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Under Colour of Authority — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Her trip had carried her further into the lowlands where she didn't really mind spending a day or do. She'd been lucky in catching herself a nice plump hare earlier in the day and was off to see what else she might find. Nauja knew eventually she would have to head back south but she was rather enjoying her trip this far. Maybe it was the fact that she knew she had a home she could return to at anytime or maybe it helped satisfy her any need she felt to wander. Whatever the reason she planned to stop by the notch and let Emrys and Jynx know how she was doing.

After crossing the tundra so far she stopped to take in her surroundings and decide which way to go next. She'd forgotten how big the lowlands actually were since it had been so long since she'd last visited. Still she liked the openness of it where she could see for a long way off. She turned her head this way and that before her eye caught some movement in the tall grass. She wasn't sure what it was but maybe it could be her evening meal. She knew she would be plenty hungry by the time the sun went down, it didn't hurt to think ahead. Speaking of which she thought it might also be a good idea to start looking for shelter for the night.

First she wanted to investigate the movement she saw in not too far off in the distance. She moved at an even pace until she was a little closer before she slowed and trying to be as quiet as possible she crept forward.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
(Hiya! :) )

"E-Eden....Eden? A whisper carried from the dark earthy burrow, nervous eyes peering from it's depths. The young wolf stood at the entrance with tree roots rising and twisting before her. They confined her, hid her, made her feel somewhat safe. "Eden?" Tulip called out just a little louder. She couldn't dare to speak too loudly, for someone unwelcome might hear her. Nervously the girl moved about the den's confinement with small ears pointed forward. She moved painfully slow, as if one wrong move would expose her to the world. It was not safe to be outside of the den without Eden, but the old grey and black furred wolf was absent.

Upon exiting Tulip was presented with a small, plump, squirrel. She nosed it around in curiosity and could determine it had been sitting for an hour or so. No longer warm and fresh, but not very stiff and cold either. She took a moment to look at her surroundings before eating the meal and thinking back on Eden's words. "If we ever become separated, go north. North will take you to the Lore. Don't worry, I will find you." Somehow to the child this whole ordeal seemed so very strange. Why would he had left her by choice? At least with food...but still? He had said that for if they had become separated...

Tulip gulped nervously and set out in the predetermined path. The dark yearling walked, and walked, and walked.....

Morning turned to afternoon and so forth as the day progressed. Eventually the trees began to thin out and Tulip stood before an expansive Tundra. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, overwhelming her with the sight of beauty, oh it just had to be the mysterious Lore! A soft coo of sorts left her lips, brilliant eyes wide with awe. Still the girl was very much hesitant to enter the appealing landscape. "One paw a one time."

Tulip soon found out that the deeper she went the taller the grass became and the less she could see. The less she could see the less she could guard herself from. The less she could guard herself from the higher the chances of ambush. The higher the chances of ambush the higher chances of death. Anxiety ate at the girl causing her to feel utterly and entirely exposed. With quiet movements Tulip hunkered to the ground in grand attempt to hide herself. Then as if to torment her and breath life and truth into her fears...she heard something. But what? Tulip's breathing became heavier, tail tucking snugly to her side as she awaited an unknown fate. Could it be Grievous? Could he have found her with Eden being gone? Tulip's heart beat thudded so fiercely it felt to the yearling as if her body were pulsating.

*Don't eat, I is bones...* She thought to herself in fear.
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2017, 05:03 AM by Tulip.)
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Her last visit to the lowlands had .been a while ago but it had also been a short one in which she didn't get to see much. Since she had decided that she would be staying in the lore and had since given up on finding the sea she thought it best to learn her way around. Especially if Emrys was going to be sending her out on more of these kinds of outings. She truly didn't mind being away from the notch except for the fact she missed her friend. More and more she was glad that she had followed Ishtar to the Notch.

She'd been a little apprehensive at first about joining the pack but the longer she stayed the better she felt about the decision. She felt that she got along well with her Alpha's and what had been a surprise to her was that Salix was there too. She'd thought that once they had parted ways she would never see him again but there he had been.

She was hoping to do well on this trip she’d been sent on as would show that she really was trying to do her part to help the pack. She felt like she was really working to show Emrys and Jynx that she was willing to do whatever they asked of her.

The movement in the grass had gotten her attention enough that she wanted to find out what it was. Nauja wasn't really hungry but if this was a chance to catch something before she actually needed to eat then she wouldn't haven't worry.

