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they keep singing and repeating — Traitors Tor 
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Played by Becca who has 23 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Reginald Goliger
AW! || Late morning, Cloudy, 53 ° F, 12 ° C


He hadn't realized how close that big old rock had been. As he looked around he realized a lot of rocks were nearby now. Had he been a bit further back he likely wouldn't have acknowledged their shadowy presence but now that he was here and closer and able to see better, well, he had to acknowledge them. In all of their strange presence. Regi couldn't really figure out what they were all put like this. For a moment he let his mind wander into childish thoughts - thinking of some big strong wolf that had perhaps put these here for fun or for some remembrance reason.

Carefully, he climbed up onto one like it was a throne for him. He would say that the view was nice but with his kind of vision the best he could give was that the view wasn't too distorted. The fog had lifted some and allowed him to see a bit more and do less stumbling and more of a brisk paced walk. These giant rocks were the first kind of obstruction he had encountered in this new place. Luckily this whole place seemed to be pretty flat and barren with only the occasional hill or dip in the ground. It was usually the dips in the grounds that would catch him off-guard for they were so much harder to see than a blurred mound of ground rising up in the distance.

With a huff, the pale stubby man plopped into a sitting position on the large slab of stone. Something felt off but he couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. Maybe he was just getting hungry.
Heads up - this wolf is near-sighted!
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Cyril was clearly in his I must explore everywhere!!!!!!!!! phase for it was near impossible to keep the little smudge contained to the monadnock. His paws did all of his thinking, taking him wherever they wanted to go, and little Cyril was just along for the ride.

This time he was heading west, for that region of the lowlands remained a mystery to the curious cub. From the monadnock the west looked empty and lonely, but the boy was confident there was something interesting in the barren landscape.

And he had been correct.

As he trotted along the tundra, his over-sized paws carrying as quickly as they were able, five looming figures taunted him in the distance. His yellow eyes immediately doubled in size and he attempted to quicken his pace, but fumbled in the process and nearly face-planted. With a loud huff he continued, determined to explore whatever the weird formations were. They reminded him of the monadnock but they were not nearly as magnificent, for nothing compared to the chunk of rock he called home.

As the boy drew closer something felt off and he began to regret his decision to head west. His lanky legs slowed, small triangles flattening against his crown as he approached the tall rock structures, his eyes still wide. Being here made Cyril feel like a bad boy (and not the good kind of bad), but his curiosity drove him forward. His steps were hesitant, cautious even, and nearly came to a halt as the scent of another reached him. Stranger! He gulped, his mind drawing a blank. What was he supposed to do?! Inhaling sharply he glanced around nervously, a single brow arched as he called out into the barren landscape, his voice sounding much stronger than he felt: “Hello?”

Played by Becca who has 23 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Reginald Goliger
Good thing his ears worked fine because there was a strong chance he would have never picked up the smudge (and a smudge he did look like to Reginald) if he hadn't called out. "Hellos!" He called out as his head turned side to side in order to pick up the wolf that had called out to him. Maybe if he sniffed at the air a bit he could pinpoint it better. The voice had sounded boyish, though. For a moment he wanted to wonder what a child could be doing out here but then again Regi had been a bit of a wayward child too. Who was he to judge?

"Mind coming a little closer?" He called out with a soft grin and his tail beating against the stone he sat upon. "Promise I won't bites!" Not yet at least and not too hard. He wanted some company anyway. It had been a good while since the young male had found someone worth hanging around or someone who didn't mind if he hung around. Most of the time he was being shooed off for a variety of reasons. Too close to borders, stealing from someone else's kill, or even just being shooed off because they didn't want him around. Never hurt his feelings, though.

Patiently he waited with ears alert and silver eyes waiting for a sign of movement in the smudged distance.
(This post was last modified: Aug 20, 2017, 08:21 PM by Reginald.)
Heads up - this wolf is near-sighted!
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

The stranger had called out to him, his voice holding an unexpected friendliness to it as it echoed through the Tor. His brows pinched with curiosity as he took a hesitant step forward, unsure of whether approaching the stranger was a good idea or not. He was perfectly content on exploring on his own, even if the strange rock towers made his stomach feel as though it was twisting into tight knots. Cyril frowned as he rolled on the balls of his feet, trying to debate what his next course of action was as he remained tight-lipped.

Mind coming a little closer? Instead the boy took a step back, his yellow eyes widening. That was certainly an invitation for death! Come a little closer, huh? So the stranger could bite his head off?! Cyril didn’t think so—not today!! Promise I wont bites! Famous last words. The boy wasn’t stupid, even if he was bold and reckless. Did the stranger think he was as dimwitted as he looked? His mother did not raise no idiot. This was a blatant trap and the little Kael was not falling for it.

His brow raised comically as he studied the pale figure, his paws rooted to the spot. “Nah, you come ‘ere!” He chirped back, his lips curved into a small frown, unsure of whether this was a good idea or not. “I don’ bite neither!!”

