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Uninvited Company — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Namara who has 17 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Nascha Stjarna

Nascha had yet to manage to settle down to get some sleep, having been up the majority of the night unable to let exhaust get to her no matter how hard she tried – her brain was constantly turned on and part of her wondered if she should see the medic about her lack of ability to get to sleep at a decent and normal time… still, it gave her the opportunity to work in the peace and quiet when particularly bad bouts of insomnia struck her hard… it wore down at her though, which was why she was wandering about again, still unaware of the commotion within their territory when she saw the pack gathered around another member that Nascha had yet to make herself familiar with.

There was a grizzly, and Nascha would never turn down from a fight.

She dipped her head to them in greeting, though the seriousness of the situation expressed itself on her features, her tail lowering respectfully as she glanced to Gent. They’d chased one out before? Evidently, it might not have worked as well as they hoped, if it was indeed the same bear, her brain already working, trying to figure out the best attack strategy to put the beast down… though evidently, their plan of action wasn’t up to her… a fact that continued to bother the hell out of her, even if she’d never vocally express her opinion.

She was an outsider, almost, and while she was technically part of the pack, she felt like more of a guest, like her every move was being watched because of the encounter she’d first had with Gent when he’d extended the offer to her. Would he decided to chase it off again, or to put an end to it once and for all?

Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow

The small wolf gulped quietly as Jinx broke the news, A grizzly bear. Just what the pack didn’t need with the weather turning harsher, and two of their wolves, herself included, recovering from injures. The first thoughts running through the medic in training’s head were injures, flashbacks to when White Fir Notch had been founded. Moraxia, one of the largest wolves Sylva had ever met had been brutally wounded by a single swipe from a bear. Raela and the pups...She swallowed hard, just trying to think what would become of the pack if any of them had met a Grizzly fully alert, the one that had been chased out before had been half asleep.

The yearling glanced between Gent and Jinx before speaking up “With the high chance of injuries...We should get some Western Redcedar and Yarrow for any possible wounds…” She hated the thought of her packmates getting injured, but the little delusional wolf was under no delusions that the chance of severe injury was very very high when it came to encountering a bear, she wanted to be prepared. A small sigh escaped the wolf as she added “I can see if the herbs are ready and willing sir…”

Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: Sorry I'm late!

She had been sleeping so very soundly. The last night had been a late one for the mother. She was in overdrive trying to secure the last bounty of autumn before the snow got too deep and drifting, and the temperatures too fierce. Worry for her growing children (and oh how big they'd gotten already,) kept her diligent about hunting when she had time. The sleep peeled back from her consciousness like pine sap with the anxious words of those outside the den. There were so many voices, and soon the matriarch's golden eyes slipped open blearily. She wasn't really aware of what was being said; her head felt too heavy and slow to process things yet. That changed quickly. 

”A bear!?” Her heart and stomach sank at once, dragging the drowsiness with them and forcing her eyelids open fully. The dread ate away at her weary limbs, and Raela's head snapped up. Aleris's smooth coat darted away from her place in the spacious den and toward the light. It was her son's voice so laced with worry and fear that made her attempt to stand. Sylva was mumbling something about chance of injury and herbs as the Queen staggered upright, stretching her spine hastily and stumbling sleepily toward the crowd. 

She squinted her eyes at the sudden light, blinking narrowly at those gathered. Her coat was still ruffled on one side from her rest, but this was no time to groom. Raela lifted her brows and opened her eyes wide a few times in an attempt to clear her head and vision. She had certainly not gotten enough rest yet. She drew up beside the eldest Notch daughter, who seemed as focused on Gent as everyone else was. Raela's golden gaze was full of questions, but there wasn't much more that she really needed to know besides 'bear.' It was with relief that she spotted everyone, including all the puppies, and found them visibly unharmed. Wordlessly, she stared at her mate and waited, not even bothering to shake out her coat. She was sure that her worry for their children was mutual, not to mention their packmates, and that she would find the same in his icy pools.  
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 14 posts.
Inactive Pup
Aleris Lieris

It was hard to keep sleeping with everything going on outside and inside the den. It was Lucia and Ryker's departure that had set her waking in motion. The mottled youth turned over onto her back and flopped down once more, still asleep but less so as their feet padded quickly away. A moaning sigh left the girl's lips as she settled back down, but there were lots of voices outside, and they just kept talking. Aleris pressed an ear to the dirt and gravel, hoping to block them out a little, but it didn't help. And she had so wanted to sleep in.

