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Help me now, tell me how — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
Any and all WM wolves welcome, but tagging @Wraith @Piety. Lenae is standing outside the border line. She's a good girl.

Lenae had been lingering outside the Monadnock's borders for hours. She paced back and forth, over and over until her legs began to ache and her mouth dried with thirst. Should she? Shouldn't she? They had offered her a place to stay, to recover,  and yet her mind was still plagued with the same old worries. As much as she wanted to shove them aside, to be brave and sing a request for their attention, she just couldn't muster the strength to.

Not yet, anyway.

She swallowed thickly and stared up at the imposing rock formation before her. Lenae was not scared of heights, she used to scale the Selwyn mountains all the time with her brother and sisters. It'd been an adventure to them, a conquest. But the steep slopes of those mountains, which had protected her family for generations, were safe and held an almost indescribable sense of serenity. As though they were grasping at heaven's edges.

But this place? Lenae-try as she might- couldn't come up with even one positive thing to say about this fortress of stone.

She couldn't help but think that Savion would like it here. A stone throne for a man with a heart of stone. Fitting really, but Lenae had to remind herself again and again that he wasn't here, that he wasn't peering over her shoulder and breathing down her neck. She was safe. He was gone, far far away where he couldn't hurt her ever again.

Or that was what she told herself when the sharp, awful awful feeling threatened to take hold of her.

She would stay for a while- she had no idea how long-  and it was as simple as that. She had nothing to worry about nor did she have anything to fear. Wraith had said so and he seemed like a man of his word. And Piety...She had been kind and gentle and soft and- Lenae shook her head.

She could do this. She would do this!

Tilting her head to the sky, she let out a soft, melodic call, reminiscent of how she used to serenade the sky as the sun set. But rather than carrying tones of joy and serenity, she sang to the wolves of the stone and begged them to heed her call. Please. They'd offered her help, it was time that she accepted it before the chance passed her by.
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

She had been watching @Cyril play with something new when the call went up. Her good ear raised and she turned her head. It wasn't a usual call, granted they hadn't gotten any calls from strangers since Rowan. The voice was rather pleasant but the message was rather serious. She placed a kiss on her son and told him to be on his best behavior while she took care of this. He was old enough to be left alone for her to have small trips.

Her pace was brisk as she had no time to waste. Tail raised and head held up as her brown eyes searched for the one who called. It only took a few moments of her quick movements for a small form came into sight. A smile etched itself into the pale leader's face. She hadn't fully expected to see this one again but they were welcomed nonetheless.

"It's good to see you again, Everly." Piety welcomed her warmly before moving on to the more important matters at hand. Her eyes grazing over the woman once. She seemed well and healthy. Perhaps the cry for the Monadnock wolves' attention was for something else. "What is it I can do for you?"

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# C W T
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
Was it bad that Lenae was relieved when she saw Piety approach? Rather than some territorial stranger who would sooner chase her off then listen to what she had to say. She doubted that it was good to see her again, as she wasn't much to look at these days, but her words were nice and warm, like the soothing touch of a loved one. Almost. It was a bittersweet thought, a reminder of all that she had lost but now wasn't the time to look back. She had to keep marching forward whilst she still had the strength to.

"I was wondering if..." She swallowed, trying to dislodge the lump in her throat. But of course, it did nothing. It was stuck. "Wraith said I could stay for a while...I don't want to impose but...I need help."

Those were the hardest words she'd ever said.

Tears began to prick at her eyes as her breathing became harsh and ragged. Each inhale was a struggle and- for what felt like the millionth time-she wondered if she was dying, as if some invisible being was stealing her life force. Stop. She wanted it to stop, to end, but she knew that it wouldn't. This was a routine she should have been used to by now, but she wasn't. How could she get used to this, whatever hellish experience this was?

"Wrr-Wraith said he could help. Th-th-that he knows what this is."

Sometimes she wondered if Savion and his lackeys had poisoned her or perhaps worst of all cursed her to remain like this to the end of her days. If that was the case...Then was this a life worth living? She didn't think so, she really didn't.
[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
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Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Cheedo had only just returned from an early morning hunt and dropped her catch into the cache. She'd thought a border patrol would be a good way to spend the rest of her morning before maybe seeing if Cyril might want to go on an adventure for the afternoon. She had grown to really like the boy and enjoyed spending time with him. She'd been very nervous about being around him before his birth but those feeling had left her.

Her ears perked when the call sounded at the border so the small agouti quickened her pace do that she could greet their visitor. It wasn't something she was entirely comfortable with but she felt the only way to get comfortable was to push herself.

When she arrived Piety was already there so Cheedo approached quietly. Brushing her side against her alpha in greeting she gave an apologetic look to Piety for arriving late. She then gave a polite nod to the woman before stepping back to observe.

guardian Dem 1/3
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

Her eyes stayed focused on Everly as she spoke. If Wraith had opened the doors of the Monadnock to this woman than Piety certainly wouldn't object. She trusted her husband's judgment and the small female truly seemed like she needed a place to be. Not to mention there was the soft last words.

"I need help."

She took in a slow deep breath. The loner on their borders didn't look physically ill in any way. Perhaps a bit thin but that was to be expected. As she spoke the pale leader's interest only grew. Wraith knew what this was. Her head turned around as if expecting it to be him approaching but it was Cheedo. Piety offered a soft chuff to her subordinate and nodded. She was pleased to see the agouti linger back. Piety had truly no idea what was wrong with Everly despite that she seemed a bit distraught. Surely Wraith wouldn't offer someone who was knowingly dangerous help. The mother composed herself as her chest rose and dropped with her steady breaths.

