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Afraid of Storms — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint
It had been months since Rayne had been on his own yet it didn’t matter much to him, other then his heart felt heavy since he missed his family. Pack borders were found few and far between and even less wolves were encountered. Whenever he did come across a border, he would avoid them best he could, though there had been a few times he had to carefully sneak through pack lands. Keeping his strides long, Rayne wondered where his sister could have possibly gone. It had been a long year and a half since he had last seen or spoken to his beloved sister, the regret and guilt of leaving her still clinging to his chest. Though he told himself it was for the best when he did it, that he wanted to help his other sister, every time a memory or thought of Senka would cross his mind, the old pains would alight and his heart would clench as memories flooded back.

Deciding to put Senka out of his mind for now, with his muscles hardly aching much any more due to his travels but they called for a rest now, after almost an entire day of travel he took in his surroundings. A field filled the bushes lay before him, little black berries hanging of the small branches. They smelled somewhat sweet but his mind was taken away from the bushes when storm clouds roiled above him and sounds of rumblings sent frightening alarm coursing through him. He was terrified of storms. Another splintered flash and crackling boom caused him to skid to a halt with trembling limbs and a whimper escaping him as he curled down closer to the ground. Sadly for him, there were no sisters or parents to hide his face in their sides to wait out the storm. Senka had always lovingly teased Rayne for the terror he held for what had inspired his name, as a storm had been abound when they were born. Neoma however...

More rumbling thunders accompanied the bright flashes in the sky and deciding enough was enough in the open expanse, Rayne lifted his head enough to begin scouring the landscape for cover. His eyes landed on a lone tree sitting atop a hill and a rush of relief flowed through him at the site. It might not be the best of places to wait out a storm but it would have to do for now. Brambles caught in his fur as he fought his way to the hill yet he didn’t care while the storm above him decided to let it rain upon him. His fluffy coat absorbed whatever water hit him, making it heavier than normal yet he trudged on through the rain and the snagging bushes.

Finally, the rain stopped falling on him as he collapsed beneath the tree in its roots, the rain hitting the broad branches and leaves instead. Grateful for the respite from the pounding rain, the tiredness from travel finally caught up with him causing him to yawn widely. A small nap to wait out this storm wouldn’t hurt. Curling up after cleaning most of the water and brambles from his coat, he tucked his nose into his tail and closed his eyes. A particularly loud rumble made them snap open again and he remained curled up, shivering as the storm went on its natural course.
(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2013, 12:55 PM by Rayne.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
This is gonna be a fun interaction xD

He had been lounging around in the Blackberry Fields when the storm hit. Clouds roiled up above him in the once-blue sky –which had now turned to a dark, stormy grey- and lightning flashed blindingly white, accompanied by the growling rumbles of thunder. Lifting up his dark muzzle, the Young Hellion howled out to the heavens, just as another splintered flash lit up the sky and rumbling growl met his dark furred ears. His drawn-out howl lasted for a few seconds before it stopped, and everything went quiet for a few seconds. Whenever there was a storm, he howled out his sadness and grief, because it reminded him of the day almost all of his family had died. All but him and his sister, Neith.

Rain pounded down upon the ground like a hammer pounding on a forge. It soaked into his dark fur, making his weight almost double. Shaking out his coat didn’t help, as the rain was continuous and didn’t let up for even a moment. Sighing contentedly, the Young Hellion walked forwards, not heading anywhere particular. He was a loner by heart, and wasn’t one too stay in one play for too long, mostly because he hadn’t found someone with a will strong enough to hold him down, and he may never find that special someone. But he was often too sobersided for them.

Bright amber eyes scanned the Blackberry Fields, searching for another wolf, and he wasn’t disappointed. A large, brown and red-furred wolf clambering up a hill through brambles and tall grass, presumably to the lone tree that stood atop the hill. Flashes in the sky, loud rumbles and pouring rain continued to wreak havoc upon the Blackberry Fields. But it didn’t faze the Young Hellion one bit. No, he loved the rain, it was soothing to him, in a way.