With a long yawn her green eyes drifted open, and the eldest pup rolled onto her stomach. Her gaze registered Ma as still asleep, even snoring a little. Aleris snorted, shaking her head a little to clear out the sleep. The girl stretched her front and back legs out as far as they would go, settling her head on her paws. Maybe they were saying something interesting out there? Not usually. “He should still be asleep...” Hmm? Who are they talking about? Her ears pricked up. “I think a plan would be best.” Now this was something she wanted to hear.

The child pushed her front end off of the floor and sat for a moment, yawning again. Were her siblings out there? Their scents were fresh all around her. As if to answer the young Lieris' question, Ryker's frightened voice echoed into the wide open room of the den. A bear! She was wide awake now. Aleris saw her mom's head rise in the darkness, but she was already moving, following her middle siblings nervous tones. The light was strong and she squinted a little, but her eyes quickly widened. The whole pack was here, and they seemed nervous. Sylva had just finished speaking when Raela emerged behind her. Eris cast a concerned glance over her messed-up fur and looked back at the others. She remembered the stories too. The bear one was her favorite.

"There's a bear?" She asked in equal shock and curiosity, taking a step toward and staring up at her Dad. She paused for a response before adding, "Where?"

[Image: CLgHoPg.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
Just seconds later Lucia was at his side, attentive and humming with energy as always. This time however he did not move to greet her, his attention remaining intently focused on Raela's second. His ears picked up as, just as expected, Jynx swiftly answered the several questions that had been levied at her. When the word grizzly left her lips, his heart actually lifted. It was not a good thing that they had such a large rival lumbering through their territory, but this was something the pack was more than capable of handling and in all honesty, Gent did not mind the excitement. So long as they did not have a repeat of Moraxia's incident, anyways.

The rest of the pack was gathered by now, and all eyes focused on him as the tawny woman's explanation faded from the air. A nod was passed to Emrys before his pale gaze met Raela's in an attempt to gauge her own reaction to this surprising news. If it was indeed the same beast as before, then clearly nipping at its heels wasn't enough to ensure it stayed away. A more permanent answer was needed, which increased the danger the pack would be putting itself in. Long term, that was necessary, however. If the same predator was allowed to repeatedly survive such trespassing, the rest would perceive the wolf pack as one that might be pushed around. All around, their daily risks would rise. It was time to send a real message.

Ryker's questions were the first to be answered by the king, the man reaching to give his son a reassuring nudge and a wink as he replied, "We're dangerous."

He then lifted his crown, meeting the gaze of each of his pack mates and family members as he spoke confidently.

"We played nice once, its time for a more permanent solution. Sylva, as you suggested; grab what you might need then return and stay with the children. None of you four are to come close, no matter what happens," he instructed, his tone making it clear that he would not entertain any arguments to the contrary.

"The rest of us are going to take this thing down, as quick and clean as possible. Follow Jynx and Raela's lead, and act smart. If you take a bad hit, pull out."

They didn't need any martyrs today. Assured that his desires had been made clear, he nodded to his wife and her beta, entrusting them to pick up the reins from there.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

Shortly after the end of her detailed little report, every wolf in the pack was present and accounted for, she noted. The children were here and safe. Raela had just emerged out of the communal den, and everyone else was present. With the pack informed of the serious threat which was still sound asleep in their territory, all they had to do now was rally and form a plan of attack. Sylva caught her attention and her suggestion was certainly well thought out. "Agreed. Some of us are already not at a hundred percent yet, and having those herbs ready is a smart precaution. Let's just hope we don't have to use them." The bear they had driven out many months ago may have gotten away with maiming @Moraxia, but this time there would be no replaying such an incident. At least she hoped not.

