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Nothing escapes me — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
@Anouke Sorry to spring this up on you like this Mel, but Ashton's b-day is comin' up and we need space. Lets spree this as much as possible <3

And Silv, sorry for the pp. Pm ne if you want anything changed :)

IC: He had seen the limp that day. @Rayne's broken leg was clearly not of accident and Miccah could tell because of the particular twist of it. He was no Healer, but his mother had taught him to notice a few things. Someone had harmed his subordinate, and whether it had been on accident or on purpose Miccah had been determined to find out. He had given Rayne a look that spoke louder than words when they got Catori and him safely out of the collapsed pack den. One way or another, Miccah would learn what or whom had harmed the man. After a couple days, the alpha succeeded in cornering Rayne. After much cajoling and carefully manuevered words, Miccah finally got what he asked for.


Just thinking of the man set his blood to boil. Who the hell did he think he was?! The man must've been out his fucking mind to think that life could go on as if the incident had never happened. Miccah's fur bristled, his hackles already beginning to rise. He had had a bad feelig about this 'Anouke' since day one. There was something about him...something sinister that Miccah didn't like. At all. One thing was for certain, this man would no longer be in his lands for long. By this evening, so help the Fates, this man would either be long gone or he would have to suffer the fate of meeting Miccah's jaws. Rearing his head up to the sky, the alpha's strong howl weaved through the territory summoning one man and one man only.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
@Miccah Nah, it's cool, I'm really excited for this, so bring it on! xD

The sun that managed to filter through the thick canopy, which mirrored the thicket below, warmed his back. It was enough for him to see clearly without stepping onto thorns – most of them – or walking into the brush where sharp, thin sticks and leaves would painfully poke him. Even though he had been in Secret Woodlands for a while, walking by himself in the thicket, he still sometimes ran into things or stepped onto hidden thorns. It seemed he just wasn’t meant to live in the thicket. He was biding his time until the final piece of the puzzle would fall into place, where he would throw everything he had found out back into the pack members’ faces. All of them didn’t deserve his loyalty – especially Rayne, and he would not give it to them, even though they thought he was. He was loyal only to himself and the dark she-wolf, as no one else could be trusted fully to the point of blind respect.

The Young Hellion paused as the leaders howl rang through the territory, calling for him to go to his side immediately, and only him. Swinging his large bulk around, a grim look on his face, he padded swiftly in the direction of the howl, not wanting to take too much time, but also not wanting to heed the call. It made him feel like he was being used, like others were above him, when his true place was at the top. He was born to be a ruler, and king of the world, and he would have it no other way. No one could stop him or the dark she-wolf, and no one ever would.

As he came upon the dark leader, Anouke slowed down to a walk, lowering his head and tail below Miccah’s, acting the ever-obedient subordinate, even though it disgusted him inside and made him want to rip his claws through his ‘superiors’ coat. Splaying his ears to the side, he stopped a couple of feet away, raising his bright amber eyes to meet dark blue eyes. He wouldn’t go so low as to lick him under the chin, which would be the appropriate form of submission, as he had been called for some reason, but he would never do it. “You called?” He questioned softly, only half-curious about what the leader wanted to discuss with him.

395 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Miccah waited, his head held high and his black banner waving in the soft breeze. As he waited for the dark male to appear, he did not give into the urge to pace. The man was severely testing the limited patience he now held. Huffing quietly, his eyes rove the thicket to see when the man had the gall to make his face known. Finally, Anouke made his appearance. In good time, but not good enough. The dark alpha stared down at his subordinate, watching his every move. The man disn't greet him with the usual respect between a subordinate and their leader, instead Miccah recieved bare submittance and a cool, drawled out greeting. A dark chuckle escaped his maw, and for once in his life, Miccah waa letting his anger take over. Opening his maw, his voice was tense as he spoke. "Anouke, isn't it?" The man started to move, letting himself walk a wide circle while keeping his eyes on the dark male. His father always said, "Always keep your eyes on the enemy." And right now, Anouke was the enemy.

