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Swim in the flood — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
I wanna make some mistakes
Morganna Archer

It was like she never left. Not much in the south had changed, not that she had been as far north as the Willows yet, all in good time. Morganna had every intention of sitting beneath the tree where Elettra and Angier were buried and telling them all about her trip to Torbine, about their new grandchildren and the hell they raised (she was sure one of them had cursed her with children just like her. That was how it went, wasn't it?) Even thinking about it now caused a dry chuckle to leave her lips, and then her eyes fell on the lagoon.

How on earth had she wound up here? She hadn't been here since that big bony fish chased her out. She approached the banks cautiously, eyes narrowing as the water heaved just a few feet away. It was almost as if it recognised her too and was warning her to keep her paws on dry land. Well there was no risk of that. She'd leave the fishing to the Coho's and Acoy's. Some wolves were made for it, and Morganna Archer had decided some years ago that she was not.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oh I've missed her.  Note: Mari has a potty mouth.

Mari had spent too damn long on that mountain and just as she'd anticipated all that fresh air hadn't done her any good. She didn't feel any better, nor had the weight on her shoulders been lifted. In fact, she felt just as shitty as always, if not worse. Malditos bastardos. Even now, weeks later she was still bitter about it. Beyond pissed that someone had tried to kill her, and she didn't even deserve it this time! Yeah, she'd been hanging around near their borders but it weren't like the claimed the whole areas as their own. If they didn't want her about they should've just sad so.

Mari had always found it hard to trust folk-a lesson she'd unintentionally picked up from her brother- but shit, coming here had only made it worse. Had only made her worse. What else was she supposed to do? Where else was she supposed to go? She knew she couldn't wander forever, it was already starting to get old, but she'd rather chew off her own tail than give in like that. To slink up to some fuckers borders and batter her eyelashes at them. 'Oh kind sir, please let me in. I'm terribly cold.'


Her aimless wanderings had brought her to another body of water, though hopefully this time this one was fresh and untainted. Cause she swore if someone tried to poison her again she'd lose her shit...Which weren't to say she had it together in the first place but..The point was she'd do something stupid and impulsive, and would probably come to regret it once it was all said and done.

Emerging from the trees, Mari's attention was grabbed by the dark figure standing not so far away at the lagoon shore. Ah fuck. just her luck. Was it worth even hanging around, or should she risk it and stay a while to quench her thirst? The cynic in her told her to just leave, that it weren't worth it, but fuck she was thirsty and she didn't wanna let this chance pass her by. She'd stay a while and then leave, before the stranger could ask about her funny way of speaking, or imply she had a stick up her ass.

Fuck, she missed those days when she could have a bit of banter, when she wasn't such a grumpy git. But yeah, it weren't her fault, the world had made her this way.
(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2017, 11:38 PM by Marisol.)
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
I wanna make some mistakes
Morganna Archer

A sidelong glance was thrown to the newcomer before she allowed herself to openly stare. Were it not for the size and lack of scars she might think herself to be looking at Skoll, and her heart gave an uncomfortable lurch in response. She hadn't been able to find him, but that was nothing new. She had never been able to when he didn't want to be found, had she?

Not that she'd ever felt terribly bad for being rude, but she supposed she owed the other wolf a warning at least. "Yer prob'ly woulda had better luck if I wasn' 'ere. Reckon he remembers our last tangle." She motioned over her shoulder with a smirk towards the latest line of ripples and agitated silt that indicated something rather large was moving about the bottom of the lagoon.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mari's gaze flickered to the water's surface. Huh. She was getting real slow wasn't she? Honestly, that came as no surprise, as her mood had been shitty and her form even more so for as long as she could care to remember. Still, it stung a little to know she'd lost her edge, that she was about as useful as every blunt and rusted tool that roamed these lands and those beyond the horizon.

How fucking depressing. If things got any worse she'd climb back up that mountain and drink the poisoned water, that was better then...Ugh, she didn't want to think about it. Not here, not whilst she shared the company of a stranger.

"You got into a fight with... a fish?"
At least it appeared to be a fish, it was hard to see with the light reflecting off the lagoons surface. "And it's still alive?"She quirked a brow, a derisive comment leaping off the tip of her tongue before she even had a chance to think it through."You an invalid or something?"

