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confidence — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
August 4, mid-afternoon
Fog 53/12C
The location is approx lat/long -69/74 in case I wasn't clear on location
for @Kyna @Revon @Corsair and @Ayla

They had left towards their pre-arranged meeting location on time as Aponi had promised Kyna’s scout that they would do. Unfortunately, she had not planned for the extra time it would take to travel with multiple pups. She had made long treks with Kyna before and short jaunts with Lila when they had been young but never before had she attempted to go so far as the only adult looking after a trio. They were slower moving, and much more easily distracted, wandering where they shouldn’t be and needing to take frequent breaks. Ayla stayed near her mother, sometimes too close underfoot, while Mabel was often conspiring with her brother before trying to sneak off on their own. Needless to say, Aponi had been less than impressed with their antics and had made no secret of this.

Had she been travelling alone she could have reached their meeting point first thing this morning, a day after they had left. As it was they were supposed to arrive at noon and the sun was a couple of hours past this high point now. The trees were dense and at some points the ground was boggy enough that the mother sank up her ankles, but the pups were light enough to stay on top of the moss. They were to meet where the Fen met the Copse, not exactly the most conventional place to bring children but it was the halfway place.

Kyna’s scent grew stronger and Aponi nudged her children in silent encouragement to speed up their pace, they were late enough as it was.

(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2017, 07:43 PM by Aponi.)
Played by Ghost who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mabel Donata

Mabel was having probably the best time of her short life. The territory was so boring and even the short walks across the borders had become tiresome as the grownups often cut them shorter than she would like. This time they had even spent the night outside of their home and then kept walking in the morning. The novelty was beginning to wear off though, she was tired and these weird trees grew so close together and the ground was so wet. Even wetter than the ground back home and the cream coloured pup’s paws looked much closer to the muddy brown of her eyes.

Plus, Mom kept getting annoyed when they walked too far away. So now she trudged along through the muck behind her mother with a grimace affixed on her muzzle. The silver muzzle turned and suddenly nudged her rump to speed up her pace, Mabel greeted the gesture with a curled lip. It was quickly smoothed however at the sight of her mother’s stern glance and she picked up her speed obediently. Mud splashed beneath her as moss gave away slightly, the child stepped a little harder to it would slosh out farther, maybe hit one of her siblings.

With a smirk on her face the girl leapt over the tree roots ahead, intent on landing as hard as possible on the wet ground. This time she would splash them all.

[Image: mabel_by_becuffin-dbafpqz.png]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Thus far, Revon had been a fairly well-behaved youngster. Despite the fact that Greer had played that nasty trick on her that one time, their daughter was less trouble than she imagined a child might have been. Pregnancy was worse. Now, a with the little fire fox being a few months of age, Kyna felt confident enough to patrol the borders for a few hours in the afternoon without the girl totally disappearing on her. Her mother was due any day now – her scout had told her that Aponi would be travelling this way soon from Oak Tree Bend, with her children in tow. It was kind of a strange thought, that her own daughter and her half-siblings were the same age, but Aponi had siblings younger than Kyna, so she supposed she couldn’t really complain.

The young leader started to venture away from the borders of Aurora Heights; perhaps her mother had gotten lost? It would be one thing if the silver matriarch was on her own, but she had her pups in tow, and Kyna just—

Well, she wasn’t going to dwell on the sentiment for too long. “Come on, now, @Revon – we’re almost there. You’ll have lots of new friends to play with,” she encouraged her daughter, diving further into the thickening forest. Perhaps they should have been more specific on where to meet?

Played by becuffin who has 38 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Ayla Donata
 @Corsair down to you!

Aponi had surprised the pups with a trip that was proving to be much further and longer than any trip outside of the borders that they’d been taken on before. While it was true that everything was very interesting, the girl found she didn’t like the way it made her feel. Open, exposed, and unfamiliar. The Bend was home, a place that she felt safe at and she knew everything within their borders. Because of this feeling she stuck closer to her mother than normal, skittering under her for protection when a bird suddenly burst from the tree or some other unexpected sound frightened her. The antics had earned her a few sharp growls and words from the silver woman, so the redhead had taken to following close behind. Her tail hung limply at her hocks and her lips were pulled down into a dejected frown, fluffy hackles raised to show her discomfort yet she remained quiet except for a few snaps at her sister when she would splash her with the murky water.

Momma told them to pick up their pace and Ayla did so obediently, heartbeat picking up even further because she knew that they were growing closer. She wondered what this sister of theirs would be like. What had her name been? Kyler? Kyndra? Oh! Kyna! She had been surprised to hear that they’d had another sister older than Lila, whom she was still getting used to. How many other pups did Aponi have, she wondered. And, just how big was her family? As she walked in thought, she was shocked out of her reverie by a tidal wave of brown muck. She didn’t even have to look to know who it had been. “Maby!” she yelped, whipping toward her sister with bared teeth. Great, what a good first impression this new sister would get of her looking like a drowned rat.
Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer

Being the only cub in Aurora meant the little fox spent a lot of her time amusing herself, or following around one of her few packmates. She did not like bothering them often—especially her parents, for they had just recently trusted her to be on her own. Not wanting to mess that up, the Archer stayed close to the dens, exploring the nearby boulders and never straying too far. She was not opposed to testing her limits, but she also did not want to upset her mother and father. Her bolder adventures would have to wait. The better she behaved the easier the scolding would be once she actually broke the rules… she hoped.

