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A day for a daughter and her mother too — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The wild Winter wind whistled outside the warm cozy den as the sun started to rise in order display it's brilliance. The morning was bitterly cold, causing the young pup to snuggle closer to @Nina. Dani's mind was blazing with curiosity. Oh how she wanted to discover something new and wonderful today. However that was a scary concept, one she didn't feel nearly ready to brave alone...just yet.

Lifting her small head she glanced to her mother, "Momma? Are you awake yet?" She asked nudging her soft cheek gently. Her fluffy tail flopped some what against the hard ground as she waited for something, eagerly hoping for a yes. As silence still filled the air she nudged her again but with a tad more force in her touch. Of course it wasn't nearly enough pressure to cause harm. *Come on, get up already. This is so boring...* Her mind went on thinking as she awaited a response impatiently.

Eventually groaning she sat her head down against her mother's ribs listening to her calming heart. The loud thud, thud, thud, of the life pumping 'drum' soothed her. It was so powerful sounding and strong, like her mum. Dani wondered if one day, she too, could be fearless with a iron grip on her pack. Only the future could answer that commonly asked question. Once again she lifted her head, yet this time giving off a sharp puppy like bark. Beautiful young emerald eyes glistened in the light that seeped int the den. Anticipation began to consume them whole.

(Eeek, not the best post.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She had finally be able to take some time off to rest with her lovely daughter. Ever since Tacoma’s death, Nina had been working nonstop around the pack to make sure that everyone was functioning correctly and in that time many loners had come by asking to gain entry into her pack. Now, she had finally been able to spend time with her only daughter. She had not seen much of Ashton since her son’s death and it upset her greatly to know that he might have been purposefully avoiding most of the pack. She wished to seek out her brother, and yet she had barely had her own time to see her family within the pack. She knew that it would have to wait for another time…and to add onto the fact; she did not know where he was. Athena had said that Poison Path had disbanded and that Ash had abandoned her, but as much as Nina was sure that Athena had her own believes, she couldn’t believe that anyone of her own blood would do such a thing.

A small nudge brought her back to the present and her single emerald eye opened and her jaws parted in a long yawn as her head looked down at her daughter, a small smile drawn out on her face. Her daughter had her father’s fur and her own eyes. It briefly reminded her of a time when she had been a beautiful woman with two eyes. Those had been dark times when she had first lost the ability to see in one of her eyes. Looking down upon her daughter, she let the small body shift away from Danica’s so that she could stretch before she could fully be awake. Looking down at her smaller daughter, she grinned slightly, <b style="color:#008080">”Is there something you would like to do, my dear?” She asked her daughter this quietly, as to not disturb the other sleeping pack members around them.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
*She's awake* She mentally yowled with excitement as she bounced up to her feet. Her tail began wagging furiously as she watched her mum. The women stretched herself out before looking directly down at her. Shyly Danica peeled her eyes away and replied, "Um, a, Mum...I wanna go...uh.,.do something fun. M-maybe we could adventure? I don't wanna go a-alone-a terrified expression came to her face at the thought-, and Ashton. He's well, ya know." She gave a nervous smile before it fled as a frown took the crown. What was up with him? Didn't he want Mommy to help with through this tough time? She couldn't grasp the concept.

Her Emerald glance soon met her mother's single orb. "Can we?" The words had hope laced through out them. While it would be nice to romp with company, it'd be all the better if it was Nina. She hadn't had her mother to just herself for awhile. In fact it'd been at least a month since they had done something fun with alone. All the grieving, pack duties, and 'adult stuff' had taken up that alpha's time.

