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Stitching up the seams
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Played by Pinn who has 37 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Asterion Carne

The clouds above him promised snow. He could smell it even, but it hadn't fallen. Honestly he was sick of the cold. There was a season change in the air, yet snow was still present? It was sickening. Asterion's eyes turned to the sky. The sun had moved from it's peak closer to the edge of the world, and would soon disappear, making way for another night. One that would likely be cold. The wind was his constant companion, howling past his ears, and leaving an eerie chill in his bones. Every step had him sinking in a little more. The marsh proved a worthy opponent as it gripped at his paws, covering them in mud. The look of disgust on his face was evident and he couldn't remember why he decided to go straight through the marsh, in light of going around. It's not like he had anywhere specific to be. That was perhaps one of his favorite things about being alone. At the end of the day, the only person he had to answer to was himself. He also didn't like the idea of being below anyone else. It just wasn't his style.

Asterion quickly picked up the scent of wolves past that of the marsh. Which could only mean it was a path well traveled. To support all of these wolves there would have to be an abundance of prey, or a reason to travel this way. It was also likely that he was coming up on pack lands, and he knew better than to cross into their territory. It wasn't until he grew close enough to the boarders to smell the scent markers that he was sure it was home to a pack. Not feeling like causing any trouble he backed off slightly, resolving to walk alongside the boarders for a while. At least he could walk here without getting his paws wet. Additionally, if anyone were to come along he wouldn't be doing anything wrong. Simply a loner. Just moving through, traveling to some obscure place, seemingly without reason. This was the life he lived, and he was quite content with it.

(This post was last modified: May 18, 2013, 07:12 AM by Asterion.)
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
The silver male had traveled far into this new land. The land past the mountains, and now he trotted along the outskirts of some meadow unknown to him. Turning northward the gray wolf felt the ground moisten as he voyaged into some strange marsh. His paws stuck fast in some area's where the ice had fully melted and the mud was thick and cold. Soon the mans legs were covered in mud even though he chose the driest route currently available to him. A sucking noise accompanied the males steps through this wet landscape as he traversed the lonely place.
Soon however another scent reached his nose. The scent of a loner which had been hidden by the scent of decaying plant materials of the marsh. Picking his head up suddenly Tokino glanced around to look for the other wolf. It's scent speaking to him in ways humans could never understand. That this other wolf was alone, male, healthy, and very close by. Indeed it wasn't too long until he spotted the dark shape to his left traveling over a dryer strip of land through the dried long grasses.
"Surely he's already taken notice of me? If not then no harm in just avoiding the guy. I doubt he would try to hunt with me anyway. Not in this cold wet place. " He reasoned quietly in his head just watching the dark male for a few more seconds. Before the dark wolf could look up and see him staring in the loners direction Tokino lowered his head once more and concentrated on his path out of the marsh. He looked forward realizing that a deeper looking puddle lay ahead. As much as he liked swimming in the summer time the water was definitely not warm enough for dipping into just now.
He glanced around and sighed realizing that the only way around was the very same thin patch of land that the other loner was traveling upon. Shaking his coat in annoyance Tokino slipped up into the dry grass and out of the water. Taking a moment to shake off his legs Tokino watched the loner cautiously then gave him a low bark so that the stranger knew that he was there. Then the gray man began padding slowly closer edging himself around the wettest part of the marsh. He kept his head and tail neutral as he neared the other wolf occasionally glancing towards him to watch for any sign of attack or annoyance from the stranger.
The gray male paused dipping his head in greeting to the stranger then glanced towards the banks of the marsh which looked so far away. He uttered a simple "Morning to the male as Tokino stood there watching the marsh looking for the driest route to take in order to get to that forest.

Played by Pinn who has 37 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Asterion Carne
The sticking mud didn't make for quiet travel. He could have heard himself from miles away, at least. The thought was almost ridiculous to him. Why would this place bare such a heavy scent of wolves when in fact, it didn't offer nearly as much seclusion or protection as he would like. The grasses in some areas were long enough to lap at his underside, annoying him to no end. All he wanted was to exit this swamp post haste, and make for dry land, where he could clean himself up a bit.

