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rapture of the deep — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
Naira's exit, feel free to pp her dropping back by with a rabbit and wandering off, she won't want to eavesdrop/stir Sahalie up too much :P

As @Sahalie vanished underground, Naira took a moment to unkink her spine, stretch her shoulders and roll her hips until a satisfying pop was heard, a grateful groan following soon after. The warmer weather had been far kinder to her than the winter and some days she felt as she had when she first stumbled across these lands (until she did something foolish like bow down at the entrance of an abandoned otter holt for too long.

Speaking of, she gave the small stream a disapproving glance, wondering if @Serach had thought the same. The day the Swift River den flooded was forever burned into the back of her mind (hell she had almost drowned herself dragging @Kisla from the river, had she been any daintier she probably wouldn't have been up to the task). However, she was quickly pulled from her memories by familiar steps, smile returning to her dark rimmed eyes as they fell on @Triell, moving aside to make room as he headed for the entrance to the makeshift den, his words kept her smile in place as she offered a nod of thanks to Serach, when he came to sit by her side she motioned with her head. She had promised Sahalie food for the new mother, and she wasn't about to inspire any more of the young girl's ire than she had already earned.
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
@Sahalie, you're up! Assuming Triell leaves with Naira here.

His arrival had been quiet and un-intruding, which was exactly what he had wanted. He grinned at Sahalie as she slipped into the den, and he couldn't help but try to crane his neck and make out the soft exchange of words between her and the new mother, but he was too far away and soon enough he settled back down on his haunches to wait. His goal in all of this was to provide support for all of those involved, but mostly Spieden. The best way he knew how to do that was to keep his nose out of her business unless otherwise invited. Between Sahalie and Naira, he had no doubt that Spieden was in good hands. Although, sitting on the wet sandy and pebbled bank alongside the creek, the silent watcher couldn't help but run his eyes along the water nervously. He didn't know much about making dens, but it was unsettling how close the den was to the water. Something to keep an eye on, to be sure, he thought, his ears flicking forward as he heard sound in the woods.

Up on his feet, he waited, his head and tail lifted aggressively as he stared into the trees, ready to leap to action if whoever should emerge posed any kind of a threat. But as the murky shadows gave birth to the form of Triell, Serach relaxed and slipped back down to his haunches to sit. He grinned at Triell and dipped his head in a silent hello as the pack patriarch moved to inspect the content's of the den, speaking quietly to Spieden and Sahalie. He did not stay long however, and when he moved to join Naira the other pregnant wolf also rose to her feet. He looked at her quizzically, but nodded his head to her all the same as she and Triell both headed off. Without them both there, the pressure was greater, and despite growing exhaustion, he settled himself in for a long watch.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
@Spieden you can wrap it up probably? and then @Serach can post again so everyone get's their 3?
The tunnel itself almost seemed roomier than the terminating cavern that Spieden had lodged herself in. Perhaps the impressive woman was just taking up all the room—because it certainly wasn't the pups. Sahalie had to try hard not to squish them. She picked up her forepaws in a little dance before finding some place to wiggle in near Spieden's flank "Just like old times, eh! I promise I won't ask for a meal though," she joked, thinking of way back when when she had called Spieden thing's like "all-dark" and "milkbag."

"Awww," Sahalie whispered at Spieden's heartwarming invitation.

When the woman continued it was hard to keep herself from wiggling with more excitement, however the den also made it hard to wiggle at all. Eagerly her nose reached out to give each little bundle a little pokey-kiss. No names? Well, they were only moments old. Her head twisted back towards the opening where her father was talking, and she sent him an excited smile as if to say, "Oh my god pinch me I'm dreaming." There were only a few tears in her eyes.

"Well you're from a fishy sort of place. And they're born next to a fishy river," she began slowly, her voice drawling out as the cogs turned in her head, "So why not give them fishy names?"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
@Serach If you want you can get an exit in, or just archive :)

Spieden was surprised when Triell quietly poked in, his words carrying with them a sort of unspoken approval. She had been so worried about what everyone would think, how much of a failure she was and where she had gone wrong, she couldn't have imagined how accepting the pack would be. That it wasn't a big deal, not really. 

Spieden softly snorted at Sahalie's jest. It was surprising how similar yet how different things were, the little patchwork family nestled together in the makeshift den as if it were the most natural thing in the world, lacking the strife of last spring. 

Spieden hummed, considering Sahalie's idea. It would only be appropriate, wouldn't it? Sahalie didn't even know the rest of it, the sea ran in their veins. Spieden snuffed, nosing and licking at the two robust little pups as she thought. 

"For the girl... Marina. And the boy... Mako." She finally decided, nodding after a few moments. As soon as the names fell from her tongue, she knew she'd picked the right ones. Spieden sighed, setting her head down amid the jumble of limbs and warm bodies, eyelids heavy. She wasn't sure what would come next, but they would all figure it out, she was sure.
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
@Spieden @Sahalie - You can grab your LP now!

Ears perking atop his head, the young man turned his attention to the den entrance. Nestled amongst the reeds of the bank, he couldn't see into the dark opening, but he could hear the sounds from within. The low voices of Spieden and Sahalie as they talked, and the faint mews and other cries of the newborns. He wasn't sure how many she had given birth to, but Serach expected there to be more than one. Although the circumstances of the pups arrival was unexpected and usual, the pack had done well by Spieden - at least he hoped. Like with Naira and Aponi, the pack had worked hard to ensure that Spieden was cared for in the weeks leading up to this moment.

He was excited to meet them - no matter how many there were. We'll have a mini pup pack, by the time it's all said and done, he mused as he settled his head down onto his front paws. If they were anything like he and Sceral had been when they were young, it would be tough to corral so many young and inquisitive minds. He was prepared to rise to that challenge though, of that Serach was certain.

Resisting the urge to yawn, the subordinate lifted his head to avoid falling asleep. Turning his attention to the water, he watched quietly and waited until he was needed.

Fade out.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]