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Cut Rock River Pack Thread
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Cut Rock River Pack Thread

This is the Pack Interaction Thread for the Cut Rock River pack. This thread is open to all Cut Rock River wolves. The location of this thread is outside the pack den. Because this is a Pack thread, it cannot be archived or removed for inactivity. This serves as a place for basic and general social gathering. However, it will not serve as a place for pack meetings or threads with a specific purpose. For more information, please see THIS informational thread.

(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2014, 08:30 PM by Spirit of Wildwood.)
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
tuesday, november 26th, 4:55am — light snow, -2° F / -19° C
maybe @Quil or @Cinder though anyone is welcome to lounge around with Big Mac

Snow sprinkled gently from the skies, the spiny branches of each cedar tree gaining a soft blanket of white to cover it. Ice had begun to form at the banks of the river, though it was nothing to worry about. The main point of passage across the freezing water was shallow and should the surface crack when it fully freezes over, no wolf would seriously suffer from anything other than shock (and maybe a few cuts and scrapes). Drowning wasn’t easy in water that came up to your knees, after all.

Maksim had settled himself beneath one of the towering trees, watching the drifting powder whilst lost in his thoughts. He rested his chin on his paws, his tail curled around his rump. Everything had happened so suddenly, hadn’t it? He only really had taken the time to stop and really think about it now. He missed Ava dearly—she had been his first real friend in the Lore, after all—as well as Kade. He regretted what had happened between himself and @Namara Laylani, though he couldn’t say he found himself suddenly liking her. She had scorned him, even implied some form of harm towards him as she left the fleeing pack in her own burst of rage. He huffed out a breath of air at the memory, watching the condensation curl slowly in the slight breeze that tousled his thick winter coat.

He attempted to visualise the wispy breath as his problems, watch them just disappear into the surrounding white. A shame that Maksim had never been good at such therapeutic methods. He closed his eyes instead and tried to look towards the future. Hopefully it would be a peaceful one … <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px">

(This post was last modified: Dec 07, 2013, 06:48 PM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
“You seem troubled, my dear.”
Long, drawn-out legs carried her towards him in a fluid motion, drawn to him as any would be but she had a different feeling. It was not the power that she wanted, nor the position but unfortunately, to have what she truly wanted… she would get those in return. From the moment she had met him, she had wanted him to take away all of her pain and the second-best feelings that she had ever owned. This was where she was restarting her life for herself as well as showing her past that she had more to her than just selflessness. There were time she could be selfish and this was one of them that had snaked out within the past few weeks.
She wanted to be with Maksim and when he had chosen Astra over her, she had felt a cold sting to her heart but it didn’t deter her. It only fueled the fire to be better than whoever that strange woman was. She was unsure as to whether or not she was a friend of his from Darkwater Rapids or if she, too, was a stray that had come along for the ride. Either way, she was going to get down to figuring out if there was potential for her and the Alpha, or if there was simply no reason to get her hopes up and challenge for what she felt was completely hers to bargain for.

i'd love more threads, so message me if you'd like one!
looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
A voice captured his attention, soft against the gentle sounds of the river and the swaying of the trees. He lifted his large head, watching as Anastasia came towards him as if she had materialised from the powdery snow itself. She was a beautiful little thing, there was no doubt about that, with soft features and stunning eyes. The leader offered her a gentle smile, his tail sweeping across the snow in a slow wag. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px">“I have much to worry about, Anastasia.” He redirected his attention to the sky, blinking as tiny flakes fluttered down to his eyes and his nose. They such small things yet together they created a vast change that sculpted landscapes, obstacles and even amusement at times. A single snowflake easily went unnoticed but a flurry of them was an entirely different story.

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px">“I’m concerned about the girls,” he finally offered up, returning his attention to his current company, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px">“they haven’t been eating well and whilst I wish I could comfort them somehow, I simply feel I’ll make the sting of mourning worse.” Of course, he was speaking of the Attaya offspring and their leanness. It made him uneasy—surely their mother and father would want them to be happy and healthy. It felt as though he were missing something and he often spent nights thinking of encouraging and reassuring words to say but never quite got it right. Hell, Maksim just wanted them to be happy. He wanted to see their beaming grins and smiles. It felt wrong that they weren’t there. With the incoming winter, one that would be full of wroth weather, he was worried they’d not put on enough weight to battle whatever cold battered them.<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px">

(This post was last modified: Dec 07, 2013, 06:48 PM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
Anastasia had come to Maksim with nothing more than losses. Winning was not in Anastasia’s mind anymore as she had lost too much to consider much of anything a win. Finding him was probably her first step in the right direction, then there was a loss as Darkwater Rapids members lost their home to a devastating flood, then they had found the Forest they lived in now. The place where they would now live with each other but, she also knew that coming up shortly she would find that there was nothing she wanted more than earning her place in the leader’s heart. It was a goal, something she needed.
So as she looked upon the face of the green-eyed peacemaker, the man who put her heart at ease, she could feel her surroundings vanish. “Like what?” she asked calmly, settling down beside him and turning her gaze up to the snowflake-blanket coming down from the sky. The poor man was worried about the girls—she was quick to assume the young pups living here—and he had good reason to feel worried. “Take them on an adventure around the pack, explore something with them so that they can see that there can still be happiness in new places.” It was her best suggestion but she knew that in a new place, nothing cured the broken heart like finding new places to cuddle up in or places to store specific treasures. As a child, they could likely hide in it but if Maksim went with them, he would know where it was they hid.

