Year in Review
Out of Character
  1. We have a total of 12 members and 65 Characters.
  2. We have grown to 148,317 In Character Posts
  3. We made 4,236 posts this year
  4. We have grown to 16,122 Threads
  5. 1 pack was started
  6. 0 packs were disbanded
  7. Our largest pack is Dead Empress Backwater with 19 members
  8. Viorel was our most developed character with 1210 life points.

As of December 27th, 2023


Thank you to Cade for the amazing birthday skin and superlatives art!

All background images found on Unsplash. All wolf stock images acquired through deviantArt and Dawnthieves. Featuring the photography of Nils Leonhardt, Lakela, Rocio Guillen, Quiet-bliss, Luca Bravo, Khalliysgraphy, Daniel Mirlea, Wincey, CastleGraphics, Tobias Keller, Sergey Pesterev, Elli S., Seb Zurcher, Stephen Walker, Eric Muhr, John Rodenn Castillo, Andrea Ledda, Ergin Yildizoglu, Ansgar Scheffold, Jordan Whitfield, Ian M Jones, Daniel Seßler, Jeffrey Workman, Kaylyn Mok, Tory Doughty, Luke Hodde, Milk-Tea, Žan Janžekovič, O Alves, Mike Blank, Anders Ipsen, John Lee, and Dave Hoefler. To find exact credits for individual images, refer to Cade's deviantArt gallery.