Slowly making his way up the hill, he followed the trail left by the brown and red-furred wolf. His long, muscled legs easily ate up the sloped, muddy grass. In no time at all, he reached the top, and saw that the wolf had closed its eyes. But as a particularly loud rumble sounded the wolf’s eyes snapped open, but they were staring in a different direction than he was standing. Cocking his head to the left, a smirk graced his handsome features. It seemed that the brown and red-furred wolf was scared of thunder storms, a pity really, seeing as he looked to be about his size. But apparently size and bravery didn’t always go together, unluckily for the wolf.

Padding forwards a few steps so he was a few feet away from the bran and red-furred wolf, the Young Hellion paused for a moment, staring at the wolf’s orange eyes with his own bright amber eyes. The tip of his brown tail twitched to the side as he lifted up his right leg –which was all white- and flexed it calmly. Whenever he met a new wolf, he always did that, but why, he didn’t know. “Hiding from the scary thunderstorm, are we?” His voice was deep and soft, yet also full of volume, like a bass guitar. He would attempt to find out valuable information about the brown and red-furred wolf, and use it against him.

Oh, how he loved to toy with other wolves’ minds.

555 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint
(Indeed it should. XD)

Rayne wasn't expecting another wolf to be out and about in the field, especially in this storm but he was proven wrong when looking away from the previous flash of lightning, surprised to be staring straight into the eyes of a wolf whose size roughly matched his own. Yet as his nature kicked in and he lowered them, the red male wondered where the other came from. The others' dark fur was weighted down by the water so it was clear he had been caught in the rain before he most likely got the same idea as him upon sighting the tree. It was the only shelter in the field, other than the forest he had glimpsed before the rain had pelted down, revealing that this tree was the closest thing to get out of the rain. No scent of a pack lingered on him, other than one that was very faint. A sibling or mate perhaps? Rayne couldn't tell as his ears flickered back towards the other male.
“Hiding from the scary thunderstorm, are we?” It was asked of him after the other raised his right leg and appeared to flex it. Rayne blinked at the sight, confused slightly by the action. Was the dark colored male injured? Or did he just feel the need to stretch that leg? Either way, Rayne pretended not to see and tentatively replied back as calmly and politely as he possibly could.
“Yes, I am. I’ve been scared of them since I was young.” An even louder boom than before sent his fur on end as if he had just been struck by the lighting above. “F-funny considering my siblings and I were born on a night like this. I was even named after the torrential water that fell from the sky. Rayne Flint.” Sadness crossed his face at the mention of his siblings, though more so for the lost sister then the one that had been left behind willingly. It had been a living hell almost when he was with Luna yet the mere thought of Senka brought pleasant bliss mixed with sadness and guilt. “Even one of my sisters teased me because of it. Not unkindly mind you, rather she thought it was funny and adorable being her words. Though our other sister thought me an idiot because of it....” To use his sisters against him would prove delicate, depending on how it was handled. On one paw, there was one he hated while the other adored him and he adored her back.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Long post is long xD

A displeased sneeze left Anouke when the brown and red-furred wolf averted his orange eyes from his own bright amber eyes, to look down at his large paws. They hadn’t even introduced themselves and the wolf was already saying that he, himself was the dominant wolf, even though the other wolf seemed to be at least twice his age. Which the Young Hellion was delighted with, but the wolf’s actions meant weakness, and weakness wasn’t a good thing to show around him, as it proved that the wolf was a waste of time, and he would immediately dismiss all interactions. Yet, this brown and red-furred wolf intrigued him, so he decided to continue the interaction until he got bored, or otherwise.

As a confused expression came upon the wolf’s face, the Young Hellion smirked again. This wolf was showing all signs of being easily manipulated, and that meant much fun for him. But first of all, they had to exchange names, why they were here, what other wolves they had met and all of that. It bored him to death, but he complied. After all, if he didn’t, then he wouldn’t be able to have his fun with them. And where was the enjoyment in that?