So she crept closer and closer how trying her best to remain quiet the grass moved though as she traveled through it. The blades or whatever which she hoped that what she was coming to investigate wouldn't be scared off. However, when she finally came close enough she came across a wolf. At first she wasn't sure what to make of the small female who seemed so scared. “Hello there, you don't have to be afraid,” she told the little wolf hoping her words would help put the little female to feel more at ease.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
Globes of fire, fur of the night with traces of grey to mock the stars. Tulip was sure she had met face to face with death herself. The unfamiliar woman was thicker in build and well fed in comparison to the yearling. Not to mention she was taller than herself. Whimpering softly in response to Nauja's words Tulip slowly rose, moving backwards in the process. Miss Day could not bring herself to stand to full height, remaining in her usual submissive pose. Her bushy tail tucked comfortably between her legs and head lowered to what had become exceedingly natural. It was as if she was a born omega.

"Eden say trust no strangers...I is bones. No eat please." She whispered back with wide puppy-dog-like eyes. Her soft little ears off to the side and limp. Tulip practically trembled before the wolf, half tempted to throw herself and plea for mercy but too frightened to move. "Study them, are they relaxed or ready to spring?..." The words sounded off in her mind and the girl momentarily broke eye contact with the women's paws. Tulip glanced her over, not truly seeing any stiffness or a stance that screamed attack. Instead the woman looked rather...concerned? But why? Tulip was a mere half-starved yearling with nothing to contribute to anyone. Why would someone other than Eden bother to be concerned? The child cocked her head slightly.
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja hadn't been expecting to find another wolf hiding among the tall grass when she'd gone to investigate the movement​. Yet there the the thin framed female was hunkered down seeing to be very afraid. The sea wolf tried to call her with gentle words and assurances that she was safe. The girl as Nauja could tell she was rather young was still afraid so Nauja lowered herself to the ground. She hoped this action would help to put the young female at ease enough they could talk. She felt the thin wolf needed help and she could provide that if she would he allowed to.

The girl did speak asking that she not be eaten and a small smile formed on the sea wolf's dark maw. “You don't have to worry, I am not going to hurt you I would like to help you. You know we don't have to be strangers anymore. My name is Nauja, what's yours?” She said speaking gently and in a low tone hoping she could calm the girl. The seagull was worried about her being out in the tundra all alone. She wondered if she could talk her into coming back to White Fir Notch so that Emrys could at least have a look at her and give her anything if she wasn't well.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
The other wolf lowered her body to the ground, causing Tulip to further tilt her head in question. What a curious creature before her. Perhaps not the face of death, but instead intriguing and strange in many ways. Already she was different from the wolves she had been raised around. More like Eden than them, but still different from the old man. Tulip hesitatingly relaxed her muscles, eyes still warily watching the stranger as she copied her movements. She laid her belly flat upon the blades of grass as she nervously moved herself to mimic the other's position. Hopefully her actions would not be reprimanded.

A smile laced the other's lips and the child was furthermore puzzled. Maria and Eden, in all her life that she could recall, were the only ones to ever smile. Even her own brood did not smile. Tulip wondered if she herself ever did. The older woman mentioned help and not being strangers, such queer things indeed. First off who would want to help a slave and second how could two who had just met not be strangers? The yearling furrowed her brows and straightened her head from it's lopsided position. She parted her lips to speak, playing the role of a copy cat of sorts, "Na-na. Na-nu. Na-naja....Naja." Tulip attempted the wolf's name a few times until content with what she could pronounce. "Eden call I Tulip. I no name." Perhaps she was dishing out too much information. Not to mention she preferred not to speak, embarrassed by the way the words left her mouth. She did not talk as pretty as Eden or Nauja. Words and sentences were not a common form of communication to the girl.
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

The little wolf before her seemed so young but worst of all she seemed scared which made Nauja wonder if she was alone or had a companion. If she had one where were they and why had they left her on her own if she was so scared. Then the young wolf’s weight was another concern, when was the last time she'd eaten anything substantial? All these questions went through her head as she tried to ease the little wolf’s fears. She seemed a little better when she had laid on her stomach to appear smaller in hopes that would calm her which it seemed to do. The little wolf laid on her stomach too, “See nothing to worry about,” she said quietly not wanting to upset the girl.

The fact that they didn't know each other seemed to be a concern for the girl so Nauja had introduced herself in hopes that if the small wolf knew her name it would help her feel like they weren't strangers. The sea wolf also offered to help because she really believed that the young wolf needed it. She listened as an attempt was made to say her name but the girl had seemed to settle on calling her Naja which was perfectly fine consider it was one of her nicknames. She was surprised by how the girl spoke as she told the seagull what someone named Eden called her and saying she didn't have a name. “It sounds to me that your name is tulip,” she stated with another smile, “What do you say to me helping you?”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you