i'd love more threads, so message me if you'd like one!
looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan
Anyone is welcome to respond. c:
Early afternoon, overcast, -9°F

Crunching snow betrayed the dark sub's approach. He didn't spend much time at the heart of Cut Rock River territory but now he found himself wandering along the edge of the river and nearing the den. No snow had fallen for a couple days, which was a welcome relief, but the air was bitterly cold and the breeze cut through the warmest of coats. With so many scars Hati was even colder than most with no thick fur to hide his skin in places, but he coped by constant travel. His scent lay heavily over the territory.

Company would be welcome. Though protecting the borders alone gave him the freedom to be himself there was a reason the man had been so eager to join what once had been Darkwater Rapids. Friends and family meant more to him than it did to most after so many years of being denied them. But somehow he hadn't even met half the wolves in the pack. Perhaps that was the reason he found himself trotting at a brisk pace towards the dens, in hopes that he would meet someone there.

Hati's eye quickly scanned the area for activity. It was understandable that most of the pack would be fighting against the season in much the same way he was, traveling a steady pace to keep blood flowing. Still, he couldn't help but hope to find a pack mate, even if he himself couldn't really provide good company. The thought crossed his mind that his silence was a burden to those who he was with but was swiftly cast aside.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 06:15 PM by Hati.)
Played by Chelsie who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Mace Attaya
Snow was coming down in thick droves, and even though Mace longed to patrol the territory like he'd taken to doing of late, his paws carried him inward, toward the heart where the den was. The Attaya had taken to a lot of things upon settling in Cut Rock River: patrolling, sleeping outdoors, and humming senseless tunes to himself were among those. Undoubtedly it was to keep grief and negativity at bay, what with his sister's belief that their parents abandoned her heavy on his mind. With Mace, work was distraction, and distraction from what was becoming more and more undeniable was more and more necessary.

The wind had oicked so that the snow fell as a blizzard by the time he slipped into the den's warm confines. White flakes peppered his coat, too thick and insulated to melt them sufficiently. He shook them off in the dark, tilted back his ears contentedly, and blinked furiously in an attempt to adjust his eyes to the gloom. It had been days since Mace had last been in the den; he preferred the outdoors, where the babble of the creek was a poor substitute for the former sound of roaring rapids.

But it was better than the silence that pressed heavily on him underground and made his breath tight in his chest.
gorgeous set by kydnt
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
She was tired, and cold, and tired oh and most of all, the woman was hungry. Her every thought revolved around food: the taste, texture, and the thrill of hunting down something captivated her. She wanted some excitement and to feel like a fully functional wolf but her injury had taken that autonomy from her and was taking forever to heal, despite Lachesis' cocktail of herbal medicine for her. It would be close to spring before she was free to feel like herself again; much too long in her opinion.

She was optimistic only because focusing on the negative made her angry and depressed, and considering how horrid the weather was, there was no room for her to be in a worse mood than she needed to be. When she left Lachesis' den she had no destination set in mind, in fact her stomach had taken the lead during this venture and lead her to a patch of snow that smelled strangely of small prey. The scent, of course, was stale but she felt excitement bubble over in anticipation of finding something worthwhile despite the faint scent that entered her nostrils--instinctively she mixed her scent with that of the prey, as if marking it for her own. When, or if, the prey came back she deserved first dibs. Rolling on her stomach she felt snow seek into her thick fur, infiltrating her black hairs with white, before she lowered her head on her forepaws with a sigh, waiting and wanting someone, anyone to come forward.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Had to take advantage of the food(;

Her fiery eyes searched the boundaries of the River wolves territory for any intruder and more importantly food for the family. This winter was far worse than any winter that she's experienced in her four years. Prey seemed to know that as well. They chose to leave this land and make winter for the Lore wolves even harder. Growling with frustration at her failed hunt for both food and intruders alike, she made her way back towards the center of Maksim's domain. Maybe she'd have more luck there.

The scent of another filled the area, but Athena did not recognize the female. Her fiery eyes caught glimpse of the black cloaked pack mate lying on the cold ground. However, before she made her way closer, the scent of deer caught her attention. Not wasting a moment, she hurried to the site and began to drag the remains of the dead carcass towards the nearby cache and the female. She planned to share a bit of meat with this pack mate, but store the rest in the cache for the rest of the family. Releasing a muffled bark to the female as she got closer, she continued to drag the corpse. Today both of them weren't going to be so hungry.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
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