"Did you think I would never find out?," he continued. He let his words hang between them as he finally finished his circle and was facing Anouke once again. Why was he prolonging this? Was it because he wanted to lash out at the man? Maybe. Actually, probably more than a little 'maybe.' He wouldn't tolerate strangers harming his family, so he definitely wasn't going to tolerate one of his own. It was a ludricous thought. The man in front of him would pay for what he did.
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2014, 09:05 PM by Miccah.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
School >.>

Darkly furred ears twitched, lips straightened out into almost a straight line along his maw from their usual, slightly curled up position, and his coal black tail tip flicked out to the side of his back leg a few inches at his so-called ‘leaders’’ chuckle after his own query, before apprehensively speaking in a slight query if his name was, indeed, Anouke. He was not certain if the wolf before him was trying to get him to reveal his secrets, or was merely trying to figure him out like some others did. But it seemed as if there was anger stirring up inside the male, directed towards the Young Hellion, but as why, he was not sure. He believed that all the tracks leading towards his disastrous and dastardly deeds were covered, especially his mission from the dark she-wolf, but perhaps that blubbering, whining, ignorant Rayne had spoken to the leader in the hopes that he, Anouke Kasekhemre would be punished for it, or maybe even kicked out of the pack. But it could also be for all the other lesser deeds he had done, who knew?

As Miccah started to walk a slow circle around him, Anouke turned his head to keep the dark male in sight, but kept the rest of his body stationary. His ears threatened to flatten as the male spoke again, hinting that he had knowledge of something he had done, but he kept silent until the circle was completed, and they were both staring at each other again. He had the feeling the male was delaying the final event, and he did not like it. These were the tricks he used against others, and did not appreciate having them used against him. The fur on his neck bristled, and he raised his head, stretching out his neck to meet Miccah on a face-to-face level, staring directly into his dark blue orbs with his own bright amber orbs. “I knew someone would, eventually.” He was not denying what he done, and he bared his teeth in a contemptuous grin, daring the male to react to his own words. He would not walk away without showing that he meant what he had done, and had no care for it.

373 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
“I knew someone would, eventually.”

Miccah forced himself to not do a double take as the insubordinate male spoke. Who in the world did this guy think he was?! A fucking god?! A small twitch of his muzzle showed his displeasure and he moved closer until their chests were inches from eachother. Miccah was larger than the dark male, in height and in bulk and at the moment, Miccah would be lying if he didn't admit he was enjoying looking down at this Anouke. "Dont tempt my patience more than you've already have boy." Truthfully, Anouke and Miccah seemed about the same age, but the alpha guessed that the undermining comment would insult the man. After all, it definitely would insult him. Miccah wondered, how could this man stand in front of him after what he had done. Did he not care? Was he not terrified at not only Miccah's reaction, but Nina's?

Opening his maw once again, Miccah could feel his hackles beginning to rise. "Do you feel no remorse? At all? How can you stand before me like nothing is wrong?" Now it was Miccah's turn to smirk. "You might think your all high and mighty, but the truth is, your the speck of dirt under my paw." His last words had come out in a deeper rumble than usual, holding anger that he could barely control. Miccah was King of these lands. He would let no one harm his family. Especially not some wolf that thought he was the shit.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
I am so very sorry @Miccah! School had me really busy... but here's a long, angry Anouke post to make up for it <3

A pleased feeling ran through the Young Hellion as the darkly furred wolf’s muzzle twitched, showing his anger, before moving closer until their chests were mere inches apart. Though he would never admit it, he hated the fact that the other male was slightly taller than him, and could partially stare down at him. But he tried his hardest not to let it show, not to let the male feel triumphant over his own annoyance, but sometimes it couldn’t be helped, as he was the one to be towering over the other in his full glory. But that would have to wait for a later date, when he was reunited with the dark she-wolf, along with a special few others that they both trusted. To an extent, of course, as there was no one other than themselves they could fully trust.

