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something unpredictable — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren
For @Eirian only because I cannot get enough of that woof

It had been three days since her fight with Eskil, and she'd been traveling northeast ever since. She'd taken things at a rather slow pace, too overwhelmed with her emotions to think about much else than what a complete and utter moron she was. She hadn't cried - there was no need to, really - but she wasn't positive that she was ever going to see her friend again. The nearly-overwhelming feeling of sadness matched the heat running through her pelt, but it also overrode it in priority, pushing the itch to the back of her mind. Her logical side was trying to tamper down both of the conflicting emotion and physical problems she was experiencing, but it wasn't doing well at its job.

The young woman took a deep breath and walked alongside the river to her right - Heartleaf Creek. The babbling water with slush on its banks was doing well to create some type of noise and give the colorless wolf something else to focus on. Icy silver-blue eyes scanned the icy blue water as she walked, her tail low and her ears pressed miserably to her skull. Caught between the burn in her body and the turmoil in her soul when she knew she should be ruled by her mind.

None of it matched up with how she had been raised. Her mother would be ashamed.

But then, her mother had been ripped apart by the alphas of her pack as a show of dominance and power, in order to strike fear into the hearts of all of her packmates and keep them in line. Shows where that got her.

Another sigh fell from her lips as she lay down on her stomach beside the brook, touching her muzzle lightly to the half-frozen water around the edges. The cool felt good on her stomach, satiating some of the burn running rampant in her system and helping her feel at least fractionally better. Not completely, of course, but slightly. She looked at her reflection in the rippling water and stood up, anger at... well, at everything, igniting in her chest as she got all four paws underneath her.

"Fuck me!" she shouted, voice catching slightly at the end, the self-loathing becoming too overwhelming to bear for just the briefest of moments. She squeezed her eyes shut, her entire body trembling with the effort of trying to contain all of the misery and fury and frustration building up within her.

She was glad no one was around to see her weakness.

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Spring, a wonderful time of year when the weather began to finally warm enough to melt away the treacherous snow underfoot Eirian despised with a fiery passion. Flora of various kinds budding and blooming to dot the landscape with fresh life and hues of colors not seen in months due to Father Winter ruling the land with a frigid, iron fist that refused to release its grip until the bitter end. Hopes of new beginnings, albeit, best of all was the aroma of fertile females ripe for the plucking on the air the Asurn male loved most.

It was this intoxicating perfume that now filled his lungs with each inhale, salmon tongue slipping past the barrier of his inky lips on occasion to taste the delectable nectar in the air. Inducing an almost feral state fo the male in his prime. Unaware of whom he trailed, the fine details didn't matter in that moment. Floating at the back of his mind was a promise he had made to the nubbed tailed woman. A child to call her own in exchange for aiding his cause back when Broken Timber Pines stood as something more than the smoldering ashes they were now. A pack long forgot.

Creamy limbs halted in their path and russet ears pricked forward as a sudden shout of "Fuck me!" breached the silence and set a few year round birds scattering in different directions, a smirk adorning Eirian's lips when he noticed the scent of whichever female he had been trailing now grew stronger. If she was in need, well who was Eirian to walk away from a damsel in distress? 

"Well, if you insist." His honeyed tone crooned to announce his arrival before his auburn silhouette manifested along the opposing side of the creek, a glint of amusement twinkling within the citrus hue of his irises watching the way her body trembled. Keeping his distance, his gaze roamed over the female's appearance to take in the various hues of silver, black, and white that made up her plush fur. Both length and height seemed to challenge that of his own if not equal it exactly. Not a trace of contamination appeared from what he could tell and that fact alone had the fire inside roaring. Oh, yes, she would do.

(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2017, 10:32 PM by Eirian. Edit Reason: adjusting to be more site friendly )
Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

The monochromatic woman stiffened at the unexpected response she received from the opposite bank. She looked up, silvery eyes meeting the blazing orange of the sunset-colored man facing her. The two of them were around the same size, even if he was a bit heftier than she, but in coloration they were starkly opposites. Where she held no color, he was bursting with it. And, from his reply, she'd be willing to bet that he was also bursting with much more personality than she herself.

