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Confessions of a Princess — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Takes place after This Thread. It is the evening of the same day.

The weather is clear but cold.

Inna had decided that she should speak to her mother as soon as she had returned to Hearthwood River. She wanted to tell her about Nightingale so that if the woman came looking to join the pack Kisla would know and hopefully accept her in. Inna she would have to admit to how she had met Nightingale which she was dreading a little but she hoped that her mother wouldn’t be too angry with her for crossing the borders or for talking to strangers for that matter. She knew that she probably shouldn’t have but she also hoped that her mother would be understanding in this instance especially since she had returned home unharmed. Not to mention the stranger that she had met had taught her a few things so it wasn’t a completely wasted journey, at least not in Inna’s opinion.

Inna had decided to check the den first for her mother just in case she was there. She didn’t want to waste time searching all over for Hearthwood river if she didn’t have to. However when she reached the den she did not find her mother. Since she wasn’t sure of the next place to look she decided to call for Kisla. She raised her muzzle to the air and let out a call that was a little higher than her pack mates but she was sure that her mother would know it was her. Then Inna sat back on her haunches to wait for Kisla to answer.

~Table by Mimi
(This post was last modified: Nov 25, 2015, 09:13 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

It was a clear day, but winter indeed was approaching. It was obvious in the way Kisla’s breathe rose before her – curling tendrils from small clouds before evaporating before her very own eyes. Flurries and snow had already graced the land, and Kisla wondered what her two youngest thought of the weather changes – it would be their first winter, after all.

No sooner did her daughter’s cross her mind did one call for her. Inna’s familiar voice rose above, beckoning the mother. Without hesitation, the regal cast her muzzle upward, slender muzzle pointed to the sky as she released her own short song – she would be there in a few moments. As she cut her message off, the honeyed Baranski began to lope forward, her form weaving through the tall trees of Kingsfall.

Inna was by the den side – a reminder to the River Queen that soon she would have an empty nest as she secretly took in the size of her ebony girl. A smile came upon her muzzle, and sweeping forward, Kisla made to embrace her daughter gingerly, her nose touching the plush softness of Inna’s ears before she gave a playful nip. “You called?” Her tone was warm – her joy evident at being with one of her children. “Where’s your sister?”

sparking up my heart

Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna was a little nervous to be telling her mother where she had spent her afternoon but she hoped that her mother would see it as more of a learning experience than anything else since that was what it had started out to be. A few short moments after she had called for her mother she heard her mother’s return call to let her know that she was in fact on her way. It wouldn’t be long till she had to spill the beans but despite her nervousness she was able to sit back on her haunches to wait and she did not have to wait long.

When her mother appeared Inna was swept into her embrace causing a smile to for across her maw as she nuzzled against her mother’s warm fur, it was exactly what she needed after having been out all afternoon. “I did,” she stated when her mother pointed out that she had called and Inna shook her head when asked about her sister, “I haven’t see Lekalta all day,” she admitted which was the truth since she had been away all day.

Inna tooka a deep breath and said, “Mum there is something that I want to tell you and I hope that you won’t be too angry with me since I am bigger now,” she started though she wasn’t sure that was the best way to start the conversation she wanted to point out that she was bigger which did sort of make it a little less dangerous, “IleftpacklandstodayandImadeafriend,” she said really fast waning to get it out as quickly as possible so her mother could get made all at once if she was going to.

~Table by Mimi
(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2015, 10:43 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Inna mentioned that she didn’t know where her littermate was, and as if on cue, the honeyed woman cast a glance around, as if expecting the girl to emerge from the woodwork that was their home. She was about to comment on it, and yet the ebony girl spoke – her first words stirring a confused blink from the woman who then waited with mild apprehension.

Inna then informed her that she went over the borders and made a friend. Bemusement settled upon the woman as she mused on what to do – feign shock and horror?  Arch her brows angrily? Her dear, honest little Inna was so concerned at the trouble she might be in, that Kisla could scarcely keep her lip from twitching in her amusement.

Reassuringly, the mother nudged her daughter upon her crown before settling back to her haunches, studying her carefully. “I wish you had told me before you left,” she admitted, her tail sweeping across the frozen ground behind her. “You need to be careful, Inna – you might have made a friend, but the world can be very dangerous.. especially when you’re alone.” She paused, and then gave the girl a nod, moving on from her lecture. “Who was your friend, then?”

sparking up my heart

Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna was sure that her mother wouldn’t be happy with her at all for leaving pack lands and really she couldn’t blame Kisla if she was mad. If there were dangers for Inna inside the borders than she could only imagine what might lie outside them. She and Nightingale had spoken about lynx and how dangerous they could be but that was only one danger and had her new friend not been as nice as she was she could have turned out to be a danger as well. So she had confessed what she had done very quickly part of her hoping that her mother did catch it and the other part hoping she didn’t. Inna knew though that she would probably have to repeat herself if her mother didn’t hear her.