Gent decisively took the lead, putting his concern for the children first, just as any of them would have done. One look at their youthful faces and bright eyes, so filled with promise and potential, made the protective instinct rooted inside of her grow even stronger. This time was different, now that they had young lives to look after. There was so much more at stake, and those lives needed to be shielded, whatever the cost. Would she go so far as to risk further injuring her leg, just for their safety? It was a hard choice, but one with a definite answer. Yes, in a heartbeat. After Gent had laid out his instructions, it was her turn. A hunter could not just specialize in taking down prey, but rivals as well. Those same tactics she used in catching their meals, she could just as easily apply to a serious threat such as a bear.

Clearing her throat, she looked between Raela, Gent, Emrys and Nascha. The wolves who would be doing the majority of the work in getting rid of the beast. As a hunter, and a skilled one at that, she was used to considering many different approaches in taking on her targets in many variable situations. "To make this swift, I suggest we move in while the bear is still asleep. It will give us the advantage of surprise, and if it's a kill we want, we can make it clean and precise." Unless stopped by Gent or Raela after her proposed plan of attack, she continued, eyeing each wolf seriously. "I'll lead the way to it's location. Move silently and stay upwind." She advised, turning around back to the path that would lead to the fir tree under which the bear had been resting. She had a little more take charge attitude than usual, but this was not an act to challenge the authority of her leaders. They knew she was aspiring to be the lead hunter in this pack, and if she were to do that, then she must show she was capable of dictating the hunt.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

This was a whole new experience for the white healer and he wasn't much one for confrontation especially when it came to a bear. However he would have to put all of that aside for the sake of the pack and the pups especially. He understood the dangers the creature posed to them and now that he had joined the pack their problems where his. He would do what he had to if it meant keeping them safe. Sylva had spoke up suggesting gathering the herbs they may need for any injuries incurred during the removal of the bear. He nodded in agreement, it was a good suggestion to have everything ready so they wouldn't have to get it later. The children would be staying back with her, his gaze drifted to them glad they would be a safe distance away.

From what he gathered this wasn't the first time they had felt with the bear and now it seemed Gent wanted it gone for good. The plan was to take it down, Emrys hoped it was quick and clean and that no one would get hurt in the process. He was realistic and knew someone getting hurt was a possibility, his gaze went to Jynx hoping she didn't injure her leg after she had worked so hard to get better. The white healer once again nodded at Gents orders to follow Jynx and Raela and pull out in the case of a serious injury.

Jynx had a more in depth plan of exactly how they should take the bear down. He trusted her judgement when it came to this after the plan they had come up with to catch the rabbits when they first met. If her plan worked the way she said then they might get lucky. Emrys looked to his leaders before preparing to follow Jynx along the path that would take them to the bear.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2017, 04:46 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Namara who has 17 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Nascha Stjarna

There was more than one thing for the woman to analyze as she waited for a final call… We’re dangerous… a soft smile found her features, despite the mild annoyance the chaotic woman felt with the stature of some of her pack makes, a feeling she forced herself to bury. There was weakness in the air, but if Gent deemed that despite it, they were strong enough to stay, then it really wasn’t her problem, even if she didn’t agree with it. The rest of us… that was a plan she could roll with, her attention turning to the two figures she picked out to be the women that he was talking about.

She wouldn’t be pulling out, she never backed away from a fight, but she nodded in agreeance despite the fact. That grizzly was going down. Jynx then suggested a plan of attack – it was logical. Nascha might be stubborn but that didn’t mean she wanted to make it harder on herself to take it down and she agreed with no issues. Then she offered to lead the way and Nascha was fast to slink off behind her, following her with her tail lashing softly from side to side, anticipation and determination starting to course through her.