*I bet she says yes, she's gotta be missing me as much as I miss her. Right?* At that moment Dani began to ponder if she was even too shy to have a strong bond with her mum. *That seems insane, of course we have a good relationship.* The inner battle heated up as one thought shouted out after another. *Yet she hasn't hung out with you.* While it stung she quickly resolved it, *She has been fixing up her pack after a severe lost.* The war went on.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Never had the Secret Woodlands alpha ever wanted to have to spend time away from her children, but with the harsh winter that had met them all head on, it was much harder not to do her duties and spend time with her children. At least she saw Danica when she rested, but Ashton was a ghost on the wind and Nina found herself only seeing little glances of him, as if he were a ghost. It upset her in knowing that she couldn’t be there for her son just because she simply couldn’t find him and as the days progressed the realization came to her like a lightning strike; her son was becoming more and more like her brother in the passing days. The thought sent chills down her spin and even caused the fainted amount of worry to travel through her veins and remind her of the scar that her brother had given to her, but she also reminded herself that he was not the same man he once was. He had changed for the better and Nina had high hopes for Ashton too.

She adored her daughter and couldn’t help but smile as she stuttered out her questions. She was quiet young and reminded her of how she had been when she had been a pup, though much quieter than any of her children were. That was before the accident though and Nina wasn’t sure what she would have done if she hadn’t had that accident. Moving up from her position, she stretched once more before whispering the smaller girl, <b style="color:#008080">”Yes, of course, follow me and be quiet…the others will need their rest.” With a wave of her tail to tell her offspring to follow her, the golden brown woman weaved her way through the bodies of their pack mates, her single eye taking in their resting forms. They had all been working hard this winter and Nina wanted to make sure that they all got as much sleep as they needed so they could do the jump required of them.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dani's bright lovely coloured Emerald green eyes widen and her body lifted up in a flash. *Yesh! I get her all to myself! Oh gosh, that seems so selfish.* Allowing her powerful excitement to push the thought away, she grinned. She was ready to dash out of then den and there. Despite this she reminded herself of Nina's words and obeyed "OK Mum," She whispered in a voice that seemed a tad strained. She was holding in all of the positive emotions built up inside. The silvery pup fallowed close to her mother, mimicking her steps. She also copied her exact posture. *I can be just like her if I try!* She thought proud of who's daughter she was.

The 'mini Nina' felt a strong cold draft of air as they left the den's warmth. She shivered a little but stepped from behind her mom. She moved to just a few steps ahead without thinking about her actions. Then Dani craned her neck around to meet her beautiful face.

She gave her a look of saddened expectance before asking, "Mommy, what can we do?" Her voice was timid towards the question, and her eyes fell. She wasn't talking about enjoyable family activities now. Instead her mind had managed to pull her back into thoughts of Ashton. *Is there anything see can do to help him? Will he die from not having Tacoma somehow? * Worry took over her joy. She frowned awaiting what wise words of hopefully comfort her Mom would offer.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A fight broke out between two male mountain goats. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Unfortunately, we don't have enough wolves to hunt them, so this'll just turn into a lesson.

The woman moved gracefully through her lands,walking much slower to allow her child to catch up with her. Though she tried to contain her excitement, no such thing was going to work in the presence of the healer. Smiling past her sadness, she took the time to spend time with her daughter, not wishing her sadness over her son's death and moved with ease, keeping her single eye trained on her daughter to make sure she did not make a misstep on a thorn. This winter was something they would not be able to afford because most herbs were used up due to her injury to her forehead and Nina did not wish for any of her other members were to fall due to injury of illness, but she knew well that not all things could be prevented. It caused her much more stress than she would wish to admit, but none the less, she did what she needed to do, as well as her wolves. For the most part they were noble and NIna found that she could respect them.

Crashing could be heard in the thickets and she silently mentioned for her daughter to stay close to her and silent as they moved toward. She did not suspect that her members were fighting for the fun of it, especially with the knowledge of winter slowly approaching them, they were not stupid. It was as she suspected though, there were two goats fighting. She knew that the two of them were not enough to take them down, even if the pack did need food desperately. Leaning down to whisper in her daughters ear, she decided to give the small girl a lesson of her own. ”You see those two goats, Dani?” she started softly before continuing, ”Those to males are fighting over something, probably food right about now. All they want right now is survival, they do not work together like we do...they are selfish, something that I hope you never are, little darling. But we...we scare them more then death does.” As if to prove her point, Nina let out a large bark that resonated through her forest separating the two goats fighting and watched as they ran away from her...from them. Looking down at her daughter, she waited for a response.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(First reply on tablet since we moved! I hope it's good.)