Once she had it out she waited for Kisla’s response watching her features carefully for any sign of what was going to be coming her way so she was rather surprised when her mother didn’t seem to angry with her. She stared in shock as she felt her mother’s nudge on her crown. However her look of shock quickly changed to one of sheepishness as she looked down at her paws, “I realize now that I should have,” she agreed, “I won’t happen again,” she assured. Perhaps she hadn’t given her mother as much credit as she should have and perhaps now that she had thought more about her actions she hadn’t told because she feared her mother would say no.

Kisla went on to explain how dangerous the world could be, “I understand,” she told, “My friend told me about Lynx and how dangerous they are and what to do if I should run into one when I am by myself,” she explained about the conversation she’d had with Nightingale on the subject. She hoped that she could show that she did understand at least a little bit about the dangers that lay beyond their borders. Then she wanted to know about Inna’s new friend and that made her smile, “Her name is Nightingale and she’s by herself,” Inna told, “I wanted you to know about her because I offered for her to stay with our pack when she was ready.”

~Table by Mimi
(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2015, 05:09 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Her mouth quirked upward in amusement, and Kisla regarded her daughter with gentle fondness. The promise was put out that she would not do it again, but given the insatiable curiosity of any youth, the mother was not put at ease by it. She gave a small nod however, and allowed her form to steal to a sit, her tail curling forward to wrap about her forepaws.

Inna spoke of her friend, and Kisla's brows arched upward at the mention of lynx. She gave a considerate 'hm,' nodding in agreement, though not making a point to further her daughter's education about the other predators she worried about when it came to her kids -- the demons that hid in the wolf's clothing. Perhaps one day she would inform her daughter of her own sister who had been lured away and killed by a wolf she had considered a 'friend' -- or how she almost had been as well, if it had not been for Marsh.

"If she finds herself in want of a home, I will certainly speak with her at our borders," she offered, bending her muzzle down to place a gentle kiss upon her child's brow. "You seem to like to adventure," she noted, no hint of a lecture in her voice regarding the matter. "Do you think you're going to want to be a scout one day, like Naia?"

sparking up my heart

Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna did hope that Nightingale would take her up on the offer of a home. Even if it was just temporary that she stay in Hearthwood River at least she would have a home for the winter. She felt that she had done the best she could in helping her friend. The young Baranski also hoped that by telling her mother how Nightingale had helped her it would help in the decision to allow her into the pack.

“Thank you mother, that is all that I ask,” said Inna gratefully. As much as she wanted Nightingale in the pack she also understood there was a lot for her mother to consider before bringing a new wolf into the fold. So she felt that all she could ask of her mother was to speak with Nightingale and give the decision some consideration which she felt confident that her mother would do.

The youngster nodded at her mothers observation, “I do very much,”she said somewhat shyly, “There’s so much out there to learn and see and I want to be able to learn about and see all of it.” Inna was a little surprised by the question that her mother posed to her about becoming a scout like Naia. “I hadn’t thought about it a lot but I think that it might be something I would like,” she said, “Do you think that is something I would be good at?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2016, 11:38 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
@Inna -- I'm so sorry I let this die. revived, but we don't have to continue if you don't want to. <3 I'm always up for a more recent thread too!

The conversation drifted from the woman called Nightingale, and Kisla cast her daughter a fond glance as they came to terms with what the future awaited Inna. She would be a yearling soon enough -- and the she-wolf had come to find that even as much as she hoped to press 'pause' on life, it was impossible. All she could do was try to enjoy the smaller moments in life -- such as this. "I think you will excel at many things," she noted quietly, her eyes softening as she regarded her daughter gently. "But yes -- becoming a scout, given your thirst for adventure, is probably a good start."

Shifting her weight for a moment, the woman gave a gentle shake of her muzzle. "I'm sure you could question Naia of her travels and what she would think. She might even offer to take you on as an apprentice." The Second was completely gentle-hearted and had made it very clear to Kisla that her and Maksim's puppies were treated with as much care as if they were Naia's own litter -- and for that, the Baranski woman was grateful. "What about your sister? Do you think she'll take an interest in anything?" Inna seemed more grounded than her twin counterpart -- and so the mother stole the opportunity to pry a bit.

sparking up my heart

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

A smile crossed Inna’s features when her mother stated she thought she would excel at many things. She was glad to know that her mother thought she was capable of doing so much, it was very encouraging. When Kisla brought up being a scout Inna did consider it and felt that her mother was right, it might just be the perfect role for her. “I think it would be a good start too. I could still explore and help the pack at the same time,” she agreed. It was important to Inna to be able to help her pack and her family as much as she could. Something that she had come to understand in the past months was that being a part of Hearthwood River meant helping each other.

Inna hadn’t thought about asking Naia for her opinion and help until her mother had mentioned it but the female had been so helpful in the past Inna thought she might be willing to help now. “I definitely will talk with her. Maybe she could help me to get started learning what I need to know,” she said with a nod. Inna did realize there would be a lot of work in order to become very good but if she liked being a scout she didn’t think that it would be much work at all. The conversation then turned to her sister which caused Inna to frown slightly, “I’m sorry but no. I haven’t really talked about that with her but maybe I should,” she said. Lekalta would need to find something that she wanted to do too for the future now they were getting closer to the age where they need to think about it. “Would you like me to talk with her?”

(This post was last modified: Apr 20, 2016, 03:18 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.