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like we're renegades — Renegades Vigil 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
It's in the eyes I can tell you will always be danger

He had thought he was prepared for this. Perhaps that's why he wasn't. The lone, cedar tree finally came into sight. No amount of pauses, or long drawn breaths would help. He had not returned here since that day. It hung now, on the edge of his thoughts. He'd always been angry how it had all ended. There was so little of his family gathered, and Renier rather he was closer to Grizzly Hollow. But, he 'd learned something. Things just didn't work how you wanted. You just had to do what was best with what you had. Perfect was only a word. He should be grateful he had been there at all. In the end he was. Especially how he had found comfort in knowing his dad no longer suffered from his clouded mind.

"Hey dad," he spoke, a faint smile at the edge of his lips. Walking with care to the final resting ground of Borden Lyall. Clearing his throat he bowed his head, trying to keep his emotions reined in. He would  began to think of all that had happened since that tragic day. All the things he wanted to share. Though he did not speak aloud, he would like to think he was talking to him. Maybe, he was humored by it all, and possibly proud. In the long stretch of peaceful silence, he easily heard when someone took a misstep near bye. Stance was quick to shift, obviously suspicious.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
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Nineva Hervok
She hadn't much intended to ghost her way to him, but perhaps that would have been far easier when he was so focused upon the grave. She remembered the impromptu funeral well, Rook's wailing and Tomen's quiet and her own panic that had forced her from the scene. When Renier snapped to attention she froze, just within sight. Nineva wasn't a threat, not at this moment, and certainly was not so brash as to disrupt a son morning for his father. Her posture showed this, unarmed and unassuming.

Would he recognize her?

"I can leave you alone," she offered, but she had questions for the man and selfishly hoped he would decline.
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
It's in the eyes I can tell you will always be danger

He saw no immanent threat. Just a familiar face instead. At least familiar enough he could recall her from earlier meetings. The strange , small connections. It'd be easy if she was closer so her coat could reveal a thing or two. But, she wasn't. He wasn't about to break space between them.

Gold gaze narrowed, bemusement pinching his brows for a second. Obviously, if she was gonna leave him alone she wouldn't be standing here saying it. What did she want? He wasn't sure what kind of information he had that could be of use. Suddenly, he caught himself. On guard. He really didn't want to have such a knee-jerk reaction. But, he found it hard to trust. "Can you now?" He murmured, the hint of a smile , the slightest cock of his head. He was teasing, and yet he wasn't. "I haven't seen Deacon if that's who you're hoping to find."

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
She might've smiled back at the shadow, found a way to ease more humor out of him and lighten the oppressive mood of the grave site had this been occurring a year prior. Or perhaps, if the world had not inflicted so many memories upon her pack and her friends. She had to wonder, if a select few things had gone differently, if she'd be the same girl she once was, or if this cold machine was what she had always been fated to become.

Instead, she merely took a few steps forward, taking the lack of an outright no as an opening to seek the answers she wanted. There was little reaction until Deacon's name slipped past his lips, and her lips then twisted with a pained grimace. He couldn't know what ill memories were now associated with his relative's name, but still she felt a bit of resentment that the Archer had to be brought up at all.

"No. Deacon burned his bridge with me," she surmised, not because it was information Renier particularly needed to know but because she didn't want the man to be brought up again.

"I was wondering if you knew what happened. To the Hollow."
(This post was last modified: Nov 17, 2017, 04:59 PM by Nineva.)
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
It's in the eyes I can tell you will always be danger

There was something different about her. Even not knowing her he could tell. This wasn't the same girl who had come to speak to the leaders of the Ride. She must have thought it was safe to come closer or was quite eager for what she thought he had.

For being of large stature it looked like she'd been on her own. Though he didn't try to see any further past her silver coat. He was watching her face. Obviously Deacon's name displeased her. For what the boy did he didn't care, and said nothing more. Renier could only imagine he had left the lands like others before him.

Since Renier had not yet been north, nor had he caught up to Morganna he knew nothing of Grizzly Hollow. The smile was stolen from his lips. "What do you mean?" Rook had returned last he knew, and he had thought it was stable. He had never truly known the chaos within, nor the sudden death they had soon faced.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
He didn't know, his answer clearly told her. Nineva's brows furrowed momentarily, before a forlorn sigh escaped her throat, barely marking itself upon the cold air. Her mismatched eyes wandered briefly, now regretting that she had put herself in this situation. She'd only ever known the man as friendly and helpful. She hadn't seen enough of him to learn what he would be like when faced with bad news. Hopefully, the response wouldn't be overbearing or otherwise awkward.

"They're gone," she summarized. There was a hum of a pause, before she allowed herself to go into a bit of detail. It was a risky move, but Renier's gold eyes had always been earnest. She doubted very much that he was any kind of malicious.

"I made the mistake of leaving to look for Rook's son, and now there's nothing to come back to."

She should have stayed. She knew that, but there was nothing to do about it. Life was as it currently existed, and she could only make do and move forward.
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
It's in the eyes I can tell you will always be danger

The words she was holding finally slipped, but he wasn't about to go into hysterics. One, he never had, and two he wasn't about to start. Why he loved his brother, because he was his brother. His life was his own, and other than trying to mend pack relations he stayed out of it. Renier just wasn't a social butterfly. Just speaking with Rook again was all he had needed for connection.

Unfortunately they were both stuck without answer. There was no doubt how frustrated she was. Now, he didn't feel much better. No one left when things were okay. It just didn't work that way. It wasn't like he could go jump off to look for clues. She had already done that he wagered, and he bet she would have told him if there had been any.

"I had no idea. I last talked to Rook about the end of winter and didn't sense trouble." It wasn't like he had brought him great news to divulge any of his own. A haze wished to settle over him, entrap in an array of emotions. His teeth ground together, easily fighting it off. This was beyond his control.

Gold eyes cast to her mismatched pair. She was far more affected. No pack mates left, and no home. All in search of Ren's nephew. "What will you do now?" Renier couldn't help her in the way she wished, but he would like to do something.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
Her ears turned downward. He hadn't even a clue. Nineva had to wonder how many packs even did know of the Hollow's disappearance, as they had done well in keeping to themselves outside of her efforts and Veho's friendship with Aideen. Her paws worked the ground as she hummed a thoughtful sigh.

"There was plenty of it, but the Hollow had always done well regardless," she divulged. It was a bit of a surprise that their members' indiscrepancies were not more widely known, but again, the Hollow had never been a far-reaching influence in her time. But Renier had asked after her intentions for the immediate future, and she was reminded again that she was now truly homeless.

"I've an idea," Nineva informed him.

"I'm done trying to save shit. It's time I create instead."

Lay the framework down right from the start, and it wouldn't crumble from beneath her anymore. After all, if you want something done, you better do it yourself.

"What about you? What've you been up to?"

He didn't smell like the Ridge anymore.