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i'm waking up to ash and dust — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen
private for lachesis/arlapants! <3 <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
Travelling endless had been painful but Ana had kept her spirits high. She had to, she supposed. There was supposed to be a light at the end of the tunnel, telling you everything was going to be alright. But would it? Ana was hurt, beaten down and scrambling for a reason as to why this had been done to her. What had she done wrong to deserve such misery?
Her tale was simple yet brutal both emotionally and physically; she, without consent, had been clueless when her adoptive parents had arranged for her to mate with another. Not knowing of this, they had tried to force it onto her when she clearly refused and ran. It seemed like they had chased her for miles when really they hadn't chased at all - she just felt the demons hot on her breath.
It had been a week after leaving them that she had come across the yearling called Nineteen, or as he later explained Lachesis which was his birth name. It had been a strange and awkward start as he seemed rather confused, but Ana was patient and considerate. After all losing his brother had to have been quite hard, she knew she loved hers dearly but he had been the one that molded into the packs framework whilst being born a female had done nothing but harm for her.
Upon meeting him, she had been a little fearful but she recognized how young and frightened he was that he would not try anything - he couldn't do much damage to her just as she was probably just as petite as he was, gangly legs and all. Anastasia and Lachesis had walked to Relic Lore together, but Anastasia figured it would be best if she scouted the area a little more before she settled down. It took her four days to move about the expanse of the land not wanting to waste any time at all so that she could come back to Lach. It would have broken her heart if she had left him alone and had disappeared right from underneath her. Though she was much older than he and close to perfect strangers, he was comforting to her. Lachesis didn't look down upon her or chastise her for the independence that she desired.
Subtle and silent as the ghostly wind, the snowy creature moved towards the den where she had last seen Lach and whined softly. Surely he would be here waiting for her but they were considerably still strangers, just one looking after the other in a strange new place.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<33333 omgggg i so happy i can't even. :D<b style="color:#8A9F4D; font-size:12px;">
With little knowledge of the new lands he was exploring, Lachesis found himself working his way back to initial starting point — the spring where he had met the nameless, feral stranger who had punished him for something he still didn't understand. The boy was doing his best to distance himself from strangers; he preferred being on his own and not dealing with the strange wolves that occupied this land. There was only one "wild" wolf that Lachesis had grown comfortable around and was not completely and utterly terrified of — that was the pearly white Anastasia who the yearling had met during his travels. Her soft personality was a warm summer breeze compared to icy demeanor of the midnight female he had met only days ago. At first the alabaster boy had been frightened of the bright-eyed girl, unsure of how her reaction towards him — his fear had caused him to introduce himself by the name that the two-legged creatures gave him; a name he still introduced himself as to those he didn't trust.
Lach found himself often wondering how the girl was doing on her own — he was jealous of how well she dealt with being on her own, something that he was still struggling with as he maneuvered through the land with only his shadow as company.
After realizing he was headed back to his starting point, Lachesis returned to the den he had discovered upon entering Relic Lore. The boy slunk back to his den carefully, worried that the dark stranger might still be lurking nearby — he wanted to avoid another run in with her, or any other wolf like her. Once the sun began to creep into the opening of the den Lachesis left to stretch his legs and scout the area. The territory that the Pack had possessed had been much smaller than the lands of Relic Lore — until Lachesis had been bullied into leaving he never knew that there was more to explore.
It was just as he was approaching his temporary den when he caught wind of a familiar scent that caused his tail to start wagging uncontrollably. Without a second thought Lachesis sprung toward the den, his long legs carrying him quickly to close the distance between the two wolves. He scrambled to a stop once he saw the flash of white fur, his lips breaking into a wide smile as he approached the female. <b style="color:#8A9F4D; font-size:12px;">"A-Ana?!" His voice cracked from his excitement, pear eyes widening in disbelief. He was unsure of how soon (or when) he would see the blue-eyed girl again — he had been worried that she would disappear into the lands of Relic Lore without a final good-bye.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
It was different having someone she cared for around, it certainly made the transition into a new place easier. Although she was a bit more fearless than the dove-eyed boy, knowing that she made him comfortable kept her at ease. With the day coming to a close and the sun dipping low in the sky she was glad that she had made it back to the Secluded Spring, thankful that his scent still lingered and that he had not wandered far. Though he was young, a part of her felt that his presence kept her together as she had someone to hold onto that she count trust and rely on.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“You speak as though I would leave and never return,” she smiled sweetly to the exuberant yearling and very careful she placed her muzzle alongside his and closed her eyes, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“I won’t leave you.” This was no doubt a promise she would keep not just for him, but herself as well. Her birth pack had taught her many things but learning to love and care for another was entirely her own gift—she cared without limits, loved without judgment.
