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We Crawl Like Animals — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys
Mine usually seem longer then they actually are on my phone, lol


Admitting that she didn’t have really any skills when it came to being on her own was something that Leotie really didn’t like admitting to.  She had to be completely different in this place and it left her with an uneasy feeling in her stomach.  There was something inside of her though that told her that she needed to admit things that she might not normally if she was going to survive in this world that it seemed was now her new home.  She was glad to hear that her hunting could be fixed that night, she might not have to have an empty belly for much longer.  “Really?” She said a note of excitement in her tone.

“My humans,” she answered when asked who her guardians had been.  She suddenly wondered if she would have been better off with her parents, if she hadn’t been taken from her mother at such a young age.  Though she loved her humans and would do anything for them it was clear that her time with them had not prepared her for what she now faced.

She was familiar with the term pack but from the way the woman spoke and how the angry woman had behaved toward her Leotie felt that maybe the term pack meant something different than it did in this place.  Leotie listened carefully as she was told what she should do and committed it to memory.  If she ever did get the chance to join a pack as was suggested it was something that she would have to remember.  “What sort of roles are there in pack?” She asked curiously.  “Do you really think that if I do all of that they would really want to take the time to teach me the things that I don’t know?” Part of her was somewhat afraid of meeting a pack. “It seems there are a lot of rules here that I don’t know or understand,” she commented.

The woman didn’t seem to know what a fence was which made sense since Leotie hadn’t seen one fence since she had left her home.  “It is what keeps me and others of my kind in our yards and away from each other,” she tried to explain in a way the woman might understand.  The description of borders was nothing like a fence.  “So it’s something that you can’t see,” she stated, “But something to be careful of.  What happens of you come close to them?” She asked curiously.

Leotie nodded when Cornelia said that it was time to find some rabbits.  The plan seemed like an easy enough one.  She hoped that it would go well and she would learn to catch a rabbit quickly and hopefully by the end of the night she would be able to ease the hunger in her belly.  “I think that I can handle that,” she told the woman, “Is hunting rabbits like hunting mice?” She asked as sort of an after thought.

(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2015, 01:27 AM by Leotie.)
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Played by Xiaoge who has 35 posts.
Cornelia Saer

Humans? Once again a frown appeared as Cornelia tried to wrap her mind around Leotie's weird terminology. She had no idea if humans were supposed to be the babysitters or whatever they were to Leotie, they had done a shitty job no matter how they were called.  The girl had so many questions, she didn't even understand the basics of pack roles for rats sake! Right then and there the older woman felt like she should just leave. Leave and let someone else deal with the empty brain right before her, she however promised to help her this evening. Cornelia didn't think she would ever get anything back for her efforts but she was a woman of her word. She counted bloody doe in her head before she answered the girls question. "Depending on the pack you have several different roles and specializations. Hunters, Guards who defend said border for outsiders and enemies - that's why you stay away from the borders- the Alpha's of course, and you have sometimes Medics who heal wounds and babysitters for the younger generations." Cornelia paused for a bit as she thought of more roles and possible information this girl had to know, it was so much she could talk endlessly but she wasn't exactly fond of rambling. "Scouts explore outside the borders for new alliances, packs and hunting grounds. Advisors give the Alpha second opinions when necessary. Your role will depend in the packs dynamics and your own potential." The older woman shrugged. "Anyone with an ambition and discipline to work till they cry and fall on their knees can do everything they want or have to be." She had proven truth to that statement. Wasn't she a sad little twig when she arrived at Grion's paws, and now she was a full fletched warrior.

Cornelia shook her head. "Girl, you don't know dung about the world. Even an average pup would know more than you do know. Just know this; Survive or scavenge. Cross any border and that pack has the right to rip your head of your lovely body. And for the love of the moon if you sense trouble frickin' run." This girl really asked too much questions, Cornelia concluded with grinding teeth. "Rabbits are bigger than mice but just as fast. They will claw and try to bite you once you got them so kill them fast. If you get one." With that the autumn hued woman smirked and pushed the girl forward, enough talking."

Maybe I walked this long way by myself
(This post was last modified: Aug 26, 2015, 04:05 PM by Cornelia.)
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

As she spoke to the woman Leotie began to wonder what had possessed her to get into her current predicament.  It was clear she had not though things through and this definitely a lesson that she had learned and one that she was sure to stick with her.  The quick decision to have a run about while her humans were away had led her to a land that she did not understand so as Cornelia explained things to her she listened carefully trying to memorize every word for the time when she might need the information in the future.  Leotie nodded, “What do you have to do to get one of these roles or specializations?” She asked curiously, “I doesn’t seem like it would be an easy thing to come by.”  In fact Leotie didn’t think that she would ever be in a position where she would be able to acquire one but it didn’t hurt to know anyway.  Cornelia did confirm that it was a lot of work to gain a role but the young female thought that she might be up to the task if she understood all that she had to do.  “I suppose if I am going to make it here I am going to have to learn to be tough and work hard to get what I want right?”  It was starting to seem that was the only way in this place after the encounter with the angry woman Leotie wasn’t sure that she had what it might take and was set in making herself better, it was all that she could do.