When the brown and red-furred wolf replied tentatively in an almost forced calm and polite tone as possible that he had been scared of thunderstorms ever since he was young, Anouke twitched his right ear to face the male –which had a triangle-shaped nick taken out of it from a tooth- while his left stayed in its normal pricked position. He often kept one ear out for any wolves that may stumble by; a defensive thing really, while the other listened attentively to whichever wolf he was interacting with.

A soft snort of amusement came from the Young Hellion’s maw as another rumbling boom thundered out, making the brown and red-furred wolf’s fur stand on end as if he had just been struck by lightning. It was quite hilarious for Anouke to watch the wolf get scared every time thunder rumbled, seeing as he was the first wolf that he had met that was afraid of thunderstorms.

Anouke shook out his coat and stepped forward so he was under the thick branches of the tree as the brown and red-furred wolf spoke yet again. Inwardly sighing, the Young Hellion listened as he spoke of being born on a night like this, and being named after a torrential downpour of water from the sky; Rayne Flint. Now that he knew the brown and red-furred wolf’s name was Rayne, he could start the fun. But still, he waited if….Rayne had anything else to say. He did attempt to be polite from time to time, although it did seem like a waste of time to him.

Sadness became the focused expression of Rayne’s face, seemingly at the near mention of his siblings or parents, if he had any, that is. Anouke felt grief pull at his heart, because thinking of anyone else’s family and siblings caused him to think of his own. But they were dead, and there was no time to dwell on the past. The past was already over, so he had nothing to do with it. He wanted –and would- live in the now. But as soon as it came, the Young Hellion pushed away the feelings.

A very soft chuckle –soft enough to only just be heard on a quiet, calm day. Not during a raging thunderstorm- escaped from Anouke’s maw as Rayne spoke of one of his sister teasing him about him being scared of thunderstorms. He would too, but that satisfaction wouldn’t last very long. At his last words of “Though our other sister thought me an idiot because of it....” the Young Hellion’s smirk came back. He also thought that Rayne was idiotic for being scared of a thunderstorm. They couldn’t hurt you unless if lightning struck you, which was very rare and almost never happened. He was, after all, very sobersided about most things.

Staring at Rayne with an almost curious expression on his handsome face, Anouke studied the brown and red-furred male for a second before speaking; his head cocking to the right this time. “Funny thing, thunderstorms. They can seem quite intimidating, but really, they are as harmless as a fly.” His last words were accompanied by a low laugh, and a malicious glint could be seen easily in his bright amber eyes. Maybe he could somehow provoke Rayne to a fight.

Now that would be fun.

761 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint
Rayne's eyes flickered back over to the younger wolf when he sneezed, the thought that he had become sick crossed his mind. It was in his nature to care and worry for others even going as far as becoming his job before his leaving of his pack with Neoma. That was even an act of his nurture. He had wanted to stay with his mother, with his beloved sister Senka but between the hours Luna had declared to the world that she would be leaving when the moon was full and hanging well into the night and before she actually left, a battle had raged. Stay with those who loved him...or go with the one who despised him. In the end, the mere thought of his eldest sister wandering alone swayed his normally rational mind to attend her side. It hurt not only him but the family he'd be leaving behind. Yet it the agreement lasted for so long before it begun to crack and splinter. It was why he was here now, speaking with this wolf who he noted hadn't yet given his name. Maybe he was alone and was distrustful of giving others his name? He had no idea but Rayne was sure it would come eventually as they continued to talk.

"I know. Yet the fear is still there." Rayne sighed heavily. "My sister, the one who teased me-her name's Senka-always told me that they were harmless. She told me that I just had to take cover wherever I could in one and just wait it out. Try and take a nap or do something to take my mind from the storm if I could." It was true he had tried following her advice whenever a storm rolled in. He hoped with all his heart that she was still alive and well and that he could find her. Hopefully, she hadn't gotten too farther south. This field that being delighted by flashes of light and the forests surrounding it seemed ideal lands for multiple packs to roam. Maybe she had joined one?

