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headlights call my name — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Even Lachesis, who did not have the ability to create and carry children, had experienced more pregnancies and births than the raven Baranski. This would be the third litter of Kisla’s that he had been present for (the first was where he had secured his healer rank). Despite Naia losing her life the previous spring, he had still been there for her during childbirth, and ensured that the children—his children—were tended to immediately after her passing. He was not an expert, but he knew more than the ebony wolf before him, who did not know what to expect.

“Yes, I am sure they are more than okay,” he answered with a slow wag of his tail, his chartreuse gaze focused on his sidekick. “If you’re feeling any pain or persistent discomfort then I would worry.” From the outside Inna appeared perfectly healthy, aside from her thin features. He was certain that her lack of appetite was a result of her guilt and seclusion from the pack as well as her recent illness. “I don’t think you’ll need anything for your appetite,” he responded with a slow shrug, “a few herbs won’t hurt, like the yarrow or hyssop, but you won’t need anything else.” A few herbs to help ward off the remnants of her illness would not hurt, but he did not want to fill the Baranski with a large amount of medicine.

The ghost pressed his nose to her cheek as she spoke, his ears sagging to the side. While he was glad that she was being taken care of it pained him to think that since their last encounter Inna believed he was angry with her. He should have sought her out sooner, to ensure that she was not overexerting herself and was eating properly. His own guilt consumed him but he swallowed it, quickly, in order to focus his attention on the raven. “Good, I’m happy to hear that.” He did not mind Lorcán’s presence around the Baranski but he was still unsure of how he felt about Aytigin’s presence. Both Baranski women seemed keen on giving the talkative wolf a chance—Lachesis was still uncertain. “I’m sorry I did not come to see you sooner,” he added, the corners of his mouth falling. He had been busy tending to both the blue-eyed sparrow and his patrols, ensuring his infirmary was well-stocked for the arrival of puppies. “I’ll always be a part of their lives—and yours. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
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Inna Baranski

Over the past weeks she had been taking Lorcan’s words and his fears seriously where the pups were concerned. She was so worried that she had hurt the pups in the first few weeks of her pregnancy. She'd​ been so new to being pregnant she didn't understand how much her actions could have an effect on the growing lives inside of her. Sometimes it was still hard to imagine that she had puppies inside her at all. Inna knew Lachesis had plenty of experience where puppies were concerned after all he had been there for her own birth. When she asked him if he thought her pups would be okay she trusted he would give her the truth.

Her swollen sides heaved with a sigh when he said he was sure they would be okay. “That takes a lot off my mind,” she told him, “I've been so worried about them.” He spoke of pain and persistent discomfort, she shook her head. “I haven't felt anything like that but I will be sure to come to you if I do.” She didn't want to take any chances from then to the end of her pregnancy. She was glad to hear that he didn't think she would need anything for her appetite but he did think she needed some medicine for her illness it the remnants of it anyway. “I with take those if they will help me to get better sooner.” She needed to be healthy so that her children were too.

She told him of how she'd been doing and that she had been getting care from both Lorcan and Ayti who had kind of taken over since the tawny healer had spoken to her. His nose against her cheek as she spoke was a comfort and he was pleased she was being taken care of. “It's not easy taking it easy when I'm so used to being out there helping take care of the pack, you know, but I try to rest as much as possible while still stretching my legs a little. I've been in search of a new den as I've outgrown the one I was staying in, Ayti has helped with that,” she admitted, “It's taken me a little time but I think I'm doing much better than I was,” she added to set his worries at ease. He then apologized for not coming to see her sooner, she offered him a small smile. “It's okay I understand you're busy with Lilya and mother having pups and leading the pack there's a lot to do. We've spoken now and it's okay,” she told him bumping his cheek with her nose. She also expressed how much she wanted him to be a part of her pups lives like he has been there for her. While he wasn't her father he had been the closest thing she had to one since her father had passed. She hoped he would be just as much of a guiding influence for her pups as he had been for her. “I'm very happy to hear that and I hope you will teach them all the things you have taught me. I want you to be as important to them as you are to me.”

(This post was last modified: May 09, 2017, 01:50 AM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He could tell that his words soothed her mind for a sigh immediately rolled off her tongue, filling the air between them. A smile stretched his lips as the raven spoke, voicing more of her concerns aloud. Her worry did not alarm him—he would have been more alarmed if she was as calm as Kisla had been during her pregnancy. This was new territory for the Baranski. Something she probably was not expecting to encounter at least for another year, maybe two. If at all.