Silence stretched out between them for a few seconds, before the colorless female snorted softly in amusement. "I didn't mean it like that," she told him, her tail giving a soft swish behind her in greeting. "Poor choice of words for this time of year, I suppose." She shifted her weight and felt the odd urge to make sure she looked presentable for the handsome man across the river. The urge was, of course, ignored, but she was still interested enough in him to continue speaking. "What is your name?" Her voice was a bit less monotonous than usual, interwoven with a slight bit more tease. This man was a very, very welcome distraction, and he could certainly take care of at least one of her burning issues.

If he was willing to fool around a bit, then so was she. Anything to take her mind off of the loss of her only friend, and anything to get rid of the burning and itching within her pelt. She tried to remember what some of the women from her old pack would do to drive the men crazy, and placed her forepaws out so that she could give one long, luxurious stretch. Perhaps she could entice him to come over to her side of the river, instead of staying way over there.

Still, she didn't think she was ready to hook up with him just yet. But it would be very hard to decide whether or not she actually wanted to if he were to remain so far away from her. For the moment, he was a complete stranger, and that just wouldn't do.

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Amusement remained present upon his handsome features and in the depths of his citrus gaze while she admitted how poor her choice of wording was granted the current time of year, hiding a smirk that threatened to tug at the corner of his lips when she inquired about his name. The teasing tone that underlined her question not missed by the Asurn. "Eirian Asurn, gorgeous. At your service." A small bow was given to mock a gentleman side the savage bred wolf definitely did not have, letting his gaze hold her own for a brief moment until she herself began to move along the opposite bank.

Had he known her intents of driving him crazy in order to lure him closer he may have confessed she was successful, hungry eyes roaming over her colorless frame once more as her forepaws shifted forward in order to give her body a good stretch, flaunting what could and would be his. Silently he began to approach, a couple smooth bounds clearing the watery obstacle that separated the duo while she finished her luxury stretch. "But what about you? There must be a beautiful name that accompanies a beautiful woman." His honeyed tone spoke out again, creamy limbs halting a respectful distance away to tease her in return and keep up his gentleman charade. This tango was just getting started.

Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

The woman smirked when he crossed the river, finishing her stretch and rising back to her full height so that she was not lower than him. She was not generally very good at reading the intentions of others, or their personalities, but she didn't think it would be a good idea to be submissive in this situation. If he wanted her, then he would have to work for it. Not that she was worth working for, necessarily. It was just that she didn't want to be easy. He was quite attractive, so she was rather convinced that he could have almost whoever he wanted.

She just didn't want to be another face in the crowd. It was almost like she wanted to make sure that he was worth it. Which was quite out-of-character for her, so she chalked it up to the hormones running rampant in her system.

"At my service, hm?" she asked, quirking one eyebrow and smirking slightly up at the man. She wriggled her shoulders a bit, like a crouched mountain lion. Her cool-toned eyes scanned him over when he got closer. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Eirian Asurn," she continued, her tail swishing back and forth.

She made no move to approach him, but she also didn't move away, either. "My name is Asha Maren. Everyone from back home just called me Ash, though." The statement wasn't enough to make her feel uncomfortable about talking about her family, but she also chose not to elaborate further. "Not quite so sure that I can vouch for the beauty of the woman, or for the name." A slight smile turned the corners of her lips upward.

This could turn out to be fun, after all.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Gradually he took a couple steps closer, pausing with a deep inhale that filled his lungs to the brim with a sweet mixture of fresh air and her intoxicating scent. Breath exhaled slowly that made the copper male dizzy for a moment, citrus eyes watching as the world swam around him in colorless waves before steadying itself. "The pleasure is all mine." It was quite the rare occurrence to cross paths with a fellow pure-blood in these lands that reeked with the stench of mutts, let alone quite the looker he could use to his advantage by extending the Asurn bloodline. Purifying these filthy lands a little more.

"Asha." He tested the woman's name on his tongue, reveling in how easily it rolled to escape into the warming air surrounding them. "Definitely fitting for a gem such as yourself." His slick tongue continued, moving in closer now to partially circle the woman that stood before him, not bothering to hide the way his gaze roamed her body once more. His sensitive nose beginning to pick out the fading musk of a male; competition, among the strands of her fur. "Although this does beg me to ask why someone such as yourself is out here all alone. A man must be waiting in the shadows that I am not aware of."

