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Boom, clap! — Laurel Thicket 
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Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Pretty sure I saw that there were chances of thunder yesterday, so here we go. All welcome! Backdated to the 30th

The sky was loud today and the Little Dragon couldn't figure out why.

Rather than being frightened, or cowed like any other pup of his age might be, Aegir was merely confused. Usually the space above was blue and white, but that day it was grey and dark and every once in a while it would flash white, like he was staring into the sun. He would blink, dazed and confused as he looked this way and that, trying to figure out what had just happened when the floor would start to vibrate as a boom echoed through the forest.

The first time he might have flinched, maybe even yelped a bit, but by the fifth or sixth time he was used to it. He just hadn't figured out what it was yet.

He was near the den- as curious as he was he hadn't quite worked up the courage to wander too far yet- so he knew he was safe, that the booming wouldn't hurt him. But that didn't sate his curiosity, he had to know just what it was and what the loud banging meant. He'd tried all sorts of things,he'd barked at the sky, demanded its attention and had received nothing in turn. But as soon as he turned up his nose, ignored it and began chewing on his favourite stick he'd found in the centre of the glen, the sky flashed once more and a rumbling soon followed.

Tossing his stick to the side, Aegir titled his head skywards once again. He would make it listen, he would not be ignored! And so there was only one thing for it. He cleared his throat, took a deep breath and yelled at the top of his little lungs.

(This post was last modified: May 31, 2017, 05:46 PM by Aegir.)
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Becca who has 53 posts.
Inactive Deceased

The day was stormy, obviously. Oisin listened to the thunder roll overhead and how a bright strike of lightning would occasionally light up the forest. She wondered if all of the mothers and their children were alright. Veho had informed her that there were three litters but she had only met two. Oula and Amaryllis. The third one was still a mystery to her and she had little idea where to find the mysterious third litter.

It was by chance that she heard a high pitched yell after a large roar of thunder. It didn't sound like a scared or even injured call but she still set into motion. The small girl was quick and speedy as she could be. Her dirty yellow eyes scanned the area as her scarred head swung about. What would compel a child to make such a horrendous sound? Well, really it wasn't so bad it was just worrying. Perhaps she should have grabbed herbs but she was far from the medical den and in the case it was an emergency she wanted to be there to evaluate the situation first.

As she entered the scene she noted the den and the child. He must have been the culprit of the call but he looked perfectly fine. There was no obvious signs of injury. Her brows furrowed for a moment as she stood a few foot lengths away. Perhaps she should have turned around and left the area but what if something really was wrong? What if the mother was out for a bit and her child was left to do whatever it was children do. "Are you alright?" She lowered herself down and watched the child carefully from her spot. The last thing Oisin wanted to do was possible piss off a mother.

[Image: oisin_sig_by_becuffin-db825sv.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Aegir was determined to shout the sky into submission. And he'd be damned if he gave up just because all this yelling was making him thirsty. But he was, he hadn't seen Ma around for a while and his stomach rumbled at the thought of having some of the warm milk that she made just for him. These days she left more often than she used to. Sometimes Da would stay behind and other times, like now, the Little Dragon was left alone to his devices.

Or so he thought.

One moment he had been yelling, making a right ruckus when the next he looked down and saw that he was no longer alone. There was a big, not so far away. Which was good, because he liked the company! But also bad because he knew for certain that this was not one of his bigs, this was someone new, someone he'd never seen before. They were browny like Ma and small as well, but their face was all marked up with lines. Aegir decided this big wasn't as pretty as his Ma, that no other big in the world could compare to her.

The strange big came closer and hunkered down in front of him and began to ramble, making noises just like the ones his Da made. These days, his Da talked plenty and the Little Dragon was a fast learner. He wasn't a fluent speaker just yet, but in time he'd no doubt get better.

"'Lo?" Aegir mumbled as he stared her down, his little paws bringing him closer till he was merely inches from their nose. What were they doing here, in his home? How did they find this place?

