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and I had the week that came from hell — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
Backdated to 2/20 late morning on the borders of DS
AW to any DS wolves but only one or two extra after @Lachesis and/or @Lilya 
scout dem 1/3

She followed the trail he left behind, though it was rather faint with the blowing snow and the days that separated them. The tawny Artemieva couldn't be sure where Drestig was headed, but she knew she couldn't get off track too much in case she lost the trail. The beta wasn't sure what she was going to say to him when or if she actually found him. Give him a piece of what she was really feeling inside about his disappearance? Or would she just be glad to find him in one piece? Either way, the determined Rye woman was going to find her alpha.

As she traveled through the deep snow, trying to close whatever distance @Drestig put between the two of them, she began to smell a familiar scent within the air. Lachesis was nearby and he had others with him! Ears perking as her nose lifted off the ground, her pale paws traveling closer to the borders that lied a few miles to the side of her. Closing the distance between her and the borders, the Rye beta inspected them from a distance concluding the Hearthwood River was no longer residing within Kingsfall. Smiling meekly, happy to see that the pack seemed to be thriving here as well, and she was sure going to pass this newly found knowledge to @Laike and @Jessie.

Letting out a songful call for Lachesis and Lilya, she settled upon her haunches for a moment, though knowing she couldn't stay long if she was to catch up to Drestig.

(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2018, 04:20 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
sorry for the wait! <3 @Adelayde
guardian dem 1/3

As the call rang out through the trees Lachesis realized there was one pack he had not yet notified of their move. It seemed, however, that the Rye wolves had found them even without a scout reaching their borders. However, he regretted not informing them sooner. It was his responsibility to inform his allies and he had gotten distracted as the weeks passed.

He moved with haste through the trees, his long legs slicing through the snow with ease. Winter was hanging around much longer than he would have liked but, fortunately for the Arctic, he was well-adapted to the frigid temperatures and the snow that accompanied them. Truthfully, he was excited for the arrival of spring—especially for the future of Driftwood. After enduring tragedy beneath the towering cedars and living among ghosts for months Lachesis was ready to move forward and leave all the pain behind. It was a fresh start not only for him and Lilya, but all the wolves of the Surge. They deserved it—both new and old.

Adelayde, he greeted warmly as he arrived at the border, his tail raised but swaying gently behind him. It’s good to see you. You must forgive me, I meant to send a scout to you sooner but the move has kept me busy. He dipped his nose apologetically but his gaze hardened as it swept over her tawny features. Welcome to Driftwood Surge. What brings you here? His tone became soft with concern, his ears cupped forward as he anticipated her response. This had to be more than a friendly visit… why else would she had ventured so far south to see the river wolves?

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
scout dem 2/3

Winter was an odd time to pick up and move a pack, granted Lach didn't move too much further from Kingsfall, but it obviously was far enough to get away from the long, lingering past that rooted deep within the sequoias. @Laike had told her of the tragedies that he knew of that transpired within the forest and Adelayde couldn't blame them for deciding to move on from the ghosts that were rooted there. She hoped they found happiest in this new location and that those tragedies would not follow them.

She didn't have to wait long to see his pale figure approach the borders, her tail once limp against her hocks now swayed enthusiastically with Lachesis' presence. He greeted her warmly before continuing on to apologize for not alerting the rye wolves of their move. "There's nothing to apologize for, we understand the pressure you must be under with everything going on." She responded with a warm smile before the pale leader continued to tell her of their new name that took a quick liking to.

Warm smiles were quickly replaced with a somber expression as he asked what brought her this far south. "I'm in search of Drestig. It seems he left the rye without word and with his injury still a concern, I wanted to make sure he made it back to the Rye." The thought of finding not finding her dark leader worried her beyond words, but she had to try and Ade was determined to bring back the Rye king.

"I am not sure where he is going. I have his trail, but did he by chance stop by and see you?"

(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2018, 04:21 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
guardian dem 2/3

Fortunately, for the ghost, the move had been mostly stress-free. The only hiccup had been the whole Inna situation, as she had been left behind in the Kingswood. He kept telling himself it was for the better. That she needed time to herself; to properly grieve and recover from the loss she had experienced. They had all moved on—even little Riseala, who had been shaken the most after witnessing her mother’s death. He felt bad, and almost guilty, for how Inna’s demeanour had changed drastically over the months. Should he have been there more for her? Consoled her more? Was it his fault? No—he couldn’t think like that. Not anymore. He would keep his promise to her about keeping Oksana safe but, aside from that, he didn’t owe anything to the raven. She was capable of handling herself, even with the trauma that tended to follow her around…

His brows pinched tight as the scout announced she was looking for Drestig. He blinked, confused. He had not seen the Rye leader since the joint hunt, where he’d gotten injured in the chase. And now he was missing? Lachesis gave a soft shake of his head, the corners of his mouth falling in concern. No, he started, his chartreuse eyes tight with concern, I haven’t seen him. Where was the silver man going? Is he… is he doing okay?