A snarl escaped from his maw, which had opened a few inches as he bared his teeth at Miccah. How dare he call Anouke a boy! His bright amber eyes narrowed as he stared up a few inches to meet his ‘superiors’ gaze unflinchingly. He would pay for his inconsiderate words and actions towards him, the king, who would soon rise up over all others and show them what a true leader was like. But he did not respond to the petty words, no, he waited silently, staring challengingly at the darkly furred male. He would not make the first move, nor would he respond or speak when he did not need to. Words were no crucial for survival, and at times when one spoke it irritated him to a great extent.

During Miccah’s little speech, Anouke watched him intently, a smirk adorning his muzzle, lifting up the corners of his mouth. At least, until the last few words when the smirk vanished entirely, to be replaced with a look of pure anger, ears flattening. No one had ever dared said that to him, and the wolf before him would pay dearly for it. But he would not kill him, no, he would only give him a swift reminder of his prowess and ability, and that he should never be crossed.

“There is nothing wrong, Miccah, the actions he took required me to strike back accordingly.” His words were a harsh growl, cruel and commanding. The darkly furred wolf before him deserved nothing from him. Lowering his head a few inches, he took one minute step backwards with his hind leg, to balance out his weight, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “Oh really? Maybe you should prove your prowess and might instead of telling me. Actions are worth more than words, aren’t they?” He said mockingly, almost daring him to react, and he stood, half-crouched, waiting for the blow that could be coming, but if the male did not strike first, then he himself would be the first to draw blood. It was going to happen either way, and he would not leave without striking out and causing pain and suffering to the male before him.

511 words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

It brought the male great satisfaction to watch Anouke's too large ego deflate in front of his eyes. But the satisfaction only lasted a moment. Watchimg the other's face contort in anger, his mocking words spewing out of his mouth made Miccah's own maw contort into an angry scowl and he let a snarl rip deeply from his gut. He didn't give the man the satisfaction of an answer. Instead, the large alpha took his own step back. Anouke wanted a fight, he would get one. Usually, Miccah wasn't a violent person. But this man, this scum in front of him, deserved whatever Miccah would do to him. He had hurt one of his subordinates and had further pissed him off because the male was natural douchebag that had succeeded in pushing him in all the right places. A growl rumbled in his chest as he quickly headed to Anouke. His ears were pressed back onto his skull and his eyes were narrowed in both a defensive maneuver.

His jaws were opened wide as he aimed to bite down on Anouke's neck. His goal was to draw blood, and to push Anouke down. With his heavy weight, he hoped to bear down on the man and to ultimately take him down. To put him in his place, where he truly belonged. By the Fates, he hated this man. He wanted him gone. Away from his lands. If it cost him a little blood spilt, so be it. He could take it.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Slight PP of @Miccah, PM if you want it changed c:

His mocking words seemed to trigger the desired reaction that the Young Hellion had hoped for, and he watched as the darkly furred male’s expression turned into an angry scowl, a snarl emitting dangerously from him. He had been half expecting Miccah to attack, so when he charged forward, jaws opened wide, aiming to latch onto him and cause much damage, he was partly ready for it. Even so, his large bulk did not move fast enough, and the male’s jaws bit down on his neck, causing him great pain. A yelp shot forth from his maw before he clenched his jaws together, attempting to shake the other male off before he caused any serious damage.

Miccah’s heavy weight bore down on his back and neck, making him have to spread his legs apart so he didn’t fall down, and he knew the only way to stop him from pushing him to the ground was to change the direction of his force, and so, pushing off with his front legs, Anouke reared up onto his hind legs, still shaking his head violently to rid himself of the wolf latched onto his neck. Whether it was the shaking, the change of where their weight went, or because he let go of his own accord, Anouke felt the grip on his neck lessen, and partly spinning around, he felt the jaws let go and crashed back down to the ground, his neck bleeding profusely, but not enough that he would bleed to death.

