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all i ask of you — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
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Bastet Akhenaten
RE: Mountain goats are beginning to descend from mount dire.

Things had been relatively quiet since her acceptance into the pack. So far, she knew rather well one wolf and part of her wondered about the rest of the pack. From scent alone she could tell that the pack was small, which wasn't that much of a issue for the dark woman since she preferred the closeness that a small close-knit pack could provide but part of her was wondering if this pack was too quiet. Only time would tell and for the moment thought to disrupt the silence that followed each day with the sweet sound of her own howl. She wanted company, and hoped someone was nearby to hear her.

She grew quiet, her ears pivoted at the sound of hooves hitting rock and turned to see a short line of fat goats making their way, rather hastily, down the side of the mountain. No doubt her howl had scared them, and if she didn't act fast, food would be walking away from them. With winter around the corner she figured the pack could use as much food as possible, regardless of the members, to sustain them through the harsh weather of the season but she couldn't confront them alone. Not down the side of a mountain and not when there were five of them packing two sets of thick horns each; she was hungry but no fool. Once more her head leaned back to call into the air, hoping whomever was nearby would put a pep in their step before the food walked off from them. "" 
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Any other FTC members who want to join are welcome to.

The voice that rang through the cove belonged to their newest member. Thinking it wouldn't be a bad idea to get to know her a little better the dark alpha started toward where he believed her to be. Kajika wondered if she'd met any of the other members yet, perhaps she had questions. It was best he go and speak with her to make sure she was settling in well.

When her voice sounded again sounding more urgent he quickened his pace worried that she might be in some kind of trouble. She was his responsibility now that she was a part of the cove. When he finally found her his amber gaze looked her over for any sign of distress or injury bit he didn't see anything. At least not until his eyes landed on the line of goats descending the mountain. “Well that certainly is a sight,” he commented as he came closer, “And an opportunity that shouldn't be passed up. Good work,” he said turning to her. “Shall we go and make sure the cove eats well tonight?”

He then waited to see what her thoughts on the matter were. He wondered if she felt comfortable hunting goats on the side of a mountain. The dark alpha still wasn't sure how he felt about it despite having hunted them with Solas.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
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Solas ColdHeart
He had noticed that they had a new arrival in the pack. The stormy male was still wondering if he should approach her and get to know her some but he felt undecided so he had stayed back and instead focused on the patrols and hunting to help fill the caches. Any extra food would help them.

A howl rose into the air and Solas paused his walking to listen. It wasn't any of the other members that he knew so that left the newcomer. She was looking for company. He hesitated but decided he should meet her at the very least. So with a slow walk, he headed in her direction Then she howled again and this time she sounded as if she had found something that was of interest to them. Shrugging to himself he took off in the direction of her call his long strides eating up the distance until he reached the source.

Kajika had arrived before him and had just finished speaking as Solas approached. His attention was caught by the trail of goats that were climbing down the mountain. They looked rather determined but where were they going? Solas hadn't seen them do something like this before but then he hadn't been around mountains a lot. Turning his attention back to the other two wolves he gave Bastet a nod in greeting before turning to Kajika. What's the plan?
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
SOOOOO sorry for the wait :/

It didn't take long; two strong males, ready for action. She recognized the first almost instantly, her head dipped toward him when he was within range of her and she spoke his name to assure him that she had not forgotten him or his scent. But then again, how could she. A smile crinkled the corners of her mouth when he praised her and without warning she waved her tail with excitement; if finding food wasn't worth her staying in the pack, she didn't know what would. The other male, dark in color and straight to the point, was muscular and definitely the strength they would need to maneuver the mountain range and catch even one goat for the pack caches. It would be worth mentioning that her experience on the mountain was limited but she had faith that it would be like walking on flat land; easy. "I wouldn't suggest scaring them just yet, their knowledge and ability on these mountains will greatly outdo us. I suggest wandering above them and coming at them from all sides, we're guaranteed at least one that way." at least it played that way in her mind.  "What do you think Kajika?" she wondered, perhaps he had another plan in mind.
(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2018, 07:22 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
No Worries. :)

It seemed he hadn't been wrong about their newest member, she had scouted out some goats for then to catch for the cache. He was quick to let her know she had done well in finding the herd of goats. He did not miss the the reaction she had in response to being praised for her work. They were soon joined by Solas, the alpha offered a nod to Anthem's son. They would have better chances a bringing something home. A smile spread across his maw at the man's directness.