Opening her eyes she moved a couple feet back and tilted her head, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“had a good couple days while I scouted the land?” Surely he had done more than stick to the den area… then again, she worried about what sort of pack wolves lived around here and if she and Nineteen would have to relocate. After all, she hadn’t run into another wolf long enough to chit-chat and didn’t know anyone besides her pal.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<3 all the love for ana, aaaaaaall the love.<b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">
There were not enough adjectives to describe the excitement that Lachesis felt upon laying eyes on Anastasia — after an odd handful of days after the two temporarily parted ways, the yearling was ecstatic to be back in the company of the blue-eyed girl. She shared the same kind heart that his sister, Thalia, possessed and provided the stability and comfort that Nineteen craved. His tail waved frantically behind him as she closed the distance between them, her muzzle resting against his own. The smile deepened into his licorice lips as his yellow-green eyes blinked shut, a warmth spreading within his chest and pouring through his limbs. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"I thought the land might've s-swallowed you up," he replied, his gaze latching onto her bright blue eyes once she pulled away.
Although he knew that she wouldn't have abandoned him, Lachesis had still been concerned about his friend being on her own. It was silly and he knew it — Ana was much more capable of being alone than he was. He, who had been born of a sheltered life, knew nothing of the 'rules' that came along with meeting this wild wolves. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"It w-was okay, I didn't want to g-go too far..." The yearling shrugged as he spoke, ears swiveling back while the words fell off his cherry tongue. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"M-met a wolf here the other d-day. I didn't like her." His stuttering bothered him deeply — the pale boy felt the heat of embarrassment build up in his cheeks. Nineteen knew it was from his lack of speech in the past month, but it was still frustrating nonetheless.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
lachesis is such a cutie! i wanna cuddle up to him and give him tummy rubs!<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
The boy’s excitement was contagious as her tail began to wag behind her, though probably not as fast as his. She was happy to have him by her side and even happier than he was safe and out of harm’s way. Now that Relic Lore had been scouted for the most part she wouldn’t be straying too far away from their makeshift location. Although the two were probably the littlest in physique and slightly weaker than most, she was sure that within them was a single strength that surpassed their weaknesses.
Ana grinned, his reply about the land swallowing her was amusing though distasteful all the same. She doubted that land had such a capability but would not argue the matter, after all, they were both safe and had plenty to tell the other. It seemed that the two of them had their fair share of stories and the history seemed the safe yet complete opposite. Nineteen had led a sheltered life within a reserve whilst Anastasia had also been sheltered, but had everything done for her and love was rare even amongst family. The two of them seemed matched now, fitting into what was normal so that they could survive together.
Though Nineteen mentioned finding a wolf that he didn’t like and promptly decided so, Ana was secretly pleased that he had not used the word ‘hate’. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“What did she do that made you not like her?” This thought puzzled her; had the two been talking and had differing opinions? Before she lunged into any more questions she figured it might be ideal to learn the details about the dislike.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
:D all da belly rubs pls!<b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">
Having the pale female at his side just felt right — there was no other way to put it. They were a mix-matched pair, like two opposite corners of a jigsaw puzzle being shoved together, but for whatever reason it worked. Although he missed his family and desperately wanted to hunt for his lost brother, Nineteen was choked by the strong grasp of guilt whenever he thought about leaving Ana. Until she no longer wanted his company the young boy would remain at her side; he would join her wherever she decided to call home in Relic Lore. He cared deeply for his companion, but his mind was often preoccupied by the thought of his lost brother. The loner couldn't help but wonder if that strange creature had managed to catch up to Pyrrhus, or if he had escaped like Lachesis hoped.
Her voice brought him back, his head cocked at the string of words that danced from her maw. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"I did something w-w-wrong, but I don't know wh-what." Lach paused, his gaze not meeting hers as he spoke. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"So she g-grabbed my scruff and p-pushed me down." The yearling hated not knowing what he was and was not supposed to do — he felt like a newborn, unaware of his surroundings and the those who occupied them. He felt as if he should know regardless of his sheltered life, but the first three months (which were the most important) had been stripped from him. His development was off, and because of this the poor ghost felt as if he didn't belong — not here, not anywhere.
Aside from home, but he wasn't so sure he wanted to go back.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
fail, im distracted >_> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
It was strange how they went together almost as if the world had willed them to be here now. They protected and comforted one another, something that Anastasia had never felt with anyone back home. Ana was glad to have left but she couldn’t say the same for Nineteen. All she could do for him was help look for his brother and help him cope with the things he didn’t know. So she would help him try and figure out what it was that had forced this stranger to grab at Nineteen, push him down and effectively give Anastasia some raised hairs on her neck.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“Can’t say I don’t feel angry that she did this to you,” she answered slowly but took a breath and decided that she simply would have to have him reenact this for her to understand. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“Hm,” she backed away and nodded her head giving him plenty of room to emphasize. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“Do you remember your actions and everything you said? If you help me by reenacting what happened, I might be able to pinpoint what happened.” Nineteen wasn’t the type to say something rude or mean or anything bad at all, so maybe the stranger was just having a horrid day. That seemed like a legitimate reason.