Yeah, she couldn't see what the damn thing looked like, but a fish was a fish. Any wolf who lost a scrap with one had to be beyond saving, maybe Mari should have pointed her to the poisoned stream instead.Still, the thought of this wolf-who was beefer than her, she might add- getting into a fight, a full on brawl with a fish was pretty funny. More than enough to bring one of her shit-eating smiles to the surface.
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
i wanna make some mistakes
Morganna Archer

Morganna managed a good natured snort at the other wolf's comment, "Yer wanna try yerself? 'e was three times my size, I reckon he'd swallow yer whole." She took a jab at the other woman's size but the waving of her tail betrayed the tease, "'Parrently it's a sturgeon, big bony bastard, can't imagine he'd taste any good either." There had even been another wolf on hand that had been larger and more experienced than she was and he didn't offer to tangle with the fish either. She waited to see how the other wolf would take the comment, ready to step in her way if she made her way towards the water, "If yer lookin' fer a drink we'd be better off at the weir." She motioned northwards with a tip of her head in invitation.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Three times her size, surely she was exaggerating? Mari had never seen a fish longer than the length of her leg, let alone one that could swallow her whole. Mari quirked a brow, her disbelief evident. But hey, wasn't this a first? Someone who didn't throw a pissy fit when she gave them a verbal poke or two. It was about damn time she met someone who didn't take themselves so serious.  And she supposed it helped that this one was a loner too, or at the very least hadn't packed it up yet for the winter.

"Huh.I'll take your word for it. Not really in the mood to fight, yet."She said, as a sly grin tugged at her lips.

There is was. Do you know how tiring it is to be miserable as fuck all the time? Marisol hated it. She didn't like being mad and pissy all the time, if anything she'd been searching for something to serve as a distraction, to turn her frown upside down. And as it turned out, all she needed with an orange eyed lady with a strained history with a-possibly gigantic-fish.

The world was no doubt a shitty place, but it was pretty damn funny sometimes too.

"Weir?Weir's that?"She asked, pressing her lips into a thin line to prevent another smile from surfacing.
(This post was last modified: Nov 10, 2017, 04:47 PM by Marisol.)
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
i wanna make some mistakes
Morganna Archer

The sly grin was answered with one of her own, the corners of her eyes narrowing as she gave the other woman a second look. Were she type to be planning things, she might have found herself with a proposition for the woman, but it was early days yet, and if the years had taught her anything it was to exercise just a little bit more caution than she had in the past. Her attempt to keep a straight face through her terrible joke pulled a snort from the Archer, followed by the hint of a laugh contained to a whisper under her breath. "That's gotta be th' worst..." But she couldn't contain it anymore and an actual laugh fled past her lips to dance across the water before them.

Morganna drew a deep breath, a sideways glance thrown at the woman with a shake of her head and a smirk. "This way," she motioned with a tip of her head as she stepped forward to lead the way. "'m Morganna, by the way. Yer been in th' area long?"

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
A smug sense of satisfaction ran through Mari at the sound of the stranger's laughter. See? She still had it. Unlike her big bro she had a good sense of humour, hell she used to laugh a lot, mostly at other's expense but that was aside the point. She'd missed this, it was like she'd found something she thought she'd never be able to replace. A piece of the puzzle that fit in just so.

The stranger claimed it was the worst, which only made Mari grin all the more.

Lone wolves were far more tolerable, weren't they? None of that hoighty, 'I'm better than you cause I have a home' bullshit. Maybe, just maybe she could get used to this.Falling into step beside her-as an equal- Mari's ears twitched at the sound of her name. Morganna? Well, weren't she fancy? She supposed two could play at that game.

"Marisol. But Mari works just fine."As to whether she'd been in the area long, well in the grand scheme of things she knew she hadn't. But fuck, it sure felt like it had. "Sorta. Was in the east for a bit. Went too far south, got lost. Climbed a mountain, then some putas tried to poison me, so I came this way."

She shrugged, as though it wasn't a big deal. Though, she supposed compared to the other shit she'd been through it wasn't so bad. Not after it was all said and done.
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
wait for me to come home
Morganna Archer

Morganna tucked the other dark woman's name away with another grin and listened as she wove a familiar tale, "Yeah, It's easy ter get lost at first, an' if yer threw me over th' mountain I wouldn' know my tail from m' nose." She actually had to stop and think if she had ever been any further west than Greer's pack on the heights. Nope, she had never seen more than the distant tops of trees. Then there was another word that had caught her attention and her face screwed up as she tried to process just what it might mean. Was it a creature like the ones told in cautionary children's tales or was it one of those words that wasn't in her vocabulary. For a moment she almost balked at asking because who really wants to look like an idiot? but then again, it could come in use later on. "What's a pootah?" She understood the poisoning part well enough, but she wanted to know what she was meant to be looking out for otherwise.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]