Played by Becca who has 23 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Reginald Goliger
Man this kid was a difficult one but smart he supposed. His parents or teachers probably taught him about the whole stranger thing. It was a lesson that Reginald had never learned very well. Granted back where he grew up there weren't many visitors be to had. The conditions were so harsh to those without hardy exteriors.

"I can't sees ya!" Reginald explained with a laugh. "My vision poors." His head shook softly feeling like he was talking to a ghost. He hadn't yet pinpointed where exactly the kid was at. Close enough to be heard and holler back and forth with but not close enough for Regi to pick out against the stones and hard grass. Maybe with his condition explained some the strange kid would be willing to comply a bit more. The pale Goliger really didn't have any malice in him right now. If they had met on another day? Well, Regi couldn't promise what he would have felt.

His silver eyes looked around the area, trying to tell if one of the blurry figures might move. Specifically, move towards him. It wouldn't do Regi any good if he was expectantly staring at a rock forever. The thought was enough to pull his lips upwards in a cheeky smile.
Heads up - this wolf is near-sighted!
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

His nose twitched as he observed the pale stranger from afar. What if this was all just a clever ruse to trap the innocent monadnock prince? Were there others lurking nearby, masking their scents so Cyril would not be able to detect them? He shivered at the thought. Part of him wanted to run back to the rock in the distance and seek out his mother or father, but the other part of him was no wimp. He wouldn’t let the alabaster male send him off with his tail tucked between his legs. Cyril could certainly handle this on his own… he hoped.

I can’t sees ya! The boy’s head fell sharp to the side, a perplexed expression causing his brows to twist together. My vision poors. Cyril did not even know that was possible. Since his eyes had hoped the boy had always been able to see well—unless it involved things reaaaaally far away, which was normal from what he understood. But this pale loner was not too far from him, and Cyril could see him perfectly fine. How odd. The boy took a hesitant, and rather foolish, step forward. “Y’sure y’ain’t gonna bite?” He asked, his tone cautious as he took another step toward the pale loner, his yellow eyes narrowed with suspicion. 

Played by Becca who has 23 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Reginald Goliger
Reginald couldn't help but laugh. The boy just didn't seem to get it! "Ya can't bites what ya can't sees!" His words came out in a breathy chuckle. More often than not Reginald found himself biting at the air in cases where he did get a little aggressive. This - almost painfully obvious on his end - was no one of those situations to get worked up about. It was a kid after all. If anything he should be worried that a caretaker or parent might pounce on him.

Perhaps a name would help the kid warm up some more. "I'ms Regi!" He hollered out with a grin still pulling on his ebony lips. There. That ought to help out some. Granted this kid did seem really stuck on not approaching. In the end, it wasn't any skin off of his back. Perhaps he was playing a dangerous game by even trying to hang out with the kid. He was already this far, though. Might as well go forth with his original plans.

Plans. Ha! What a funny idea for the rogue male to have any of those.

He wondered how much use the kid could be. Maybe offer some directions? Tell him a bit about the place? Reginald might be scraping the bottom of the barrel but right now it was likely his only option.
Heads up - this wolf is near-sighted!
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

He blinked at the stranger’s comment. If the pale wolf really did have poor eyesight then he was telling the truth, which made Cyril feel a little bit better about confronting a loner. He exhaled a sigh of relief and took a few more steps toward the older male, his tail wagging slowly behind his back. If he had wanted to hurt the monadnock prince he would have done so already, instead of persistently trying to gain the boy’s trust. And, if it came down to it, the Kael knew he could outrun the bleached wolf. His worry quickly began to subside as a newfound determination bubbled inside him, pushing him forward.

I’ms Regi! A name. That helped. If this wolf ended up being a liar and Cyril escaped his clutches he could give the name to his parents. They would deal with the loner properly. Perhaps they would toss him off the side of the monadnock… oh boy! That would be a sight to see.

For now the wolf appeared friendly and almost looked a little lost. There was nothing to worry about—not anymore. “I’m Cyril,” he countered as he continued stepping toward the pale loner, a wide grin tugging at his lips. His head flopped to the side once he got to a comfortable distance away from Regi, curiosity taking over. “What’cha doin’ out here?” The lowlands were an ideal place for someone with poor vision, as there was not much to bump into, but this place… this place was filled with looming rocks and threatening boulders. It was possibly the worst place for Regi to be—aside from a forest, maybe.

Played by Becca who has 23 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Reginald Goliger
-cranks reginald to work again-

The thickly-furred male was rather pleased that the dark smudge finally seemed to show some sort of trust. A name was a start! And the question that followed after was met with a small smirk and a few tumps of his tail. "I was explorin'. Nots really lost but nots sure where Is am either." He admitted with a small shrug of his shoulders. There was no point lying to the dark boy because the older male had nothing to hide.

"Whatcha doings out heres?" He spun the question back to the boy, almost expecting the same kind of answer. Reginald hadn't smelled any borders around but then again he could have just not been paying enough attention. His nose was stellar but only when he was actually paying attention to it did he notice anything.
Heads up - this wolf is near-sighted!