Asterion would have considered himself far from vain, but he had to admit that he liked to be clean. The better you looked, the easier life you were likely to have. Which meant that this mud was working against him in more ways than one. With that thought his senses went on high alert. The aroma of a close by male wafted into his nose, telling him everything he needed to know. This male was already matured, and alone. The possibility of a dangerous encounter crossed his mind, and he considered briefly, jumping into the murky waters. Deciding that the discomfort of the dirty swamp lapping at him was greater than that of an encounter, he headed on his path.

Ears perched high atop his head, flicked in the direction of the approaching male. With every second he was coming closer. At least his pace suggested that he didn't seek confrontation as well. When the silvered male finally came into sight, Asterion made to ignore him as much as possible. If they could both go on about their days without being locked in some battle of dominance, he would be happy.

Occasionally looking toward the oncoming male, Asterion tried to lay low. A low bark caused him to take notice of the male's new path. At first, the male seemed to seek a path away from him. Now he seemed to be headed right for him. Again, this male's posture told him that he wasn't looking for a fight. Never one to trust a stranger right off the bat, Asterion made sure he gave the new wolf as wide a berth as possible on the little strip of dry land. If this stranger was to come at him, he would have no qualms defending himself, but he desperately hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Posture remaining friendly, Asterion paused in greeting. He dipped his head as a response, and a slight display of submission, pulling it immediately back in the position it had been. He did this not to give the male in front of him any sort of control, but to ensure that there would be no fighting. It was just courteous behavior. "Good morning" His voice was friendly. "Wonderful day for a trek through mud eh? The sarcasm laced statement said to ease some of the tension.

(This post was last modified: May 18, 2013, 02:45 AM by Asterion.)
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
As Kino stood there picking out a path through the marsh with his eyes he was glad to hear that the male nearby had actually greeted him back. "At least he's not going to attack or anything..." the gray male thought quietly not daring to pick his gaze off the path that formed through the marsh in front of his eyes. The sarcastic remark brought a wry smile to his lips. As much as he hadn't wanted an encounter the silver male was happy that the encounters he did have were easy one's with wolves who either didn't want a damn thing to do with him or wolves who were too.. What were the words.. Too happy to see him and talk or just plain old too nice. It was strange to the gray male that wolves would happily seek out other loners just to talk. He could understand perhaps partnering up for a short while to hunt and talking to each other through that encounter, but not just showing up to bother him and talk.
This event however was another thing that he could understand. Both wolves would rather walk through this place high and dry instead of mud caked and chilled by the water. So they would both have to take the same path out of the marsh. As much as he didn't like it, the situation did give the male a chance at information. Perhaps the other male knew of packs nearby? It was the only other thing that would make Tokino answer the man. A part from perhaps giving a chuckle back at the strangers earlier mud trekking remark.
"Yeah. Mud is great for your pores too..." He chuckled giving the male an answer of some kind. His blue gaze followed the path back and finally Tokino was able to start padding slowly over the muck and away from the other lone male. However the gray wolf paused casting a curious look over his shoulder, still with a calm complexion across his features. "Hey, just one question if I may. You come across any packs around here? I'm looking for one to check out." He waited not looking directly at the other male, but just hanging back for an answer.
(This post was last modified: May 18, 2013, 03:06 AM by Tokino.)

Played by Pinn who has 37 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Asterion Carne
The thought of walking so close to the older male made Asterion uncomfortable. He was always too paranoid to keep a traveling partner, as they tended to be deceitful. Usually he liked to journey alone for that exact reason. Maybe it was just a bad experience of his, but he didn't plan on testing the theory too much. Sure he would hunt with another, but he certainly never planned on sticking around too long afterward. The most he ever let himself spend with another soul was about a day and a half. After that he tended to break their alliance, and head off in another direction. It was never anything personal, it was just in his nature.

Returning his attention to the silver male, Asterion felt a smile creep onto his lips at the stranger's addition to his comment. Blue eyes fell on the trail through the marsh, focusing again on the task at hand. One of the brown male's paws found purchase on a particularly soggy spot, forcing him to sink deeper into the ground. Pulling it out immediately with the look of disgust reading clear on his face he shook it free of as much mud as possible, giving up on staying dry. When he was through this marsh, he was going to have a nice long cleaning session.