Kajika didn't have an immediate plan but he felt that it should be Bastet’s plan since it was she who had found the goats. She didn't disappoint either, Bastet had a plan ready to go for them, “I think it sounds like a good plan,” he couldn't see anything wrong with it. He turned to Solas, “What do you think? Anything that you would like to add?” He liked letting his subordinates do this kind of work as he felt it help them to really feel like they were a part of helping and making the decisions.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2018, 10:33 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
OOC: I'm guessing there near Poison path and somewhat near the edge of the lake where the mountain ends.

He was given a nod greeting from Kajika and Solas was quick to return it. Their newest member seemed excited about this impromptu hunt and the stormy male felt a small smile cross his features before fading away. She suggested that they get above them and work them down and turning his gold eyes to the unaware goats he had to admit he liked the idea. They would be above them and they could try and pick one out as the went. However if they just randomly went at them they might end up with nothing at all.

His leader seemed to like the plan but turned and asked what he thought of it. Solas remained silent for a moment as he though gazing scanning the area. How about when we try and nab one we aim them for the lake. With how big they are the ice should break underneath them at some point and if we don't catch one up here we might get one on down there. The lake wasn't that far away and then if they did fail they could try and herd them onto the ice. The cold temperatures would do the rest for them and they wouldn't have to do anything other than maybe drag one out of the water.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Bastet Akhenaten

In no time Kajika asked whether Solas had any input and his suggestion was met with a nod of her narrow head, eyes absentmindedly watching the bloated goats as they traveled to safer ground. She liked his idea, somewhat, but the potential danger made her uneasy and she thought to mention it but something kept her quiet at her spot. It was not her place to question the male, not when he had offered to lend his muscle for the hunt so without question she accepted his suggestion hoping nothing catastrophic happened.

Keeping in mind both ideas, she moved in the direction the goat were heading hoping that the males had followed her lead and were still in agreement; she wondered what Kajika thought of her leading this hunt. Her paws stepped carefully, making sure the sound was minimal as she took the path leading downward to intercept the nearest goat that thought to escape further south. She hoped that above her, the males were taking their positions.

secrets of a jewel
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He had consulted with both of his subordinates on a plan, this was Bastet's find so he felt she should be able to lead. Solas had a good idea to add to what Bastet had already voiced. He did realize the danger that was involved but it was something he felt the three of them could certainly deal with or avoid completely. “We should be mindful of the water if we end up chasing them on to the ice,” he noted to both Bastet and Solas, “I don't want anything happening to any of us.” The pack needed all three of them.

“We should get going before we lose the goats,” he said before following Bastet as she led the way. When they reached the place where they would part ways he led Solas up that path that would lead them above the goats. There he and Solas could further split in hopes of having the goats covered from the sides they needed to above.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
His idea was met with a nod from their new member though she didn't say anything and Kajika agreed but he added that they should be careful of the water. Solas gave his own nod it wouldn't be worth it if one of them went through the ice instead and ended up hurt or worse. No amount of meat was.

Then without further delay they began to make their way closer to the goats. Solas's ears flicked in surprise when he noted how quiet Bastet was and he tried to follow suit but his weight and size compared to hers made it more difficult and where she could walk across the snow he would undoubtedly break through. Shaking his head at himself he focused on walking across the larger rocks because at least they wouldn't crunch under him like the snow would.

Passing his leader the stormy male continued to make his way up and around the goats until he was about a reasonable distance away and in position. He wanted to immediately begin but this was Bastet's hunt and he wasn't about to usurp the lead from her. She was in control and he would wait for her sign to start.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]