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A New Day — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

It had been quite some time since Lachesis had visited the lands of Southern Eden and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss them. There was an abundance of memories that were tied to lands south of the expanse; memories of his former life. So much had happened since he had arrived in the Lore alongside his blue-eyed companion — he only wished that she was still around to see how far he had come. He did not know where she had disappeared to after her brief return; he wasn’t even sure he cared anymore. As much as XIX missed her, he did not have time to pine after someone who wasn’t coming back.

A frown creased his snout at her question, her curiosity evident as she spoke of her mother’s pregnant state. “Unfortunately we discovered an untrustworthy wolf within our ranks, who was plotting on forming a pack in the forest we already called home.” He paused, brows knitted together as his chartreuse gaze focused on the smudge. “Your father decided leaving Cut Rock behind was the best option, especially with you and your sister on the way. He did not want to put any unnecessary stress on your mother.” As pleasant as the forest of Cedarwood had been, it was no longer home with the arrival of the Grizzly Hollow wolves. Staying in Southern Eden could have endangered the future of Maksim’s children; moving had been the only viable option.

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stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
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Inna Baranski

Inna hadn’t known that her family had once called Cedarwood forest home when she had visited it on her journey. She couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps she had been drawn there somehow which was why she had found her way there. Learning that her family had once lived somewhere that wasn’t Hearthwood River was something she hadn’t been expecting but was glad to know and it made her more curious about her packs history. She felt it was something she should learn now that she was old enough to understand and have a role in her pack instead of being the pup she was when she had left her home to find the right path to take in life.

Inna was curious about why they had left and if it had been a good idea with her mother being in the state she was at the time. Lachesis was ready to answer the questions though which helped Inna to understand the situation a little better. “What was the wolf’s name?” Though she didn’t know what she might do if she ever ran into them but she didn’t think it would hurt to know in case she ever did. Inna nodded as her father’s reasoning was explained to her, “I’m sure that he thought it through carefully,” she commented not knowing her father to ever make a decision without thinking it through. “It seemed to have turned out okay and the pack made it here safely, they have a place they can call home without the threat of another pack.” Inna understood how dangerous it could have become for her family had they not left and the other pack had been created.

(This post was last modified: Aug 20, 2016, 01:45 AM by Inna.)
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“His name is Rook Lyall,” Lachesis started, his forehead smoothing at his words. “I haven’t heard anything about him since he left; for all I know, he could still be stomping around Cedarwood.” The ghost shrugged to show his indifference. Despite his ulterior motives, Rook had been a productive member of Cut Rock. Until Maksim and Kisla alerted the rest of the river wolves of the Lyall’s plans, XIX did not have anything against him. “We did not stay long to see what became of the other pack.” Nor did he care. XIX had no intention of returning to the Southern Eden.

“This place feels more like home,” Lachesis responded with a lopsided smile, his chartreuse gaze focused on the young Baranski. “Your parents made a good choice in bringing the pack here.” Lachesis had no intentions of leaving Kingsfall — this was a permanent home. The healer was no stranger to pack hopping, or moving location. He and Anastasia had done their fair share when they had first arrived in Relic Lore. Now he had family; a reason for staying. Lachesis was happy here, and he hoped Inna was too. Some of the Baranski brood had disappeared, off to fulfill their own adventures, but he hoped some of his comrade’s children would remain. They were the legacy of Hearthwood, after all.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
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Inna Baranski

Inna was somewhat surprised that Lachesis gave up the name of the wolf so easily but at least now she would know his name if she ever ran into him. “I suppose that it doesn’t really matter what happened to him if he was going to betray the pack,” she stated. The way that her alpha described the situation it seemed that things had become rather dangerous for the pack with this Rook having other plans and wanting to go against her father. “No of course not, I would think that you wanted to get out of there as soon as possible especially with mother pregnant with me and Lekalta.” Inna could only imagine some of the things that could have went wrong had they stayed.

“Then maybe it was best that you came here. Do you think all of the pack members fell like its more their home?” She asked curiously. She felt that would be important for the future of the pack if they all felt more at home in Hearthwood River. It felt like home to her but she had been born here so it was only natural. “I think so, the pack seems to be thriving here,” she agreed. Though some had left them it still seemed they had good numbers from what she had seen since her return. They also seemed to have a good amount of prey to hunt and a freshwater supply, what more could they ask for. “Do you think the pack would ever move if something like that happened again?” She asked with a slight hint of worry in her tone.