Both the raven and the sparrow were in similar positions, for motherhood had not been planned for either female. He did not know Inna's story and he would not ask. If she wanted to share the details with him she would, as it was not his place to pry. The pale leader would support her and the children she carried in her swollen belly regardless of how they were created—even if he had been unhappy in the beginning. The negative feelings had dissipated quickly and it pained the healer to think that Inna had been avoiding him, for fear of him getting angry or upset with her. The Baranski was like family to him and he would dote on her children as though they were his own. “I am positive they are fine,” he repeated as extra insurance, his expression soft. “If something was wrong I’m sure you would be able to sense it.” She knew more about her body than he did—if something felt odd, or strange, Lachesis knew she would not be afraid to tell him. Not anymore.

With Lorcán keeping a watchful eye on her it helped soothe his worries, for the tawny wolf was Whitestone’s former medic. Even if she did not feel like taking care of herself XIX knew that Lorcán would enforce it and would be able to tell if something seemed off.

The ghost gave a sharp snort of amusement at the raven’s words, a corner of his mouth curling upward. Even while she was swollen with puppies Inna’s first thought was the well-being of the pack. She had always worked hard to provide for the pack and pull her weight. This was the most resting he had seen Inna do since she was nothing but a mere tuft of black fur. His brows lifted at the mention of Aytigin although he was not surprised. The ebony newcomer was working hard to please Lachesis and Lorcán, for they were not fond of the self-proclaimed casanova. He admitted he was not an ideal hunter, but at least he was helping Inna get more comfortable. “I should have been helping you, too, though,” he added in a hushed tone, his lips falling. He had been so consumed by Lilya and his duties that he had neglected the raven Baranski. “But I’m not going anywhere now. I’ll help you in any way I can and I’ll be there for you when you give birth… if you’d like me to be, of course.” He knew how some mothers were. Most preferred their privacy, whereas others did not mind a few wolves poking their noses into their birthing dens. He did not want to intrude on the new mother if she did not want him to. “I’ll do my best,” he added with a slow wag of his tail.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

His affirmation and confidence while saying it gave her some relief that everything was going ok with her pregnancy. The last thing she wanted was for something to go wrong and it endanger the lives that grew inside of her. She supposed there would always be that worry I'm the back of her mind until they arrived safe and sound. It was part of being a mother she supposed which led her to wonder if her mother had felt like she did during her first pregnancy. Inna didn't know if Lachesis would know what had gone through Kisla's mind as she carried her brothers and Karina. It was something she would have to talk about with her mother and perhaps it could help to ease her fears a little more.

Lachesis repeated that they were fine and all was well with her as if to reinforce it I'm her mind. Which she supposed she needed. “Thank you Lachesis,” she said with a smile, “Being a first time mom it's hard to know if you're doing the right things and I’m sure I wasn't at the beginning,” she admitted looking at her paws. She knew she had been stubborn at the beginning but she had also been hurt by the way everyone had spoken about her children. Inna recognized that if it weren't for Lorcan her pregnancy might have gone much worse. The young Baranski was also comforted when he said she would be able to sense if something was wrong. “Even though I haven't done this before?” She asked because all of it was so new to her she wasn't so sure she would realize that what she was sensing might be something to worry about.

Ever since she could remember Inna had done what she could for the pack so it had been hard her to not to so much. On top of everyone being so worried that her litter would cause problem for her mother and Lilya's pups. She never wanted her pups to be the reason something went wrong with either litter and thought it she did what she could to replace what she took for herself and her pups it would prevent her and her pups from being the cause if something did go wrong. Inna notice the raise of the healers brow as she mentioned Ayti helping her find a new den but he didn't say anything. Instead he proclaimed that he should have been helping her too and maybe he should have but she hadn't expected it considering she had broken pack law. “It's okay, we all get caught up in our own stuff sometimes. I should understand after all that's how I ended up in the mess I'm in.” It was quite the mess she and Lorcan had gotten themselves into and now it seemed it fell on her to handle it. Inna would as she always had and if Lorcan ever changed his mind maybe they could go back to figuring it out together or not.

A smile crossed​ her features as he said he wasn't going anywhere and that he would help her. Even that he would be there when it was time for her to give birth, she nodded, “Thank you Lachesis and of course I want you there. You were there when I was born and I want you there when my children are born. It only seems right that you be there.” The Baranski wouldn't have it any other way. He'd been so much a part of her life that she wanted him to be in the lives of her children. A wide smile crossed her features when he said he'd do his best, “I know you will. You've always been so patient with me Lachesis and it's helped me to learn a lot. I'm glad that I have you in my life.”