His thoughts were torn away when the strange wolf laughed lowly accompanied with a malicious glint in his amber eyes. Rayne's stomach sank when he heard the laugh and saw the glint. Did this wolf just wish to fight? Was that why he came up to the hill, to follow him and provoke him into a fight? It certainly wasn't in Rayne's being to fight, in fact it was the opposite. If it could be avoided, then he would avoid any conflict of any kind. Yet it made sense now why his name hadn't been spoken. If Rayne knew of his name and lived through the fight, then he could call him out if he wished for justice or another fight. Wanting nothing to escalate into one, Rayne tried to distract the wolf, stammering out some words. "I'm looking for her you know, my sister. Our older sister, Neoma and I left the pack to find ourselves anew but we broke apart because of....some disagreements." He didn't need to know what exactly. "But when I returned to our old pack, she was gone. I wanted to find her to make amends with her, as we left on bittersweet terms." Again, no need for this strange wolf to know what the exact dealings. "You haven't seen her have you? Smaller then me and similar in colouring but darker and less white."
(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2013, 12:56 PM by Rayne.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

Anouke knew that he hadn’t given his name out, and would only do so if Rayne asked. He wasn’t one to give out names freely, like the brown and red-furred wolf had done. Secrecy was important to being able to play tricks and pranks on others and succeeding. Sometimes giving out a false name was needed, though he suspected in this case, telling his real name wouldn’t hurt. But still, old habits die hard, and in his case, old habits never die.

Dark ears twitched as Rayne sighed heavily and spoke that he knew thunderstorms were harmless, yet couldn’t get over his fear of them. To the Young Hellion, that was like a big, bright flashing sign pointing straight to weakness. He huffed softly to himself, he really didn’t want to listen to the male’s babbling about unimportant things. But from past experiences, he had learned it was….polite, to do so. It also gave him an easier chance to delve into their minds as they spoke, unaware that he sorting through everything to see if it was usable against them. “Yes, hiding in the roots of a tree is a very good spot to hide from a thunderstorm.” His words had a slightly teasing tone, but it was mostly sarcastic, it was also accompanied by a disapproving sneeze. What good was it to hide in the roots of a tree –which was flammable- during a thunderstorm? He just couldn’t understand the logic of some of the wolves he had met.

An almost bored expression found itself on the Young Hellion’s face as Rayne stammered out gibberish. But after a few moments, a curious and thoughtful look chased of his bored expression. Rayne was looking for his litter sister; intriguing. His dark ears perked up, and his brown tail swayed once to the left and right. He forced himself to look like he was concerned for the brown and red-furred male and his sister, when all he really felt was amusement. He cocked his head to the left again when Rayne asked him if he had seen his sister, which he hadn’t, but Rayne didn’t know that, did he?

Barely holding back a smirk, Anouke looked at Rayne for a few moments, scrunching up his muzzle as if thinking hard. “I think I may have seen a wolf of your description, but I have met many wolves on my travels, so I cannot be sure.” Hook. Line. Sinker. The Young Hellion waited eagerly for Rayne to respond, but he made sure that he was composed on the outside, pretending to be interested in joining the siblings back together again.

This encounter between Anouke and Rayne was going exactly as he’d planned.

450 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
(This post was last modified: Sep 22, 2013, 01:46 PM by Anouke.)
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint
Lowering his head in embarrassment when Anouke teased him about hiding in the roots of the tree, Rayne knew he was right. If a stray lightning bolt did hit the tree, even in this weather, then the tree would light up and burn like wild fire.

“I think I may have seen a wolf of your description, but I have met many wolves on my travels, so I cannot be sure.” Rayne perked up when the other wolf said that, his tail wagging behind him as he rose to his feet in his excitement. To him, it seemed too good to be true yet he didn't care. If it meant he could find his sister, then he would listen to this stranger. He had been looking for many months already and he was losing hope that his lost sister wanted to be found. Senka had always been good at hiding when she wanted to hide, even as a pup. It would take hours to find her when she did hide. Now, as an adult though, her skills had improved and had several months of travel ahead of him.