Excitedly Danica walked besides her mother, taking a few extra steps between Nina's just to keep up with her. She still had some growing to do, considering this while Nina walked slow. A little tail flagged in the air wagged steadily back and forth. She had a grin on her face as well, and took a moment to glance over at her mom's face. *Why is she staring; it's like she is watching my every movement.* Nervously she looked away from the single Emerald green eye.

As a loud new sound echoed around, she had no problem getting closer to her mother. "What is it?" She asked fearfully. Her question was soon answered as two goats came into view. They rammed into each other's horns, "What are they doing?" She questioned while cocking her head a touch. A warm breathe entered her ear as her mum began talking. She nodded her head quickly in reply. *Fighting? Selfish?* "Mom, I don't understand. Where are their families? Why can't they share?" Suddenly her mum barked, causing her to jump a little. She watched the wild goats take off running.

She whined a little, wanting to chase after them. She kept still in her current spot and turned her head. Their glances met and she giggled a little, "Afraid of me? You I get...but me more then death?" Her eyes sparkled in amusement as her small smile grew. Then it faded with a concerned look, "Is it bad that we scare them? What exactly is selfish? I don't want to be it, not if you don't want me to be." She looked completely troubled for the time, "I"m not....selfish, am I?"
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She loved how intently her daughter would listen to every word she had to say, it was as if she were hanging onto everything as if it were the last thing that Nina was ever going to say to her. The mother hoped that this wouldn't be the case anytime soon and she silently contemplated the idea of her children leaving her come spring. The thought had never occurred to her and she wandered if this would end up happening to her family. She didn't want it to be like that, but if it would make her children happy, then she couldn't deny them. Her lovely daughter then fired many questions in her direction and she couldn't help but smile, loving how wild her daughter's imagination was.

Looking down at her daughter, she smiled slightly before opening her mouth to answer, ”They have families, dear, but when things get tough they don't stick together like we do...it's quite unfortunate really, for them.” She paused then, letting her words sink in while observing the now empty area. Nodding slightly in content, she then turned back towards her daughter, ”Everyone is selfish at one point in their life, no matter what. They can't help it. Even I'm selfish sometimes...and....so was your father.” She states the last part quietly, her single eye looking away from her daughter for a second. She didn't like thinking about her former mate, because it upset her greatly. Not wanting to ruin her time with her daughter, the Healer replaced her frown with a smile and turned back to face Danica.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Blah, not the best...)

Big bright emerald green eyes stared up at her beautiful mother. Her over sized ears pushing all the way forward. Oh, she just had to know, and soon. She desired the answers so badly it seemed to hurt her little noggin. Danica listened as Nina spoke to her, repeating her words in her mind. She wanted to remember that, and this day, forever. Just her and her mom.

*Why wouldn't they stay together?* She questioned silently. The puzzled look of confusion once again returning to her puppy features. However, she didn't asked aloud for some reason. Instead she remained silent. "You?" The blunt question came from her mouth with out a single thought. She shook her head in disbelief. It wasn't an easy thing to comprehend at all. "But your an alpha, my mother, and a...great...role model?" She wasn't sure if those were the exact words she had wanted.

Suddenly her face lit up, "Well, we stick together. They don't...but we do. So...why not enjoy it?" Her tail swayed as she forced herself to forget the conversation about selfishness. Suddenly she playfully leaped forward, lifting off her front paws and placing them on her mother. Then just as quick she darted off from her. Childish giggles erupted from Dani as she teased, "Nananana, you can't catch me, nanana!" She bounded forward through the snow yelling yet another chant, "I'm too fast, I'm too fast, Momma's got slow paws, and I'm too fast." She looked back over her shoulder; eyes lit with joy.