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Just Run — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
A week after events of After all of my Running

Inali walked into the spring haven that was Drooping Willows with a small smile spreading across her face. Her mind wandered to the events of the week before, when she had met Minka. Her current, lone friend in Lore. She would probably never see the wise fae again, and that saddened her slightly. But the frown that was on her face quickly morphed into a grin as she saw the clear trail leading out of the Drooping Willows. It was time to explore, and possibly even meet a wolf on the way.

Th-thump. Th-thump. Th-thump.

Her paws rhythmically pounded against the path leading out of the Willows. It had been a long time since she had ran with such gleeful abandon. She had almost forgotten why she loved running so much. She always felt so free, like all her problems were just forgotten in her wake.

As the path ended and she entered the vast Hush Meadows, she was suddenly surrounded by tall, green grasses. She took a gulp of clean spring air into her lungs and exhaled slowly as she continued to run, weaving through the grasses of the Meadow, her swift feet making her feel like she was flying.

Sorry for the short post, i suck at starting posts hahaxD
(This post was last modified: Apr 27, 2013, 08:45 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Hopefully it is alright if I post here :) If not I will take it down

she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

Minka had been dozing at the foot of a willow tree, a slight snow had been falling all morning which was turning the ground into a muddy slush after the last few days of rain. The trees roots were old and gnarled but it offered a platform from the ground which kept the fae's belly dry, and the long dropping branches a canopy to keep the snow off of her fur, though the cold was biting, especially since she had lost her winter coat. The female slipped to and from consciousness, never fully awake but never fully asleep either, she had been scouting the area, making sure that nothing was disturbing the borders, especially this close to the end of Narime's pregnancy.

The sound of paws against the ground entering the valley is what roused the female from her slumber, instinctively she stood on high alert, but the scent that reached her muzzle made her tail wag. With a joyful laugh Minka leapt from her platform and took off towards her friend who could now be seen entering into the long grass that dominated most of the area. When she got close, the fae suddenly felt a streak of hellion creep through her, and she sank down, stalking the small fae. Leaping she aimed to just playfully pounce upon her friend, maybe knocking her over but definitely not trying to hurt her in any way. A large grin spread across her muzzle as she flew through the air, and here she had thought that she would never see Inali again, maybe fate really was rooting for them.

Minka knew that Nali had been searching for a family, but she had not specified which pack she had meant to join the tawny wolf had never imagined that she would be trying to join the same pack. The fae had joined the Whisper Caverns pack just a few days earlier, but had quickly became the second since the present second had only been a yearling. Hopefully her friend would be able to join the pack, they had seemed welcoming enough to her, and if not Minka would vouch for her friend, she did not want to see her friend turned away from another family.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2013, 09:14 PM by Minka.)
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Nari won't come out there. You'll either have to call for her or bring Inali to the border for them to meet. XD Feel free for both of you to skip Nari until she's called. :D

She wasn't doing much. Loafing around near the borders itching to stretch her long legs and run. Narimé missed running the most, it was one of those things that she loved to do, loving to run almost as much as she loved hunting. Now the silver she wolf couldn't do much of anything to help out her pack mates, and it was frustrating the young alpha. Nari felt so helpless for all she could do, on days that she felt well enough to do it, was walk around the border and mark it. Granted this was something Nari had never really liked doing in the first place, but now it was all she found herself doing just to help the pack out.

More than once already had Nari smelled something interesting beyond the borders,and previously to this time she had gone out to investigate. Both times the young wolf had come back with new members to add to her pack. However now the silvery canine was just too annoyed and depressed with herself to worry too much about the loners scent that reached her nose. Besides it seems like Minka is off that way too. She'll take care of the loner or call me if there is a problem or concern. Nari looked for any reason not to go out of the border. Her swollen stomach making her look like a fat wolf when in reality the rest of her body itself was thinning. All of the nutrients she was able to hold in and not puke up was going to the pups. None of it was going to the silver she wolf. It wasn't her hunters fualt. There was plenty of food to go around, but perhaps the fault of Nari herself wanting a family despite her young age.

Even now the dizziness and nausea stopped the silver wolf in her tracks. She readied herself to retch and was quite happy when nothing happened. Though Nari knew that at some point she would most likely puke during the night.