"Really? Do you remember where you saw her?" Stepping closer to the dark wolf, Rayne grinned happily and lifting his head higher than he normally held it, his neck somewhat exposed as he spoke with his tail swinging behind him. "Did you speak with her? Did she look alright? She didn't look hurt or anything did she?" A small growl emitted from his throat at the thought of his beloved sister being injured in anyway, especially if it was by another wolf. If that was the case, then he wouldn't be tracking his sister. He'd be hunting her attacker. (<Hint on how to set him off for a fight.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

Anouke pretended to not notice when Rayne lowered his head –presumably in embarrassment- when he told him that it was foolish to hide in a tree during a thunderstorm. But he was actually taking note of it. Seeing as he could make the brown and red-furred wolf act all embarrassed and lower his head to show his neck, maybe he could make him do other things as well. Things that could prove to be fatal.

The Young Hellion raised one of his eyebrows as Rayne became all excited as he mentioned that he may have seen his sister (which he certainly hadn’t) and watched as he rose to his feet, to stand at roughly his height, but looked to be slightly taller. Words blossomed from his maw as quick as a gun shot, and Anouke barely suppressed the urge to flatten his ears. He hated it when wolves fired questions at him, while coming closer. It made him feel like he had been caught in the act, as he had been several times with his sister during their past.

As Rayne stepped closer, he grinned and raised his head up high, giving Anouke a clear shot for his neck if he chose to. But he wouldn’t just attack someone randomly, unless if they gave him a reason too. The brown and red-furred wolf’s next words were accompanied by a small growl, as if he would chase down Senka’s attacker and make either him or her pay for hurting his sister. That gave him an idea.

Trying very hard not to smirk, Anouke focused on Rayne’s first question. He made it look as if he was thinking back on his “supposed” encounter with Senka. “I think it may have been near the mountain, but I can’t be certain.” He kept his options open, and made it seem as if it could’ve been another wolf he had met near the mountain. It was never good to say that he had met her near the mountain, or if Rayne ever found Senka and asked her, he would know that he had been lied to, and may come looking for him to set things straight. Although he would love that, he didn’t want lots of wolves running around Relic Lore looking for him.

He made sure not to make any sudden movements, like the averting of his eyes or a twitch of his ears that may alert Rayne that he was being deceived. Some wolves knew that he was lying to them by those minute movements, so he had learned to keep almost as still as a statue. Getting caught out would ruin all of the fun and who wants that? “I did speak with her, sort of. But it did seem like she had been in a fight. Cuts and bruises everywhere, a long gash in her side, scratches on her muzzle. Uhh….Maybe a ripped ear. She looked dreadful. Didn’t want to accept my help either.”

Anouke made his words sound sincere, although he couldn’t help the smirk that came upon his face. It was too late to try and hide it, so he let it show. He hoped to try and provoke Rayne into a fight, although he didn’t want to seem as if he was trying too hard. Otherwise the brown and red-furred wolf would catch onto him and no fight would ensue forth.

Now that would be sad.

568 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint
"What?" The word dropped from Rayne's muzzle as he listened to Anouke recount his tale, speaking about the wounds his sister had and how he had offered help but was refused by the female. Rayne swiveled his head, wondering if he could spot the mountain Anouke spoke of. He thought he spied it but the rain was still there and made this difficult to see. "She was that badly hurt? But Senka's a great fighter. There's no way she could have gotten so badly wounded...." Expect if that wolf was much bigger and stronger than her. Someone his size. A cloud of anger crossed his face at the thought of someone harming his sister. Looking over to Anouke, he saw a smirk cross the other wolf's lips. As if he wanted Rayne to become angry and fight him. Surely not. Why would this strange wolf want a fight? Rayne showed no interest to fight when they first meet nor any aggression, at least none that he was conscious of. Did his speaking of his sisters and family upset him? It would make sense if that was the case.