It took him a few moments to gather himself completely but she could tell it would be tough. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“I’ll do my best to be her but I’d rather you not dislike me,” she grinned to keep things light and kept focused to catch anything that might trigger an unhappy woman.

i'd love more threads, so message me if you'd like one!
looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
is otay :3 <3<b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">
It wasn't until Anastasia spoke once more than the boy allowed his gaze to finally fall back on her, a faint smile stretching his dark lips. Even though they had grown close over the days of travel, they were still strangers and it amazed the yearling at how much they cared for each other. There was still a lot to learn about her past — and she did not yet know the full details of his own past — but they both waited patiently for the other to open up. He would not prod her, as he knew that her history had deeply scarred the blue-eyed girl; when she was ready she would come to him.
<b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"I c-can't dislike you! Not ever!" His expression grew serious as he took several steps back from the girl, his rump wriggling as he moved. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"P-plus, she was real ugly. You're t-t-too p-pretty to be anything like h-her," he commented, his voice growing quiet as he began to focus on the memory of his meeting with the black stranger.
<b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"It was the d-day after you went to sc-c-out. and I w-was just b-by the Spring s-soaking my p-paws." He paused to concentrate on the memory as well as his speech — he especially disliked stuttering in front of his friend. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"S-she didn't even s-say anything! I w-was nervous, she's the f-f-first wild wolf I m-meant aside from you. And then she approached me — t-that means you, s-silly! — and did this w-whole hackle-y thing and her t-tail was up." He inhaled deeply as he waited for her to move forward, his eyes focused on her. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"S-so I looked at her! She was s-scary, so I h-had to... t-then she got all p-pissy." A frown etched across his maw as he finished, his legs collapsing beneath him to mimic his reaction to the black loner getting "pissy" with him.
(This post was last modified: May 08, 2013, 06:08 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
Ana would come to share her story with him though she figured that bringing a past like hers to the present probably wouldn’t make him less scared of the world. She wanted to help him grow and learn, trust in those but still hold his guard against suspicious characters. If she could she would have blushed at being called ‘pretty’—especially since, well, she’d never been called such a word. She had always just been seen as another woman that could continue life, nothing more. No one had appreciated her before, until Nineteen. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“Thank you Nineteen,” she smiled and felt pleased and humbled that he believed her to be prettier than another woman.
As he began to reenact what all had happened and the environment that he recalled, she painted the bigger picture slowly. Ana slowly approached him—though didn’t show any sort of aggression when doing so and would not go so far as to raise her hackles or tail for that matter—but it was perhaps something that stood out the most. It had been a rule that had been held strongly within her birth pack, especially against females.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“It’s the eyes,” she sighed with relief at finding what she found was wrong about his reflection, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“looking a feral wolf in the eyes usually instigates a challenge though I know you didn’t mean it.” Anastasia didn’t particularly care if he looked at her in the eyes—in fact, she would’ve welcomed it now that he figured her as ‘pretty’.

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looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">
He couldn't help but beam at her when she thanked him, his pear-coloured eyes focused on her ocean-blue gaze. Since they had met her eyes had always fascinated him — it was such a particular colour to see, and they went contrasted perfectly against her pale coat. All the wolves within the Pack had dull coloured eyes, similar to his own or different shades of gold, which looked boring matched with their arctic coats.
Nineteen wanted to return back to the Pack and explain to his parents that it had not been his choice to leave — he knew that they must have been disappointed in him after learning about his disappearance. On his own accord the boy would have never done such a thing, but he couldn't tell whether he thankful for the opportunity or spiteful. Without Pyrrhus pushing him into leaving the boy would have never met Anastasia — but if he had remained home he wouldn't have to learn any of these rules that came with being a 'wild' wolf.
'Its the eyes.'
Oh... well, that made sense.
With his belly still pressed against the ground the youth groaned at her words, a fore paw swinging over his muzzle to cover his eyes. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"I sh-should've known t-that," he mumbled beneath his paw, tail curled up against his thigh. All he had known his life was the Pack and his parents being the leaders, he never had to avoid any wolf's eyes before. It was so painfully obvious, though, and the boy felt completely ridiculous for not knowing. <b style="color:#838136; font-size:12px;">"W-why c-can't everyone just be n-nice." His voice was small, barely above a whisper as he removed his paw from his eyes. All wolves should just be like Anastasia — that would make everything so much easier. No troubles, no nothing. Just happiness.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you