(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2018, 06:36 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
Scout dem 3/3

Though his trail didn't seem to travel towards the Surge borders, the Rye beta had to make sure Drestig didn't somehow come here from a roundabout way. She could miss him if she didn't stop and perhaps this was his destination after maybe finding out from Griffin of the River wolves pack move. Maybe Drestig wanted to check up on Lachesis and see how the move went? Adelayde tried to think up of anything to keep her hopes up that he didn't travel far and he was only just under her nose.

But from the pale leader's expression that flooded his fetures, the Rye king didn't make a stop at the Lachesis' doorstep. His words confirmed her thoughts, as a sigh fell from her lips. It would have been a relief if Drestig only came here it would mean he wasn't in the danger she thought he may subjecting himself to. Concern evident in his tone as he asked if her leader was okay. "I only hope so. He left without word, which is unlike him, and I don't think he is fully recovered from his injury." Ade said somberly as her mismatched eyes flooded with worry.

If she couldn't find him here, she had to move on and search for him until she no longer had anything to track. "I need to find him and make sure he makes it back to his family."

(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2018, 02:44 AM by Adelayde.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He wished he could be of more help to the Rye scout, but he hadn’t seen her leader or even caught scent of him in the neighbouring forest. It was strange, though, that the silver man had disappeared so suddenly, especially with his injury not being fully healed. Lachesis was both surprised and pleased to hear that he was on the mend, for the injury had appeared more severe than it was. But, if he was walking on it before his recovery was complete, it meant that the injury could worsen if he did not return to the Fields sooner. His frown deepened at the thought, his expression tight with concern. I’m sorry, Adelayde, he started, his ears sweeping back as he spoke, I wish I had seen him, or knew where he was. His shoulders sagged. You said you had his trail? Do you know where it was headed?  It was possible that, if Drestig was planning a return trip, that he could stop by the Surge on his way back north. But, if it would help, he would send a scout down to trail after the silver man, either with Adelayde or on their own. 

sorry for the short post <3 guardian dem 3/3
(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2018, 04:26 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
sorry for the late and short post </3 just wanted to get this up
adelayde artemieva

Disappointment and fear surged through her veins at his cementing words that Drestig had not talked with Lachesis, which meant the Avalon leader had a different plan. Whatever it was, Adelayde was determined to figure it out and bring him back to the Rye where he belonged with his wife and children. Everything about this trip was so out of the ordinary, but the tawny woman had to keep moving in order to catch up to the injured dark man. Thank you, Lachesis. I only hope he is okay.

She did have his the remnants of his trail, though with the wind and snow it wasn't the easiest to track. I have remnants of the trail and it seems he's headed southeast. Just have to catch up to him. Which both of them knew would be easier for Adelayde as the Avalon King was surely hurting from his recent injury that wasn't fully healed.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Southeast. His tail flicked absently behind him as his brows furrowed. Was the dark Rye leader aware of the shallows hidden within the forest south of Driftwood? It was possible that he was headed for them—they had, after all, been important members of the northern pack before they took their leave. Reyes and Askan settled south of here, he explained, his expression tightening as he studied the worried woman, perhaps he’s gone to see them? He hoped that was the case—otherwise the dark male would have made an appearance at the Driftwood borders. It was possible, however, that he had skirted the mountain forest on purpose if he was determined to make it to the south in a timely fashion. Although, he couldn’t imagine how fast the frail, injured leader was moving. He’d be sure to send out a few scouts to keep an eye out for him. The winter they were currently battling had been relentless; he couldn’t help but worry for Drestig’s safety. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
adelayde artemieva

For the longest time, the sunflower had no idea where her good friend ended up. There was no word sent if they did settle or if they decided to leave the Lore. Ade was left in the dark just like she was when he decided to leave with @Reyes. Though, Adelayde didn't hold any ill-will to the pair, she hoped they found a good place to settle down and knew eventually she'd find out where they were. Griffin was the first of the Rye wolves to find them and let the rest of the pack know where the former guardians settled. But she didn't put two and two together that Drestig may be headed that way. That's a good possibility. I'll definitely check there. Plus she'd love to see @Askan again even though it wasn't under the best circumstances. Tawny ears folded back against her crown again, Whether it is me or someone else, we will let you know if we ended up finding Drestig.

(This post was last modified: Apr 19, 2018, 01:36 AM by Adelayde.)