New friends. Her russet ears twitched at the statement, tangerine eyes narrowing softly. The idea of having playmates her own age was certainly appealing, but Revon was still confused as to who these wolves were. Her lips were curved into a small frown as she followed behind her mother silently, her oversized paws clumsily carrying her through the forest. It was much different than the mountain she was used to—it was darker; damper. She wasn’t sure she liked it, as she already missed the fresh air and open sky overhead. Wolves lived here? How bizarre!

Dismissing the thought the girl struggled to maintain her mother’s pace, her ears pinned back in determination. Why couldn’t these new friends meet them on the mountain? The forest was soooo icky!

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Shadow who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Corsair Donata
Sorry for the wait! Hadn't seen this thread til Ghost nudged me bout it. ^_^

Corsair had tried to sneak away exactly 6 times, most of them encouraged by Mabel. Some of them even happened at the same time as Mabel trying to sneak in another direction. Each time, Aponi had corrected the cubs. The penultimate time had been enough to force Corsair to behave. The final time had been the sternest, reducing even Mabel to an obedient zombie trailing along behind the silvery leader. Though he kept stealing glances at his light-haired sibling, looking for a signal to continue the antics, Corsair knew he wouldn't participate further, lest mother smite them into the earth itself for it.

They were going to meet someone important named Kyna, a sister but not as little as them. Corsair had committed that name to memory from the moment it was spoken aloud, understanding that it would serve as useful information now and in the future. When Aponi nudged him, the agouti youth lifted his head higher, noted Mabel's displeased expression, and mirrored it with one of his own. In reality, he wasn't displeased at all—he was rather excited, actually—but doing what Mabel did was usually the cool thing to do.

He might have kept on going, glowering for show, had he not suddenly been splashed with muddy water. While Ayla squealed out a protest and went for Mabel out of irritation, Corsair bubbled with laughter and went after Mabel for playful revenge. He stomped through the water toward his sisters, muddy tail whipping to-and-fro, and attempted to kick the water up at them—though mostly, he just made himself even wetter.

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
So sorry about this delay! No post order @Kyna @Revon @Ayla @Corsair

Mabel succeeded in not only soaking herself but both of her siblings and part of Aponi’s legs in the cool muck. This was met with a single lip curled upwards and a direct stare until Mabel fell in line, but the damage was done. Ayla was now even more upset than she already had been and Corsair was absolutely drenched as he paraded through the muddy moss. So now they were all late, her three children were filthy and wet, one was angry from being corrected, one was upset at being splashed and the other was making them all even more wet.

Aponi’s sigh of exasperation almost covered up the sound of Kyna’s voice, clearly addressing her own child who was probably better behaved than the Donatas. Shoving through a low lying branch she allowed the three pups to go before her as the entered a small clearing. With such a dense forest they could fit the two adults and four pups comfortable but trying to add any other full grown wolves would be a stretch. Smiling politely towards her golden pelted daughter Aponi dipped her head in respect from one alpha to another.

The blue eyes didn’t stay on the woman for long though before they caught sight of the dark child near her legs, what had Kyna called her? Revon? To her she sunk down slightly, a wider smile crossing her features. Being a grandmother had to be easier than being a mother right?

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Ghost who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mabel Donata
Second tag for @Kyna @Corsair @Ayla @Revon no post order!

Mabel had been displeased with being put back in line by their mother. Then all hell had broken loose. Ayla was crying, Corsair was thrashing mud everywhere and the once cream coloured pup was now almost completely brown with dirty water. Squealing in delight the sound of her laughter bounced off the trees around them as she rushed after her brother in revenge, going directly under the thick foliage that their mother had held open for them.

Skidding to a stop she sent a small wave of muck towards the pair that stood on the other side of the branch. Momma seemed happy just to stare at them with that weird smile she made when she was trying to be nice. Mabel, on the other hand was never one to be content in silence and got to her paws, ”Uh, hello Not as in, uh hello I’m awkward and don’t know you. Her tone clearly portrayed that it was uh, hello pay attention to me I’m the important one.

With nothing more than a sly grin towards Corsair she suddenly rushed towards the pup who was by the adults side. The adult was probably Kyna but who cared? They had a new playmate their age and maybe she would be more fun than Ayla. How muddy could she get this new friend before she cried to the Mommas and got them in trouble?

[Image: mabel_by_becuffin-dbafpqz.png]
Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer

There were a few different scents lingering in the trees ahead of them, which meant the duo was getting close. Friends, relatives—Revon couldn’t really remember what her mother had said prior to their venture off the mountain. She just wanted this encounter to be over with so she could return to the Heights.

Through the tall trees was a small clearing. Sunlight trickled through the branches, illuminating the clearing and the four wolves that had arrived at the same time as her and her mother. Huh. Her nose lifted slightly, upper lip curled as she studied the three cubs, her tangerine gaze sweeping from one child to the next. One of the girl’s had spoken—her voice sharp and demanding. It screamed with desperation, so Revon was quick to remove her gaze. The boy was completely covered in mud (not surprising). The sight caused her lips to curve upward in amusement before moving onto the other girl, who seemed more subdued than the other two. What a peculiar bunch.

The silver wolf behind them offered her scarlet mother a small smile, but no words were exchanged. Not yet. Revon tipped her head to the side as she glanced up at Kyna, a single brow arched as though to say is this them?

What was she supposed to do now? Talk to them? Play with them? She wasn’t used to having wolves her own age to play with.  

@Ayla @Corsair @Kyna