without a moment's hesitation she lunged. Adrenaline surged through her veins and it seemed as if time moved slowly as at first her open maw was met with nothing but the whoosh of air that streaked past but then with fur and skin. Slamming her teeth closed her whole mouth filled with the warm metallic liquid and she set her jaw, prepared for the desperate attempts to get away that would follow.

Finally the body went still and even for a few moments after Aponi held her death grip until she was sure the other had perished. Finally she released her and with a smug grin she looked over the body that she had slain. To add insult to injury she took her sweet time standing atop the corpse before squatting and urinating on the hag's face which now stared unblinkingly at nothing at all. Grabbing the body by the tail Aponi finished what she had started and dragged the bitch towards the edge of the drop before giving her a swift shove over the side. Smirk grew to an outright maniacal grin as she looked at the twisted way the white body lay on the rock below. Turning she yawned, perhaps now she needed a nap.


[Image: AplcUOC.png]