He sniffed and there was something familiar about their scent. They smelled like the trees, just like his Ma, but Da didn't have this facet to the way he smelled. Then maybe..? Aegir squinted and sniffed again, before toddling over to their side to further inspect this stranger. Dropping to a crawl, Aegir pushed himself against her side and...Oh, maybe she wasn't so bad after all. His stomach rumbled and he pushed harder against her till he found what he was looking for.


With no thought of being gentle- they weren't Ma after all- Aegir latched on and tried and failed to fill his little tummy.
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Becca who has 53 posts.
Inactive Deceased

As the small boy grew closer her tail softly swayed behind her. Now that he was close enough to properly examine she noticed that indeed nothing was wrong with him. A small smile tugged on her scarred face. "Hello to you too." She returned his friendly greeting as her dirty yellow eyes watched him. He seemed rather eager to greet her. The medic in training's head turned to watch the brown boy near her side. What exactly was he doing crawling under her like -



Oisin was stunned and stood there for a few moments. While she had never been a mother she had visited the mother's enough to understand what he was looking for. She awkwardly wiggled in an attempt to get him to release his latch before she stepped to the side. Her body lowering all the way down so her stomach was against the ground. "Oh dear." She nervously laughed. No one, not even Veho, could have likely prepared her for that to happen. "I'm afraid I don't have anything there for you." An awkward smile replaced her once kind and warm one.

Her eyes fluttered around to see if his mother was nearby. Oisin was positive that his mother would have what he was looking for. She was unsure how much he could talk but it was worth trying. "Where's your mom?" Surely a mother wouldn't stray too far from her child, right? If so...she figured she might have to call Veho or see if one of the other mothers could be of help. They could do that, right? Drink from anyone? It would make sense mentioning the young boy had just latched at her.

[Image: oisin_sig_by_becuffin-db825sv.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Aegir growled-or rather squeaked- in frustration as he pulled away, unfulfilled with an empty tummy. What sort of trickery was this? She had the same parts as Ma, so why not? Aegir had figured out that Da couldn't feed him like that- and had made the man yelp in the process- but this stranger should have been close enough to Ma to be able to do the job. And yet, like she admitted she had nothing. Not even a little.

Nipping her side in punishment-how dare she let him go hungry- he huffed and toddled away from her side. She was the worst big he'd met so far, so mean, letting him go hungry like that. Bad bad bad.She uttered words to him, so Aegir turned to stare at her, to try and unravel what she was trying to tell him. Because that's what bigs did, right? They don't just bark and whine the made sounds that meant things, like messages.

And figuring it all out was like a grand game to him, an adventure!

So if she wasn't going to feed him, what did she want to do? Didn't look like she wanted to play,because she was laying down. But...That word she said, the last one sounded like the name he had for his favourite big. Ma. Was she talking about Ma? Where was Ma? Was Ma coming home?

"Ma!" With a renewed sense of wonder and enthusiasm Aegir toddled along as quickly as his little legs would allow.

Was she in the woods? Hiding, waiting to be found? He couldn't contain his bark of excitement. Ma, he was coming ready or not! Was this the strange big's plan all along? If so it was a very smart one, very clever! But as fun as this was, he just wanted to see her again and give her all his love and kisses. Just cause he loved his Ma so very much.
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2017, 11:25 PM by Aegir.)
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Becca who has 53 posts.
Inactive Deceased

While she was upset she couldn't help the boy she knew it wasn't entirely her place. It was the mother's job to nurse the child and this certainly wasn't Oisin's child. She was pleased that boy didn't seem to protest too much. That gave her time to find the mother before he might start truly throwing a fit.

Dirty yellow eyes watched as he called out for his Ma. Her heart warmed as she raised back up to her height and carefully trotted a few steps before she glanced at the boy. She couldn't leave him here while she went looking, could she? Sure he might have been old enough to begin walking but he couldn't defend himself against any lurking predators. "Help me look? We can find your Ma together." Her tail swished behind her as she gave a toothless smile. Surely the child must have had some kind of clue where his mother had gone. While Oisin assumed (and hoped) it wasn't too far she couldn't have been sure. Maybe she would get lucky and the mother of this hungry boy would appear any second. It wasn't that she didn't like the boy or that she didn't wanna be around but there was only so much she could do. Besides, she hadn't exactly come expect someone to try and feed from her. It would make for one heck of a story to tell Veho.