The strangers next question struck him off guard. It wasn't often a loner asked him about pack information, and he was surprised at how much he knew. Never having to pull it all together before, he was a little scattered about it. "Well, there is one very close to us now, just south of here but the scent is masked by the vegetation and muck rather well." He began. "Another lies southeast from here, I haven't met many pack wolves, so I am afraid I can only offer you locations." Asterion offered apologetically. "North of us is another territory deep within the forest. The only other pack in the area I know of is northeast of here, where the air smells heavily of the river. That is all I know from my travels." He hoped he was of service to the male in front of him.

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Kino thought about the area's this stranger spoke of. The man told him that there was a pack south of their current position. He guessed it was the same pack that Semananti and Inali had spoken about for it appeared to be in the same direction. Then the male spoke of another pack south east from their spot. Kino thought that maybe that pack was the Willow Ridge pack Semananti had spoken about. He noted the directions huffing slightly at the fact that somehow he'd walked right around two nearby packs.

Then, perhaps he should call him his acquaintance instead of stranger, spoke of a pack to the northeast. This information brought a nod out of the gray male. He had not known about a pack just north of here. Though he was aware of a pack in the most northerly part of this land. So there are still many backs to find out here... He thought quietly thinking about where to go next. Kino could go south back to those other packs he'd somehow missed. Or keep going through the muck of the marsh to see the packs up north. He nodded his head in thanks to the male who'd given him some needed information.

Tokino Lagina previously of Mountain Rose pack at your service...Well.. At least until we get out of here.. He gave the male a crooked smile as his gaze looked at the place where he hoped to cross. Keeping an eye on the path he'd traced earlier Kino stepped out onto a tussock of grass hoping it would hold his weight and keep most of his legs out of the mud. It worked for the most part, until the male tried stepping on the next bundle of dried leaning long grasses. They sagged under his weight allowing water to climb up his left front leg. For a few minutes Tokino pressed forward on his thin somewhat dry path pausing as he wobbled precariously his paws on two small tussocks of grass.

Played by Pinn who has 37 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Asterion Carne
Asterion wished he had more to offer this male in the way of packs, but honestly he tried to stay as far away from them as possible. He found no sense in nosing around pack lands for longer than necessary. It could only mean trouble for him. Of course he didn't disagree with their policies, as everyone needed to take steps to remain safe. A pack meant more than just one wolf, and so they usually had to acquire large territories, which they protected too often with their lives. Maybe that was why he didn't feel cut out for the whole pack-wolf thing. He would run at any sign of danger. If it came to his pack or his life, then the others would be out of luck.

The silvered male's introduction brought a friendly smile to his lips. "And Asterion Carne at yours. Formally of the Sandy Plateau Pack." He was thankful that this male had showed up, as he needed a guide through the marshy area. Asterion knew his information on the nearby packs were good in exchange for the driest trip through the swamps that was possible.

Before each step, Asterion would pay close attention to where Tokino was putting his paws. So far, the new male had been successful in finding a route through the muck that didn't leave him positively dripping with mud. "So what brings you to the lore?" He asked, attempting his hand at conversation. They still had a ways to go, and talking would be more comfortable than the awkward silence that had originally taken it's place.

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Ah.. Just looking for a pack to join. My old one split up soo.. yeah that's it.. He answered almost in a bored tone. There really wasn't much to say about his old pack. It had been his birth pack and eventually alpha's get old and one way or another packs split. That's the way things were.

Tokino thought back on his fathers passing and wondered if the Lagina family name would ever rule again. Likely not for although he was his fathers double Kino would rather teach than lead. He relished watching those he taught shine under the sun using his skills well. Yes, Kino would do better teaching the leaders replacement than becoming one himself. He thought himself not right for the job. Especially when he'd been missing when his father had passed into the void. That was the same time the pack split under the unstable leadership of his elderly mother FlowerFall.

Shaking off the memories Kino stepped forward once more. They were almost across now and quite dry for trekking through the marsh. Kino was lucky he had found all the dry paw holds so far. Of course his luck would end on the last five feet of marsh to the trees. Pausing quickly he ducked his head and cursed under his breath. The only way around was all the way back another five feet and then around to the left. The gray male growled then jumped forward as far as he could. He landed in the water about 2 feet away from the bank then leaped forward a second time more shocked at the chill water. He landed on the dry earth and shook each leg waiting for a moment to see how far Asterion would jump.

Come on over the waters fine! He joked shaking a front leg free of water for a fourth time.