"I will not deny you the help you need." Not now at least. If it became an incident like Anaia where they found themselves with a clutz then Piety might change her mind then. The couldn't handle it then when they had a healer and they certainly couldn't handle it now without one. "If he knows what this is and offered his help then I trust him to take good care of you." Piety knew her mate was a kind and strong soul. She had no doubt that Everly would be in good care here at the Monadnock.

Her head turned to look at Cheedo, curious if she had anything to say on the matter. Even if Piety had made up her mind she was willing to see if anyone was going to claim displeasure.

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# C W T
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
Lenae stiffened at the sight of the newcomer. Another one? Were they here to interrogate her? She could understand the need to take precautions when a stranger called-in fact, she wished her Father had done the same on that fateful day- but the very last thing she wanted was to be hounded. She hadn't done anything wrong.

It seemed as though her fears were in vain. As the newcomer was anything but intimidating. Lenae had always thought that she was small, like a pup who still had a lot of growing to do, but in comparison to the stranger Lenae didn't feel so tiny. By no means did the Selwyn tower over here, but the difference was easy to see, even from where she stood. It made her feel better to know that this monstrosity of a rock didn't house wolves that were just as large and as intimidating. Maybe it was a bluff, of sorts? Driving home the lesson that one shouldn't judge a situation after a first glance.

The woman said nothing to her and instead watched with her curious, strange blue eyes. It made her fidget and shuffle her weight from one paw to the next. These days she did not perform well under scrutiny. In fact, did she ever perform well at all?

The Selwyn sagged in relief at her words. Wraith had promised, but she hadn't. If she wanted to she could have turned her away, chased her off like some pesky coyote who was too bold for it's own good. But she didn't. She said yes.

Lenae was a broken a maiden. A wilted flower. A shattered vase that had been stuck back together, lined with chips and cracks. And yet they were willing to help her, a lost cause through and through. Blinking quickly, as to rid the tears from her eyes- it didn't work, at all- she nodded over and over till she started to feel a little dizzy.

"T-thank you.R-really really, I mean it."
[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Upon her arrival to the border Cheedo had only caught a small bit of the conversation which of course left questions in the small agouti's mind. Mainly, what was it that Wraith knew what it was? Cheedo watched the stranger for a few moments trying to figure out what exactly was going on with her. Then she turned her gaze to Piety in hopes of getting some clue as to what she had walked up to. As she was certain Piety's mind had Cheedo's concern had gone to Cyril as her alpha spoke of giving the woman help. Would whatever it was Wraith could help with harm the pup?

Then she was reminded and for a moment felt a little sheepish for not realizing it sooner. Wraith would be just as concerned about the well being of his son so would not put him in danger if he thought this woman could hurt him. Cheedo continued to listen and it seemed that Piety would allow the stranger to get the help she was asking for.

The small agouti was a little surprised when Piety looked to her as if to ask her opinion. “I am sure Wraith wouldn't make such an offer if he felt it would cause harm,” she stated confidently, “And I think that if he can help her then she shouldn't be denied that help.” She did hope that Wraith could help the woman with whatever it was that was causing her so much distress.

Guardian Dem 2/3
(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2017, 02:41 AM by Cheedo.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Wraith was relieved the call had come when it did. Any more time and he would have been out of ear shot. As the hunting trip wasn't going as planned anyway, the dark leader attempted for a bit longer before relenting. Tilting his head, he listened for either Piety or one of the others to call back. Hearing none, the male finally lifted his head and boomed out a tenor reply that carried across the lowlands and the expanse of Whitestone territory.

Of course, he could never be nearby when a call came to from the borders. It was inevitable that Wraith would always be in the midst of something else on the other side of their territory. He was rarely sedentary save for in the hottest of summer days when the weather was at its worst.

He made haste and finally arrived in time to see both Cheedo and Piety already present and greeting a familiar face. While he could not approach her with the same deference he'd offered in neutral territory, the male's tail was lifted without heat and his woof was welcoming and warm. Wraith moved to Piety's side and nuzzled adoringly at the nub of her torn ear before bumping his shoulder in greeting with Cheedo.

To the loner, Wraith dipped his head. "I see you've met my mate, Piety, and Cheedo, one of our packmates. Good to see you found your way here." He made no mention of how they knew each other. That conversation was best left in private with Piety alone where the female would not have to feel put on trial or self conscious for her decisions. Judging by his beloved's stance, he could tell she'd already been invited in by her approval as well. "Come on. We'll see if we can get you something to eat and settled in. Cheedo, would you mind showing her around a bit? I'll let the others know to offer some space until you're ready," he told Lenae, though he still had no clue on her name. "Does that sound agreeable?"

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Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
One more response after this and end with a fade? Thanks for being so swift <3

Leane shouldn't have been surprised, nor should she have flinched when Wraith arrived on the scene. It was his pack and she was standing outside his borders. His mate might have given her permission to join there ranks, but Lenae assumed that it would be a mutual decision, that both of them would have to be in agreement. To her immense relief they were both on the same page.

This was to be her new home, for now at least. Maybe forever, if she could manage.

Again, Wraith's words helped soothe her mounting worries. He seemed to have a way with her, he knew what to say and persevered despite the fact that she'd been anything but cooperative. She'd been an outright mess, she was still an outright mess but they were giving her a chance and altering their ways to help her settle in better.

It was all a little too much. Too kind, so much more than she deserved. It was agreeable, so much so, but still she couldn't help but get all sniffy again- not that she'd really stopped in the first place. She was just a walking disaster, a snooty noses, wet eyed mess.But to these wolves of the stone, it didn't seem to matter, she was being welcomed into their fold nonetheless.

Nodding so quickly her vision swam, Lenae cleared her throat to speak.

"Y-yes. It really does."
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