Of course, Eirian was well aware there was no other male nearby or else his nose would have noticed the cologne lingering in the air, but that didn't stop him from acting out this part of the play and swiveling his head about to cast his gaze around the surrounding area. Scoping out for signs of others. Had another man arrived, though, Eirian would have no qualms chasing the scoundrel off. Asha was going to be his prize this season.

(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2017, 10:20 PM by Eirian.)
Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

The silver woman knew quite well that the man before her wanted much more than she would usually be willing to give. His eyes were so greedy and hungry as they scoped out her figure, and Asha herself was eating it up. She accepted his flattery with simple, slight smiles, and watched him as he half-circled her, not bothering to turn her head. Her sharp ears would be able to pick out any sudden movements, and the man, while shady, had given her no real reason to think that he might be an enemy. So, the colorless one just stood and allowed herself to be admired and flattered.

Her stomach did one of those uncomfortable, irritating flips that it had performed when she was around @Eskil when he mentioned another man. Eskil was far, far too good for her. Way beyond her reach. This man - the one who charmed and flattered her in pursuit of one thing was much more what she deserved. Not someone kind and gentle, who gave her care when she needed, and space when she desired.

She didn't deserve someone who would be her true friend.

But that didn't stop her, for a moment, when she looked into the honeyed eyes of this Eirian figure, from wishing their color to be evergreen instead.

She cleared her throat and turned to look at him with a slight smile. "I am not alone. You're here, aren't you?" she asked, circling around to pad up to him and lick the underside of his chin and brush her muzzle down his throat.

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

A creamy-hued brow quirked skyward in mild curiosity noticing the sudden; although brief, shift in the woman's demeanor before a clearing of her throat brought her back from wherever the hell it was she went. Going on to comment that she wasn't alone since he was there before closing distance that lay between them and making the first physical contact. A low rumble vibrated against Eirian's throat as he enjoyed the sensation of her muzzle running down the front of it, his lungs once more filled to the brim with the scent of her heat. He wasn't sure how much longer his self-control could hold out.

Concealing citrus irises behind cream lids, a momentary prayer to whatever gods his family believed in was silently tossed into the air before they reopened, focusing on the close proximity of their bodies. "I am and like I mentioned earlier, I am at your service. Surely you must be in need of something. I can smell it upon your fur." He crooned, releasing another rumble within his throat that bordered along something primal while positioning his muzzle near her ear to whisper into it. "Let me take care of you." The words were wickedly sweet in tone and the copper male doubted his meaning would go amiss, purposely peeling his body from hers now to give his lungs a breath of fresh air to clear his foggy mind and replace the warmth that once threatened to have the man panting and eager all the same with the chill that faintly lingered on the air still.

Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren
We can probably fade the breeding in your next post - if you need more words you can skip to the next morning and PP Asha sleeping or something :3 We're so close to getting the LP.

She understood, vaguely, what she was doing to him. The women from her old pack had gossiped about it enough for her to at least comprehend what he might be experiencing. She was enjoying the rumbles he was releasing in the way a cat might enjoy toying with a mouse. He seemed so in control of himself, and the momentary lessening of that control felt like some sort of victory. A small smile pulled at her lips as they were concealed underneath his chin as he spoke, his voice a honeyed purr in her ear. Her tail gave a soft swish, and her smile vanished before he pulled his body away from hers.

Cold blue eyes raised up to meet his warm orange ones dubiously. "You can, can you?" she teased lightly, shaking out her fur to purposefully spread some of that scent he was talking about. "I believe you look like you're the one with problems, Eirian Asurn." His name was beginning to feel nice on her tongue - not as nice as Eskil Whitebark, of course, but she wouldn't dare sully the larger man with acts such as these - and she wasn't despising the idea of accepting his offer.

The colorless wolf cleared her throat and slid underneath his chin once more, this time brushing her flank all the way across. "Well? What are you waiting on, then?" she breathed, sending him a look over her shoulder and mock-pled, "Take care of me."