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Just One Lullaby — Luna Hill 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
Backdated to November 11th. Emrys is searching for Arwyn.

The previous day had been searching for Arwyn in the territory and the areas surrounding it. The pale leader has hoped that maybe she was hiding somewhere and it had been overlooked but when she didn't return he had grown frantic. While the rest of the pack had gone to rest for the night Emrys didn't give up his search. Checking and rechecking he couldn't read until he found his daughter.

He'd found an old scent of hers that he followed out and away from the territory. It was time for him to expand his search to the whole of relic lore if he had to. His search needed to be widened in case she ventured too far and couldn't find her way back. So many scenario's ran through his mind as he searched of what could have happened. The pale leader even imagined finding her cold and scared but okay and he would bring her home to her mother. Then it would just become a story she could tell later.

When he came to the hill Emrys hurried up it in hopes that he would be able to see more than what he could where he was. That perhaps he could spot her roaming around. When he reached the top however he didn't glimpse her pale coat as he turned this way and that.

(This post was last modified: Nov 16, 2017, 03:05 PM by Emrys.)