She rested near the border for a short time just waiting for the sick feeling to go away; the scent of her pack mate tickling the silver wolfs nose.

(This post was last modified: May 16, 2013, 11:52 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

As Inali continued to run with abandon, her ears pricked upwards, acknowledging a sound. It was the sound of someone running, then she heard the paws becoming quite slower. Inali did not turn around, letting a small smile grace her features. This wolf thought they could sneak up on her? No way, Inali thought. This wolf was in for a surprise of their own.

Memories of months before of her birth pack drilling into her to always keep on watch, hear every little sound, don't ever make any mistake because it could cost your life. Bits and pieces of the advice they instilled in her as a pup and further on as Yearling, flooded her mind.

Always keep your eyes and ears alert.

Never let your guard down, not even for a second.

With a slight snarl, Inali shook her head, shaking herself free from the memories. Of course those few precious times were before her own father, Alpha of her birth pack, had turned them all against her. It didnt take long for them to hate her. Just like her father.

Inali turned abruptly on her hind leg, her paws moving along with her. It was time to stop lurking in the past.

Her eyes sparked with bitter anger and hate. Thinking of her father always made that emotion bubble up to the surface. An angry snarl made its way up her throat.

But that snarl was quickly cut short as she met the golden, warm eyes of the flying wolf...."Minka?!," she exclaimed incredulously. The angry emotion in her eyes quickly vanished and was filled with warmth.

She was still in shock as the larger fae landed on her and they both toppled into the tall grass surrounding them. "What are you doing here?," she asked happily. As she took a sniff of the air, the scent of pack on Minka was unquestionable. What were the odds of them both being here? And at this moment in time?

Inali rolled over until she was beside Minka on the ground and shook her head in astonishment. The Fates really were rooting for them.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

The angry snarl that escaped her friend shocked her as she had never seen the fae with such hatred upon her expression, but the shock soon gave way to joy over just seeing her form at all. Laughter bubbled inside Minka and escaped as she thudded a landing on top of her Inali, it was like being a pup again, even if it had only been a week since she had seen the woman. The astonishment upon her face had been priceless and worth every second of anger that had been directed at her originally. Quickly she rolled off of her friend so as not to squash her, but her tail beat like a drum upon the ground where they sat, a smile beaming upon her maw. The smell of her nearby alpha brought a warmth to her heart, she knew that Narimé was looking out for her and would have called the pack should anything bad have happened.

Nothing bad was to happen though as the rogue was a fae that Minka had met before joining the pack, they had been like twin lost souls who it seems were entwined here in Relic. Smiling at her question the tawny girl replied, "I have joined the nearest pack, Whisper Caverns, I'm their newest second," the words brought with them such pride and the fae could not help it but to puff her chest out a little. She then quickly went on to explain how she had reached such a title so quickly, the former second had only been a yearling so the alphas had decided that even though she was new she was more fit to be second. Beaming at her friend again she exclaimed, "But the better question is what are you doing here!? I thought I wouldn't see you again!" The words would have been sad if they had been true, Minka had missed her friend since they had separated that day.

table by mimi
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali's tail was going haywire. It was wagging and thumping the ground steadily because of her happiness. As Minka informed her that she had joined the pack around here, Whisper Caverns, Inali spoke and said, "Congratulations Minka. I know how much you wanted to join a pack!" She continued to tell Inali that she was their newest second in command. Inali's eyes widened in surprise. Wow. Second already? How in the world did she manage that?, she thought curiously.

She didnt have to wait long for her curiosity to be satisfied. The previous second was a Yearling and when she came along they thought she was more fit to be a second than the Yearling, even though she was the newest member to join their pack.

Inali nodded in understanding and smiled. As Minka once again expressed her surprise of what she was doing here, Inali shook her head in amusement. Oh, how she had missed this wolf! They had only met briefly but Minka's friendship impacted her greatly. Inali opened her maws and said, "I also thought I would never see you again! Oh, how I missed you my friend! And for what I am doing here? Since our meeting a week ago, I have just wondered around Lore, trying to find a pack and to no avail. I finally just decided to try my luck and to return home in the Drooping Willows. I was wandering around there before I just took off again and ended up here. Who knew that you would end up in the same pack I was interested in!?"

Inali barked out a laugh, but soon she sobered up. She asked worriedly,"Do you think there is any hope that they may accept me or even want me? I am so tired of running around for a home my friend."