(This post was last modified: Aug 26, 2016, 02:32 AM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
so so sorry for the wait. we can work on getting this wrapped up soon if you'd like? <3 @Inna

The ghost nodded softly at Inna’s comment about moving with her and Lekalta on the way. “Your father did what he thought was best for the pack. Fighting for land that no longer felt like it belonged to us would have been foolish.” Plus, they had found a munch better patch of forest to call home in the northern territories. “I’m glad we moved,” Lachesis admitted with a soft smile, his chartreuse gaze focused on the young Baranski. “Despite Cut Rock River being our home for quite some time, once the threat appeared, it was no longer a place we could call home.” Lachesis had done his fair share of ‘pack hopping’ since he had arrived in Relic Lore, but he had only truly felt at home with Maksim’s group of misfits. If it had not been for his pale companion, who had disappeared from the lands of Relic Lore a second time, he would not of had the pleasure of meeting Maksim and becoming a part of his family. He just wished Anastasia had been able to do the same…

“Kingsfall is similar to the forests in the south, so it didn’t really feel like we moved. I think that’s what your father was going for,” he responded with another lop-sided smile, his ear falling to the side as he spoke. Hearthwood often reminded him so much of their previous home in Cedarwood that he sometimes forgot they had changed location. Despite looking similar, it felt different — and that’s all that mattered. This place felt like home; felt like somewhere he could spend the rest of his days, alongside his green-eyed friend.

“No,” he retorted quickly to the ebony girl’s question. “Moving north was not the first time we’ve had to leave our home behind. I don’t think we’re going to let go of this place so easily. We are one of the first pack’s to claim the north as their home; we won’t give it up without a challenge.” There were only so many places the pack could move and he knew that Maksim was not keen on shuffling his pack around anymore. This was their home and would remain their home until their dying days.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
No Worries, I'm fine with starting to wrap it up.

As Lachesis spoke Inna didn't doubt anything that he said. She knew that he cared very much for the pack and wanted to do what kept them safe. That also meant doing what was necessary to keep his wife and unborn children safe to. “I wouldn't expect any less of him, I always felt he cared a lot for the pack. It must have been hard for him to lose the land that had been his and the packs home.” Inna didn't think that she could really imagine how her father must have felt making the decision to move the pack. She did know that her father was a good man and a good leader and doing what was best for the pack would have been at the forefront of his mind. “Do you like it better here?” Inna was curious if he felt that Hearthwood River might be a better location for the pack. “That's understandable, I mean with the threat it probably didn't feel like home anymore.” It was something that she hadn't experienced but listening to Lachesis she could only guess that's how it must have felt.

Inna smiled at the sentiment that her father wanted a place for the pack that felt like their old home. “Perhaps he thought it would make the move easier on everyone. Maybe so that life could get back to normal quickly.” She did have to admit that Lachesis was right about the similarities between the two locations. She saw it too when she had been to Cut Rock River. “I suppose once river wolves always river wolves,” she stated with a smile. She supposed that it was something that her father could have been drawn too. It could also have been that it just made sense to make their home where they always had access to freshwater.

Inna was relieved to hear Lachesis say that he didn't see the pack leaving the home they had made in Hearthwood River. “I'm glad to hear that. It's where I was born and I don't think we should give it up easily when father brought the pack so far to make a new, safer home for everyone.” Though she supposed that if her family moved she would move with them because that was what had brought her home him the first place. That was what made a home after all, it was most definitely something she had learned being on her own.

(This post was last modified: Sep 15, 2016, 01:26 AM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“It wasn’t what he wanted to do, but he knew it was best for the pack. At the time we weren’t capable of defending Cut Rock, especially with your mother’s condition. He couldn’t risk anything happening.” A faint curl of a smile unfolded across his pale maw as he spoke, pear-coloured gaze fixated on the obsidian youth. She reminded him of her green-eyed father; her words were plucked from her thoughts with preciseness, as though she had taken the time to compile them together before delivering them. Perhaps she, too, would lead a pack some day…

“I do like it better here,” he admitted sheepishly, an ear falling to the side as he spoke. “I was born on the tundra far, far north of here, so this place feels like home.” But much better than his former home. “And we have better neighbours,” XIX added with a swish of his tail. Lachesis was quite chummy with Koda of Broken Timber Pines, so their presence did not worry the pale healer. They could handle the arrival of new packs, as well, as long as they stayed clear of Kingsfall. The River wolves were not keen on sharing another forest.

“It hardly felt like a move, aside from the lengthy travel. We lost a few wolves on the way, but it was expected.” Lachesis shrugged to show his indifference. “I feel like it brought the remaining River wolves closer together,” he added with an encouraging grin, his tail giving another slow wag.

