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you will never know what's behind my skull — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
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In the time that she had been pretty much on her own Cheedo had learned about some of the plants and what they were used for. Mostly it was those plants that would heal a wound or help with an upset stomach, ones a lone wolf might need to know about. Lavender was one that she'd always liked, even as a pup for it scent and the fact it made her feel better when she was upset. It wasn't a surprise to her that little Cyril seemed to feel the same about it as he took in it's scent but then he asked if he could eat it. Cheedo had learned later in life that it could be eaten for a couple of reasons so she'd​ affirmed to the small pup that it could be but made it clear that it and the other plants were meant to be used when a wolf was sick.

His two words were easy for the agouti to understand, he wanted to know what the plant did. She thought back to what she had learned about it, “Well it's used for a few things like calming when a wolf is upset and also burns and congestion,” she explained. She doubted that Cyril would know what most of those ailments were but she also felt it didn't hurt to start speaking to him as though he did know. Perhaps it would help him later in life. He was also curious about sick and she assumed what it meant. “Sick is when a wolf doesn't feel good for whatever reason whether it be a tummy ache,” she said touching his belly with her nose, “Or their head hurts,” she touched her nose to his head, “Even a cut on their paw or somewhere else.” She tried to explain to him the best she could in a way he would understand. She looked down at him as he stood beside her hoping that he could at least understand some of what she'd said.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
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Cyril Kael-Santoro

He abandoned the array of plants to focus his attention on the tawny female, his baby blues glued to her as he waited for her answer. The boy did not understand what sick was, but clearly this particular pee-ant was supposed to fix sick. Or, at least, unsick a wolf. He blinked, his head spinning as his thoughts jumbled together, struggling to make sense of the foreign words spilling off her tongue. He found comfort in her voice, even if he did not understand what she was trying to explain to him. Eventually Cyril would learn, for his mind would expand with his size. For now he was trying, as Cheedo was being exceptionally patient with him… even though he tried to squish the meals she had brought for his mother.

Upset… burns… congestion… The words held no meaning but they fascinated him all the same. His ears flopped against his crown as he nodded gently—to show that he was listening, not that he understood. The agouti then began to explain what this sick was and it certainly did not sound good. He frowned slightly as she spoke, his brows furrowing softly. “Sek bah'd?” He asked cautiously, his maw falling to the side as he peered up at her, eyes wide. Me sek?!!” Panic consumed him suddenly, his jaws tight as he trembled. Surely he would know if he was sick… right?!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
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As she explained about the plant Cheedo hadn't ever seen a puppy so focused, of course she hadn't had much interaction with pups before Cyril. Though she had been a little apprehensive before she was glad for the chance to spend time with the little Kael now. She may not have been able to do things like this with her pups but she could do them with him. Being with him did cause her to think of her children but she thought that it would get easier. It already had in some ways that afternoon. As she spoke answering his questions she focused on him too and did her best to speak in a way he would understand.

As she listed the symptoms for him she was sure he didn't understand what the words meant but she knew one day he would. Perhaps his mind would take him back to this day the next time he heard them. She nodded when he asked about sick being bad, “Sometimes it's not as bad as other times and there are different ways to be sick but we have the plants that can help.” She hoped that she hadn't scared him with all this talk about what sick was. She wasn't sure Piety would forgive her if she did scare him. Cheedo became even more worried when he asked if he was sick, she shook her head. “No Cyril,” she nudged his cheek with her muzzle, ”You're not sick at all. In fact,” she spoke as though it was an exciting secret, “You are a very healthy boy.” She hoped that would ease any fears he might have.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
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Cyril Kael-Santoro

He did not understand how Cheedo could remember so much. There were so many plants and so many uses! Cyril did not know how she was capable of holding that much information!! He wasn’t even sure he was going to retain everything she shared with him today (although he certainly was going to try). The bigger, smarter sounding words he would forget—there was no point in even trying to commit them to memory—but the easier, smaller words he would be able to relay back to his mother. Hopefully. As long as it did not get Ms. Cheedo in trouble… he would keep it a secret from his parents as long as it prevented his new adventure buddy from getting scolded.

Different kinds of sick!? Gross!!!

The boy frowned at her words, his eyebrows twisting together as he peered up at her. It only fuelled his worry as he waited for the agouti to confirm whether or not he was sick, his ears sweeping against his crown as fear bubbled up in his chest. She quickly denied his suspicions with a gentle nudge to his cheek but just as he was about to question her once more she delivered some interesting news: “Hea-thee?” He whispered, his eyes widening as his forepaws stomped the ground excitedly. “Hea-thee good?! Cyril hoped it was. 

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
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After the deaths of her children the small agouti woman believed she would never have the opportunity to share her knowledge. In the time since she’d lost them she’d gained more knowledge that she could now share with Cyril. She thought that maybe having the chance to do so was what helped her to warm up to the little furball so quickly. During their adventure Cheedo had found herself growing attached to the boy, she hoped for more adventures with him.

A quiet whine left her at the pups frown, it seemed her worries over scaring him were warranted. She quickly assured him that he was not sick and tried comforting him with a gentle nudge. Her words brought out another question from Cyril which brought a smile to the small agouti’s maw. Her green gaze feel on the Kael once more, “Healthy s very good, it’s when you don’t feel like anything is wrong,” She explained giving him a small bump to his shoulder with her muzzle. “That means no tummy aches or other feelings that don’t feel good.” She hoped that she had explained it well enough for him to understand what she had meant.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

The blue-eyed agouti was similar to his mother and Cyril liked that. She was calm and patient, answering all of his questions without hesitation. Although he did not understand most of the words that dripped off her tongue he appreciated her answers and tried to commit them to memory the best he could. He did not want to disappoint her by not remembering the information she shared, or make her feel as though he was not listening. He really was!!! His memory was just not as big as he wanted it to be and Cyril hoped that she understood that.

