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Good luck had just stung me — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
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Laike Artemieva
On the border of WRF for @Adelayde || Morning, Cloudy, 39°F, 4°C

He had actually done it - he had left the River wolves in order to try and seek a future with Adelayde and her own family. It still made him a little queasy at the thought. What if this was a mistake? What if Adelayde had decided that she didn't want something permanent with him here? Would Lachesis understand if he came crawling back to the River wolves?

Laike could feel his nerves grow as he reached the mark borders of the Rye field pack. Before he could call the leaders to seek entrance he had to speak to Ade. The large male waited for a few moments composing himself and trying to calm his nerves. This could either be one of the best days of his life or this could be one of the worst.

"I could just leave now.." He silently thought but that was unfair to the tall female he had come to care for. She didn't deserve someone who cowered and fled.

The Artemieva shifted his weight one more time before his head tipped back and a long, low call asked for Adelayde to come see him at the borders. Once his call ended he lowered his head, fiery gaze focused on the field before him.

[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
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Adelayde Artemieva

She had to be dreaming. The beta had thought the past few days had been all just a hallucination; a figment of her imagination that would she soon forget once she awoke. But, oh was the Snow woman awake. Adelayde felt everything. All the hurt. Disappointment. Sadness. Anger. But she also began to feel, after a few days, the happiness and she then understood why the two males took their leave from the Rye. And soon after she understood why, the anger and disappointment disappeared. The sadness remained, but it was purely because she would miss her partner. 

Though, she had to admit she was still sad she didn't get to say goodbye to him. But perhaps, it wasn't goodbye. 

As the boy's scents began to disappear from the borders, Ade made it a mission to make sure she reinforced the borders with her daily patrols. With their decrease of members, she wasn't going to let her borders go unmarked or patrolled, so the beta doubled and sometimes tripled her patrols throughout the days after @Askan and @Reyes' leave. Perhaps, she hoped at one point during those patrols, there would be a trace of the two of them coming back. However, she knew they were leaving for good, but deep down she wished for them to return. 

On her first morning patrol, like usual she didn't expect much interaction from anything, so her mind easily wandered. Laike. Oh, how she wished he was here right now with her. They could seek refuge in their den and let the rest of the world live on without them. She wouldn't have to worry about anything. Again, she had to be dreaming as she heard his voice in the wind then, carried over from Hearthwood River. He must know of the troubles that were plaguing her mind as the call grew louder. For a moment there, it almost sounded real... 

Her mismatched eyes caught a figure in the distance then were the call was coming from. Ade shook her head, trying to get rid of the hallucination that must of been coming from her lack of sleep in the past few days. The tawny woman stood there for a moment as if in a daze until she finally came to the realization that Laike was actually here and he was calling for her. In the instant she realized he was real, the large woman took off in a gallop towards him. Slowing down enough to not completely tackle him, though she did run into him with a little force, her kisses were instantly covering his muzzle as an excited whine rumbled in her throat. Excited wasn't enough to describe what she was feeling in this moment. 

"I'm so happy to see you," she breathed finally after she let him breathe after smothering him with her kisses. 

Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva

His gaze was pulled towards the figure in the distance running towards him. It was an all too familiar form and he didn't move from her line of fire. Laike's paws firmly planted into the ground as he simply braced for impact from the tall female. It would happen, it almost always did.

He stumbled back just a tad but still moved back in to embrace her. The large Artemieva didn't miss the whine that she made before she was planting kisses all over him. A soft laugh bubbled forward. Eyes squeezed tight he didn't say anything until she was finished lathering him in love. "I'm happy to see you too, Ade." He returned her affection in a less feverish display - placing a few small kisses on her forehead. She greeted him as if she knew what he was here for. He would have thought it possible but the only wolf he had told was Lachesis and he was back in the forest as much as Laike knew.

"I, uh," The male hadn't left home and taken the three-day trip just to trip on his own words. "I'm here to be with you." He stepped back and searched for her spring and ocean gaze. Might as well get it out of the way. Laike hoped this wouldn't crush all the affection and happiness she had just shown. She wouldn't leave the Rye and he couldn't force her to. He had never been very good at ready emotions or signals but he felt like they both wanted something a little more...stable? Monthly visits were fine yet they didn't seem like enough.

[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
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Adelayde Artemieva

She wouldn't be surprised to know that he expected her to half tackle him whenever they reunited. It was a usual occurrence for the tawny woman to be a tad over excited about seeing the Artemieva since they normally only saw each other once a month if they were lucky enough. With the two of them both loyal and dedicated to their respected packs, extra time was hard to find. However, they made due with what they were given.


His laughter was music to her ears as she finally pulled away from him for moment. Her seafoam gaze softened as he returned the sentiment and placed a few kisses to her forehead. Leaning into his embrace again until he began to speak again, his tongue stumbling for some odd reason. Words normally came easy for the pale male, but something seemed off about him now that she took a moment to realize that.  

As he took a step back from her, tawny brows lifted in concern, but his words didn't seem odd. Of course, he was here to be with her. Who else would he be seeing in the Rye? A soft chuckle escaped her lips as a grin flooded her face. "Well of course you're here to be with me, silly. Unless, you're hiding another woman from me..." She said with sly grin, her eyes were as mischievous as her voice was then. Was there something she wasn't getting here? 