“Hearthwood definitely won’t go down without a fight.” Lachesis would not allow it — nor would Maksim. This was where they would spend their remaining days, no matter what threats might appear. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna agreed with her father's decision to move the pack after hearing Lachesis speak about the situation. It was important to fight for the place that was home but she now understood that there was a time where the decision between keeping the land and keeping the pack safe needed to be made. “I don't think any leader would want to uproot their pack but they are the ones that have to decide what is more important the pack or the land, he chose his pack. It was a hard decision but he saved his family.” That's what Hearthwood was, a family. It didn't matter where each of the wolves in it came from or their background they were all a family. Inna felt it was that way because of her mother and father.

Inna smiled at Lachesis admission, “I like it here too,” she also admitted. It was something she felt comfortable admitting after having visited Cut Rock River. “What's the Tundra like?” She asked curiously after learning of where Lachesis had been born. Inna giggled a little when he stated they had better neighbors, “It's always good to have those, you never know when you might need their help. Are we allies with all of them?” She felt this was something that was important to know especially if they ever did need the help of their neighbors.

“I'm sure that helped in the long run but sad that a few were lost, that they weren't able to see what has become of the pack.” She supposed though they would have been lost anyway. “The journey and establishing a new home together I think would have definitely helped and maybe even that my father chose them over the land,” Inna shrugged as she thought aloud. Sue couldn't be sure that was why but she thought it made sense.

“I'm glad, I would hate for the pack to lose their home again after going through so much to find this place.” Hearthwood River was the place her father had chosen for his family and it seemed like the pack thrived there.

(This post was last modified: Sep 28, 2016, 02:30 AM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
i am so sorry about the awfully long wait :c <3 @Inna

“Exactly,” he responded with a soft smile, his chartreuse gaze fixated on the young Baranski. She reminded him so much of her father; a leadership position would suit her quite well, if she chose it. “Did Maksim ever tell you about Darkwater Rapids?” He asked, suddenly, his head tipped to the side. “My travelling partner and I had joined the pack just before a flash flood hit; your father helped lead the pack to safety. That’s how Cut Rock River was born.” He paused as his thoughts hovered on the memory. Shade’s death and the lack of unity in Pitch Pine had caused Anastasia and XIX to leave the south behind. While he had been unsure of the move at the time, he was now infinitely grateful.

“The tundra is quite barren —  always lots of snow and few trees. Very open, quiet.” He did not miss his former home anymore; the Lore was his home, and would remain that way until his last breath. “It’s quite similar to the lowlands, which is why I’m partial to these lands.” The forests were nice, but they were a little cramped. All the trees made it difficult to see intruders. “We’ve been on neutral terms with them, although I do trust the pack south of us more.” The northern packs were a little more respectful of each other’s borders; XIX did not see much of their neighbours. And that was okay.

The ghost smiled once more, nodding: “This will be our home for a long time.” Another pause, his tongue clucking against the roof of his mouth as he searched her thoughts for something else to add. “Just need to find a few more loners to add to the mix and we will flourish once more.” He, of course, needed to do some recruiting in order to make that happy. Along with the other river wolves. Together they would make Hearthwood strong once more.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna shook her head when Lachesis asked if her father had told her about Darkwater Rapids, “No, he's never mentioned it,” she stated curiosity clear in her tone. She was sure it wasn't something that had father had kept from her...just that it hadn't come up. She listened intently as he told her how Cut Rock River came to be which was another reason for her be proud to call Maksim her father. “My father isn't one to let the pack down if he can help it. So after the flood and the pack was safe he became the leader?” She asked interested in how her parents became the alpha's of the pack. Inna was glad to hear how her father had saved the pack but it also saddened her that Maksim was unable to care for his pack as he always had. She couldn't imagine the toll it was taking on him.

The Tundra as Lachesis described it didn't sound too inviting or much like it could make a good home. “It doesn't sound very homey. I can see why you like Hearthwood River better.” Of course she might be a little biased since the forest had always been her home and probably would be for a very long time to come. “They aren't very inviting,” She commented about the lowlands, “However the hunting there wasn't too bad the one time I visited.” she added remembering hunting with Lorcan. She was glad to hear that there weren't any problems with their neighbors, “I'm glad to know who we can trust but I wish we could be on good terms with all of the packs around us.” Inna felt having friends on all sides of them was like an extra layer of protection for the pack but she also understood things couldn't always work out that way.

She returned his smile glad to hear that Hearthwood River would always be their home. She didn't want to have to put the pack through another move and she didn't want to move. However Lachesis words about finding a few more loners reminded her that their numbers has lessened since she had left. “I'm sure we will get our numbers back up and besides who wouldn't want to call Hearthwood River home?” After all the forest was a wonderful place to live and the wolves were friendly and welcoming.

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2016, 03:30 PM by Inna.)
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