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

Minka smiled at her friend as she congratulated her, it really was all that she had wanted when she had entered Relic, was to find a pack to accept her. She chuckled at her friend's enthusiasm the words seemed to be coming from her maw about a mile a minute, "Yes it seems like fate wasn't done with us just yet, I have missed you as well." Perhaps everything was going to work out for the fae from now on, she would be second of the pack and she would have her friend with her as part of the family. She was still beaming at her friend when she saw the cloud of worry cross over Inali's features and a sympathetic whine slipped from her own throat, she knew how lonely she had been as a rogue. She smiled once more and said in a warm tone, "They seem very accepting, at least they were with me, and the pack is young, I'm sure they would be happy to have another member," what she said was true, but she couldn't be sure, now was the time to take her to @Narimé.

Standing she stretched her front legs before her, "Come, I will take you to meet Narimé, she is the lead female and if I am not mistaken she is hovering near the border." She could still smell her leader though the scent had not seemed to come any closer, Minka knew she was hesitant these days to leave the territory while she was so pregnant. Turning she led the way to the border, about a five minute trot from where they had been located in the meadow, they were silent along the way and the fae wondered if her friend was still worrying about being rejected. She found the spot where her leader lay and could see that she was still feeling the plague of her pregnancy, it had been a hard one on her. She approached slowly with her tail down and gently pressed her nose against her leaders muzzle in greeting, Nari, this woman is my friend Inali, we knew each other when I was still a rogue. She wishes to join the pack," the words were slightly hesitant, she did not want to bother her queen when she was so ill, and she had never been to a joining besides her own which had been very different than this one, she didn't know what the process was.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: May 17, 2013, 04:23 PM by Minka.)
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narimé looked up locating the pair of wolves her nose told her were coming. Minka's scent told Nari that she was unharmed which calmed the silver wolf down some. Though her stomach was still doing flips; she watched silently as the two females came forth from the underbrush.

Minka seemed to have led the loner to her, an obvious sign that she was either already friendly towards the loner from a previous meeting. Or that the stranger had talked for a while with Minka and gained her trust. Either way, so far the lone she wolf was already starting off on good terms with Nari. With a quick nod of her head and a warm smile Narimé greeted Minka from a far not wanting to move from her spot. The woman's stomach would not allow her to do so at the moment.

"Please excuse my lack of energy guys. I'm a little out of sorts today, but my name is Narimé Lagina Thorben alpha of Whisper Caverns pack... It's nice to meet you miss." She gave Minka a shrug of her shoulders and the lone female a sheepish smile. Keep your head up Nari... Even when you don't feel good.. The gray wolf reminded herself while tipping her tail and chin up just a small amount above that of Minka's body.

The young alpha listened as Mink introduced Inali. Narimé had been correct in thinking that Minka had known the loner, Inali, before this meeting. A smile touched her lips a second time as Minka told her of Inali's wanting to become a part of her pack. I could use another hunter. To let Simaea focus on her medical training instead of hunting all the time. When the pups are old enough they are going to start needing meat too. She nodded giving the red hued young woman a wide smile and forgetting about her stomach Nari quickly sprang forward excited at first.

Then her face went green. Her stomach had enough and she could no longer hold back. Surprise entered her face and Nari desperately lept sideways to avoid puking on the two she wolves in front of her. The silver wolf had made it to a bush and quickly let her stomach empty itself partially out of view from Minka and Inali.

A few minutes later everything was over and Nari cleaned her face before turning back to the other ladies. Not caring about how high she held herself the young alpha sighed feeling a couple of kicks in her gut.

"If you are friends with Minka then you have to have a good heart. I trust that she has a good sense of other wolves personalities like I do. You seem respectful so far, although I haven't heard you speak for yourself yet. We do need ... " She paused stifling a burp in her jaws and lazily walking toward the pair of females. "We need more hunters and you look right for the job. A slim body made for speed. I could use you in our little family, if that is you don't mind a hormonal sick mother. I promise pups though." She chuckled on the last sentence trying to lighten her own mood as well as the others.