Leotie nodded at Cornelia’s next bit of advice, “I know I don’t know anything about this world but I am willing to learn and I do appreciate you taking the time.  I will remember what you have told me because I do plan to survive.” She told the woman.  These last words that the female had spoken seemed to be the most important things that she’d said all night Leotie at least knew enough to know that and she intended to heed them as if there were rules to live by.  Next the Cornelia spoke of rabbits and what they were like, they sounded like they could be rather vicious if they wanted to be.  “Got it,” she said to the woman before saying, “I’m sure I can do this,” to herself.  Then she found herself being pushed forward.  Leotie gave the woman one last look before she sniffed the air for the scent of rabbit which wasn’t too difficult to find. 

(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2015, 01:14 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Xiaoge who has 35 posts.
Cornelia Saer
Cornelia Saer
"I'm trouble ya'll, I got trouble in my town"

The girl was curiosity herself, Cornelia thought dryly as she listened to the girl’s endless row of questions. Every answer she provided gave the girl a thousand and one more question about it. Somewhere it was understandable, if you had this little knowledge about the world you fell in everyone would be eager to know the rules of the game. It was still a mystery why Leotie knew so little of the world, bad parenting or not. It was none of her business and it didn’t help that talking about Leotie’s poor educated life seemed to come with a lot of strange words and unknown definitions. Cornelia simply accepted the younger girl as an oddball.

‘Roles are earned by mastering it’s art. Hunters hunt, advisors advice. Sometimes you’re superior teaches you about his role. Sometimes you have to find a teacher yourself, if the pack lacks a teacher for a specific role. For example a young wolf will learn from the pack but if he wants to be a hunter he will mostly focus himself on catching varieties of prey. Learn how to work with the other hunters and more. If you specialize it’s your goal to become the best in what your do.’ She paused for a second to let her information sink in. ‘To take the previous example; if said hunter is very good hunting rabbits he can work on improving his rabbit hunting and make sure he is able to catch every rabbit he targets. Regardless of the season or weather conditions.’ Cornelai grinned. ‘Easy is never the way to success. Effort will be rewarded, one way or another but it will.’

Yes Leotie was highly naïve but Cornelia slowly felt herself taking a liking to the girl. Maybe it was because of her will to learn and improve her obvious flaws. Maybe it was the fact that she had accepted herself as a sad piece of wolf . Instead of lying and continuing on her own foolish path she accepted help and used whatever she got to learn the system. How far would she go once she bloomed? How much potential would grow into true skills over the coming years? The matter was intriguing her. Cornelia patiently followed leotie’s sniffing trail without so much as a yip. Where oh where would this girl end?”Speech”

ErikaChristine @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

There was so much to learn in this place and she knew that she would have to learn it all and she did want to especially if she was going to spend any kind of time here.  There was so much that didn’t make send and she hoped the woman would help to understand it all or as much as she could.  Most importantly she hoped that she would at least help her to get something to eat.  Leotie wasn’t sure how much longer she would be able to last if she didn’t eat something more than a few scraps soon.  Despite the hunger that ate at her insides she was willing to listen any information Cornelia was willing to give.

Which was why when the female spoke of packs and roles Leotie listened intently, it was information that she might need later if she didn’t find her way home.  Since she had no idea of how she was going to get home at that point she had to have a backup plan.  She may not know about the strange place she found herself in but she didn’t consider herself stupid either.  “I suppose then I will have to wait and see what I should try for once I have joined a pack.  Still it wouldn’t hurt to work on some skills before then, I have to make it so they would want to take me in, right?” The last words that Cornelia spoke Leotie thought they would best serve her committed to memory, “Then I must put in as much effort as I can.”

It was time for her to hunt a rabbit and catch it and if she were honest with herself she was a little nervous though she was sure that she would be able to track the rabbit. That wasn’t really the part that she had trouble with.  It was the catching, she hadn’t ever caught a rabbit though she knew how fast they were.  There had been rabbits back home she just hadn’t been able to chase any of them.  Still she tied to push those thoughts out of her mind as she put her nose to the ground following the scent she’d caught of a rabbit or rabbits, she wasn’t sure how many.  She followed the trail through the forest a little ways before stopping when she spotted what she was looking for, a rabbit sitting under a tree nibbling at some grass, “There’s one,” she whispered to the woman not wanting to go after it just yet for fear she might lose it.

(This post was last modified: Sep 29, 2015, 12:33 AM by Leotie.)
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