(This post was last modified: May 15, 2017, 09:56 PM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Inna the feels train continues <3

There was only so much Lachesis could say to comfort the raven Baranski, for he was not a mother nor would he ever be one. A father, yes, but not a very good one. There were things that, as a new father, he had picked up on instinctively. He had watched both Karina and Kisla do the same, so he did not doubt that Inna would go through a similar experience. She would discover most things on her own but XIX would attempt to help her in any way possible, for he did possess more knowledge than her in the subject (at least, for now).

He nodded softly in understanding, his ears falling to the side as he listened to the raven speak. “Lilya was feeling the same way as you were in the beginning,” he confessed to her in a gentle tone, his nose canted to the side. He hoped the sparrow would not chew his ears off for sharing the information with the Baranski, but he hoped it would help soothe his sidekick’s troubled mind. “I think all new mothers doubt themselves. But you know much more than you think you do, Inna,” he added encouragingly, giving her a lop-sided grin. “Instinct will kick in and you’ll know exactly what to do. You will most certainly know if something isn’t right.” He hoped.

Despite the puppies kicking around in the Baranski’s stomach being unplanned they would still be doted on all the same by the river wolves. They would have to work extra hard to ensure there was enough food for their growing pack, but Lachesis was confident they could do it. He would ensure that Inna’s children, along with his own and her mother’s, would survive. “I know,” he sighed, a frown creasing his liquorice lips, “but I still should have been there for you in the beginning. I’m sorry I wasn’t… I’m here now, and I am not going anywhere.” He would make sure of that. “If you’re in a mess then so are Lilya and I,” he mused in response to her statement, his tail wagging slowly behind him. “I cannot wait to meet your children, Inna. They will be wonderful additions to Hearthwood, whether they were planned or unplanned,” he assured her with a sharp nod.

His smile only widened as the Baranski spoke once more, his cheeks flushing warm beneath his pale fur. “Then I’ll be there,” he promised, fully intending on keeping his word. Although his paws itched to explore the lowlands once more Lachesis would remain close to Hearthwood until all three of the river litters arrived. He could not afford to miss any of them (especially his own). “And I am glad you are in mind,” he added as he nudged her ebony cheek with his nose. “Maksim would be so proud of you.”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

There were so many things she was unsure of regarding her pregnancy especially with Lorcan ending their argument so abruptly. Without him and no indication he wanted anything else you do with her or their children she was left with the realization that she would be raising their children alone. Which only left an avenue for the doubts to creep in and slowly take over. Lachesis’ words were reassuring that she could do this with or without Lorcan. That she would know if something was wrong in her pregnancy or how to care for her children once they did arrive. So far nothing felt off to her and hadn't throughout​ her pregnancy so far. She took comfort in that knowledge but planned to pay close attention to how she was feeling for the remainder of her pregnancy.

Inna had done as Lachesis had suggested the last time they spoke and talked to the Hearthwood second. There had been some things she’d been unwilling to share with the woman simply because she didn't know her and her previous impression of her hadn't been a good one. As she voiced her concerns about being​ a first time mother she was surprised when Lachesis share some of Lilya's concerns. “It's nice to know I'm not the only one.” It did help her to realize that the doubts she felt were a natural part of being a first time mother. The healer went on to confirm what she'd been thinking, “I think I just need to remember I'm not the only one who feels this way.” He then spoke of something she hadn't thought of, instincts. They would tell her if something was wrong or what she needed to do. “I guess I forgot about that,” she said looking down at her paws but then she brought her fiery gaze to meet his, “I think I will be okay.” As long as she paid attention she would know when her instincts were trying to tell her something.

Inna wouldn't deny she wished that Lachesis had been there for her from the beginning but she also knew she was in the wrong and he had every right to be angry with her. Whether they were close or not she had broken pack law so she didn't the have the right to be angry at anyone for not being there for her. “Well that's all that matters then, you being here for me now,” she said with a bump of her nose to his chin. “Lilya said that too,” she stated when he expressed he was in a mess too, “I don't think you are. If you want to have children you have that right as one of our leaders and if you fancy Lilya then you should be with her. I want you to be happy Lach. After the sorrow that has fallen over Hearthwood we all deserve to experience some happiness.” The Baranski felt no hard feelings toward Lachesis for not being there for her at the start of her pregnancy. She cared about him too much and only wanted to see him have a life that he was happy in. A smile crossed her face as he spoke about meeting her children and them being wonderful additions to Hearthwood. “I can't wait for you to meet them either and I hope that they will be helpful members of the pack.”