"A part from that do you have any other skills? Perhaps if you don't want to be a hunter, maybe a scout or something?" Nari cocked her gray head a little bit feeling some more energy returning to her. She hoped the two wouldn't be too worried about her little puke fest a few minutes ago. Though she would likely have to visit Simaea to see if the black fea had any good herbs to help later. Right now Narimé just wanted to focus on Inali.

(This post was last modified: May 19, 2013, 05:40 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali's heart flipped in her chest as Minka voiced that it was time to meet Narimé, the lead female of Whisper Caverns. She followed Minka and they walked in silence. All in all it took about 5 minutes to reach the borders of the packs lands. On the way she had spent the first minute worrying, the next two trying to calm her haywired nerves, and the last two of the walk giving herself a pep talk. It would all turn out to be okay. Hopefully.

A small smile of amusement graced Inali's features as her thoughts became even more silly and nervous sounding. Her expression quickly sobered though as they reached Narimé, a grayish wolf with striking light blue-purple eyes. She looked a little bit sick and a tiny bit miserable. Pregnancy does take a toll on you after all, Inali supposed thoughtfully. She quickly lowered her tail respectively since she knew she was below both Narimé and Minka.

As Minka did the introductions, she briefly locked eyes with the Alpha female. A warm smile spread upon Inali's lips and she relaxed slightly. Inali watched as the pregnant she wolf got excited and jumped towards her. She never made it though. She all but ran to the nearest bush and Inali could hear her retching her poor self out. Cringing slightly in sympathy she once again eyed the Alpha as she cleaned herself up and walked back towards them.

Inali was about to ask if she was okay now, but before she could even say anything, Narimé started to talk. Respectively she shut her mouth and listened. Nodding in understanding she decided to finally speak, her tone serious.

"As you already know, I am Inali. Inali Wayha. I will tell you the truth. I am an okay huntress, but I can definitively hold my own if needed. But, I hear that Minka is a skilled huntress so with her help, I know that quickly I could become better and make you proud that I am part of your beloved pack. I do specialize in other skills though. Which mostly involve Scouting. I have always loved to run and in my 2 years of life I have worked hard on my endurance. I can run for long periods of time without becoming tired and it doesn't hurt that I have swift feet. I am also skilled in fighting. My speed and endurance are always an advantage but my lack of brawn and small stature are always the disadvantage. But like with hunting, I can hold my own if the situation arose."

As Inali took a breath, she waited for Narimé to speak. This was it. Either the female Alpha would approve of her or not. Whichever one it was, she hoped she had the strength and courage to deal with the future that that decision would bring.

(This post was last modified: May 18, 2013, 08:37 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

Today seemed to be especially hard on the alpha, her face was green and she announced that she had no energy. Minka could not help but worry a little, she could not remember ever seeing a pregnancy affect a wolf so, but then again she did not have a lot of experience with faes who were carrying. The tawny girl gave a small smile at her leaders shrug, but the worry was plain upon her expression and she suddenly wished that she knew what to do that would help. She moved to take her place as second by Narimé's side when she fled to the bushes, Minka hesitated unsure whether or not to follow the grey fae but deciding against it, her queen would call if she needed her help. The sound of retching reached them and the femme flinched slightly but offered a reassuring smile to her friend, this was nothing new to her, the grey woman had been sick like this the whole time Minka had been with her, which was only about a week.

Nari started to return to them and Minka stepped one paw forward the worry even greater upon her expression as she watched her leader sigh. She seemed alright however and was all business when she reached them, so the tawny girl wiped the anxious expression from her face though it was still present in her mind. She hoped that Simaea would have some herbs ready when they reached the cave, anything that might help to calm the queens stomach which seemed keen on torturing her. Minka took her place as second on the right side of Narimé as she spoke to Inali, once again she offered a smile to her friend though she stayed silent. She chuckled at the joke and the mood lightened slightly and now the worry was all but vanished from her mind, her alpha seemed to be recovering quickly.

Turning to her friend she awaited her response to the leader's questions and when she did she listened attentively. The compliment came as a surprise and a smile rushed to her face, "Thank you Inali," she said absolutely beaming at her friend. The nerves were clear upon her friends face when she finished and Minka wanted to reassure her but the decision was left to her queen, she had done everything she could for now. Looking to her leader her tail wagged slightly out of hope, but she kept silent while she waited for an answer, whether it be yes or no, or even that she would have to consult with the pack, an answer would come.

table by mimi