(This post was last modified: Oct 09, 2017, 06:29 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
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Laike Artemieva

He thought she would have got what he was getting at right away. She seemed in touch with these kinds of things but perhaps it was because they joked about it so much that she responded with a joke. Laike couldn't help but laugh along because the idea of even having another woman (let alone hiding one from Adelyade) seemed like a far stretch for the stocky man. He was lucky with the one he had and couldn't ever want more.

"Not hiding anyone from you, Ade." His head shook softly as he looked towards the ground between them. "I'm here to be with you permanantly. If you'll have me." Fiery eyes looking back up to the face of Adelayde. Maybe she would get it this time. "I couldn't ask you to leave the Rye and I've already talked to Lachesis about things so...here I am." His shoulders gave a soft shrug. Now that it was all out there for her to really understand he wasn't sure if he felt better or worse.

How would she take the news? She always seemed so happy to see him in their monthly meetings...Laike had to wonder if she would be just as happy seeing him every day. He certainly would be thrilled to get to spend more and more time with her. Adelayde was the only wolf he had - and likely ever would - felt this way about.

[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
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Adelayde Artemieva

There wasn't an ounce of her that truly meant she thought he was hiding another woman from her. Ade had a hunch that he wasn't that type of man, though she would give him mad props if somehow it were true and he was able to manage the time for not only one girlfriend, but two along with a pack. Adelayde would never be able to handle that much, but she honestly didn't believe he was hiding that from her. The tawny girl could be rather intrusive if she had to be, so he'd find it difficult to hide much from her if she really did believe that. 

His fiery gaze drifted towards the ground that laid between them, her concern spiking for a moment as he seemed to struggle for the right words. "I'm here to be with you permanently. If you'll have me." For once in her life, Adelayde was speechless. A sprout of dry mouth developed as she then struggled for her own words as her spring and ocean gaze widened. His gaze met hers then as he continued to talk. When he had mentioned her leaving the Rye a month ago, that subject hadn't gone over very well, but the couple had gotten through it. Laike realized how attached she was to the fields and was wise to not push the subject again, so instead he took it in his own paws; making the ultimate decision himself. 

Widened eyes watched his shoulders roll with a soft shrug as she searched her mind for anything that resembled words. For what seemed like an eternity, she finally found something to grasp on. "I-uh" Well, so she thought! Licking her lips as her front paws shifted, her emotions began to finally catch up. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as she finally spoke again. "I can't believe this is actually happening. I-I never thought it would," her voice cracked then as a few happy tears fell from her eyes. 

"But, I'm so so happy it is happening," she whispered as she rushed forwards to embrace him again, her eyes squeezing shut as a few soft chuckles fell from her lips. This couldn't of happened at a better time. With Askan gone, she had felt so alone. But now, she would never feel alone again. Adelayde had her Laike here and not for just a few days. He was here to stay.

Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva

He grew worried that the silence and lack of response were because of bad feelings. She was the talkative and emotional one between the two of them so seeing her so...silent was almost alarming. Laike wasn't sure what had happened. Had he read this whole thing wrong? Was a step what felt like in the right direction really a step backward? He had to hold back any looks of confusion or concern. Maybe she just needed a moment. He had come here with rather big news after all.

"I-uh". Well that was a start. Not the one he was looking for but it was something.

His pale brow rose the slightest bit before dropping at the sight of her teary eyes. He was very confused now. Was this upsetting to her? Before he could ask she began to speak, wiping away some of his fears. He felt her presence against him again before he knew it. His love was happy and that was the biggest relief. He did his best to keep her close to him, his head resting against her own. If she wanted to dampen his fur with tears that would be fine because at least he knew they were tears of joy.

"I wanted to be here for you more. Once a month just doesn't seem like enough." His fiery eyes closed while he enjoyed her presence. It was soothing to feel her and now that this could be a thing more often.

[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
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Adelayde Artemieva

As his head laid down against hers and pressed her embrace deeper into his chest, her heart swelled with even more happiness. Adelayde could stay like this, glued to his chest for the rest of her days as the rest of the world lived on without them. This was all she needed. Ade just needed her Laike, her love, to help her through these tough moments that seemed to plague her everyday life. Logically, she knew he couldn't prevent them from happening, but at least now he could be there right when she truly needed him. Not when she ran off to find comfort in him days after the fact. 

His voice rumbled against her ear as he spoke then while she still embraced him. Brushing the few remaining tears, she drew away from him then as she nodded in agreement. "That will never be enough, but it was all we had, so I was content." Though she wished they had been able to see each other more often, Adelayde dealt with it as had Laike. That was all they could manage and it had been just enough then, but now it was clear, that will never be enough anymore. "Now, I'm the happiest girl in the world," she said with a grin that ran a hundred miles long. 

Reaching for him again, this time she turned to sit next to him as her body leaned into him, her head on his shoulder as her seafoam gaze peered off into the distance beyond the rye. "So much as happened since I last saw you," she breathed sadly as she moved slightly to only nuzzle deeper into his pale fur.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
"You deserve to be the happiest girl in the world." He murmured softly. Laike didn't want Adelayde to simply live a life of being content. With everything she seemed to put up with, she deserved her own happiness. It was simply a blessing that he was apart of what was making her happier.

He welcomed her presence against his shoulder. Laike's own orange gaze stared out into the distance. "Guess we have some catching up to do, eh?" His voice was soft. At least this was (hopefully) the last time they would have to do a lengthy catch-up. Now that he was going to stick around he could be more present in her life, filled in automatically about the things she went through.
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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