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Drop the fish — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Oh no. Oh no, no, noooo, no no. He had missed his target. Crap! Instead of hitting the brash, annoying one-eyed Archer he had accidentally made contact with the girl below. Panic consumed him as he stared wide-eyed at the ledge, unsure of what to do. Did he run?! No, that would make him look even more guilty. Had anyone but Odin and the newcomer seen what had happened? Could he pin the whole thing on the ebony yearling? Why wouldn’t they believe the monadnock prince? He was so sweet; so innocent. He would never purposely throw something at a new pack member. Noooo way!

His ears twitched as Odin called out to the young girl, pestering her even more. Hesitantly the boy shuffled forward, a frown cutting across his dark features as he peered over the ledge. “”M sorry!” He mumbled sheepishly as his ears fell flat against his skull, his stomach pressed against the soft stone. Poor girl—she looked utterly terrified! Way to go, doofus, he thought grumpily to himself, a line of concern forming between his pinched brows. “Y’okay? Y’can throw it at me if y’want.” He didn’t know if it would help but it was worth a shot. “Or y’can throw it at him. Aim f’the forehead,” He whispered with a sharp wink in hopes that he could redeem himself.

Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
where have all the good guys gone?
Odin Archer

Odin wasn't much of a one for regrets but when a pitiful whine came from the girl rather than the usual string of expletives and rage that he was used to his whole demeanor changed. His ears folded back with genuine concern, his head lowering to stretch out his neck towards her in apology, his lips pulled into a tight frown as he tried to look anywhere but at her. This one wasn't like Anaia at all and perhaps his pushiness was too much too soon.

"Yeah, sure!" he was quick to jump on Cyril's suggestion, "Thow'em at me! All of 'em! You too kid!" He focused back on the youngster hoping that perhaps diverted attention could serve as more of an apology than actual words (since he wasn't quite convinced that he wouldn't bite his own tongue off if he had to actually say he was sorry, it was much better to try and show it, in his own clumsy manner).

He was braced to hit the ground with the first projectile thrown his way, hell he'd even go belly up in the hopes of getting a laugh out of someone, anyone, anything to lift the suddenly awkward atmosphere. He wasn't about to give up his favourite game ever, but next time he wouldn't try and drag the new girl into it.

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
Please throw a fish at me if I take this long again

"No, I don't want to throw anything at you."Even Lenae was well aware of how petulant she sounded,like a sulky child, but she was beyond caring about her manners.

Perhaps if her head didn't hurt so, of if their gross, slimy 'toys' hadn't landed on her then she wouldn't have minded. Hell, she'd played some silly games as a pup, went along with-sort of mean- pranks her sisters had cooked up. So it wasn't as if she was a total stick in the mud. They'd just...caught her at a bad time.She wanted to say as much, insist that she wasn't as cowardly as she seemed, but the will to do so evaded her. Like a bird taking flight to escape her reaching jaws.

"Who...Who are you anyway? I've never-"She'd seen plenty of men like him. In fact, most Selwyns had dark coats similar to his, but this one only had one eye. It was unnerving to say the least.

Lowering her gaze, Lenae stared down at her paws. With the way she was feeling she knew she was terrible company, that they deserved better than a mess of a woman who was likely to start crying at any given moment. Cyril least of all deserved to see that.

"Sorry- so sorry. I'm new and...I've got a little headache today."

[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
[Image: cwt.png]

Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro
pls forgive me for how short this is

He flashed the one-eyed Archer a cheesy grin upon the suggestion of throwing all the creatures at him. Odin didn’t have to tell him twice! Cyril would happily oblige to plummeting the older wolf with a series of slimy things. Maybe even make the timid newcomer smile. However, his ears twitched in disappointment as the girl spoke, her voice soft as she refused his offer. Ugh. Okay, that was fine. He would do all the dirty work by himself. Just to show the girl that he wasn’t all bad.

This is Odin, he introduced as he flicked his muzzle in the Archer’s direction, his brows furrowed. Y’don’ need to worry ‘bout him. He’s a bully. Jus’ ignore him. He flashed the dark yearling another grin as he picked up a lamprey, flinging it at the one-eyed male before returning his attention to the girl. He felt bad for bothering her—especially since she mentioned having a headache. He had one before and it was absolutely horrendous. It had felt like his head was going to explode!! Hopefully the girl’s wasn’t that bad, otherwise he’d feel even worse for bothering her.

We can leave y'alone, if y’want? He asked, his features softening. I don’ wanna be a bother.

Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
Where have all the good guys gone?
Odin Archer

Who are you anyway? Oh yeah, he hadn't even introduced himself. His ears turned back in embarrassment, once again beating himself up for his rudeness, allowing Cyril a chance to cut in before him before adding "My ma founded the pack before his,"  he motioned to Cyril with a tip of his head, neither denying nor endorsing the bullying title, it had all been in good fun. "I jus' got back from makin' sure she was ok with this years lot." Truthfully he could have extended his stay in Torbine but all the rules and stuffiness was stifling. When she mentioned she was new his head dropped with the hint of a smile, "Yeah I'm really sorry, sorta almost expected Anaia to still be in there." But that was half a lie, she'd been gone since long before he left.

Cyril's suggestion was a good one, "Yeah I should really be checkin' on th' borders instead o' goofin' off truthfully, anyone wanna join me?" He fully expected the offer to be met with a resounding no but he'd make it just in case.

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
I am so so so awful. Whack me with a fish plzzz

Bullies didn't apologise.

She knew that well enough, learned the hard way really. But as big and as brutish as Odin appeared apparently all wasn't as it seemed. Maybe she had been wrong, they were just having a bit of harmless fun and she'd just made a big fuss of it all. In typical Lenae fashion she had blown things way out of proportion and now look at what she had done, made them both feel bad and guilty, looking at her with that look she hated most of all.

Lenae sighed and shook her head, willing her headache to leave her be. Maybe...maybe if she got some fresh air and stretched her legs she'd feel better.

"I...I'm sorry."Yet another apology slipped from her mouth, she couldn't stop it not even if she wanted to. "But I would like that, to see the borders. I don't think hiding it helping me very much." She admitted, sending a woeful glance back to her little den.

Some effort was better than none, right? Odin clearly wasn't very fond of this Anaia... the last thing she wanted was for him to harbour those sorts of feelings towards herself.

She glanced between the two of them, to the pup and back to the yearling, back and forth till she made up her mind. She would go and see what there was to see, surely she would be safe with Odin leading the way?

"Lead the way...if you'd like." She mumbled, gesturing with a gentle wave of her paw.


[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
[Image: cwt.png]