His mind must be playing tricks on him. Anouke sounded sincere, as if he spoke the truth about his sister. Concern for his sister quickly pushed away thoughts of a fight for a moment. “She could have died from her wounds!" He howled in a mix of anguish and rage. Anguish that his sister was dead roiled in his chest, it hitting him hard that it was possible he would never see her again. Anger for this wolf for not pushing to help Senka, his most beloved sibling and save her from dying. What was he going to do now? Anger making him unconsciously adopt the stance of a wolf about to challenge another in a fight. His tail was raised and his teeth were bared as his hackles were raised. The mountain could provide any clues as to where Senka had gone but if she was dead, then he would simply be stumbling all over an unfamiliar terrain before finding her bones. A thought then occurred to him. If it had been so long ago that this wolf had seen Senka, how did he remember all of her wounds? “You! You told me earlier you weren’t sure you had even seen my sister yet you managed to describe her wounds as if you had actually been there. How can I be certain that you weren’t the one to do her harm?” The words sounded harsh coming from the generally calm and gentle giant. Lunging at Anouke in the firm belief he had brutally attacked and potentially killed his sister, his paws landing in Anouke's shoulders and sending them both tumbling down the side of the hill as Rayne's teeth sank just below his jaw. Blood flowed from the wound inflicted as they rolled to a stop at the bottom of the hill.

(Now it's done. Looks like Anouke is getting the fight he wants. XD)
(This post was last modified: Sep 23, 2013, 01:34 PM by Rayne.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

The Young Hellion could barely suppress the smirk on his face at Rayne’s shocked voice and expression. His plan was working, just as he knew it would. They always did, unless if the other wolf saw through his lies and deception, but the wolf standing in front of him didn’t seem to. For that he was thankful, as then it would be easy to bring him into a fight.

Anouke stood perfectly still, save for the slight twitching of his black ears as Rayne spoke. From the way he was speaking about his sister, the fae seemed to be a good fighter. If he somehow managed to get to her….Senka, as she was called. Then he could attempt to provoke her into a fight just like he was doing now.

When Rayne howled out that Senka could have died from her so called “wounds” in a mix of anguish and raging tones, the Young Hellion watched him intently with bright amber eyes, his only movement the slight twitching of his lips and ears. It was amusing for him to watch Rayne anger himself over nothing, while all Anouke had to do was say very little words (which apparently held much meaning to the reddish-brown furred male) and tempt him here and there with small bits of useless information.

Rayne’s anger cause him to adopt the stance of a wolf about to challenge another; tail and hackles raised, teeth bared, murderous expression on his face. It was only when the reddish-brown furred male harshly yelled out that he could’ve been the one to harm Senka that the Young Hellion also adopted the challenging stance. His hackles raised up to their full length, making him look almost twice as large, while his lips pulled back to show pearly white canines. Black ears lay flat on his dark head and his bright amber eyes narrowed to slits. His head lowered to protect his neck just as Rayne lunged towards him, fangs bared.

Pain seared just below his jaw where the reddish-brown male had clamped his jaws as large paws thudded into his broad shoulders, sending them tumbling down the hill. A loud yelp escaped his aching jaw, and he shook his head roughly back and forth, attempting to dislodge Rayne. Blood sprayed in an arc from the open wound as he shook his dark head.

Whether it was the rough shaking of his head or if it was Rayne’s choice, the reddish-brown furred male let go and Anouke swung backwards, backing up a few paces. His lower jaw stung from the wound, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. Pain was for the weak, and he wasn’t weak, not like the wolf before him who was afraid of thunderstorms. Baring his fangs, the Young Hellion readied himself for his attack. His eyes swept over Rayne’s now water-soaked coat for a weakness. The hind legs.

Lunging forwards, the Young Hellion aimed his muzzle and paws at Rayne’s hind legs. If he could take them out, then the rest would be easy. But to his dismay, his own dark hind legs slipped on the wet grass from the thunderstorm and he fell to the side, landing heavily on his right flank just meters away from Rayne’s standing body. His breath was forced out of his large, bulky body from the impact and he lay there, at the mercy of the reddish-brown furred male. His fall hadn’t done him any harm, but embarrassment coursed through him. Rayne had seen him fall, and he hated that fact that it made him look weak.

While struggling to his white paws (which were now brown with mud) the Young Hellion hoped that the reddish-brown furred male wouldn’t take the opportunity to strike him down. He would never be able to live with himself if he didn’t manage to get one hit on Rayne. What would Neith say when she found out?

That would be the utmost feeling of embarrassment he’d ever feel if that happened.

666 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.