The ebony Baranski didn't know what had gotten into her but she had decided​ now was the time to tell the pale healer exactly how she felt about him.

After she told him that she wanted him at the birth of her children he promised that he would be there, “I know you will be there.” Aside from the beginning of her pregnancy he’d always been there. A wide smile crossed her face and her tail swished across the snow behind her when he said he was happy she was in his too. Her smile faded and her gaze fell to her paws when he mentioned her father. “I've felt that he might not be with the choices I have made lately but I think he would be very happy with how you've kept Hearthwood going despite the rough times and been there for his family in his absence.”

(This post was last modified: May 17, 2017, 08:24 PM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Inna thank you, as always, for being so patient with my replies <3

A smile found it's way onto his pale maw as the raven spoke, his expression soft. He could not imagine what it was like to bear the stress of carrying children and then delivering said children. With Lachesis’ nerves and uncontrollable anxiety he would have fallen apart if he was in the same situation as the raven Baranski. For a first-time mother she was handling herself better than most. He only spoke the truth when he told her that he was proud of her, despite of how she got herself into the situation. Although he knew that Maksim would be angry with her for breaking pack law, just as her mother had been, Lachesis was sure that he would have accepted it (eventually), just as he had. Their relationship was far too deep for him to abandon the new mother upon discovering that she was pregnant. It did not matter how she had gotten to this point anymore. He just needed to do everything and anything to ensure that she survived this.

“Exactly,” he responded after a brief pause, his maw canted to the side.  “I’m sure your mother will give you some advice if you ask.” Kisla had not been happy either but Inna was still her daughter. “I know you’ll be okay,” he added with an encouraging wag of his tail. She had to be—Hearthwood could not handle any more tragedy.

Her next statement caused his brows to furrow and his cheeks to flush crimson beneath his pale fur, his ears twitching uncomfortably. Truthfully Lachesis did not know if he fancied the blue-eyed sparrow (he totally did but was forever in denial). What had happened between them had been… an accident, to put it bluntly. Consumed by the hormones that came with the spring months they had both succumbed to their natural instincts without thinking of potential repercussions. “I’m not sure what to make of our situation,” he answered honestly, a single corner of his lip curling toward the ground, “but I’m sure we’ll figure it out. Eventually.” In like five years, or so… maybe another litter or two…

He nudged her shoulder again before speaking, his chartreuse gaze softening once more. “If they are anything like you, Inna, they are going to be model pack members.” The raven Baranski was always the first to greet wolves at the border and introduce herself to new packmates. Aside from her first infraction, Inna had been the perfect subordinate—and still was.

Leadership had been something that Lachesis had been thrust into, only accepting the position because, at first, it had been temporary and it had been to help out his friend. Now, as time progressed and Maksim’s death became a thing of the past (despite it still haunting him more than he would care to admit), Lachesis grew more comfortable in his role. As a stuttering, anxious yearling he never would have thought that he would be in the position he was in now. A younger Lachesis would have scoffed at the idea of being leader. But now… now it wasn’t so bad. He felt as though he had purpose, even though he constantly doubted himself. “Thank you,” he commented in response to Inna’s kind words, his chartreuse gaze holding her orange pools for a moment. “I want nothing more than to keep Hearthwood alive for him.”

(This post was last modified: May 27, 2017, 06:23 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Your very welcome.  Your posts are worth the wait

Inna reflected in the realization that every female who'd had puppies had to have a first litter and had been in the same place as her. Having been so caught up in her own pregnancy, Lorcan, and what was going in with her family she had failed to see it until now. Of course it had been Lachesis to point it out to her as he always did help her through the rough times. This was certainly in of those. Her worry that Lorcan would not be there for his children growing with each day that he did not come and talk to her. Inna was firm on her decision that it had to be his choice, she couldn't do it for him. She was glad to have Lachesis back with Lorcan seeming to be taking a break from it all, she couldn't really blame him. She knew that now she and the pale leader were talking again he would help her any way he could.

Inna had been right in her thoughts but as he brought her mother into the conversation her brow furrowed. “Do you think she is still angry with me?” Inna asked cautiously. She would live nothing more than to be able to speak with her mother about what she was going through. Even if Kisla was still angry Inna wondered if it would help her to feel better if she went to her for advice and to just talk. She nodded, “I'm sure you're right,” she agreed when he told her she'd be okay, “How can I not when I have the help when I need it and even when I don't,” she added with a smile. Things had turned out differently than what she had thought when she first found out about her pregnancy.