A grin stretched his dark lips as she answered him, confirming that healthy was indeed good. His lips curled into a soft pout as he considered her next array of words, his ears twitching in thought. He did not feel wrong or abnormal, so that must mean he was healthy, just like Cheedo had said. His nose twitched as he returned his focus to the older wolf, his brows narrowing slightly. Chee hea-thee?” He asked, hesitantly, his voice soft as it broke the silence between them. He could not tell if the agouti was sick or not, for the little Kael could not sense what was going on in her head or her tummy. The boy’s frown only deepened at the thought of his adventure-buddy being sick. How were they supposed to go on more adventures if she was feeling unwell?!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Since coming to the lore so much had changed in her life and she felt that she was slowly becoming a different wolf. Though she had lost Mittani she was slowly discovering that she didn't need his protection anymore. She had also never gotten the answers to her questions that had kept her awake most nights back in Ritter but with Craw gone she felt she didn't need them any longer. She was coming to realize that coming to Whitestone was good for her and that she actually was much happier. Even looking into Cyril's gaze as he pieced together the things she was saying brought a measure of joy to her. Cheedo was certain that he didn't understand all that she said and she felt he probably wouldn't remember all of it. That wasn't really what was important to her, it was the fact she had been able to spend this time with him and teach him some of what she knew.

The small agouti of course made sure that he understood he was healthy and had nothing to worry about. She hoped that he would always remain that way and not have the hardship of illness in his life. The thought of something happening to him was one she didn't even want to consider. She was surprised when she heard her name slip from his lips followed by him asking if she was healthy. This was something she wasn't expecting but she looked down at him with a gentle expression and a smile across her maw. “Yes Cyril, I'm healthy too. Coming here has been good for me and spending this time with you had helped me a lot.” It was more than what he'd asked for but she was happy to share it with him. He needed to know she was enjoying their time together.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro
wanna wrap this one up in the next few posts? <3 we can have a more updated one! i really like the relationship starting between these two :B

The little Kael looked up at her expectantly as he waited for her response, for he needed to know that she was indeed healthy. How was he supposed to know if he—or any of the wolves he cared about—were sick?!! His ears collapsed against his skull at the thought. He hoped as he grew that he would become more aware, and would be able to sense when one of his packmates had fallen ill. Perhaps that was something that Cheedo could teach him on another adventure…

A sigh of relief escaped him and the boy gave an excited chirp as she confirmed that she, too, was healthy. He did not understand the next flurry of words that escaped her mouth but they sounded good. Cheedo appeared heathy and that was all Cyril cared about. He enjoyed spending time with her and hoped that they could have many more adventures together.

Instead of responding the boy nestled up against her leg and hummed his approval. A yawn surprised him, tugging at his jaws as his eyes blinked shut, his little nose wrinkling. He had not realized how tired he was becoming—all this adventuring sure was a lot of work!! Truthfully he was a little annoyed, as he wanted to spend more time with Cheedo and explore more of Whitestone, but he could not ignore the exhaustion pulling him under. Licking his nose he glanced back up at the blue-eyed agouti, the corners of his eyes drooping.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sounds good!;-) I really like the relationship they are developing as well.

It didn't surprise her that Cyril would ask her if she was healthy too for she felt that it was something either of his parents would ask. It did bring a smile to her face anyway, that being so young he would still think about it. She could see that he was going to grow up to be a caring man like his father. However, something Cheedo understood well was that his experiences would shape who he became. That was what happened to her after all, she at least knew that about herself.

The small agouti was quick to make sure that the little Kael knew that she was indeed healthy. She didn't want him to worry unnecessarily about her and not enjoy his puppyhood. She also told him how spending time with him had helped her even though she was sure he wouldn't understand because he did not know about her past but maybe one day she would tell him like she thought she should probably tell Piety and Wraith at some point.

“You don't have to worry about me Cyril,” Cheedo said as he nestled against her leg. She pressed her chin against him in a wolfish embrace. It was becoming clear as he yawned that he was getting tired. As much fun as she was having she knew it was time to get him back to Piety. “What do you say I take you back to the den and you get some sleep so we can go on another adventure, okay?” She wondered if he would agree or put up a fight about going back.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro
feel free to add another reply or archive here! <3 i look forward to more cyril/@Cheedo threads :B (if you add a response feel free to PP cheedo picking him up to bring him back to the den)

He flashed her a toothy grin. Although he still did not really understand what healthy meant Cyril was happy he did not have to worry about Auntie Cheedo. Being sick did not sound good which probably meant no adventures. Which was very bad. He wanted to go on aaaaaall of the adventures with his new friend… he just hoped that she had not grown tired of him and all of his questions.

The little Kael hummed into her embrace and did not fight his droopy eyelids from falling. If it was up to him Cyril would have fallen asleep right here, but he knew that would not have gone over well with mother. The boy also worried that if Cheedo did not return him to his den that she would receive a scolding from the scarred dove… and he could not allow that to happen. Reluctantly Cyril re-opened his baby blues and nodded slowly in response to the agouti’s question. “S’eep,” he murmured in response, his tongue suddenly feeling heavy between his teeth. “Mo’ ‘ven’ur ‘ater,” he mumbled as he nuzzled her leg before dragging himself off the ground. Cyril was not even sure he was going to make it back to his den but he certainly was going to try.

“F’anks Chee,” he added clumsily as he sauntered forward, his eyelids threading to fall with each step that he took… It was going to be a long walk back to the den.