A ferocious snarl ripped from his throat as he backed up, eyeing the male for any weak spots that he could go for. His quick scan revealed that the only way to take him down was to come at him from the side, and use both of their weights to push him to the ground underneath his own body. Circling Miccah, the Young Hellion narrowed his bright amber eyes, forgetting about the wound on his neck, it could be dealt with at a later date. As quickly as he could, Anouke dashed forwards, aiming to barrel into the darkly furred male with his full weight into just behind the shoulder, where, if everything went accordingly to plan, he could get the male partly, or fully underneath him.

378 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
@Anouke I don't know how far you wanna go with this. pm me?

Miccah successfully latched onto Anouke's neck. As he encountered the taste of blood on his tongue, for once, the man wasn't disgusted. Instead, he felt satisfaction. Blood meant the man was wounded, and the cruel male deserved everything he got. The brute started to thrash around, trying to escape his vicious hold. But Miccah wouldn't let up. Until finally, the male lifted his hind legs and because of the awkward angle and the continued thrashing, Miccah accidentally loosened his grip. That was his mistake. Anouke successfully escaped. Immediately Miccah backed up, not wanting to be caught off guard. He watched as Anouke regained his footing, and Miccah's blue orbs flickered towards his neck wound. A small smile of satisfaction appeared on his muzzle before it was wiped away as quickly as it had come. This was no time to get cocky. The fight seemed to go in his favor now, but he didn't know the future. He had to be ready for anything.

A vicious snarl emitted from the wounded man in front of him, and Miccah watched him carefully as he started to circle him. He was keeping a sharp eye on him, but apparently not sharp enough. By the time Miccah had caught on to his plan, it was too late. The bulky male tried to escape, but his large stature prevented him from moving fast enough. For once, the man cursed his immense size. A small 'oof' escaped him as Anouke barreled into him with no mercy. Having the wind knocked out of him, his legs buckled, and that was all the advantage Anouke had apparently needed. Next thing he knew, Miccah found himself under Anouke. Breathing heavily, the alpha refused to admit defeat. He roared his anger of the situation, aiming to grab Anouke's muzzle in a rough grasp. Once again, the man was aiming for blood. If he was successful, he would use his dwindling energy to flip them over, so that Miccah would be on top and able to finish this fight once and for all. If Anouke ever showed his face again while he ruled, all hell would rain down on him.

That was a promise.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

His plan was successful.

The darkly furred males’ legs buckled beneath the weight of both their large bulks, and the next second the Young Hellion was on top of Miccah, trying to keep him pinned to the ground to finish off the fight. Snarling viciously, he snapped his jaws close to the other male’s face, hoping to discourage him from attacking any further and submit beneath him, but like most males, Miccah retaliated with a snarl of his own before grasping Anouke’s muzzle firmly and roughly in his own. Feeling teeth dig into the tender flesh of his mouth and gums, he reared his head back with a yelp, trying to dislodge the painful grasp that hindered him from striking back with another assault of his own.

He was unable to shake off the grip on his muzzle, and so dealing with the immense pain, Anouke glared down at the darkly furred male beneath him, a growl slipping out from between his clenched teeth. Before he could do anything, Miccah used his diminishing energy to attempt to flip the wolves over, and as he was not expecting the sudden change of force, he was caught in the motion and before he knew it he was underneath the other male, who still had the grip on his muzzle.

Refusing to admit defeat to Miccah, the Young Hellion let out another vicious snarl of displeasure and swiped at the male's face above him with a single front paw with anger, before using his hind legs to push against the stomach of the wolf above him, and hopefully pushing him backwards, and ultimately off of him. That was the plan, at least, but he hoped it would work, as being defeated while directly beneath the darkly furred male was not something he wished to do at that moment, or ever in his life.

310 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.