[Image: oisin_sig_by_becuffin-db825sv.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
I think we need a parental interception @Kjell or @Pip
Yes! He would find Ma! Or rather they would find Ma.

He didn't know who this strange milk-less lady was, but she was okay in his books. Or at the very least, she wasn't the worst. Which in his eyes meant that he wasn't going to gnaw at her ankles, or anything quite as dramatic as that anytime soon. In fact, it seemed as though they were going to go on an adventure together! That she was going to help him find his Ma.

"Ya!" Aegir yipped, the epitome of excitement and delight."Go go!"

He could barely contain himself, so without further ado he rushed off into the woods with his tail swishing manically behind him. She was a big, so she'd have no trouble keeping up, right? Her legs were long, but somehow she was shorter than his Ma and Da! One day, Aegir was going to be the biggest wolf of all! He was going to be big and strong and his legs would be as tall as the brown things all around! In fact, he was going to be so big he'd be able to reach the bright ball in the sky. What a grand toy it would make...But then again he'd never seen his Da play all that much, unless Aegir started the game of course.

Maybe bigs weren't all that much fun. Hm.

Shaking that thought away, Aegir hurried on, going as fast as his little legs would take him, without any mind of the direction. Once more, the sky lit up with a white flash-and The Little Dragon lost his footing and crashed to the floor with a sharp, pained yelp. The world boomed around him as tears pricked at his eyes and slid down his cheeks.

Where was his Ma? Or even his Da?
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kjell Sørenson

There was a storm – on a normal day, Kjell Sørenson would not be terribly enthused with the idea of a thunderstorm. He would hunker down in the little nest his mate had built, surely with said mate and son both. What he did not expect, however, was to find neither wolf present when he approached the den. Aegir had taken to wandering lately – not that he could particularly blame the child, for he had done the same at that age – but now it was a bit of a problem, wasn’t it? A storm was due at any second, and he had no idea where his son had wandered off to.

Kjell set off in an unsteady run, woofing softly for the boy. Would he answer, if he heard? What if Aegir did answer, but he couldn’t hear his pup over the rumble of incoming thunder?

The wolf’s ears strained as he continued to, only happening by where the healer and his boy had gathered – just in time to see the pup wail, no less. Kjell’s ears flew backwards as he swooped towards Aegir, lips peeled backwards as he growled. “What the hell did you do to my boy?”

Played by Becca who has 53 posts.
Inactive Deceased

She was content to take the boy along and of course, she didn't have the intention to take him too far. If not for a possible angry mother than there was the chance the young one would get tired. So perhaps a small little loop would be good for him. Especially since he also seemed to keen on finding his mother.

The small wolf didn't move very fast and made sure to keep giving glances to the boy by her. It was only her luck that she looked away for a moment when the sky snapped that the boy seemed to fall. Before she could even try to lull the crying child a man came in furious as the sky above. Her eyes widened for a brief moment before she stumbled back hitting the forest floor just like Aegir had done moments ago. Dirty yellow eyes closed and tan ears folded back against her skull. A long series of whines left her as she laid on her side, stomach mostly exposed. Here she was thinking she would be dealing with an upset mother but instead, she seemed to get the angriest man she'd ever seen. Grizzly Hollow was not as peaceful as she thought. There was anger amongst them in the form of a dark scarred man.

"I-I didn't," She hiccuped as if she was starting to cry. What a pitiful sight the small healer had become. "do anything. He was hungry and I tried to find his mother." Oisin whined as she looked across the ground at the male's paws. "I wasn't gonna just leave him."

[Image: oisin_sig_by_becuffin-db825sv.png]