Inna wasn't exactly sure what was going in between Lachesis and Lilya but she felt like the Hearthwood second made him happy. That was all that mattered to the Baranski and It didn't matter what her thoughts were on the woman. After everything that had happened in the last year Inna hoped that everyone could find some kind of happiness especially her mother. Kisla, Inna felt had lost the most so perhaps her newest litter could bring her something back that she'd lost. “I understand,” after all wasn't she in the same position with Lorcan, “ And I suppose a little time and patience is the best thing.” While the pale leader was sure he and Lilya would figure things out she wasn't so sure she and Lorcan would, but she had to hope that it would before their children were born.

Inna smiled shyly as he bumped her shoulder and told her she was a model pack member and her children would be too...if they were like her. “Thank you Lach it's good to hear after how badly I've messed up. I plan to teach them all the important things about being in the pack.” She wanted the best for her children and she would do what it took to make sure they had it.

What she wanted most was Lachesis and Lorcan to be present for the birth. Lorcan because they were his and she felt that he should be able to see them come into the world and Lachesis because he had been there at her birth. It seemed only fitting that he should see her children born. She nodded to acknowledge his thank you, “You're​ welcome,” she added with a smile. She didn't think her father would he too pleased with her considering the choices she'd been making. She hoped that he would have eventually been happy for her and would dote on them as a grandfather should have the opportunity to. It seemed that job would have to fall to Lachesis just as the leadership of the pack had. “I want that as well and when I am able to get back to my duties it will be what I work for.”

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: May 28, 2017, 03:20 AM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Maintaining his relationship with the raven Baranski was important to him, for she had always been a constant in his life—just like her father. He could not change the past and take back the weeks he had been unable to check in on her due to his busy schedule and conflicting feelings about her pregnancy, but he could move forward. The ghost could be there for her, and her children, now. That was all that mattered. They were still river wolves and would be treated as such. His co-lead was in a similar position, as her children were also without a father in Hearthwood. He dared not ask the tawny queen who had fathered the children, for this was her way of moving on and starting fresh. Since Maksim’s death she had been the widow and buried herself in her grief. These children, regardless of who their father may be, were her future. Lachesis was just pleased to see the Baranski in better spirits and was excited to have more puppies added to the Hearthwood ranks… even if it meant more mouths to feed.

He shook his head as the raven spoke, his expression smoothing out before he responded: “No, I don’t think she is.” He hoped not. XIX understood where Kisla’s anger stemmed from, for he had shared a similar reaction upon discovering the raven’s condition, but it had eventually ebbed away over time. “I am sure she is worried about you, just as I was.” Again, he hoped. The pale agouti had secluded herself from the rest of the pack just as her daughter had, so Lachesis had not seen much of his co-lead either. The Baranski women were certainly a peculiar bunch, and not a group he wanted to get on the wrong side of. “I know I’m right,” he hummed in agreement to her words, a cheeky smile unfolding across his dark lips.

For a third time, he hoped.

Truthfully the ghost was not sure what he wanted out of his and @Lilya’s situation. He did care about the blue-eyed sparrow a great deal and was over the moon about having children with her (even though he did not believe he was cut out to be a father). But, he did not want to ruin what they already shared by complicating things… even though it was already complicated enough. For now, they were comfortable and (dare he say it) happy. That was all that mattered to the lanky healer.

“Everyone messes up, Inna,” he responded softly, his chartreuse gaze focused on her dark frame. “You have been nothing but loyal to Heathwood. The amount of good you have done greatly outweighs the one infraction.” Despite the infraction being very severe, it was not enough to warrant kicking the raven Baranski out of Hearthwood.

It amused him to hear that Inna was eager to get back to her duties, for she had not neglected them during her pregnancy. Despite her growing stomach she frequented the borders and made herself present, which both pleased and worried the healer. He did not want her to over-exert herself, for he feared it may hurt the puppies growing inside her stomach. “You don’t need to rush back to your duties,” he mused in response, his brows raised in amusement, “We’re still growing—there’s plenty of river wolves who can take your place while you tend to your children. Do not feel obligated to return so soon, Inna.” He nudged her shoulder gently to show her he appreciated her enthusiasm. He was thankful that the river pack had acquired more members in the recent weeks, for they would need every able body once all three litters arrived.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you